The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The Nebraskan
Wednesday, Mar. 1, 196!
Communist Advances Halted
By Chinese Overpopulation
ic gains made each year.
If the Soviet Union, either
' By Sarah Alden doned the next year.
The Chinese Communists There are just too many
have run into a problem their people. Vice Premie- Li Fu
Soviet comrades did not tellhun said in 1958 that of the
thom sKnnt i 17 million in the vearlv in-
-i -in u . ftiiwft vrcont rtttfncol f A Ail.
The populaion density of ! crease, oniy one muuon cuuiu ; - r-
Mohr Narrates Toivne Club Monopolizes
IMS i screen lour.
1 tie wai in uui acosuii a live i
Audubon Screen Tours featur-! Towne Club has an unchal-
Engagement Limelight
Need Extra Cash???
by example or by persuasion,
does have anything to do with
! narratAf in rwrrtn hv PhsrlAt !
! Mohr Vallev Forse. Pa i rs sport new diamonds
The woik, to be shown at 4
and 8 p.m. Friday in Love li
brary Auditorium, will depict
the resources of the sea. In-
China, the mere number of i be absorbed by industry. ; mit a population problem, the cluded are antics of
SSSlDaiiy Husbandry
. 1 ...
! The Sanders
the Chinese peoples, is the, Sakai pointed out that the Chinese should remember:
outstanding obstruction to any . production curve of industry j In 198q thc Soviet Union
Communist attempts to indus- j must exceed the rate of pop-1 . . , . .
trialize the nation according 1 ulaUon increase for the Com-:11 have to deal lth 230
to Dr. Rober K. Sakai. t munisu to make economic '. million people at present
Sakai. an associate profes-" progress. ' i growth rates; China will have
sor in the University Depart-! Internal Effects ! to deal with one billion.
ment of History, said the I hi-1 The initial effects of better
nese Communists are not food, health and
confronted with the Soviet; for the people are
. . . v i . l . a - , a m. . I r: .
prooiem m uioor snonage. ; survival rates, inus uie ium m 1 "
On the contrary there is an ! steps to raise the standard j Memorial 1 rail IS
abundance of labor and a lack ; of living for the people even j .
of capital in the economy. In' one per cent result in an in- Awarded iO v OllV
China 'iabor is capital," Sa-ii crease in population, lea ling
kai said. j the Communists back to their j The $250 Chris Sanders and
The population problem is j original problem. j M. N. Lawritson Memorial
not new to China, but it came ' The dilemma in agriculture , scholarships for achievement
down to the Communists un-; may be seen in the crowded ; jn tte jjel(j 0j
solved wnen iney iook over i communes oi uiuia. neie use . , , , . .
in 1M9. The best census fig-! rural populace is shoved to- bave awarded to
ures available show that the ; gether in communes of as ut College of Agriculture
population had passed 300 mil-1 manv as 20.000 persons or
lion in the 18th century dur- 2000 households. Sakai thinks
ing the Ch'ing Dynasty (1644- this system gets more food
13121. PnniilatkMi nressiir from the land at the expense
was one of the causes for the of individual privacy and free- John Neu, and the Lawritson
collapse of the Ch'ine econo- dom. i scholarships were awarded to
mv. I Tliere are governmental ad-! Larry Wulf and Donald Eh-
Popslation Increase ! vantages when it comes to tors.
Demographic research political control and ednca- "The scholarships are for
(population studies including tion fn agricultural skills, but " students who are primarily
birth and death rates) com- j the living conditions are bad interested in the dairy indus
pleted by the Communists in 1 where so many people are J try," said Dr. Foster Owen,
1954 showed 5S2 million cr-1 gathered under so few roofs, associate professor of dairy,
sons in China, including 26 ! Sakai said. at the time of making the an-
million non-Chinese. Birth and J The Communists might be nouncement
death rate comparisons indi- able to balance the national! ''Selection is based on
cated a population increase of j economy and raise the stand-! scholarship leadership, pro
two per cent (12 million per-5 ard of living of the Chinese feSsional promise and interest
sons) a year. people, Sakai said, if they m dajry fie.-
If the two per cent increase ? would recognize the popula- schoiarshmc Were es
remains constant, China's ! tion problem. At present they .thed hi the memory of
population will be one billion ? are inisisting that they have 7 Sr-TTrlhl
kn toon ik. :4 v. i
vj ikaj. imaoi -xa3 un a a uiuui auti 1x15c. ail luca uic
conservath-e estimate. Irene ! borrowed from the Soviet
Taekuber, noted for her Asian I Communists,
demographies, thinks the rat; I Overpopulation
is increasing faster than twos Karl Marx, the, originator
per cent now. j of Communist economics, ar
population pressure
! poises,
pinnings were reported ihis
i Engagements ,
Pat O'Dell, Towne Club sen
ior in Teachers from Lincoln
i to Bob Lucas, senior in Busi
; ness Administration from
: Omaha
harbor seals, jelly-
tishes, razor clams and lob
sters plus scenic shots.
This year s tours were pre-Colleen Woulf , Towne Club ! Sciences from Lincoln, to Rod
sented by the University's Ex- senior in Teachers from Ldn-' Bouska, Sioux Falls, S. D.
Tension Division and State, . , . , -
Museum in cooperation with
coin to Jack Hanlon, gradu
ate student in Electrical Engi
neering from MorrflL
Sherrall Rezek, Towne Club
senior in Teachers from Lin
coln to Nick Meysenburg,
Kappa Sigma , senior in Me
chanical Engineering from
Carol Jo Sherwood, Towne
Club freshman in Arts and
the National Audubon Society.
Nebras kan
Want Ads
Social Stationery Party Invitations
Graduation Announcements
" . Hare Graves Prinr Ir -
South of Temple Bldg.
HE 2-293 7
Sell iSiose vnneeded items
Buine Office Hour
3-5 p.m. Dailv
went to Ronald Meinke and
late Chris Sanders who
I served as agricultural repre
sentative for the Cooper
; Foundation and M. X. Lawrit
son who servea many years
as Extension dairyman.
shows up in Industry and in Richard Malthas that popula- r aillOUS 1 laniSt
agricnltiire, according to Sa-: tion tends to outgrow the '
IcaL The ase of machinery in ! available resurces and ;Pans Concert
iDflusiry enmmates me need means ot subsistence. Accord-
for bomaa labor, but the la- ing to H. G. Callis. in his
borers require food whether ; book "China. Confucian and
they work or not. j Communist," Marx said
Sakai called the lack of ur-: there was no such thing as
baa housing "an unemploy- overpopulation,
ment problem on a non-West- Sakai said in 1957 it looked
em scale," because the gov- like the Chinese had given up
eminent must constantly deal
with mass movements of no
ticeable numbers of people.
The illiterate majority of
the peasants are not easily
trained in industrial skills.
the Soviet idea for their own
nation. S. Chandrasekhar, edi
tor of Population Review jour
nal, describes China's exten-'
save campaign for birth con
trol in the July 1959 issue J
i ess educational undertaking Contraceptives were intro-
is multiplied by a population daced on the market, clinical
larger taaa .Nebraska with
each year's increase.
The Communists are doing
tbeir best to utilize human
abortions legalized, and late
marriages encouraged.
None can explain the 1938
rev ersal to a policy condemn
ing birth control, Sakai said.
laoor in their attempts to , Chandrasekhar tboagbt Che
modernize the economy. Sa- regime decided the policy was
kai said heavy machinery is ; causing it to lose prestige.
used only for big jobs like One econo 1st and scholar,
lifting tons of rock, but man- Dr. Ma Yin-chu. president of
ual labor builds roads and Peking University, continues
tears down mountains. He de-; to advocate birth control in
scribed a road scene: "La- writing and has enough pres
borers pound gravel and peb- ;tige to get away with it. Sa
bles into the road. Swarms kai said. Ma Yin-chu -says the
of peasants carry dirt in their I ay to increase China's poor j
liKJe baskets.' !j supply of capital is not to ci 1
Sakai thought the Common-1 down consumption, but to de-j
ists bad made "snevtaretfar crease the number nf Twvml I
Van Cilburn, internationally
known pianist, will present a
concert in Omaha at 8:30 p.m.
March 21 at the Musk Hall
of the Civic Auditorium.
The concert is sponsored by
the Tuesday Musical Concert
Series of Omaha, a non-profit
organization active for 68
years in bringing musical con
certs to Omaha during the
winter months.
Single admissions are priced
at $5. U and S3. Mail orders
may be sent to the Tuesday !
Musical Concert Series box'
office. Music HaH. 18th and'
Capitol Avenue, Omaha.
Van Cliburn, recipient of the
Levinlritt award before he "
was 20 and member of the
New York Philharmonic, re
turned last fall from a tour
of the Soviet Union under the
U.S. Slate Department Ex
change Program. New York
City welcomed him with the
first ticker-tape parade ever
given a classical musician.
i - -1
Its whaHs front that coiinfs
1FILTER-BLENDI -a Winston exclusive -makes the big
taste difference. You get rich tobaccos that are specially
selected and specially processed for full flavor in filter
smoking. Make your next pack Winston!
i "r.
I 'I
attention '
leaps m indastrv' since 1' The Cammumat
The dramatic year was write, but pay no
wuen proouction of s o m e to him.
goods was doubled from the 1 If the Communists would
2357 figure. t combine a birth control no-
i licy with their tremendous ut-
? "S i
The CommonuU have lots
f ideas for maximizing man
power. Tbey caconraged pea
sants to build homemade fur
nace for the production f
steeL But like many of their
Uizatjon of labor and com-!
mune efficiency, Sakai thinks
they could overcome the pop-
tuaiion problem. Then inert a
ing population surpluses
Ideas, the project was aban- would not eat into the econom
mfl w tj
Suet fhofcorffWMofte nteVduof owarenett. Mm ho
looUd upmrrd to e outer void tmoundtrj h piormt
Eortk Ho hot woftchei tS twinkling on end woAder4
iht eva-r-anoing done of (f fAofm. attend fre Sn.
hm kai 6fow6 end wrium- tt- pcmttJiiy o explorina '
ur ipaco ond tpeculoted endltemly est vhal b m&il "
bni amii im bet cpVr fhsw Ua tpbern.
ApndksIboB'utning ta lli cmy long ytotrtnfr
eWmdjr ping fr fam. Horn, Iht ma Hog uAat
wof-lbo Airing oitampt to poi Moon and &t
pioaon of ear Solar Sjrrte cmd fkw ofivponmcnH.
Tho Mctianai Aoouet and Spoco Mrrini&trio
hm mmyrrni CojV, PropoWi laborotory (Jfy
ho wrpowibi:y far tf Hai n't program of unowned
lunar, pianotary, ond 'mtty'aneiarf eofahon; 7w
ijfttJww of t protra- o-t la contract to monkinefs
sunda-jaf knowtoao of ipoeo ond f'no woce in
ronmmf and to n o-ebpment of e H'Jr.ndcqy A
pace Mpioratoa. For ifienace tnyw, torgerbaottar
becomt oo':abW( vpoceacM ever-incro.
fcva JcoMHie umnf pooodt will be tteve-oped.
to HW and lend an fhe Moon, to rxct irteptenetory
poco, and to orbil ond land on Int m one for pioneH,
faHboa Ot Oocroft wit) ( hc "Ponger
t boing aewgnea, iJwsbpcd ond totted
ruHton of d ponioulor mm will include fir?,
of tn eaironmnf and latar the loKt
r-nl C9pKw cji fH Moon.
S4auorrl feoi wit corlinuo m comtoM
fcnowtoaoe of what it beyond ond w31 Ktwt oU
""' ino.Tify, courage, endurance, perception and
enoginotioA rhof mee coa bring to fne totk.
Krer be'ore bat mc)i o wide vista of opportunity, or
0 oeoter incenfwe been ooen to men Iroinew in oil fieldt
af mooen tcieneo and engineering. Every day of JPl new
p'&blemt 0, new tfieoriet ore advared, new wefhodt
tried, new moteriolt uted, and new pincipiet diovered.
Voulonlf yo like to be port of rtt exciting ouivify?
z j tat w. -t ) r n I
T. miVjCLjQ
wtptrwui saWfc
ftm ; fc i
ft JMMWI ! Me
offf5trmciifotnirturcof iKwicuacif ,
Diamond mil he Jewrlry Cifl
cxrur wTtH-wur trtt
in? o- t. or.x iov.-TKt'Ei. ymM
mnortwt , tf (vow Mutt . owrm