The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1961, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, Mar. 6, 1961
The Nebraskan
Page 3
NU' Matmeii Thump Tigers
Win Gives Huskers
Best Mark Since 1929
By Hal Brown
Nebraska's wrestlers will
record smce 1929 into the Big Eight championships at Nor
man, Okla., Friday and Saturday.
The Huskers won their
over Missouri, 25-3. Nebraska
The 1929 Nebraska team had
Only a one-point loss in the
157-pound match averted a
shutout for coach Mickey
Sparano's grapplers. Mis
gouri's Noel Fischer scored a
2-1 victory over Dave Loos
for the only Tiger win. Both
wrestlers scored one point on
escapes. '
But Loos was charged with
an illegal hold and Fischer
was awarded one point which
proved to be the deciding
point. The official said Loos
grabbed Fischer's headgear.
Husker Mike Nissen kept
his unbeaten string alive by
pinning Homer Page in 2:22
for his 12U1 win ot tne season.
The 123-pounder was leading
Page, 5-0, when he scored the
Falmon Scores Pin
Jim Faimon of Nebraska, a
graduate of the Nebraska
School for the Blind, extended
his season record to 10-3 when
he pinned Curt Plummer in
4:37 after taking a 3-0 lead,
Nebraska's Harold Thomp
son, a 157-pounder moved up
the 177-pound class anil
romped to a 26-8 decision in
a crowd pleaser.
The Husker grappler from
Osage, Iowa, toyed with his
heavier opponent, Butch Rus
so, in taking an easy win.
Thompson took an 8-1 lead
early in the second period and
then began to play with tie
Missouri foe.
He scored seven takedowns
with six escapes by Russo
sandwiched in between. After
scoring a takedown, Thomp
son allowed the Missourian to
escape so he could score
another takedown. A take
down scores two points and
an escape one point.
Thompson scored a total of
10 takedowns during the
match and also picked up
three points for a near fall
with 22 seconds left in the
The results:
133 Mike Niasen N) pinned Homer
Paee in 8:22
130 Dick Van Sickle N dec. Dave
Don si as. 8-2.
1.17 Jim Faimon (N) pinned Curt
Plummer it. 4-37.
147 Larry Lebruska (N) dec. Nathan
Paul. 6-1.
157 Noel Fischer (M) dec. Dave
Loos. 2-1.
167-SUn Ftaley (N) dec. Gil Comp-1
ton, 2-1.
177 Harold Thomp-n (N) dec. Butch
Hwt.-Pat Fitzgerald (N) dec. Alex
Geiger, 7-2.
A delicate tracery of lace to
frame a subtle shaping of all
cotton matelisse, the back
surprisingly bared in a deep "V"
Black or white. 5 to 15. 2755 N
be taking their best season
fifth dual meet Saturday night
has lost three and tied one.
a 5-3 record,
Huskers End
Cage Season
At Missouri
K'State Clinches
Tie for Loop Title
Nebraska will be trying to
make it three wins In a row
over Missouri when the two
teams meet tonight at Colum
bia, Mo., In the season finale.
The Huskers dropped a 75
56 contest to seventh-ranked
Kansas State Saturday night
at Manhattan as the Wildcats
overpowered Nebraska with
a strong second half.
Kansas State pntscored the
Huskers 43-28 in the second
period after leading by only
four, 32-28 at the halfway
point. Nebraska led by one,
35-34, after three minutes had
elapsed in the second half,
but then the Wildcats began to
pull away.
The win assured Kansas
State a share of the Big Eight
crown with an 11-3 record in
the league- and a 204 mark
for the season. Nebraska is
4-9 in the conference and 10-13
on the season.
Rex Swett led the Husker
scoring with 20 points and Jan
Wall added 11. Ced Price hit
22 and Larry Comley 21 for
the winners. Al Peithman.
Hebron native,1 was held to
four points by the Huskers.
Nebraska holds two previ
ous wins over Missouri with
one coming in the pre-season
tourney and the other in the
fight enlivened the last meet
ing between the two.
Box score:
t I r t t
Wall 4 3-4 11 McKemle 1 4-5 6
Russell O 7-7 7 Comley S 3-4 21
Bowers 10-12 Price 4 14-20 22
Swett 7 6-e 20 Ewy 1 1-1 J
Roots 2 3-5 7 Peithman 1 2-2 4
Grupe 0 2-4 2 Nelson 0 0-0 0
Kowalka 0 2-2 2 Brown 2 0-0 4
Buuck 0 Ofl 0 Wrob'wski 3 0-2 0
Elle 10-12 Davidson 0 0-0 0
Hut 0 1-2 1 Matunak 0 04 0
Vates 1 0-1 2 Roy 10-0 2
Wallin 0 0-0 0 Heitmeyer 2 1-4 5
Baxter 0 2-2 2
Totals IS 24-33 5 Totals 24 27-40 7S
Nebraska 28 28 St
Kansas Stat 22 4111
Attendance 10,700.
Herb Hanlch, shown on the still rings, scored 29 points in the All College gymnastics
meet. He won the flying rings, placed third on the still 'rings and in the rope climb and
was ninth on the parallel bars. The Huskers finished second to the Air Force Academy
in the meet. (Photo by Dave HiUman).
Falcons Edge NU
In All
The Air Force Academy
edged Nebraska, 172-169, to
win their third straight All
College gymnastics meet Fri
day and Saturday -at the
Physical Education Building.
Nebraska, unbeaten in dual
NU Tankers
5th in Big 8
Nebraska's swimmers fin
ished fifth in the Big Eight
championships at Norman,
Okla., Thursday, Friday and
Saturday as the host Sooners
walked off with their seventh
straight championship.
Oklahoma scored 143 points
with Iowa State second at 74
points. Others 'we're Kansas
71, Colorado 45, Nebraska 39Vi
and Kansas State 11.
Sooner swimmers won nine
of the 14 events with Iowa
State winning four and Kan
sas one. Ten conference rec
ords and one NCAA record
were set in the three-day
Oklahoma's Gordon Collet
bettered the NCAA and con
ference record in the 100-yard
breaststroke with, a 1:02.9
clocking. The Big Eight rec
ord was 1:04.8 by Collet in
1959 and the NCAA mark of
1:03.1 was set in I960 by
Thomas Petersen of Stanford.
Collet also bettered the 200
yard breaststroke record with
a winning time of 2:22.9. -
Nebraska placed no one
higher than third with Joe
Stocker finishing third in the
200-yard breaststroke and La-
Vern Bauers third in the 50
yard freestyle. The Husker
440-yard medley relay team
and 400-yard freestyle relay
quartet each finished third.
Branch Walton gave the
Huskers a fourth in the three-
meter diving and Phil Swain
tied for fourth with Dave Hin
derliter of Kansas State in the
100-yard freestyle.
Stocker and Bauers finished
fifth and sixth respectively in
the 100-yard breaststroke.
Want Ada
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College Meet
and triangular , competition,
matched the Falcons in first
places with five each, but the
Air Force pulled down enough
other places to nip the Husk
ers. Trailing the two leaders
were Colorado State College
85V2, Mankato State College
80, Colorado 25, Kansas
State 23 and Fort Hays State
Paul O'Connor of the Air
Force Academy was the meet
standout scoring 60 of his
team's 172 points. He won the
horizontal bar, parallel bars
and all around events. The all
around is a combination of six
events, the free exercise, side
horse, horizontal bar, parallel
bars, still rings and . long
horse. .
O'Connor added to his point
total with a third place in
free exercise and tumbling.
He was fourth on the still
rings and seventh on the side
Williams Wins Three
Nebraska's Charles Wil
liams matched O'Connor's
first place points with first
in free exercise, tumbling and
rope climb. Williams set a
meet record in the rope climb
Tareyton delivers the
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Here's one filter cigarette that's really different!
The difference is this: Tareyton's Dual Filter gives you a
unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to
make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with
a pure white outer filter
Tareyton deliven-and ygu
with a time of 4.6 seconds.
He led the Husker scoring
with 33 points. Other Husker
scoring was by Herb Hanich
29, Dennis Anstine 27, Lou
Burkel 23, Doug Moore 23,
Dick McCoy 19, Gene Hart
11 and Bill Brass 3.
Hanich won the flying rings,
was third on the still rings
and rope climb and ninth on
the parallel bars.
Anstine was second in the
all around judging, fourth on
the parallel bars, fifth on the
horizontal bar and sixth on
the side horse.
Burkel was fourth on the
horizontal bar and flying
rings, seventh in all around
judging, tied for eighth m free
exercise, ninth in rebound
tumbling and 10th. on the still
Moore placed second in the
rope climb to give the Husk
ers a sweep of the first three
places in that event. He was
third in rebound tumbling,
seventh on the horizontal bar
and ninth on the flying rings.
McCoy finished fourth in
free exercise, tied for fourth
in tumbling, sixth in all
around judging and 10th on
the side horse.
.. irirs .,
to balance the flavor elements
enjoy-the beit taste of the
mam- s.
131 Cage Action
Nears Finish
By Clojd Clarn
Five champions will be trophy laden and 1961 intra
mural basketball will be finished as the IM hoopsters play
their final games this week.
Kappa Sigma, 1960 all-University kings, will lay its ti
tle on the line tonight against Beta Theta Pi.
The Kappa Sigs squeezed,- : : '.
past the Betas, 55-52, in the
quarter-finals of the Frater
nity A division of the double
elimination tourney.
If the Kappa Sigs win, they
will have won the fraternity
crown, but if Beta Theta Pi
wins, both teams will meet
again Tuesday and the win
ner of that game will be fra
ternity champions.
Gus I and Guss II will vie
for the Burr-Selleck title and
the winner will face the fra
ternity champion Thursday
night on the varsity court of
the Coliseum.
Gus I experienced a rough
trip in the tournament action
before they gained a berth in
to the finals. .
In early tournament compe
tition they were defeated by
Avery, 25-27, but in the semi
finals, they were able to win,
The Betas also faced one
team twice, but they beat Phi
Delta Theta, 42-40, in the first
match and trounced them,
59-31, in the semi-finals.
All the championship games
Thursday, Friday and Satur
day will be played along with
the Nebraska High School
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Two approaches to the
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If a man doesn't mind shaving under his arms, he will probably
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basketball tournament oh the
freshman and varsity courts
of the Coliseum.
The winner of tonight's
semi-final C team game, Sig
ma Chi-Theta Xi, will face
Phi Delta Theta in the all
University C team final on
the freshman court Thursday.
The Schedule:
PE Court 1
6:30 Zeta Beta Tau vs.
7:30 Gus I vs.,MacLean-B
8:30 Kappa Sigma-A vs.
Beta Theta Pi-A
PE Court 2
5:00 Sigma Chi-C vs. The
ta Xi-C
6:30 Newman Club vs.
Law College ;
8:30-Jus H-A vs. Gus I-A
PE Court I
- 6:30 Beta Sigma Psi-B vs.
Delta Tau Delta-C
8:30 Phi Delta Theta-C vs.
winner of Sigma Chi
Theta Xi
PE Court 2
6:30 Whit's vs. Delta Tan
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