The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1961, Image 1

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    St Patrick Walked l Sgftfy; Carried
By Janet Sack
Today the . Emerald Isle
of elves and mischievous
leprechauns who hoard
their pots of gold is cele
brating St. Patrick's Day.
But what is St. Patrick's
Day? Where did it come
from? How did it orig
inate? Today commemorates the
date of St. Patrick's death
hundreds of years ago. It
is celebrated in Ireland with
every kind of demonstration
to show their affection for
the memory of the patron
saint of Erin.
The St., Patrick's Day fes
tivities in Dublin is un
equalled by any other holi
day, of that sort in all of
Ireland. . , '
Flags Fly
In Ireland on March 17
flags fly on the steeples and
Income Tax Bills
Still Pending
By Nancy Whitford
The fate of three companion bills, which could alter
the source of income for the University and other state sup
ported institutions, is still pending in committee after four
and and one-half hours of public hearing.
Nearly 500 people crowded the Main Senate Chairber
Thursday to hear and give testimony on the controversial
measures to broaden Nebraska's tax base LB421, 422 and
LB421 would levy a general
two, per cent sales tax and a
graduated income tax of from
one to four per cent of fed
eral taxable income; LB422
would eliminate the state
from the property tax field
and LB423 would place a sur
tax on dividends as a substi
tute for the intangible pro
perty tax on stocks and
Sen. Hans Jensen of Au
rora, a co-sponsor of the bill
and a member of the revenue
committee which conducted
the hearing, led the organized
supporters of the bill with
the contention, that the pro
perty tax "no longer repre
sents ability to pay."
He said non-property own
rrs do not pay as much to
wards educating their c h i !
dren as property owners who
earn the same amount of in
Other co-introducers Sens.
Willard Waldo of DeWitt, The
odore McCosh of Gering and
Fern Hubbard Orme of Lin
coln, offered amendments and
labeled the bill as the "best
sales-income measure pro
duced yet."
"I am convinced we can
no longer keep adding and
adding to the real estate and
property base, "McCay said.
"I have bt-en too much prop
erty go by the wayside just
to avoid taxation."
Roger Dickeson, Lincoln
attorney representing the
property tax release comit-
tee, said the three bills would
neither increase nor decrease
taxes but would distribute the
burden more equitably..
Favor Measure
Other groups favoring the
measures include the Nebras
ka Home Builders Associa
tion, Nebraska State Grange,
Lincoln Chamber of Com
merce, Nebraska Farm Bu
reau and a number of tax
payers and land owners.
Ray Scott, of the Omaha
Industrial Foundation, coun
tered with the declaration
that sales and income taxes
have not solved Iowa's prob
lem. "Lack of these two taxes,"
he said, "attracts industry to
Owen Cotton, vice president
of the Association of Nebras
ka Tax Payers, said property
taxes had not diminished in
neighboring states such as
Kansas,' Colorado and Iowa
"although these states now
have sales and income, taxes
in addition." .
Nebraska escaped the "de-
nroccinn " nf IQfirt rhieflv be-
yiL V o kjvs v - a.vw
cause of a balanced economy
and favorable tax climate, ac
cording to Marvin Schmid,
chairman of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce.
Additional operation came
from labor leaders, farm
groups and tax payers.
Sen. George Syas of Oma-
Aff CoketailHour
Features Phi Psis
The Ag Union dance com
mittee will hold a Coketall
Hour today in the Ag Union
from 4-5 p.m. for all students
and faculty members.
Featured at the event will
be a combo, the Phi Psis
plus One. . The Ag Union
lounge will be availablefor
According to Mylon Filkins,
committee chairmen, coffee
and cokes will be sold in the
Dell at half price and that a
special sundae will be offered
in recognition of St. Patricks
bells ring out Incessant
peals until midnight.
Games of Irish origin are
. played all day long, and by
nightfall many of the town's
people are well on their
way to the sublime.
This is a popular song
sung by the Irish on St.
Pat's Day:
St. Patrick's the holy and
tutelar man;
His beard hung down his
bosom like Aaron's ran:
Some from Scotland, from
Wales, will declare that
he came,
But I care not from
when now he's risen
to fame:
The pride of the world and
his enemies scorning,
. I will drink to St. Patrick,
to-day, in the morning!
He's a desperate big, little
Erin go braugh; .
He will pardon our follies
ha, a member of the revenue
committee and a declared
opponent of the three bills, has
predicted they will reach the
floor whether approved by the
committee or not.
Council Approves
Selection Process
The Student Council accept
ed a change m the process of
selecting Student Tribunal
judges proposed yesterday by
the Council Tribunal commit
At present Tribunal judges
are selected by the process
of two interviews. The pre
liminary screening of candi
dates is done by the Council
nominating committee. The fi
nal selection is made by the
Council after the applicants
have interviewed before the
The proposed method of se
lecting of j n d g e contains
three points:
1. The nominating commit
tee of the Council shall pub
lish the time of preliminary
interview period at least two
weeks before preliminary in
2. The Council nominating
committee shall set their own
rules of procedure and shall
choose from among the appli
cants, three potential judges
lor eacn position.
3. A final selection commit
tee shall interview the appli
cants surviving the prelimi
nary interview session. The
membership of the final selec
tion committee shall be:
a). the chairman of the
Council nominating commit
tee who will act as chairman,
b) the president of the Stu
dent Council,
c) .the chairman of the Trib
3) A senior member of the
Tribunal to be chosen by the
Jim Samples, chairman of
the Tribunal committee, said
they felt the change in selec
tion process was merited be
cause such a fmal selection
committee would consist of
persons who were most famil
iar with the requirements and
qualities of a good Tribunal
Aquaquettes Linda Hallam (left) and
Pam Hollaway are having a laugh at the
expense of Sally Slewerdsen. The annual
Aquaquette show was held last night and
and promise us Joy.
By the Mass, by the Pope,
by St. Patrick, so long
As I live, I will gives
him a beautiful song!
No saint is so good, Ire
land's country arorning;
Then hail to St. Patrick,
to-day, In the morning!
No matter what part of
the world an Irishman hap
pens to be in, when March
17 comes, he celebrates.
' Uncertainty '
There is no other saint in "
the Catholic hagiology (writ
ings about lives and legends
of saints) about whom so
much uncertainty exists.
lection Draws 1,034
The All Women's Election,
Wednesday, turned out 1,034
women voters. This number
is nearly 350 over the 1960
election figure.
The election decided the of
ficers of the Independent
Women's Association (IWA),
the Associated Women Stu
dents (AWS), the Women's
Athletic Association (WAA),
and the "Y o u n g Women's
Christian Association
(YWCA). The students also
voted for the May Queen.
The new president of IWA
is Alfreda Stute. Miss Stute is
a junior in the College of Ag
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Planning for an "Around the World" buf
fet supper and meeting to .be held s this
Sunday are members of the Nebraska In
ternational Association. The group in
cludes, from the 1 e f t, David Sorenson,
U.S.A.; June Sorenson, U.S.A., Tlar-Yash
NIA Buffet Dinner Boasts
Around World9 Theme
The N.I.A. "Around the
World" Buffet will be held at
6:30 p.m. Sunday at Trinity
Lutheran Church.
Foods from ten countries,
including dishes from Ethio
pia, Iraq, Sweden, the Phil
lipines, bean curry from In
dia, saice from Bolivia, suffed
peppers from Turkey, egg
fooyung from China, chicken
Lutheran Choir
Sing 'Requiem9
The Lutheran Student Choir
will present the "Requiem"
by Gabrial Faure at the Luth
eran Student House Sunday
evening at 7:30.
Soloists will be Rita
Boughn, sporano, and Roger
Quadhamer, baritone. Grace
Schmidt will be pianist and
Professor Raymond Haggh,
( 7
J ,
will be held this evening at 7:45 at the
Coliseum. The 50 cent tickets can be ob
tained at the door or from any Aquaquette
' If ia not even known
whether March 17 is the
date of St. Patrick's birth
or death, though it is some
times said to be both.
According to the best au
thorities, St. Patrick .was
born about 386 A.D. in a
village just outside Glaston
burg, England.
The most popular of the
legends regarding St. Pat
rick is that which gives
him credit for driving all
the snakes and vermin out
of Ireland.
Noisy Saint '
According to legend,
everywhere St. Patrick
riculture, president of : Ter
race Hall, member of Student
Pnunpil the
ory Board,
past IWA
junior board
member and
member of
the Lutheran
Student As
sociation. Clare Vrba
is the new
vice p r e s i- Miss Stute
dent of IWA, Miss Vrba is
a junior in the College
of Agriculture, member
of Love Memorial Hall, Uni-
curry from Pakistan and en
panabas and albondigas de!
carne from Panama will be
Don Davis, president of
the Lincoln Junior Chamber
of Commerce, will be t h e
guest speaker. Musical enter
tainment will be provided by
Eduardo Bisbal of Peru and
Anthony Bryan of Trinidad.
Tickets are on sale in city
and Ag Students Unions or
can be purchased at the buf
Jazzy DU's Friday
The Delta Upsilon combo
will be the campus group
featured in the Crib today
from 4-5 p.m. at the Jazz
and Java session.
Members of the combo in
clude Bob Billesbach, John
Hardin, Dick Evans and
Denny Zegar.
went, his drum was sure to
go. This noise attracted the
people. -
It is impossible to s a y
when the 17th of March be
gan to be known as St.
Patrick's Day and observed
as the popular holiday of
But, whatever may have'
started it, there can be no
doubt that the day is a na
tional holiday in Ireland ob
served with much enthusi
asm, and renewing and in
tensifying the patriotism of
the people. '
In most of the large cities
in the United States St. Pat
The Nebraskan
versity Th eater, Phi Upsi
lon Omicron, Alpha Lambda
Delta, Newman Club and past
IWA junior board member.
Senior board members of
IWA are Donna Johnson and
Judy Morhart.
Junior board members are
Katherine Anderson, Norma
Countryman, Karen Edeal,
Judith Polenz, Karen Sass
and Sandra Weiher.
The new sophomore IWA
board members are Barbara
Becker, Karen Leach, Patri
cia Lindquist, Marilyn Sever
in, Sandy Schreiner and Jan
et Watson.
Joan Sandall, Chi Omega
P. Gugani, India; Mary Ann Volberding,
U.S.A., Frastus Arewa, Nigeria, Mitra'
Hovsepina, Iran; Alex Chung, Hong Kong;
Patricia Burney, U.S.A.; Jagjit Singh,
India; and Dursum Uresin, Turkey.
More Corrections
In ' Tuesday's Daily Ne
braskan, a mistake was
made in the officer listing of
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Officers are Judy Mikkle
son, president; Ellen Baso
co, first vice president and
pledge trainer; Nancy Mc
Gath, second vice president;
and Nancy Jaqobson, rush
Democrats Meet
Tuesday Night
The Young Democrats will
meet next Tuesday at 8 p.m.
in the Student Union.,
Jim Huge, recently elected
acting YD head upon the res
ignation of president Don Fer
guson until the group holds
elections in May, described a
"Peace Corps" program to
be presented Tuesday.
"The program will tell how
far along the Peace Corps ac
tually is, how anyone interest
ed in participation may go
about the same and the regu
lations required for joining,"
said Huge.
"A panel of six foreign stu
dents from Africa, India, Ja
pan and South America will
tell what they feel the Peace
Corps can do in their coun
try," he said.
Dr. Lancaster '
Given Fulbriglit
A Fulbright grant to lec
ture on American government
at the University College of
Swansea, South Wales, Eng
land, has been given, to Dr.
Lane W. Lancaster, retired
University professor.
Dr. Lancaster, a member of
the University political sci
ence staff for more than 20
years, received the grant as
an emeritus member of the
University faculty. Swansea
currently has an enrollment of
1,200. ' ' i
Big Shamrock
rick's Day is celebrated by
a parade through the streets
by the Irish national socie
ties and other citizens ( of
Irish birth or blood.
In Ireland itself the cere
monies are less formal The
shamrock is worn commem
morating St. Patrick's
preaching of the doc
trine of the Trinity. He
made use of this plant bear
ing three leaves upon one
stem as a symbol of the
religious mystery.
In every household a
plateful of the herb is
placed upon the breakfast
table of the. master and the
and a junior in Home Econ,
omics, is the new YWCA
president. Miss Sandall is
also VHEA president. She re
cently trans
ferred from
N e b r a s
ka Wesleyan
where she
was pres
ident of the
YWCA last
The new
vice presi
dent is Jan Miss Sandall
Jeffery. Miss Jeffery is a
sophomore in Arts and Scl
ences, on the Red Cross
board, past YWCA chairman
and a member of Delta Del
ta Delta.
Judy Mikkleson, a junior in
Home Economics, is the new
YW secretary. She is presi
dent of Alpha Omicron Pi
and secretary of Phi Upsilon
Omicron, past membership
chairman of YWCA activity
stops chairman of Hospitali
ty Days.
The treasurer of YWCA is
Susie Wood. Miss Wood is a
sophomore in Teachers Col
lege and a member of Alpha
Xi Delta.
Nancy Sorenson is the new
district representative. , Miss
Sorenson is a sophomore in
music, on AWS board, WAA
board and membef of Kap
pa Delta.
Fran Johnson is the new
president of WAA. Miss
Johnson is a junior in Agri
culture, member of. Alpha
Omicron Pi, past WAA intra
mural cordi
nator, mem
be r of the
Home Eco
nomics Club,
on Ag Union
board mem-
of Phi Upsi- '
Ion Omricon
and VHEA. ,
Mary Dris- t, , , ', ,
haus, a jun- Miss Johnson
ior in Teachers College, is the
new WAA vice president.
Union Chairmen
Forms Available
Applications for S t u d e n t
Union chairmen and assist
ants are available in the Un
ion Program Office on both
city and Ag Campus.
The applications are due
March 25 on Ag and April 4
on city at 5 p.m. Applicants
must also sign the interview
sheet for interviews to be
held April 4 on Ag and April
8 on City.
A coffee hour for those ap
plying from city will be held
prior to the interviews on
Thursday, April 6 from 8-9
p.m. in the Student Union.
The new chairmen and as
sistants of both Unions will
be announced at the annual
Awards Dessert held April 11.
Ag Group Holds
Easter Breakfast
The Ag YM-YWCA will
hold their annual pre-Easter
breafast at the Ag Union,
Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
The breakfast will be
served after a short address
by Rev. Keith Shepherd, pas
tor of Warren Methodist
Church in Lincoln.
University students, facul
ty and the general public are
invited to attend the break
fast, according to Archie
Clegg, event chairmen for the
sponsoring group. .
Tickets are 90 cents each
and may be obtained until to
morrow noon from Shirley
Gates, Fedde Hall, either the
Farmhouse or Alpha' Gamma
Sigma fraternity houses, Ag
U'-iion activities office or any
Ag Y member.
X J , J
mistress, who are expected
to "drown the shamrock"
in generous draughts of
whiskey and then send the
bottle down into the kitchen
for the servants.
A traveler to the land of
St. Patrick would find the
people of the Emerald Isle
v, quite willing to tell them
stories of St. Patrick.
He lives now just as he
did some 1,400 years ago.
Every true Irishman knows
just what routes he t r a
veled,' where he slept tod
stayed, and even where his
footprints still remain on
the ground of Ireland.
Friday, March 17, 1961
Miss Drishaus is a member
of Chi Omega, past WAA
treasurer, member of Dean's
Advisory Board, member of
UNSEA, slated for state pres.
ident and president of PI
Lambda Theta.
Nancy Sorenson was
elected secretary of the or
Judy Knapp, a sophomore
in Arts and Sciences, was
elected treasurer. Miss Knapp
is a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, past WAA publicity
chairman, member of Build
ers and of Y-Teens.
Jeanne Garner, a junior In
Teachers, is the new AWS
nresident. Miss Garner is km.
ond vice president of Delta
uamma, member of Lincoln
project ana
past member
of the AWS
The new
vice president
of AWS is
Sharon Rog
ers, a junior
in Teachers.
Miss Rogers
is secretary
of K a D D a Miss Garner
Delta, member of Panhellen
ic, member of Student Coun
cil, member of WAA. mem.
ber of Huskerettes and past
member .of AWS board.
The new senior board mem.
bers are Nickie Christie, Del
ta Gamma; Mary Knolle, PI
Beta Phi; Marlene Mueller,
independent; Nancy Teder
man. Aloha Chi Ome?a: and
Sukey Tinan, Kappa Kappa
New junior AWS board
members are Pam Hirsch
bach, Ghl Omega: Herbie
Nore, Kappa Alpha Theta;
turn romman, Alpha Phi;
Suzie Stolz, Alpha Omicron
Pi; and Karen Yost, inde
The new sophomore AWS
board members are Diane
Diana Armour, Pi Beta Phi;
Kathy Farner, Pi Beta Phil '
Beth Hemmer, Alpha Phi;
Janet Janssen, Alpha Chi
Omega; Billie Spies, Alpha
Omicron Pi; Jane Tenhulzen,
Kappa Alpha Theta; and
Kathy Vollmer. independent.
May Queen
The women also voted for
the May Queen. The ten fi
nalists were Barbara Barker.
Eleanor Kessler, Sharon Jan
ike, Donnie Keys, Kay Swo
boda, Janet Hansen, Nick!
Herndon, Kay Hirschbach,
Jeanie Spanhake, and Mary
Lu Keill.
The May Queen and her
Maid of Honor will be re
vealed on Ivy Day, May 6.
Mortar Board was ia
charge of the election.
Today on Campus
Psychology symposium, Dr.
Cal Pfaffmann, Brown Uni
versity, 9:30 p.m., Student
Union ballroom
"Lady of Eternal Spring
time," 8 p.m., Howell Theater
Aquaquettes, 7:45 p.m.,
Teacher s College dinner, 6
p.m.. Pan American room,
Student Union
"Astrology Fact or Fic
tion," 2:45 p.m., Planetarium
"Lady of , Eternal Spring
time," 8 p.m.,1 Howell The
Sunday: '
Ag Talent Show, 8 p.m., Ag
"Astrology Fact of Fic
tion," 2:30 and 3:45 p.m.,
Art exhibit starts, continues
through Aprd 16, A Morrill
Hall !
Pre-Easter breakfast, stu
dent YM-YWCA, 7:30 a.m.,
Activities Buliding, Ag cam
pus . . .
Sympnomc Dana concen,
p.m., Student Union ball
room .