The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan
Wsdr.Dsday, Mar. 8, 196(
Page 2
: i
May Queen Represents
True Campus Royalty
Today thirty-two female candidates will vie for the
tea finalist positions in the May Queen election. The ten
lucky winners'will square off at the polls at a later date
for the Queen and her maid of honor.
Only junior and senior
With all seriousness to the people who have put so
much time planning this election, we urge all the junior
and senior coeds to get out and vote.
However, a majority of the non-queen minded people
on campus, will also breathe a sigh of relief, for this will
be the last major queen election for another year.
Our University is unique in this respect. We have a
neen lor just about everything and anything. Perhaps
there are too many queens on campus.
The honor of being queen of this or queen of that
seems to detract from the actual honor. We believe that
a queen, In some activities, is a necessary part of campus
life, but do we need a queen to represent every organiza
tion on campus?
It is unfortunate that there are so many queen elec
tions, for when the time comes to choose a true queen,
the campus is all queened out
The Catacombs
There is probably nothing
in the world that is greater
than idealism nothing
greater than standing on a
soap-box and screaming for
the betterment of man, for
a bigger and better Univer
sity and for bigger and bet
ter anything. On the other
hand, there isprobably
nothing worse than just
standing there and exhort
ing in favor of something,
unless you have some con
structive advice to offer.
Standing up and calling
people slobs and hurling in
vectives at them because
they dont measure up to
one's ideals is about as
useful as trying to drive
north down sixteenth street
you're bound to get hit
sooner or later, and it will
probably be sooner.
Ii this day of moaning
because the youth of Ne
braska are leaving and
beaJing for the east or
west, or wherever we are
supposed to be going, the
only saggettiea made
seems for as to stick it out,
and see if we can't make
something better of the sit
uation. Youth doesn't want
to be told that they are go
ing to be given something
on a silver platter if they
remain, tbey just want to
know that the "something"
is there, and the majority
of them wouldn't mind too
much getting out and grov
eling for it.
As far as the campus
goes, the students here are
not using some of the talent
that is here to its utmost,
and to their best advan
tage. At the University we
have some three hundred
faculty members, the ma
jority of which have some
interest to a certain degree
to the students. For the
most part instructors would
not be teaching unless they
enjoyed working with the
'leaders of tomorrow."
However, their interest
tends to be subjected by
the students who think-of
them only in terms of
grades, term papers,
methods of getting recom
mendations and grades.
Contrary to the common
misconception of some per
sons, teachers are not evil
beasts whose main delight
is failing a certain per cent
of their classes. They are
humans like the rest of us
and would probably like to
have a closer relationship
with the students. The prob
lem is that the students
often deny them this oppor
tunity. This writer it not advo
cating that every student
rus over and start patting
bis teachers oi tbe back
and have a big heart to
heart talk with them about
the last quiz or downs or
the problems ofwrltlag
term papers. Needless to
say, that it what teachers
are here for, tbey get paid
for that But aside from
this tbey also have an in
terest in students at peo
ple. The other day yours truly
was talking to a teacher be
Toad during his freshman
Daily Nebraskan
Member Amodated Collerltle Tret. InierBitionU PreM
Representative? XativnaJ Adrertiinr Serrtee, lncrtratd
Fublithrd at: Itoora ih Stndent tTaiea. Lineoln, Kebraska.
llth It X
Ttlepbone HE I-:C2L ext. 422S. 4??.
SJ?J75 JTT r;r
m.. '.'!Jli;.!s!l'r.'" """"" ""r. rvM.r. im4t m m- I
T- ' . cwni mi, i ,m mpmrnm. romUM mater M
tertmuiMm W h HwamnMBiMtw mm tttuavw rmbUrmUmmm mm k trt Crm
Mttamal mwi.M m.i mm the mmrt mt the Inthoemmtiu M tw mmn mi mm
pmmrn mvtunr the I'Htventtt . Tt mmrnmrn mi Vrnr Itrnllr KekrMiuw mtmtt mrm
l"Tm0r.mTPTm,M - mm mt. mw m,. mt mmm tm ke mm.
M jliill 1 .
M-Ilh,,' mjm,
mmmmtiwtg t.tiut
women are eligible for today's f
year, only for the purpose I
of just talking. Teachers do I
enjoy being just 'talked I
with" at least that is the
impression received. Dur- 1
ing the course of the con-
versation the discussion i
turned to the courses being 1
offered on the campus and
the variations in require- 1
ments between different 1
colleges. f
I opined that I felt that 1
a lot of "mickey mouse"
T r TiT . I ture in this region is in
cut out and he countered creasing faster than
with -well a lot of mickey f uates cln produce( ac.
ouff. "f. Vm d I cording to Professor Onus
SmST? e iBurr Smith, chairman of
Fw -1? ,eerll ! the Department of Archi
val the students dont fully tecture, and his Nebraska
SJrf I graduates are in competi-
S f 1 ' t i o u internationally, as
2? 2 dentS ' 0b" i 1L He further states that
arC velyIthe Nebraska school of
. f Campu$ 1 architecture is accredited
life as well as term papers, b . of th,
exams and various
other projects.
it was my pleasure the
other evening to bear a f ac- versity Project Archf
ulty member say to an or- tect who does the neces
ganization that they (the tary preliminary studies oa
organization) night d 1 Bew Campiii buildings. He
well to have a faculty co- and others are responsible
ordinator, other thai the i for the drawings and finas
sponsor, so that the organi- rial estimates, which fan
zatioa might more fully s cia(jes estimates of every
utilize the faculties t h a t piece of equipment dowa to
the teaching half of t h e I the last chair or waste bas
campus has to offer. This ket, ia order to obtain tbe
wat no snap judgment oa "sit-down price" before a
the part of tbe speaker, but I piaa h tamed ver to a
the result of a survey 1 commercial architect,
among hit colleagues mho f n IS very evident that
seemed to feel about the students and faculty are
same way that be did. 5 very proud of their depart
(This proposal was made s ment, and seem to feel that
u reference to a particular eiT course 0f tudy is not
organization, but this writ- ony a very fine one, but,
er feels it could be expand- According to
ed to encompass the ea- tbe students, architecture is
tire campus.) more than mere facts
It is hard for us as stu- and figures, it goes beyond
dents many times to fall f the basic ground rules and
back on the advice of our I enters into the area of c re
dden, because let's face alivity and tbe use of the
it after we have been in imagination to tbe utmost,
college about nine months but still recognizing a ba
we think we know it alL sic discipline, or limits.
And if we don't think we I which must be observed,
know it all, we hide that 1 Basically the architecture
by a sort of bravado that student engages in two
soon becomes a part of our types of projects: (I) rig
very lives. 1 inal student projects, and
It is almost certain, that il) the study of the works
there are plenty of faculty I of famous architects and
members who would like to construction of models of
have a part ia tbe student's these works to enable them
life other thai speaking at to learn more about the
dinners or serving at spoa- I construction of theie de
sert for activities. Obvious- I signs and to serve as a
ly they perform these 1 stimulus to their individual
duties because they enjoy
association with the t. fjm PortraYS
dents away from a class- s J
room sanation. if j Message
It might be an interest- g
ing experiment if the stu- 3 (ACP) Two views on
dents would make this g "Operation: Abolition,- the
week or any week, cr a House Un-American Activi
matter of fact just a half ties Committee film on re
an hour "Talk with a cent student demonstrations
Teacher Time." They too, ia San Francisco, mere re
even if it does seem a mil- 1 ported in Record, Antioch
lion years ago to some. College, Yellow Springs,
went through the tame Ohio.
phases as we are going The Rev. Robert OBrian,
through now. And at far minister of Cincmatti First
as this member of t h e Unitarian Church and pres
Crypt Club is concerned, a ident of that city's Ameri
stronger relationship be- can Civil Liberties Union
tween faculty and students chapter, said the film's
would be one of the best message is "false" and re
ways to build a better Uni- lies on "gross distortions"
versity and a better out- 5 to make its point,
look on university life. He felt that HUAC't per-
milling "disrespectful" stu-
M- i
... "" ' JE
0m" f nmm
AMriu auik
.era luui
The need for Architeo
tT c
SCUL 112 LalC U.O. UA.1U(T
I ing the N. A. A. B.
s.m u ic th fni.
2 dent protests within the
I hearing room wat calcu
f la ted to be merely useful in
I later propaganda moves. ,
f In another auditorium, M.
I Stanton Evans, editor of In
I dianapolis News, said an
FBI report had clearly
hown the riots were com-
munist organized and in-
wane ne aamiuea there
are two errors in the film
(whkh HUAC concedes),"
reported Record, Evans
said he believes the 'film is
vindicated.' "
got imtq you imvtv
Around Our Campus
creative powers.
Nebraska is tbe first
school to ever attack, archi
tecturally, the problem of a
meat packing plant, and
this school hat g a i e d
world-wide publicity due to
this new endeavor. The
students were striving to
create a subtle mood
through architecture which
would influence tbe effici
ency of the worker aid
raise its stature and pres
tige ia tbe community. At
though unique and unortho
dox, many of tbe student's
designt were excellent and
could have beei translated
into plants at a reasonable
cost. Consequently, tbe
meat packing industry is
becoming very interested
ia this new phase of archi
tecture. Of particular current in
terest is the fifth year pro
gram which goes beyond
tbe rudiments of architec
tural principles and tests
the student's powers to or
ganize, the civic conse
quence of architecture as a
profession, and tbe struc
tural and mechanical re
quirements. This is to be
accomplished by a three
point program which in
cludes (I) an intense and
exacting assignment such
as a bus terminal; il) an
assignment which encour
ages "the student to increase
the scope of hit imagina
tion, such as the design of
a new remote village ia in
hospitable places like the
Arctic, the Great Desert,
and the Amazon Basin; 3i
an assignment which en
courages a regard for tbe
student's immediate loca
13 ii : 1 SlL j
4 o y
S'. r'ilSir 1 2 fir-
I sxPE' ii Mi K
;VA-' f '
,) I I f i
I I , 1 !
I : rtsciAi tax mauccd .
J: stunning - y!tfh - mrt - and Wfied in their
V, etting. UTiether you want a sitrle tdiituke with a ;
I on carat diamond or one embetUshed with baguettes or
I brilliant cuts, you win fmd the diamond of your dreamt
I I here. And qualify, ofew
tion, Lincoln, with a repor
duction of any interesting
architecture they find in
this city. The basic prem
ise the students are encour
aged to accept is that this
city is much richer in arch
itectural inheritance than
many would suppose, and
that such study would
thereby stimulate enthusi
asm for this region.
According to Smith,
over half ofhisstadeat
work part-time for practic
ing architects ia Lincoln.
Some of tbe udergradi
atet have worked oa ia
merous aew constructions
here ia Liacola, sstn as tbe
Newmaa Center and the
First Continental National
Bank. Two other students
will participate ia summer
school stadies at Foua
tainbleai ia Europe. These
stideats were accept
ed into this simmer
school through tbe submis
sion of applications aad
samples of their w ork, with
due regard to professors'
recommendations and their
academic achievement. An
other hat beei selected,
through previous competi
tion, tobecoatldered
for the coveted Paris prize.
The present home of this
department is the second
floor of Architecture Hall
with part of its facilities be
ing in the did Administra
t i 0 n Building, Ferguson
Hall, and Morrill Hall.
Smith is very happy to an
nounce that, as of Septem
ber, they will occupy all of
Architecture Hall and will
finally have aU of their
teaching areas under one
Nebraskan Letterip
Tkoltoibr wfll piblMi ml? thorn tMtm wtrirfc .re liJ.
Thw nimr ihmin4 wttk Pr" "'. However, ktu-r,
Im JJw P m r taHialt t M the editor', -
writer view.
Student Advocates
Flying Trucks
To the editor.
The emphasis last week
was on the beautifi
cation of the campus at old
NU. With the many im
provements being made,
drawbacks will naturally
There was also a com
plaint about the dirt on R
street because of the con
struction at 13th and 12th
streets. A suggestion was
made to have their trucks
use the 10th street one
way. That's fine and dandy
but how the h-1 do you ex
pect them to get to 10th
street. Fly?
Yodar Kritch
. Editor's Note: The trucks
are presently traveling east
on R street
Weakly Minds
Answer Satyr
To the editor,
How pleased we were to
have provoked one bit of
honest and penetrating crit
icism. It has brought such
enlightenment to our weakly
minds, (and they are weak,
for even to express this note
of gratitude requires a com
munal effort in the form of
a committee), that we are
giving up all pretensions of
being beat We are consid
ering devoting our next bi
monthly issue to original
medieval romances, but we
cannot be certain yet. What
is even more pleasing is
that this understanding ap
praisal of our efforts came
from that haven of other
wise dull and apathetic ego-
BY 0. L SCKOEFFIIR Fsshiei Orecttr tf CSQUIS Karazat
Xot so lonr go, the university man (or any man, for that matter)
had a simple choice to make: Dresa to be in fashion... or dreu for
comfort. This spring he insists on both qualities in one o "it... and
what the man wants, the man feu.
SEERSUCKERS REBCRM-Tbe return of the
seersucker suit iHuctratea this fashion with com
fort theme. Ideas ia campui fashion have a way
of running in cycles. Many years back seersucker
suits were the main event in every college man's
wardrobe. Thea they disappeared from the scene.
Now, brought op to date by the textile magiciana,
seenucker is back on campus, bigger and better
than ever.
The seersucker fabric, with its slightly crinkled
texture, comet in aU cotton or in blends of cotton
and man-made fiber. Its very light weight com
bine maximum comfort with excellent shape re
taining qualities. Traditionally seen in stripes of
blue, grey, or brown with white, seersucker it
showing more pattern variety these days through
the use of small Glen Urqhart plaidi... particu
larly in the grey and white combination.
CEKH! AEAiN Denim ii another campus wardrobe fabric rep
resenting many turns of fashion's wheel over the years. Originally
used for work clothing, denim has beei refined to a soft, light
weight, and very comfortable multiple-purpose fabric Son mostly
in a soft, faded blue shade, denim's versatility is demonstrated by
its many tins trim cut slacks, Bermuda shorts, sad particu
larly sport jackets that go remarkably well with many different
types of shirtt and slacks. "
TOMORROW. While nobody can
faibioa for the weD-dretsd uni.
vertity man, I'd bet strongly on the
new idea of tbe Blazer Cardigan . . .
a collarleM model blazer with a
strong British heritage. It's some-
wing to look for a year or so from.
And while you're looking, keep an
eye open for another legacy of Brit
ish fashions. ..the country cloth
ing colors of ehSnmt and muitard.
Fabric suitt with a tuede finish and
glove soft pigskin shoes are two
more likely contenders for future
campus popularity.
exploiters who deliver very
ill-considered, dogmatic.flip.
pant, and almost inane in
terpretations of campus
phenomena. We hail this
great development in the on
ward progress of journal
ism. There are, however, a few
minor corrections we feel
impelled to suggest to this
vastly superior intellect
even though our abilities
are so weak in comparison.
One slight (very, very slight
we don't want to cast dis
persions on the critical acu
men of such an obvious gen
iusHeaven forbid!) short
coming of the poor tired
goat's critical insight was
the supposition that "this
bunch was really beat" or
even that 'they want us to
think" so. With such a be
labored psuedo-beat tone as
we used to develop our sa
tire on beatniques, our
mythological semidiety in
h i s oracular pronounce
ments still didn't get the
Who else but a bleating,
four-hoofed mountain climb
er could have believed that
such a comical situation as
a bearded chief-acolvte of
the Palladian Beat Buddha
Cult genuflecting (very
beat-like isn't it?) and rub
bing a sedately corpulent
Buddha (sculpted in jadet
was a serious pose? It's al
most as ridiculous as a tired
and bearded goat (with a
vaguely human expression)
frolicking among the daffo
dils with the nymphs and
fauns. Talk about oddballs! !
The Editorial Committee
of "The Weaklv Mind"
University men have beea consistent In
their preference for toft; muted or con
servative colorings. This so doubt ac
counts for the keen interest fa India
Madras. This cottoa fabric. ..authentic
ally imported from India and also adapted
in American weaving... is marked with
many different plaid patterns, some large
and irregular and others small ia dimen
sion. AH have the characteristic subtlety
of color, soft and muted ia tons.
Madras has gained in popular campus ac
ceptance through extensive use ia the
widely worn button-down model shirts...
many in a short-sleeve pullover style with
a button placket part way down the front.
These shirts are equally fashionable in
the classroom, for weekend wear, and
wherever borne is during summer vaca
tion. The same fabrie has also caught on
ia walk shorts.
really predict the next totting
r'Vt 1 ''
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