The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 01, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan
Wednesday, Mar. I, 1961
Nebraskan Letterip
All Hell Week Antics
Aren't Gone From iVtl
Who are we trying to fool, Hell Weeks on this cam- I
pus are not dead; at least not in some circles. g
Fraternities nave been forced, either through their I
national headquarters or through local administrative
officials, to modify their pre-initiation activities. The
fraternities have complied with the edicts. f
At the same time, however, groups not recognized as I
fraternities have continued these roaring twenty prac- 1
Only two weeks ago, a University ROTC organization I
held their pre-initiation week. During the fun and games
period, hopeful initiates of the Pershing Rifles did such I
militarilf important tasks as hold a military inspection at
4 a.m. on the first two days, while the last three days I
they didn't have to fall in until six a.m.!
It Is also Interesting to
required to "spend may of their free hours in the Military
CjtM turfflriin wioHnff f-hfrmcAH'M ncAfnl c mccnfrfc
and errand boys,"
It seems strange that no outward pressure has been
put on this group from the administration, as in the 1
case in the fraternity system.
This Is not only of great importance to the students of f
this campus. Throughout the state of Nebraska there are I
parents of students, University students, who will not I
allow their sons or daughters to become affiliated with
fraternities or sororities because of the stereotypes built I
in these parents' .ninds.
Many of the parents still picture the 5vy-covered 1
fraternity house as a home for sadistic, paddle-wielding 1
young men.
Yet, at the same time, what do these parents think of
the Pershing Rifles r even X Club? The bell-week type
activities are carried a by both these groups, and pes- 1
sibly ere others, tight under the noses of the Adminis-
There is no logical reason why the Administration 1
should tell the parents of prospective students that hell I
weeks exist only in fraternity
2f we are going to be truthful and honest about stamp
ing out a bad thing, let's start In our own back yard.
Detractions Can Ruin
NU Campus Beauty
Earlier this week in the letterrip column a letter
noted the discovery of two new beauty spots on campus.
The student was speaking of the ugly fencing found at the
east entrance of Andrew's HaH and the north side of Love
library. ,
It seems that a great .amount of time, energy and
expense has been put into the beautificaticra of our cam
pus. Eye sores such as the two mentioned toy the student
letter writer, easily removed as they could be, distract
from the surrounding beauty near the places mentioned.
Perhaps this situation could be remedied with a little
Another eyesore that is cropping up in connection
with the current construction work being done at the
southern border of our campus. R" Street is becoming
a mud covered thoroughfare due to the transportation of
dirt from the Sheldon Art Gallery and Episcopal Chapel
construction sites,
We wonder if It wouldn't be possible for the com
panies involved to find a different route to their dumping
site. Perhaps the 10th street, one way, could be used for
this route.
Not Guilty
By Myron Papadakls
"Some mothers have sons
ia the senice,
Some mothers have their
sons overseas,
But take dowa your service
flag mother,
Your son's ia the ROTC"
Compulsory ainder
class ROTC, is the sham of
the campus. Two such serv
ices exist, namely Air Force
and Army. These are one
hour courses that prove
nothing and produce less.
The Navy m an example is
different from the other two
in that entrance to the Navy
unit is at least somewhat
competitive, and entirely
voluntary. These men are in
terested in taking the course
for three credit hours in the
hopes of becoming an officer
in the VSSL
Army and Air. however,
His Its ranks with persons
completely disinterested ia
the service, and because of
it these services fail in their
attempt to uiM an 'esprit
corp." This is visualized of
ten on campus. Uniforms
are worn with obvious dis
respect. Argyles are hardly
ever military issue? I have
seen some uniforms worn
under all weather coats, and
without a hat in order mot t
Dailv Nebraskan
MiHKher Amociatefl Collerlatc Press, tntnrnationl Pi-cm
HepresentBilve: 9?aiiima3 ASvertiiilnx Swvioe, l&oorpnrtei
FuMlglmfl t: XLoom El, Stnaent rjnion, linoidn, Xeta-Brtka.
nta M &
Telephone EE t-HCZl, evt. 22K. 4226, C227
flirtMoriptloa trc mrr CR pm MimM r ft Inr -fhr amdnmle ynar.
luiwmMl -mm mmrnitt 41am mattar wt sm ikm offlac In ajliimln, WnhnMlai,
mnOm Urn mtt -m aim a, MM.
Vm ItallT Hfihrwrtcaii tn Tuihlwh.fl TCrnidav. Vimidw, fVcaimaav and rtt
ar dirrtnr hfwl at, nm tlurhir vaaallHH and am timrhul, iy
aUKonai ml the tiutvmvtty of m8ka anAnr aiillinrMalum if tin- idummtttne
a Mtiident AflHlta a an rxmvminn nl alncHiirt nptntim. 4'utlltffatln imdnr 4Ih!
JmSdintla at thr ttuhmmlintttae no tttuAxnt ifMlillmilmw Khali br 1mr. 4rnm
adiwtlal emMmmniii on ttr part at ihr Hilhoommltov or nn Ih- iam nf mm
WW ainalito ihr Tlntnml. (Th HMrnhnni -an Ibr Iially T,bnilina utaff rm
pomauallji miinalaa im wtaat w aw, an, Br atiwt $e kti ip'hitftd.
.i!lTTir 8, lKilfc.
MaaairliMt t.dltar , ...
ytmm Editor ..
"" rtltnr . .... .. ..
At firm f.,dltnr , ..... ..
fmr t dltm .. . . ...
nun Vittfm
aunlar dtajf Wrltma ...
note that the pledges were
houses for this is not true.
be noticed until their lab.
Admitted this is nut true of
the opperclassmen and of a
great percentage of the an -derclassmen,
but it does ex
ist For some it becomes a
joke to see how long one can
go without shining his shoes.
Generally sloppy appear
ance, and haphazard wear
ing of the uniform belittles
the very services that they
represent. Rather than al
low this to continue, and it
win continue as there is no
efficient way to combat it,
I suggest a change in the
ROTC program. Rather
than enforced ROTC, allow
it to be voluntary.
When and if this happens,
tfhe sham of the campus win
become units in which fresh
men and sophomores can
take great pride. I feel that
ROTC should be a four year
officer training course, not
an enforced one hour play
ground lesson in marching,
ft is (doubtful that this
change will be made, but
until this does happen the
difference between She "es
prit de corps1 of the Army
Air omits compared with
(the JJavy mnit will live as a
monument to the truth ex
pressed in this article.
CIraoiUaX KTa.IT
.,... .......... Oavr Calhnun
. . .. ... ...................... Ovntnhnn fil'llliftK
... .. , ......hnrm Hnntiv
.... Hal Himvn
Jim f''irfrt
.rut ilmii, Irfinlw ll.ilhrt arr ilnilinin
...... aim nlnvnr, IiikI, XixkIii . t,nnm HHIKiird
- Jw Hnhltarlh, daa aanh. lliiyd llafa
Ailttaiiur JSUIiiisa
ITS." t" j,-S" . -'1
s In 1S71 eleven students
were enrolled in the College
I of Agrkailtare. At the pres
1 ent time, there are 899 on-
dergraduate students. As
I the enrollment has en
I larged, so the campus has
increased in size and facil
I ities to accomodate the stu
I dents.
Some of the present activ
I ities carried on at the Col
I lege are concerned directly
vith the students while oth-
ers pertain to research. A
I new honors program to as
i sist superior students in
1 gaining ihe most from their
college career has been
started. Research is being
done by many of the de
ls partments. The Bio-chemis-
try division is conducting
I studies of amino acid re-
cjuirements and weight re
1 duction. Food irradiation
1 and the production of dis-
easeHfree pigs are subjects
I of research in other de
g partments.
But what of Che future?
f What will the college of Ag
I rkmlture be like in 19C5?
I la ZftRO? Plans are being
made i prmide for eontin-
ns dev elopment of the
1 campns.
1 In planning a new look
NU Graduate
Appoiiited as
A University graduate
fwhose holdings were lost dur
jfing the Korean conflict re
sortfid to 'hashing' in a
downtown Lincoln hotel to
fwork his way through school,
f This former student is now
South Korean ambassador to
I Great Britain.
Suk-Soon Suh ((pronounced
g Sir) matriculated to the llni
versxty an U4B. He earned his
! Master's tdegree in ll and
his Ph.D. in political science
fin H95S.
Befoi 5iis recent .appoint
iment as anibasBadar, he was.
assifitant dean .tf the 'Gradu
late College of Chosun Chris
f tian Universitj', Seoul.
I A member of a Korean
.family tit wealth and position
iwhen She arrived in this count-try,
he was left penniless fcy
the outbreak of war in Ko
f rea. Suk-Soon Suh earned
1 money iby working part-time
fin Love Memorial Library .
land waiting tables from ,S
pjm. to 2 in a Ihotel. j
1 Later., lie was given a ttui
ftion tfeDowship by the IUni-1
fversity and aided financially
f by the University F a c u 1 ty
E Women's Quh.
1 After be returned to home,
s Ambassador Suh wrote to the
Women 's Oub offering to re
Ipay them. The Club suggest
ed that instead he 'help some
i worthy student. Since that
ttime Dr. Suh has paid the
f tuition f 15 students so they
l-could attend college in Kui ea.
Aroimd Oui Campus
for the campus, certain ob
jectives were established.
The first of these is to de
velop a logical gromth pat
tern for academic areas.
Each f the departments
bas determined its preseSt
status and has estimated
what the needs will be by
1980 for classrooms, labor
atories, research depart
ments and the like. The
next provision is for fields
which are large enough for
all intramural sports at the
University. The architects
bave also kept in mind the
possibility of federal tracts
locating next to the College
of Agriculture.
The second major objec
tive is to improve the ve
hicular asd pedestrian pat
tern. The automobile traf
fic is constantly increasing
and many of the streets on
Ag Campus are too narrow
to accomodate this traffic '
The proposed ideas is to
separate vehicle and pedes
trian traffic as much as
possible. Moreover, a study
is being made of the way
in which people enter the
campus. The Nortb-e a s t
diagonal of the interstate
highway may cause the
main entrance to be relo
cated. Along with this goal is
the objedive ia provide ade
quate p ark I g parking
which is sufficiently close t
a stu dent's destination, yet
provided for ia such a way
that it will sot detract from
the beauty of the campus.
The fourth major objec
tive is to make a more at
tractive campus. The beau
ty of the campus if one of
its outstanding features at
the present time. Poor plan
ning and illogical placement
of buildings and parking fa
cilities could certainly make
a crowded, unattractive
Since aD .of these things
must be considered, the
plans for the campus have
not been completed as yet.
Three hundred twenty of
the l students in the col-
r 7 f r f
w -y!"" V
! - I.
Mrs. Vivian Acterman,
Tucson Ihouuewife, as tli top
voluntcser saleBWoman lor the
Treasury DepBrtmeiit-'"MrB.
tTJ. S. Savings Bands, lor 1BCL
Mrs. Acliermun, wJho is tthe
mother uT (three tihiiaren, -was
chiwen ia the "Mrs. Amtirica"
.w.. ..-U -. JK
lege of Agricultare are ear-oiled
ia Hme EcoBomics.
And the immber f students
ia Hme Economics is ia
creasiBg each year.
A proposal has been made
to establish a School of
Home Economics in the
University of .Nebraska.
Home Economics would be
added to the name of the
College: the new name to
be the College of Agricul
ture and Home Economics.
Once a School of Home Ec
onomics were established
within the College of Agri
culture and Home Econom
ics, the following five de
partments would probably
be created:
Clothing, Textiles and De
sign Food, Nutrition and In
stitutional Administra
tion Home Economics Educa
tion Home Management, Hous
ing and Equipment
Human Developmeitt.
There are many advant
ages to this proposal should
it be adopted.
L It would lead greater
dignity tt home econom
ics as it w ould set then
apart from agriculture
and give tbem great
er status ia the Univer
sity. 2. It would attract more
girls to the field of home
economics, where gradu
ates are badly needed. It
would make it easier to
recruit staff people in
home economics.
2. School status wtth de
partmental rganhatioa
would make for more ef
ficient handling f subject
matter related problems.
4. 11 would lend encour
agement to the develop
ment of a stronger gradu
ate iprogram in home r-v
These are only a few of
the advantages. This new
school would be an asset
to the students, the College
of Agriculture, the Univer
sity and the entire state
i i s t
r r
. . ...
finals at Ft. Lauderdale, Flor
ida, iis summer. The attrac
tive Ibrunette volunteer am
baaiiadar m-iH spend xaoet al
her time & uring the year tour
ine the otuntry to promote
the sale off V. S. Saving
BoniOi and Slumps.
i 1, i ' I, 1 2
I 4 1"' u J? MuPmi OMC ft
a. . iiiiii artta. ft tarn wf r iniua. iivi, ftMtrrt
aTMaaaWa. JtV aaJTr 1-tnaH H M nj Mr". art-
Vk XaaSrraMW. ta
T the editor,
Re: Phil Boroff,
In regard to your column
of Feb. 27, I wish to ques
tion some of your criti
cisms. ,
If ene mav dare apply
the term "art" to anything
that occurred at Pershing
Friday night, one could
say that the art of enter
tainment was the goal for
-whkh each group of love
lies should have been striv
ing. True, trying to achieve
such "art" was attempting
a means to the end of win
ning the trophy, but I think
most of the performers
would agree that "entertain
ing" was the most sought
after adjective of the e v e
ning. It has long been my con
tentioa that art Is, among
other things, aa IHasioi of
realitv. It it da this point
that I would defend the
Kappa Delta's skit "Quiet
Riot. Year sole criticism
f this skit was that "the
movement ti the 'back
wards sequences was aot
a consistent reverse of prev
ious action." Of this, the
Kappa Deltas were well
aware, and what yoa
termed as "inconsistent",
they - eaDed "intentional
It w as not without a good
deal of consideration that
actions in the backwards
sequences were cut It was
done because it was felt
that this added to the de
sired Cluskm of speed and
to the entertainment value
of the skit The KDs
weren't primarily concerned
with being authentic, they
were trying to entertain the
audience. (Concerning au
thenticity, they could have
done the whole skit in black
and white costumes with
white make up, but the idea
was abandoned because it
was felt that color added to
the audience's enjovment
of the skit)
If yea are critkidng the
decision to cwadease the ac
tion during the re-raa. then
I caa accept your criticism
evea though I doat agree
with it However, from the
tone of your article, I caa
only assume you feel the
Kappa Deltas were either
careless or poorly re
hearsed. Perhaps if yea had
bad the chance to honor the
KD's at rehearsal with
your time, attention and
helpful suggestions, at you
did the CM Omegas and the
Alpha XI Deltas, you would
have been aware of what
the Kappa Deltas were Irv
ing to accomplish. (Aa'd
perhaps you would have
tasted fewer sour grapes
wfeea the Alpha XT s didat
place.) Oh weB, (sigh!) we
east all lock out!
If it will make you any
ihappier, I might add that
during the performance that
night as I was "".dead" on
the stage floor, one of the
"Keystone Cops' smashed
my band as she ran across
the stage, and then in an
effort to be consistent, I am
sure she re-smashed the
same band in the ""b a c It
wards sequence.
I was also surprised by
your comment about the
Gamma Phi Beta's traveller
act. After the shew, it was
commoi knowledge among
J V WV a ak. a W WaT
: I
1 ! ! f 1 ,U
if I I I
lor tbne whs like the iuumuO. ta beaufy Ses
n jhr itwinnor in whk k combine rhe graco
and gUner of a marquise with the fii erf a
wmS-cuL And a k aj iu brj in a simple
letting that emphasize it lovely shaping.
rat a aaaaraaa laa, Maaalac la.
the participants that at least
part of the "disorganiza
tion" was due to the fact
that someone started the
record for the act ia the
middle instead of the begin
ning. (It is rumored that
this person is a first cousin
to the person who ran the
lights for the INC-OCM pre
sentations.) Those of ns w ho
saw the dress rehearsal
know that the act was la
reality well-rehearsed, well
timed' and weD-organized.
Whether or aot the Gamma
Phi pledges did the right
thing by continuing when
they realized the mistake is
another question to he con
sidered. At any rate, I feel
this technical blooper has
to be given some consider
ation in your critique.
Yoa wrote a good column,
but it would have been
better if you had r e a 1 1
had an "inside View" of all
the skits.
Your old, friend,
The Yillxie
MA Cultural
To the editor,
I, the undersigned, take
this opportunity to publicly
thank all those w bo contrib
uted in either a direct or
indirect manner to the suc
cess of the Nebraska Inter
national Association's inau
gural program, "Cultures
on Campus, namely:
L The general public for
its enthusiastic support and
Z. All the participants for
their impressive perform
ances. 3. AH the cooperating Don
members, particularly the
University's administration,
faculty and public relations
service, the Student Union's
officials and employees, the
local news agencies and
other non-affiliated groups
or individuals for their un
selfish assistance.
4. AH officers, advisors,
members and committee!
of the MA who took active
parts ia the preparation aad
presentation of the program.
S. AH temporary and per
manent members of KlA's
program committee.
Roy S. Eryce,
All Lrdrersity Fund
Completes Seminar
The AH University Fund
held its annual spring seminar
The main topic of discussion
was the faculty drive to be
held March 13-24 and chair
men for different phases of
AUP gave reports concerning
their plans for the following
House of
135 South 12th
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