Wednesday, March 15, 1961 The Nebraskan Page 3 Kappa Sigma Cops Top Spot in Ratings Daily Nebraskan Places Belts First in B; Phi Belts Top C By Cloyd Clark Kappa Sigma has captured the all-University A Team championship in the Daily Nebraskan's final team ratings while Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Theta reign in classes is and c respectively. The tournament champions, led by Bob Prokop, lost only one game in regular season and tournament play. The sole defeat came when Delta Upsilon, just off probation, upset ine ivappa aigs jusi Deiore tne au-university tournament, Beta Theta PI beat oat In dependent champion and run ner-up to Kappa Sigma in the all-University tournament Navy with their outstanding tournament play. The Betas suffered their first and second losses to the Kappa Sigs in tournament play. The first game the Kap pa Sigs squeaked by 55-52 and in the second play they won, 61-47. The Navy KOTC squad captures the third place rat ing in the final standings. The far traveling Navy team suffered a loss in the finals of the Independent before they went on to gain the runner-up spot in tne all-University tourney. Dropped to Third This loss and the calibre o: fiie Independent league dropped the Navy team to third place behind Beta Theta PL - Monte Kiffin and Pat "Leo Fisher led the Gus II basket- Class A 1. Kappa Sigma 2. Beta Theta Pi 3. Navy 4. Gas II 5. Dental College . Sigma Chi 7. Gas I 8 Avery 9! Phi Gamma Delta 10. Seaton II bailers to the Burr-Selleck championship and the num her four soot on the final A team standings. Gus II was tied for the league 5-A championship with a 4-1 season record, bat when they reached the tournament they stomped unaeteaiea cur nett. 58-33, in the early rounds of the tournament. Burnett was eliminated from the tourney when Hitch cock, fourth in league play behind Gus II, beat them, 51 47. The Dent College placed fifth by defeating Navy ROTC in the all-University tourna menL Gus I, second in the Sel-leck-Burr finals, holds the seventh spot. The Gus I squad's top game came in the finals of the tourna ment when they upset Gus II, 40-33, and forced the Burr Selleck champs to play a rub ber game. Avery Eighth f- Avery is placed behind Gus I just as it was in League 4-A standings. Avery had a 4-2 season record and made it to the semifinals of the Burr-Selleck tournament where Gus I cut them' out, 43-39. In an earlier season game Avery had defeated the Gus I squad, 27-25. Phi Gamma Delta and Seat m II finish ut the top ten. Phi Gamma Delta was chos en en the strength ef its 5-3. season record In the t n g Fraternity 1-A kagnc. Sigma CM 3rd Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Theta beat out B-Tour-cament champions in the fin al B team standings. Both teams were disqnali fled from the aD-Unfversity tournament. The Delts lost their tourney privileges by sing an ineligible player is the first game ef the season and the Phi Delts failed to list the first names of their team In aa early ornament game, ' Both teams finished league play with &-0 records. The Delt squad gave the all-University tourney cham pions, Sigma Chi, their only defeat of the season to edge out the Phi Delta Theta crew for top ranking. In third place is the tourna ment champion, Sigma Chi. Sigma Chi beat out Manatt in the Burr-SelSeck-Fratemi-ty playoff on the Coliseum court in the all-B champion ships, 36-34. Manatt is ranked behind Sigma Chi in fourth position on the final Daily Nebraskan chart. Manatt won the Burr Selleck championship in t slugfest with MacLean. The fifth and sixth positions Class B 1. Delta Tau Delta 2. Phi Delta Theta 3. Sigma Chi 4. Manatt 5. Gas I 6. Farm House 7. Beta Theta PI 8. Theta XI 9. MacLean 10. Kappa Sigma are filled by Gus I and Farm House B teams. Both teams finished in the runner-up spots 01 tneir re spective Leagues, Gus I be hind Burr-Selleck champion with a 5-1 record and Farm House finished behind Phi Delta Theta with a 5-2 record. Beta Theta Pi and Theta XI ranked in the next spots be cause of their season records. Beta Theta Pi finished with 3-2 record behind Delta Tau Delta and' Sigma Chi in the top B league and Theta Xi followed Farm House in third spot of Phi Delta The ta's league. MacLean and Kappa Sigma finish out the B chart. Phi Belts Top C Phi Delta Theta leads the C team standings which are in the same order they were after season play. The Phi Delts won the all- University C team champion ship over Theta Xi, 35-32, in the final tournament game. In regular season play the Theta Xi and Sigma Chi Know The Frosh Degnan Among Leaders On Husker Sprint Corps By Janet Sack With a mark of :06.2 in the 60-yard dash, Don Degnan of Kansas City, Mo., is one of the top freshman sprinters. In outdoor track he has marks of equal quality with a: 09.8 in the 100-yard dash and a :21.6 in the 220. Don has been a sprinter for four years and has participated In other sports, but prefers track to any other because it is a year-round sport. "Of coarse, I miss the other sports," he said, "bat I enjoy track more than anything else. Degnan gives good, regular practice as one of the roads to success in the dashes. "Take me for example," he said: "I think that hard practice in the 60 on Monday and Wednesday and a lighter practice on Friday keeps me in top shape. "When I practice hard on Tuesday and then miss a couple of days, I get a little out of shape. Maybe my start will be bad or maybe I won't have the extra strength needed at the finish." Confidence Important Confidence also plays a very important part in a brack man's success or failure. "Confidence can make a mediocre runner into the best runner in the U.S. or the world for that matter," Degnan said. Three things that any runner has to keep uppermost in his mind are to keep in top shape, have good competition and be psy chologically ready for a meet, Degnan said. "Another important thing to a college , runner is to get a name for himself," said Degnan. "It is the gay with the name who wins, even if he actually doesn't. "The people are moe apt to make ex cuses as to why the name didn't win. May be it was because he had a bad day or maybe a bad start, or maybe he was cut off. The little guy who wins just does it by chance." As a high school senior during the foot ball season, Degnan had some bad luck. He injured his knee and wore a cast for N seven weeks for the torn ligaments and a . split cartilage. The doctors told him he would never run again, but less than six months later he proved them wrong. Best Times After the injury he turned in the best times of his career in the 100 and 220 with a :09.8 and :21.6 respectively. Degnan said his biggest thrill was win ning the 100-yard dash title in :09.8 in the High School Division of the National AAU. The St. Joseph meet in his senior year also held a big surprise for Degnan. Even ' after a temperature drop of about 50 de grees in the weather from the time of the qualifying heats until the finals, Degnan won the 100 in :10.2 and the 220 in :22.1 and anchored the 440-yard relay team to a third place with a :45.5. For his outstanding performances in the meet Degnan received the Athlete of the Day trophy. Record-Holder In addition to holding his high school records in the 100 and 220, Don also holds the records for the same events in the - greater Kansas City area. , jjtDegnan was much sought after by the other Big Eight schools and some of the smaller schools in the Midwest. He de cided to attend Nebraska because of the University and Lincoln. Class C 1. Phi Delta Theta 2. Theta Xi 3. Sigma Chi 4. Alpha Tan Omega 5. Beta Theta Pi 6. Phi Kappa Psi 7. Delta Tan Delta 8. Kappa Sigma I. Phi Gamma Delta teams were tied for second position, but Theta Xi's vic tory over Sigma Chi in the semi-final round of the all-C tournament places them in the undisputed second place. Phi Delta .Theta was one of the few basketball teams to finish the season undefeated. They boasted an 8-0 record for the season and swept through the tournament wthout a de feat Situation Unchanged On Athletic Director Nebraska's Board of Regents Tuesday formally accepted Bill Orwig's resignation as athletic director but took no action in picking a successor to the post. , Orwig has resigned to accept a similar position at Indiana Apru 1 James Pittenger, adrninis trative aid to Chancellor Clifford Hardin, said Tuesday that "the situation is un changed from what it was before the Regents met." He said they were search ing for a replacement, but that no action has been taken. .The Regents did not set another meeting date. Pittenger said a dozen or more applications have been received since Orwig's resig nation was announced. The position currently pays $15,- 200 annually. Three avenues of solving the vacancy appear to be available to the Board of Re gents when they decide to consider the matter. The three possibilities are fl) naming an interim direc tor (2) promoting a present SARTOR'S 1200 "O" Street UNIVERSITY FLYING CLUB will meet Thursday MARCH 16, 1961 7:30 p.m. Rm. 240 Nebraska Union 4 $250 '4 $100 & (or the girl who lilce to be different. Graceful and glittering, the marquise is the mat feminine of ail designs for rt tends to tenderize the fingers. The emerald cut ha the still cooinet of limpid water. Both lock with the wedding ring to prevent slipping, rices include Federal tax Charge or budget JIlustrttiooM slightly enlarged staff member to the director ship, either as a coach direc tor combination or as a solo director thus creating a coaching vacancy (3) finding an outside candidate to take over the reigns. Unless action is taken soon, Nebraska will be oper ating without an athletic di rector, in a little more than two weeks. 5 Independents In Volley Ball Five teams have entered the Independent volley ball competition for 1961. Dent College, Senior Dents, Law College, Phi Epsilon Kappa and the Persians will play off a single round robin volley ball tournament for the Independent champion ship this year. The champ will be chosen on a percentage of game won basis. Today's Independent league play pits the the Law Col lege against Senior Dents and Phi Epsilon Kappa against Dental College at 5 o'clock in the PE Building. I."" mmm I - gitiisiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitistisiiiiiijiiiiiriiiiiiiirfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiitifiiiiiiiiiiiiitifiiiiiiiiiiiimut I Sports Signals By Hal Brown 1 1 Just as different jobs have a special vocabulary, sports can also be distinguished by their special language and wrestling is no exception. When wrestlers yell "Get five" to a team mate on tha mat it is plain that they mean for him to go for a pin. Twenty-five years ago when a similar sit uation arose, shouts of "Show him the lights" could be heard. Wrestling lingo has changed since 1936, like ladies' millinery, presidential ad ministrations and almost everything else. The best-known slang names for holds and takedowns a quarter century ago were "Highwings," "Banana Split," "Cushing Special," "Gallagher," "Gilycan," and the "Tulsa Whizzer." The Tulsa Whizzer was a fast seizure used by Oklahoma's Wayne Martin, three- Brown time NCAA champ, in which Martin grasped an opponent's arm and suddenly dropping backwards' and spinning, flopped him on his back. Nowadays, wrestlers still apply an occasional "Banana Split" but mostly go for such canvas-kisser as the "Cat- fish," Guillotine," "Pancake," "Fireman's Carry," "Cra dle," or any of the werid family of Bear Hugs such as the "Running," "Crawling," "Squatting" and "Lying Down Horizontal from the Bottom" Bear Hugs. To a team mate underneath, today's grapplers shout "Fire!," 'Move Out!," or "Throw a Fit!" whereas in 1936 they whooped "Rise and Shine!" A quarter century ago matmen would ask a team mate, "Want to work?" when they wanted to take them on in a friendly practice grind. Nowadays they ask, "Wanta roll around a little?" A wrestler who is groggy from being slammed to the mat was called a "Flip Dippy" a quarter century ago. Now he's a "Dome Wreck." A "Pinky" in 1936 and a "Sick Man" in 1961 means the same thing, a wrestler out of condition. An easy foe Is called a "pud or "white meat," An opponent who runs from you Is a "chicken" or "sprinter.'' A take-down artist Is "slick on his feet." A quitter is a "dog." A wrestler with a lame knee is known as a "man workin' on one leg." Wrestlers are the hungriest people in the world be cause they are always starving to make the weight "Pult ing" they call it, mostly. The steam room is "The Coun try Club," "Torture Box" or just plain "Hell." After weighing in at 2:30 p.m. on the afternoon of a meet, wrestlers generally eat their fill. This is known as "garbaging." Good Year Expected for Former Husker Nearly everyone connected with baseball is predicting a banner year for former Husker athlete Bob Cerv. Cerv's power is expected to blend well with the short fences in Wrigley Field, home of the Los Angeles Angels. Cerv and Albie Pearson, a 5-6 outfielder, signed their contracts with the Angels at the same time. Pearson re marked, "We are going to hit 41 homers Jaetween us. 40 by Cerv." One of Cerv's biggest boosters is Bill Grigsby, sports caster for the Kansas City A's. Grigsby tells of the season when Cerv suffered a broken jaw and played with the jaw wired shut. The ex-Husker ate his meals through a straw for several weeks with a blender being used to prepare solids so they could be taken through a straw. "I remember several occasions that summer when Bob would pull up at third after a triple and the umpire would hold up the game until he caught his breath," Grigsby says. "Many players would have stopped at second, but Cerv knows only one way to play and that is full speed." GRAVES PRINTING CO. Social Stationery Party Invitations Graduation Announcements IIUTK VIWV t South of Temple Bldg. HE 2-2957 j , m 11 11 11 w Hiicn mt 11 n mi 1 1 i 1 1 " 1 i Tareyton delivers the flavor. . 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