UNIVERSITY OP NEP LIBRARY MAR 15 1S61 ARCHiVfcS Vol. 74, No. 80 The Nebraskon ' Wednesdoy, Mord 15, 1961 Miller Solons Defeat Increase To Hold Grant English Teacher Receives Resents The University Board of Regents has selected Dr. James E. Miller, professor of English, as the recipient of the Charles J. Mach Regents Professorship. Selected Tuesday, Dr. Miller is the third member of the University's faculty to receive a Regents Professor ship under a program initi ated this year to insure ex cellence in the University staff. Early fa January Prafs. Xorroan H. Cromwell, chem istry, and John II. Lennqcist. agrosbmy, were designated as Howard S. Wilson Regents Professors. Dr. Miller's new appoint ment becomes effective Sept, I, 1561 and, lite the other Regents Professorships, car ries an annual stipend of $3,750. Walt Whitman Dr. Miller, who is a noted authority on the works of Walt Whitman, lias been a staff member of the Univer sity since 1553 and chairman of the department of English since 1956. He completed his a n d e r graduate wort at the Univer sity of Oklahoma and re ceived his graduate degrees from the University of Chi cago. Prof. Miller's book, A Critic a Guide t the Leaves tf Grass" won Yam the 1957 Walt Whitman Award a ad last December be was com-, misioned by Twayne Pub lishers of New York City t write a comprehensive book on Whitman for general read ing. ! During the last several years. Dr. Milter has been editor of "College English,", one of the nation's largest and most specialized educa tional magazines and is pres ently co-author with two other University faculty members of "Start With the Sun,'" a prize-winning book on poetry. ; Phi Beta Kappa Dr. Miller is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national, scholastic honorary society, and taught at the Univer-; sity of Michigan before com ing to Nebraska. ' Wita coca a great interest in the poet Walt Whitman, A it Interesting to note that the Professorship's benefactor, 1 Charles Mach, w as a rancher at Whitman, Neb, for more thaa forty years. j 3a December of that year his attorneys received a post card in Lincoln from Rancher: Mach who apparently had. been conducting an investiga tion on his own: T have been at the Uni versity of Nebraska,' he wrote, "'and I like the Hooks of what they are doing.'" He directed that his wiH be drawn naming the University Foundation as a beneficiary. According to University of ficials, Mach never made his presence known on the cam pus. He directed that the be quest be made for general purposes and left the specif ics to the directors of the Foundation. After Macl's death in M5B,. the Foundation directors voted to use the income from the inheritance of the Charles , J. Mach professorship. Young Republicans Plan Film, Founders Day Young Republicans win see a film entitled "Trouble in Paradise" Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union. The film, produced by the Institute of Life Insurance of New York and owned by the Woodmen Accidents and Life Insurance Co. of Lincoln, will tell the story of inflation and a nation that overcame it. John Ample, vice president of Woodman Accident and Life, win be the speaker. Republicans will celebrate their annual Founders Day Monday at the Sheraton-Fon-tenelle Hotel in Omaha. A women's luncheon and a men's luncheon costing $2.50; each will be held at the bote W III" PASS THE GRAPES Major cast members ef fite riginal play, '"Lady of Eternal Springtime,' are, (from left), Margery Coffey, Joe Hill and Leu PweO. 6Lady9 Is Comical Sequel To Helen of Troy Classic "'Lady of Eternal Spring time" "will be presented by University Theater tonight through Saturday evening. The play, an original work by Bernard Sabath of Chica go, is directed by Dr. Joseph Baldwin, associate professor of speech and dramatic art. Each production will start at Howell Memorial Theater at 8 p.m. Lady f Eternal Spring tame is a sophisticated com edy dealing with what might have happened t Helen ef Troy after her return from the classic wars. Sabath has wound the play around a light consideration of immortality, Helen be comes concerned with her owa infinity after returning home to face a life seeming ly quite void after tie excite ment and classical drama of her tour of duty in Troy. Lukas' Island She decides to run away to an island run by one Lukas,: so that Menelaus and men can rescue her again. But a young girL Melinaj offers sen-ice. and Helen sends her away with Lukas in order to further lie legend of Helen of Troy through Mo lina's adventures. Upset at the rather bdcob- Vutlior of 'Lady, Teaches Fiction Bernard Sabath, author of the University Theater pro duction "Lady of Eternal Springtime' beginning to night, is the University's Na tional Fred Ballard Plavwrit-' ing Contest winner for 1960. Sabath is an established author and short storv wTiter. His short stories have been printed in nearly one hundred magazines in 12 different countries. Sabath teaches (fiction on the Chicago campus of North western University and con ducts a -series of lectures each spring at the Off Cam pus Writers' Workshop on the North Shore. He is a frequent lecturer at writers' conferences. at noon. Speaker for the worn-; en will be Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest. Speakers at the men's luncheon include members of the Nebraska Congressional delegation. The party banquet w2I be held at 30 p.m. also at the Sheraton-Fontenefle. Thurston B. Morton, Tennessee Senator and -national Republican chairman, will be the speak er. Special student rat tickets costing $250 may be obtained from Ladd Hubka, HE2-SB49, or Jan Khoaa, HE 2-1B96. Miss Blioda, president of the Uni versity YR's said transporta tion to the evening banquet would lie provided for those interested in attendjng. 1 cereed response f Mevelaas epoa bearing of his passible pportanity to again g res cuing, Helea is found sitting a the sea waD contemplat ing the stale ld age f Bear forty. But both Helea and Mene laus resolve contentment with the present and tarn from looking to the past Final Draft ' Baldwin explained that the play underwent a unique de- velopmeat in playwra- mg when three readings were given at the University sev eral months ago to enable Sabath to make his final draft. Leta PowelL a graduate student, will play Helen. Her experience includes major and minor roles in 15 thea ters in Minnesota and at the University. She starred as Blanche in the recent Howell production of '"Streetcar Named Desire." Other major roles include: Aithra, Margery Coffey; We ll na, Saarraa Parbangh; Counseling Seminar Established The establishment of a seven-week Counseling and Guid ance Training Institute at the University Ibis summer was approved by the Board of Re gents Tuesday morning. The program, which is sponsored by a contract with the VS. Office of Education is financed by a National De fense Education grant of $37, 968. The Institute will be de signed to provide guidance in struction to 35 teachers in smaller high schools to bet ter .qualify them for identify ing and directing ""high abil ity and talented secondary school students.'" Some 30 stipends of 175 a week plus fli for each de pendent wil be made availa ble to the locticipants who win be drawn from Nebraska and neighboring states. The Institute will be con ducted by the University's de partment of educational psy chology and measurements from June 12 te July 28 with Dr. Robert W. Filbeck, assist ant professor in the depart ment, acting as director. This is the second such in stitute to be held at the Uni versity. The first was from February to May, I960.. Engineer Exec Elects Advisor Dr. Paul E. Schleusener, as sociated professor of agricul tural engineering, has been elected as faculty adviser to the engineering executive board. He wifl serve in this capaci ty for a two year term, which began with the second meet ing of the present semester. S IS. i . Meaelaos, Joe HID; and Luk as. Dennis Shreefer. Those cast in minor leads include Jenise Burmood, Mary Teale, Bonnie Benda, Doug Mcuarmey, ana rrans. VybiraL Also cast are Ray Butler, Jerry Mayer, Curtiss Greene, Judy Birney, Jim Chingas, Louise Shadley, Leroy Jones, 3 Carolyn Sue DePriest, Gret- chea Van -Bloom, Sharroa. Dmas, Aim jvaaersoH, itin era Eahn, Lesly Smith. Maxine Jabenis, John Eric son and John Turner, who is also production manager. Today on Campus Wednesday: 'Astrology Fact or Fic tion," S p.m. Planetarium, Morrill Hall. Xady of Eternal Spring time," S p.m.. Rowed The ater. H3irid Corn conference, :30 a.m., Keim Hall, Ag Col lege. I 4H Club meeting, 7 p.m,: Ag union. Thursday: Freshman-Principal Confer ence, 9 a,m, luncheon and panel discussion. Student Un ion ballroom. Hjiarid Sorghum confer ence, 9:30 a.m, Keim HaH, Ag eoOege. Psychology symposium. Dr. John L. Falk, Harvard Uni versity, S:30 am.; and Dr. Philip Teitelbaum, Pennsyl vania University, L39 p.m.' Student Union auditorium. "Lady of Eternal Spring time, p.m, Howen The ater. Engineering Faculty Semi nar, 7:30 p.m., 206 Richards EaTL Physics Colloquium, 4:15 p.m, tea 3:45 p.HL, 211 Brace Laboratory. Talks-Topics. ,Atheism,T u30 pjn, 2S24 Student Un ion. Ag Hears "The field of meteorology is in meed of trained scientists.' according to Dr. Wayne Decker, University of Missouri meteorologist, who spoke Tuesday at an an Ag convocation. Dr. Decker stated that SI percent of all meteorologists today are eavolved in fed eral programs, and that meteorologists are needed in the laboratories of tumversities and colleges. Be added that only 34 American colegef and universities have metearlogk-al de velopment departments. These include John Hopkins rMversity, the University of Chicago, the University of Washington, New York Universiry, Flor ida State, the University of Michigan, Tetas A & M, UCLA, Cornel Uni versity, SL Louis University, Massachu setts Institute of Ti:hnology, tba Uni versity of Arizona, and University of Mis souri. Survey Courses During the past 20 years, according te Dr. Decker, KM) colleges and universities in the United States have developed survey-itj-pe courses in meteorology, 20 have a significant program of graduate study in meteorology or related studies, and nine !have large departments and sci entific studies relating to meteorology. . He added that SO percent of all finances In Regents Me Six Year Term The Board of Regents will The present Board of Re remain at six members with gents is not being over six year terms. The Educa- worked; tion Committee has gone on More money (about $1L record as opposing LB 278,000) would be required; V ffl K a. aW aw a (tftMntutKAiil I rw - u a c pi viajucuvo failed to show an adequate need for change." As introduced by Sen. Mar vin Lautenschlager of Grand Island, the measure would in- crease the side of the board to 12 and reduce the length I of terms to four years. Sea. George Syas of Oma ha, chairman, said after executive sessica the chief reasons his committee killed LB 27S were becaase: Hear, Hear! Aaytae interested in writ ing for the Daily Xebraskaa is asked to attend a meet ins this aftenwea at 3:09. Said meeting will take place ia the Rag affice in the basement f the Sta deat Union. Freshmaa aad sapha mores f all caOeges are especially arged to attend, and organized boase activ ities chairmen are asked to pass the word. Coffee will awt be served; there's wart to d. i.l.A. ST IHUS Buffet, Meeting The Nebraska IntenatkAal AssoriatioB, X.I.A, will bold an International Buffet, Sun day at :33 p.m. at the Trin ity Lutheran Church, 12th and IT St, The theme of the event is "Around She World through Food and ErtainmenL As the theme implies there will be food and ransk from the majority of the countries of the world. On the dinner menu will be foods from Japan, Chma, Turkey, Central America, Iran, and many other coun tries will also be represented., Guests, as well as the food. will be from the many conn - tries of the world. This m-ffl be an opportunity to get ac traaMed with and visit with the students from home and abroad. Tickets are now being sold at the business office at the south entrance of the Student Union. The cost is $ 1 for members and $150 for non members. Membership att f $1 a ll alsa be accepted 3f the stu dents want to become a mem ber of this arganizatioa. Ac a member the stodest would get nut reoseea cest si future events sponsored by the Off campus persons may become associate members of this organization. This group is neww formed to promote frifindsMp among foreign stu- dents and American students, Need for There is no provision to spread the area from which additional members of the board would be elected. LB 278 would provide two be elected from each district with no provision to prevent them from coming from the same town; The general public has not asked for the change. The present number ef six board members is aver age for the surrounding area. The regional average varies from five to nine members. John Sefieck, secretary of the Board of Regents, and Dr. B. N. Greenberg, vice president, opposed the meas ure for essentially the same reasons, Sy as said. Sea. Marvin LaBteaschla- ger of Grand Island, wki t:zsr. r7. JTtk. . kV. .7.' c st be stated In deua S t '-Si; ii SJ9S.-BLR1 dirt- oelBlversrty I President, said the elective Syas noted the legislatare committee believes college was already heavily involved divisioa reactkas to the and that 'That was the way GlennT report shoald be pre it should be. seated to Chancellor Clifford la thcr actioa the com- Hardia. mittee passed LB 464 wbich Then the Chancellor will ww5d permit University j present the total recommen gradoate stadents wki have j dations to the Regents for tost their residence states to approval and action. Swan regain it ahea retmraing to" son said. earQ ia a professioaal col- ilege. Correction The Daily Nebraslan erred Tuesday in reporting jas elections. The following is a correct ed list of the bouse officers: CM Cms Sonji Erifcsen, vat vrao Aenu Fam Hintcbbaoh. ptaiftiie Criunar. and fiusie Moffitu mtub chairman. 2t Tbo Alph-udr Wilhne, vkw TmefnHma ant ftaae trainer mat Sharon iwcri(H rusn chairman. fuua Siema Phj OuMit Haiinn, ataoar trauwr. Bella Cjwfloh a OMar. vkc craai Aanh ana Chaok nanehman. rutt ahair xnan. .ami Sanaa aoaar Cootie, filatiae trainer. Higmt KtHtoM EpafloB Vh9 aauer. araiuault and Cat Hunt, fttedac (raia- fiiemi 1Mb n GUerBuA. amaioent. Tlwia O11 Vurbon Latunb. mvaukmt Ketth Hi-Borner, viae vrrai&rm nt 1 Tmt, atmum vleaar tramer ane Urrr auioeriaa. wh haimuin. Tn. ti tuuit 'uhl. Breaideni, Kent nildreth. vinp amMiiaent. fTnt Bnwwtt. (Mat trainw ana m Diaaenaan. ruuta chairman. Get Out and Vote A3 Women's Efectjoas voting wia be beld today at polls a both city and ag campnses. Polls will opea at I I a.m. and close at C a.m. Ann Barnard Heads Towne Club Officers The Towne Chib elected of ficers Monday evening. They Ana Barnard, president; iBeth Dering, vice president; ! Kay Johnstone, secretary; IJanet Parsons, treasurer; : Lyneue Molanaman, social 1 chairman; Maruyn Jliaer, i activities chairman and Eath-jy erine ODenburg, historian. Scientists for meteorology study come from She fed eral government, and that ne-foali of this is from the department of defense. The degree of activity f melertrlpgy," said Dr. Decker, dteads a tbe activity of the Russian Bear." Relating the history of the devtlopment of meteorology. Dr. Decker said that the background fur today's study a-as began in Scandanavia in the lH2(J's. Forecasting During World War U, meteorology re ceived a ""shot an She arm, as it was necessary ta train many men ia She field of weather forecasting. Dr. Decker added that this -"golden age or meteorology' was both good and bad as the men were trained quickly in only She field of weather forecasting. Current studies ia tDetew-iilogy, accord ing la Dr. Decker, are ia the fields f energy balance of the atmotbere, atmos pheric circslatioa and weather control. Concluding bis address to the Ag college staidfiHts, Dr. Decker cautioned, ""Agricul ture is no longer an art- Agriculture is a science.' "Thus, if agriculture has become a sci ence, there must be basic scientific train ing behind it, including study of cmistry, physics, biology, genetics and analhe-natics.' nbership, of Office Alt Richard Williams of Lincoln appeared in favor of the measure which was in troduced by Sen. Fern Hub bard Orme. No Action On Glenny By Regen ts Colleges Will Study Account In Detail . No action was taken yes terday by the University Board of Regents on the Glen ny Report recommendations concerning the state univer sity. The Regents' executive committee reported that it believes the 109 page Nebras- u sn of meter One of the major recom mended changes for the Uni versity according to the Glen ny report is a transition of She University toward an in creased graduate college cor ncoliiiniL The report, whkh was pre pared by Dr. Lyman A. Gka ay, a California edaeatar, alsa recammeaded that there be a deceatralizatioa ef the chaaceDar dnties U eauege deaas and that staadardiied tests ased aatsaaally be givea U eateriag stadeats. He noted the Glenny study has recommendatioiis for NU that we consider most con structive and which we hope can be adopted. Public attention should be focused on several important facets of higher education ia Nebraska by the Glenny study, be concluded. Medical College To be Air GoIed Low bids totaling $233S were accepted yesterday by the University Board of Re gents for construction, me chanical and electrical work to provide central air condi liomrg at the College of Med icine in Omaha. The successfal low bidders: general contract, Shelton Constracticm Co-, Omaha, $69553; mexanical Wrajr M. Scott Co. Omaha, tm, SS; electrical, David A. Bax ter and Son, Omaha $7L3M. Carl A. Donaldson, Univer- bSQe6 cgar, said 11 work wH begin at once and will involve enlargement of the boiler house at She Col lege of Medicine to accomo date a water rtsfllfr and cool er units. The board also accepted a low bid of flSJu submitted by Hoover Brothers, lot, Kansas City, for instalLatioa of sound and recorflitig equip ment far She language labora tory in Burnett Hal and a low bid of I5..S59 from Tel Sound Cou Cmaha for supply and installation of a multi channel sound system at lb Xfcbraska Center for Costis ming Fiducatlon. Regents Accept 2 Scholarships Twa scholarlq funds totalmg SCO fronj the Sooany Mahal Oil Co. of Denver which are for use in the Col lege of Business Administra tion, were accepted Tuesday by the Board of Effects. "The funds provide $433 for a scholarship to be osed sezl fall by a student worfcrg tirtcard a major in account ing and $453 for ose of the ! department of Basinets Or jjgatuzation and Manssmsst.