The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan
Friday, March 17, 1961
Cold War GI Bill
Would Benefit Many
The Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1961,
commonly referred to as the "Cold War GI Bill" was ini
tiated in January by Sen. R. W. Yarborough of Texas.
The purpose of the bill is to provide educational and
vocational training assistance to all military men who
have served in active duty after January 31, 1955. The bill
calls for the continuation of educational assistance until
July 1, 1963. It would provide educational assistance for a
36-month maximum period.
Broken down, the assistance would be; with no de
pendents, $110 per month; with one dependent, $135; with
more than one dependent, $165.
Since the original GI Bill expired many veterans have
called for federal educational aid. Other groups have
shown interest in a proposal like Sen. Yarborough's.
Many military-conscious college students have also joined
the backers of this idea.
If a measure such as this was passed, college grad
uates this year would become eligible for assistance.
The eligibility would be conditioned upon six months
or more active duty or discharge for service-connected
disability. The period of assistance is calculated by mul-
. - to,- V Jt P A.1 J--
tlplying one ana a nau times eacn aay or acuve uiuy.
For the college graduate who plans to re-enter school, I
either on the professional or graduate level, the program
under this bill would aid considerably.
We urge all students who would be affected by this 1
bill to make a special effort to contact their senator and
get behind the uoia war m sm. -
Around Our Campus
"The University's Agri
culture Extension Depart
ment has more contact with
the people of Nebraska than
any other department of the
University.- It extends the
usefulness of the University
to people In the state not
' formally enrolled in class
work and serves as a re
fresher course for college
graduates or experienced
farmers and homemakers,"
says E. W. Janike, director
of the Agriculture College
Extension service. There
are 260 people on the ex
tension staff; 175 of these
are outstate and are what
we commonly know as
county agents. The rest are
specialists and administra
tors located on the Ag Cam
pus. '
Financed by Federal,
state and county funds, the
Ag extension's responsibility
is to carry the results of re
search and teaching relat
ing tn atrricuKure and home
o o
economics to those not en
rolled in college through a
cooperative extension serv
ice. The residents ef the
state choose what they want
to learn, and information is
prepared at the University
and relayed to them
through the University per
onel located in the coun
ties. Because the University
is a land grant college, Ag
extension handles much of
the educational program for
the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture. Ag ex
tension also works with in
dustry because industry
wants to sell products that
are desirable to the c e n
lumer. "The extension service is
continually being brought
up to date by in-service
training conferences, and
work with research." says
Bill Lutes.
"More is being done in
states in extending educa
tion and recreation to young
married men and women in
the 17-30 age group," re
lates John Orr, associate
state leader of 4-H and
young men and women's
County agents devote ap
proximately 1-3 of their
time to 4-H work. One of the
most outstanding accom
plishments of 4-H in Ne
braska is their leadership
training programs'. Anew
camp especially for older
youth is being established
at Halsey State Park.
The r n r a 1 development
program is now in its third
year. This project is de
Daily Nebraskan
Member Aweclited CoIletUte Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
14th A R
Telephone HE 2-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227
BnkKrlpUoa rete are per semester n U lor tae arsdemle year.
Eater M ceeoni (kn mutter at the pout efflee In Lincoln, Nebraska,
wain the exit ef Ansast 4, 111.
The Dall; Xbrai:n I ssMlsisol Mania?, Tuesday, KeStmimy ao4 Frl
nr atarlm the eehoel (rear, exeept eurln vacation aid (tun period), by
student ef the Cnlrerelty ef Nebraska under antherltatlna ef the Committee
aa Student Affairs a aa expression ef student opinion, rablltatlon ander the
Jnrledletioa of the Subcommittee oa atudeat Publlratloae ehsll be free from
editorial eenenmhlp on the part af the Subcommittee or on the part ef mm
peraea outside the miTerettr. The members af the Dally Kebraskia staff are
personally responsible fa erkas they say, or do, ar eaas to bt printed.
rebroaiT t, 1M.
Maaachif EaJtar ....
Mew Editor .,
Uports Kdltor
At New Mltor
Copy editors
wte.fl Writer
Waaler Staff Writs
KlfM New Ealtar , .
Beslness Manase glen Kalmaa 3
Assistant BiMlneat Mnnaier . Doe frrruson. Rill Gunllrks. Jnkn ftehroeder S
(Irealattsa Maaarrr ... (;irnn Krensrher f
6VSSNC88 OFHCE HOURS: 3-5 P.M. Monday through Fridays
signed to help communities
where resources haven't
been developed, according
to Philip S. Sutton, associ
ate state leader in Farm
and Home development.
Some of the accomplish
ments, in and around Sher
man County (the pilot coun
ty) are: a cooperative ele
vator and grain storage pro
ject, two rural fire districts,
a sewage disposal system;
a credit union, the begin
ning of school reorganiza
tion and the development
for conservation and proper
land use. -
The agriculture extension
services work with the de
partments of Agronomy and
Horticulture in their inves
tigation and testing to see
if vegetables and other
crops can be grown com
mercially. Specific crops
being observed are castor
beans, tomatoes, green
beans and safflower.
Another project of exten-.
sion this year was the
Farm Policy workshops,
conducted by Dr. Everett
E. Peterson and Ted R.
Nelson of the Agricultural
economics division. This
was highly planned and
carefully executed by t h e
extension service for key
farmers and those who
service farmers. The work
shops aimed to raise the
understanding of problems
and presented possible so
lutions to problems of man
agement, accounting and
marketing. It was designed
to raise the economic lit
eracy in farming communi
ties by setting up criteria
for evaluating farm policy.
Performance testing of
farm animals is also being
done. Designed to aid the
producer in improving his
herd or flock, it gives the
opportunity to collect data
beneficial in developing the
program in Nebraska. The
feeders want faster growing
animals, and breeders want
ftock that will transmit
these good qualities to off
spring. This performance
testing will meet the de
mands quicker by getting
performance records on
paper. Through the guid
ance of Dr. Paul Q. Guyer,
Dr. Ted H. Doane and Dr.
Leo Lucas, specialists in
Animal Husbandry, and the
county agents, breeders and
feeders . learn how to keep
the records which help in
selecting the animals they
chose to keep in their herd
or flock.
Dave ralnoim 5
Grrtehea tthHIberi
Norm Bratty S
..Hal rlrawa
. 41m Fomst
...Fat Drsn, IVealse flnlhert. deny Mmbersoa
Ann Moyer, Dirk ftturkey, Nanry Whltford 3
V Wohlfarta, Jan Bark, loji) Dark x
Eleanor Rllllnss
Fat Deaa
1 ' Jfjfcp
By Phil Boroff
I "Lady of Eternal Spring
I time," the Fred Ballard
Playwriting Contest prize
play, will be presented by
the Department of Speech
I and Dramatic Art in How-
ell Memorial Theater on
March 15, 16, 17 and 18.
In reference to Helen of
Troy, one of the verbose
characters in "Lady of
1 Eternal Springtime" says
that 'one cannot resist Hel-
en.' Actually, it's very easy
to resist the Spartan queen,
and should be just as easy
to resist this poor attempt
at playwriting and play pro-
1 "Lady of Eternal Spring-
time" is supposedly the best
play submitted to the na
s tional Fred Ballard Play-
writing Contest. If this is
the best, I would hate to
imagine what the worst
would be like.
Author Bernard Sabath's
idea is very clever, but the
1 development of the idea is
I incomplete and undramatic.
I At the end of the Trojan
I War, Helen finds herself
bored when she returns to
I Sparta. She wants to repeat
the War, and begins by se-
ducing an island grape mer
I chant called Lukas, who will
i take the place of Paris,
i However, Menelaus, Helen's
Ihusband and avenger,
1 doesn't want to fight again
1 for the woman with the
'face that launched a thou
g sand ships.' Helen decides
I not to run away with Lukas.
i She sends her young imita-
tor, Melirfa, as a pretended
I Helen with Lukas, and the
i real Helen remains in Spar
s ta with Menelaus.
I Sabath's script empha
I sizes the fact that the au
I thor is a short story and fic
i tion writer rather than a
I dramatist. He relies heavily
i on exposition, flowery and
1 prosy language, and episod
1 ic, two character conversa
1 tion structure.
I The author becomes the
i actor since he forces his
1 o w n exposition into the
I character. There are hu
I merous and continuous ref
1 erences to things happening
I or having happened o t f
I stage. Things are talked
1 about rather than shown
i Helen tells us abot Troy,
I Althra tells us Menelaus'
reaction when told Helen
I has fled with Lukas, Melina
tells us her family life.
I Menelaus opens the play
I with an expository speech,
i a gimmick characteristic of
many Shakespearean plays
I to establish a location and-or
attitude. However, in "Lady
of Eternal Springtime," the
exposition never ceases
from one French scene to
the next.
The over-used adjective
dominates Sabath's writing.
Stylistic devices are often
humorous "Stars are
strewn like pedals of a flow
er to show the path to
take," "(Q:) Tell me how
beautifully you will die for
me? (A:) That is a speech
I had not planned to pre
pare," "Say it plainly. Say
you love flattery. (Reply) I
love flattery," "(Q:) ... to
seek immortality with a
Inside View
grape merchant? (A:) It's
the immortality, not the ve
hicle." The most humorous sen
tence occurs when Helen
tells Melina that the young
imitator also wants to see
his name inscrobed up there
in 'poppy colored fire.' This,
I would guess, is neon!
The most enjoyable se
quence occurs in Act Two
in an exchange between
Helen and Menelaus. They
discuss the recent Trojan en
counter and its effect on
each. Here the audience
chuckled. At other times
the audience chuckles, but
they never laugh. I would
guess the play is a comedy
with serious undertones.
In addition to this poor
attempt at playwriting, the
production is also hindered
by the incomplete direction
of Dr. Joseph Baldwin. He
has directed the performers
to move and to recite and
interpret their talky lines,
but the performers do noth
ing. There is little or no
business created for the
The first act, in a Spartan
market place, is full of con
fusion. Salesmen and buy
ers in the market place are
constantly moving and do
ing something. However,
these movements are not
set and exact, but tele
scoped and suggested. Al
though the major actors
talk, the many extras'
crowding the small stage as
sellers, buyers and enter
tainers make no noise. It
Social Stationery Party Invitations
Graduation Announcements j
Hove Graves Print It , j
South of Temple BIdg. HE 2-2957 (
Royee L. June A H. Meryl Burner
Dimeters of atadeot Work
9:30 a.m. Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Fellowihip Hour
10:45 a.m. Morning Worthlp 7:00 Evening Worship
5:30 p.m. Supper 8:00 After-Church Fellowship
Group Meeting at
Frtt Baptist Church 14th and K Street
Second Boptst Church 28th and S Street
(Christian Churches)
1:37 R Mreet
Keith Mlepheasoa, Caoipes M leister
10:45 o.m. Worship (Cooperotvely with U.C.C.F. at 333 No. 14th)
5:30 p.m. Supper, Worship I Forum (Cooperatively with U C.C.F.
at 333 No 14th)
(National Lutheran Council)
53.1 North 18th
, Atvte M. Petrrsea, Faster
9:30 o.m. Bible Study
10:15 a.m. Coffee Hour
10:45 a.m. Worship
5:30 p.m Lutheran 5ludnt Association
(Catholic Student Center)
' lilt Ntreet
0. I. Kernes, paster
R. F. Bherhy, 1. R. Myers, associate
Sunday Mattes at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30
Confessions on Saturday: 4:30-5:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Business Meeting and Sociol Hour 7:30 p.m.
(Presbyterian, Conrrerational, E.F.B, E. R.)
333 North tela mreet
Alan t. Plrkrrlni, Minister
10:15 CommrJhion Served at UCCF Student House
10:45 o.m. Corporate Worship S 30 n.m. Forum Fellowship
Serrlees at Otner while prrseat eiilldlni selag re bet It
Gilbert H. A matrons;, ChaplaJa ,
9:00 o.m. Holy Communion II 00 o.m. Morning Prover
5:30 o m Evening Prover
A. 4. Nordra, Pastor
19th aad t Streets'
9:30 a.m. Bible Study 5:30 o.m Gamma Delta Supper
10.45 a.m. Worship
Wllllsm II. (iould 4. Hentaa While, Pastors
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion (Wesley House. 1417 R Street)
9:30 a.m Morning Worship (at LSC, 535 North loth St.)
10:30 a.m Coffee Hour and Discussion (Wesley House) i
5:00 p.m. Cost Supper (Wesley House)
6:00 p.m. Vespers
6:15 p.m. Forum (Student Union, Room 234)
is like a silent movie with j
viuy uic uiaui iiiaiai:ieia
making any sounds. I can't
understand why this is done
since Lukas later refers to
this he says that his 12
women relatives have a
'shout louder than Spartan j
market place in the morn- i
One extra, playing a lute,
strums the instrument's
strings which look more
like ropes in both Acts
One and Three. However,
no music is produced!
There are many other
faults that the director
should have checked and
then changed or improved.
The action of the major per
formers in Act Three is
bloaked entirely upstage. A
'shadow show' by unspspect
ing actors offstage left on
the wavy cyclorama had
just as much or more ac
tion than was happening on
stage. Entrances and exits
are unlabelled. Blocking of
ten seems without motiva
tion and purpose.
Technically, the produc
tion is also greatly lacking.
The settings are cartoonish
and gaudy. The first set in
cludes an oriental Neptune,
the base of winch covers a
bottom border while the top
is covered by a higher bor
der. The second set includes
a crude painting of a man,
a warrior who, I would
guess, is hiding behind a
shield because he is nude.
Significance? Or misunder
standing? The arch in the first set
(Continued to page 4)
Today is a day of re
joicing in the garden. It's
green time spring and St.
Pat, too!
And we of the green
A 1 1-
i n um as u '
would fr
que to sa- i
Into nun nf I if i '
the green
t o n g ues
But re
nt e m ber,
that Pad
die's day
' V i g e r o
t e 1 I-tale Shellberg
mouth!!! Oh, shades of 21.
Now let us move on to
the latest bulletin from the
College of Agriculture's
News Service:
"Lincoln W hen should
you prune fruit trees?
"That's a question many
backyard gardners are ask
ing with spring around the
"Wayne Whitney, exten
sion horticulturalist at the
College of Agriculture, says
'fruit trees may be pruned
when it is warm enough to
do the job comfortably. The
earlier you prune trees, the
" "The only exception is
raspberries which should
not be pruned until the
buds start to break,' Whit
ney adds."
And so, dear friends, on
these balmy comfortable
days after your tongues
turn pink again and you
Part time employment at the Nebraska
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Now is the time to grow a really
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Shop 9:30 to 5:30, Thursday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p
By Gretchen Shellberg
have nothing left to do, get
out and prune your fruit
trees. The earlier the bet
ter!!! And watch them buds as
you go running 'round the
raspberry bush 'cuz they
might be breaking and in
that case you'd better
prune 'em up.
And to close, a word to
that noted campus fruit
tree pruner and friend of
Mr. Pann, dean of Parks
and Woodlands:
The Satyr's making a
Martyr of me,
But what the HI' Goat
fails to see,
. Is that I can't maintain
his tradition
Because I don't suffer
from over-ambition.
McCalla Heads
Science Society
Dr. Thomas McCalla, profes
sor of agronomy, is the new
president of the Nebraska
chapter of Sigma Xi, national
honorary science society.'
Other chapter officers
elected recently are : Dr.
Dwight Miller, .zoology, vice
president; and Prof. David
Cook, engineering mechanics,
treasurer. Dr. Thomas Thor
son, zoology, was re-elected
secretary. Dr. Robert Bow
man, geography, continues as
associate secretary, and Prof.
Ferris Norris, electrical en
gineering, as counselor.
Sola Prica
Stock Reduced
and Hi-Fi!
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.m. 4
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