Page 4 The Nebraskan Wednesday, Mar. '8 1961 J: i r i -. -I i it' 9 V - it . 4 Prize Story Collection Selects NU Professor's Short Story By Sue Hovik "The Quick and the Dead" by Ervin Krause, University English instructor, has been selected to appear in the "0. Henrr Prize Story Collection of Z961." TW short story first ap pear4 in the I960 Spring is sue t the "Prairie Schoon er" and has the distinction of being the first story pub lished in the "Prairie Schoon er" to be selected for the "0. Henry Prize Story Col lection." Editors of the awards read magazines which publish short fiction and choose the best 12 stories in the calen dar year. Many of the stor ies in this collection came from magazines such as "Es quire" and "Atlantic Month ly." Arthur Milleter, Peter Taj lor and John Updike are other authors whose works irttl appear ix this collective. "The Quick and the Dea3" has a Midwestern setting with rural color in it. Although the editors stressed technique, Krause explained his story j stresses feeling rather than: technique. Although Krause taught at Wyoming University last year, he has been associated with the University since 1956. In 1957 he received his Council Bans, Reinstates New York College Paper Schenectady, New York (UPS) The Concordiensis Union College weekly news paper, was reinstated recent ly, just two days after the Student Council had suspend ed it from publiation. The two-week suspension was voted by the Student Council over a difference of opinion regarding editorial policy. Council President Gary Gross accused the Concordi ensis of not living up to its responsibilities as a campus newspaper. Concordiensis editor Robert Galvin. expressed shock that "the Student Conned, which has done nothing all year, should as its only significant action, baa the free student press at Union. The baa was lifted at an emergency Student Council meeting called after an open Investigation into the paper's policies by a student-faculty committee collapsed amid strong objections from the students in attendance. Resounding Victory Galvin called the decision to lift the suspension "a re sounding victory for Union College. The issue at hand was suspension of the free press. The press has been re stored." The suspension was enact ed after a semester-long in vestigation of the paper by the Student Council's consti tution and activities sur vey committee. The Council is publisher of the paper since the paper is supported by a student tax which the council enacts. Gross denied that the two- week suspension was meant to be suspension of the free press. "We were acting both as the publishers of the pa per and as the elected repre sentatives of its readers. We felt that the bulk of the stu- masters degree. He is now a graduate student working on his PhD. In 1959 he had two other stories in the "Prairie Schooner" and plans another one this summer. New Phenomenon. Krause explained a new phenomonen taking place in the field of writing since about half of the writers in the 0. Henry collection are affiliated with colleges. He believes the reason for this is that the would-be writer Reaching in college is at a po sition which doesnT require a prohibitive amount of la bor. Also a college communi ty is the only place left in the United States that isnt in some way anti-intellectual," according to Krause. However, he added there are disadvantages to college community life, and one of them is that the writer lives a sort of cloistered existence. He detaches himself from the "great mass of man kind." The things he writes about are things remembered rather than things involved. Krause finds some irritat- dent bodv disaooroved suffi ciently of the paper that had lnS things in colleges con- tnev tne prerogative of noticern,ns wnwr una we uwrr buying it, thev would not I 7 fie,d- Tnere ,s more LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS It 1 mc mm mm ym Jxa; - Imi W'3 FglENP6 v4 ' LOL)&& Nebraskan To Feature Men's Fashion Column have bought it." The council felt the suspen sion was "the sole means left to us of showing the disap proval of the readers and publishers to the coverage of campus affairs during the past semesters." said Gross. Committee Established The student-faculty investi gating committee was estab lished concurrent with the suspension order. The com mittee met for the first time in an open he a r i n e to Ques tion Galvin on the policies of the paper. Gross said the purpose of the commit tee was to find means of im proving the paper. ine suspension was lifted because the Council felt thev could not accomplish this end through the suspension and tne investigating committee, reported Gross. He said the incident will probably bring about a revision of the Pub lications Board. Gross estimated that two- thirds of the study body p- poseo ine suspension. The day following the suspension order, he said, the Student Council received a petition asking them to call a stu dent body meeting to discuss the issue, along with money spent on the scholar ly study of Melville, for ex ample, then Melville made throughout his life. The same thing may be going on today, The genuine writer receives little aid aside from his od. This graduate student states that it is disconcerting to see second rate scholars going to Europe and not do much of anything, while would-be writers get little to ao. Offbreed' This author describes "ac ademic writers" as a kind of "off-breed." They are neither here nor there, they have to do everything alone without much support from anyone. The scholar gets considerable support from universities and foundations whether he has talent or not. Krause believes that the chief obstacle to writing is "the state of mind the writer is in." It has to be directed toward writing, he said. The "0. Henry Prize Story Collection of 1961" will be on the newstands March 17, r 1 is f Football Crowds Break Record Kesd Extra Cash??? Sei fftese mfteeded Hems tbrwrga DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIEDS Business Office Hours 3-5 p.m. Daily Husker football fans set a several petitions opposing the i new attendance report as suspension. 199.973 attended home cames Upon hearing the suspen-ilast fall, athletic director Bill sion had been lifted, Galvin said "the most significant victory was the triumph of the student body of Union College, who arrived at a ra tional and intelligent judg ment using the democratic processes at their disposal The confidence traditionally piacea in tne student bodv bv the trustees, faculty and ad ministration has been justi- nea." During the two-day suspen sion, the Schenectady Union Star published material that would have been published in the campus weekly. Two weeks ago, the Over seas Press Club of America and the United States Nation al Student Association award ed the Concordiensis first prize in the annual competi tion based on coverage and comment of international af fairs and U.S. foreign policy j in ine student press Orwig announced, The average home attend ance was 33,328 compared with 37,591 for road games. The total attendance last fall was 350,337. The record for total attendance was set in 1954 with 418,058. This in cluded the Orange Bowl. The top mark for a 10 game schedule was set in 1956 when 396,147 watched the Cornhuskers at home and away. Home Ec Meeting Features Hat Making Mrs. Doris Cunningham will give a milliinery demonstra tion at the Vocational Home Economics Association's tea for new and prospective mem bers today at 4 p.m. in the Food and Nutrition Building 1 lounge. The daily Nebraskan will feature a new monthly illus trated column, "Esquire's Club & Campus Fashions, beginning today according to editor Dave Calhoun. Oscar E. Schoef fler, Fashion Director of Esquire Mag azine, who is con s i d e r e d a world au thority on men's fash- Schoeffler ions, will write the column. His purpose is to inform the University men about news worthy fashions keyed to ev ery phase of on and off-cam pus life, and to serve them as a guide to good grooming and correct wardrobe plan ning. Besides reporting on the new trends, Mr. Schoeffler will explain why certain col ors, fabrics, silhouettes and styling details are in favor, and offer advice on coordin ating colors and accesories to help readers dress for any occaion. In "Esquire's Club & Campus Fashions," he will also predict what well dressed university men will be wearing in future seasons. Since joining Esquire in Love Deserts Campus Along With Fair Skies The spring-like weather has once again deserted campus, and with it, apparently, has gone the romantic interests. Three engagements and two pinnings were the only an nouncements made Monday night. Engagements Mary Jo Christensen, Delta Delta Delta senior in busi ness administration from Lincoln, to Nels Kjeldsen, Phi Delta Theta alum from Falls City. Judy Spencer, Delta Delta Delta senicr in Teachers from Oakland, la., to Paul Thomas, Sigma Nu graduate student in biology from Bellevue. Vicki James, Kappa Delta freshman in business admin istration from Sidney, to Kent Pearson, freshman at Kear ney State Teachers College from Sidney. Pinnings Becky Windle, Pi Beta Phi freshman in Teachers from Salem, to Gary Hoover, Theta Xi senior in Arts and Sciences from Salem. Leah Jo Smith, Pi Beta Phi sophomore in Teachers from Mitchell, S.D., to IJoug Moore, Phi Delta Theta sen ior in Business Administra tion from. Omaha. Nebraska Wildlife Hall Contains Lifelike Scenes 1939, Mr. Schoeffler has paid visits to the top universities of the nation. His world-wide travels have inspired some of his most popular style iu novations. Among the trend-setting ideas credited to Mr. Schef- fler are the slip-on shoe, nat ural shoulder suit, tapered trouser, Bermuda shorts, white dinner jacket and the return of the fancy vest. Mr. Schoeffler's fashion in fluence has even reached be hind the Iron Curtain. In 1959, he was sent to Moscow by the U.S. State Department as of ficial supervisor and coordin ator of all the American made fashions for men shown at the Fashion Industries Presentation. "The Hafl of Nebraska Wild life is perhaps one of the most interesting and most well liked of all the exhibits in Morrill Hall," said C. Ber- trand Schultz, director of the museum. The Hall of Nebraska Wild life presently consists of 13 habitats of animals that m habited Nebraska in the Mio cene and Pleistocene ages and can still be seen in the state today. When the Hall is com pleted 16 habitats will be on uisplay. The latest scene to be fin ished is that of the Sandhill crane, but it is not yet open to the public. Two more habitats are to be completed before the entire Nebraska Hall of Wildlife will be completed. The groups are the coyote and elk groups. The last habitat is designed to introduce man to the Ne braka scene. Craftsmanship real as possible by going to the actual spot and observing and drawing the landscape. All details are preserved as nearly like the real scene as possible. Grass Collected Some of the grass is col lected on the spot and after being properly treated is used in the scene. Small rocks, chips of wood, and some dead leaves after proper treatment can be used in the scene. . All flowers, all green leaves, tree stumps, and large rocks are made by hand. The mak ing of the articles which make the habitats so loTe-Uke re quires a great deal of time and effort, Mohler said. Henry Reider, chief prepa rator, collects the animals that appear in the habitats ex cept for the animals that have been in the museum for years. After the animals are col lected they are sent to Jonas Duo Ag Meetings, Games Scheduled The Block and Bridle Club and the Agronomy will face each other across a basketball as the two clubs meet on the Ag Student Union court at 8 : 30 p.m. tomorrow. Preceeding the basketball game each club will hold its regular meeting. Block and Bridle club will meet for informal initiation of its new members at 7 p.m. at the horsebarn. Brothers in Denver. Colo., one Patience, skill, and expert' eT 'nST "UC1"" ,n The layout of the Hall of Nebraska Wildlife the most modern of any museum. The displays are arranged in a unique maze like corridor so they are each more or less alone. This way each group is emphasized as a group, Mohler said. In addition the museum has put on display a showcase showing how the artists go about making a habitat group. This includes the various ways to make the leaves, and other accessories that are a vital part of the habitats. craftsmanship are very ne cessary factors in completing a habitat group for the hall. The scenes take anywhere from three to four months to eight or nine months to com plete. First, the scene is paint ed and then the habitat group is fixed and installed into the scene. Four artists have painted the backgrounds of the habi tat groups. Iris Dougherty painted five groups, Nathan Mohier, one group; Francis Lee Jacques, a nationally knows artist, three scenes; and Wade Cox, the artist working on the latest scene, painted the remaining hab itats. ! The scenes are made as Read Nebraskan Want Ads Shop Monday and THurtdoy 9:30 p.m. f 9:00 p.m.. Other Days to 3:30 p. SALE ENDS SATURDAY, MARCH 1 1 Semi'Annua Toe Sale DAT AfTM DAT Gold$ OF NEBRASKA MAS MO Of tvetTTHlNO Gold 20 off t Captain tflalh Puts Cloud 9 ( within your reach! Yes, Cloud 9 k o reotrty . . o combining of 55 Docron and 45 wonted in a natural Kouldered raiment that weight lea Jrxw two pound complete! 1 r nt j -y ' cj ON ALL STYLES OF GOLD TOE SOCKS RefTuIaHy 7Sc, Now Regularly 85c, Now Regularly 1.00, Now 59c, 6 for 3.50 68c, 6 for 4M 79c, 6 for 4.70 Regularly 1.25, Now 99c, 6 for 5.90 Regularly 1.50, Now 1.29, 6 for 7.10 So Many Stylet from which to Choose All Have Farnoun Linen ized Cold Toe Here's (mart itvinfi for Mr man! Soft-combed cotton arrrles, Iff crew tocks, Orion acrylic ribbed and arryle sockt, nylon stretch; nylon and cotton stretch arrrles. A fine assortment hi popular masculine patterns, plaids, and solids in basic colors of black, (ray, treen, blue, navy, brown, tan and char coal. Styles to fit all sUet, I8V,-13. GOLD'S Men's Store . . . Street Floor I V'm , V: I it -;: i 1 "SY I ' '; ' if 4 ' ' ' ' I - ' J )) .' -' GOLD'S IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE . . CALL GR 7-121 1 .Jl