The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 1961 Page 2 The Nebraskan The Catacombs - .' Actually, it's almost scary to turn to the second page of the Dally Nebraskan and find something favorable to The Catacombs. After rushing to my trusty Student Direc tory to find out if Frank Brewster, II was real, I settled back to read his remarks three or four times to feed my ego" and at the same time prepare myself for the long struggle I believe awaits me as a "Second Page Scrib bler." I only hope, sir, that I can continue to live up to the standards you believe I have set, and furthermore that yon will never rue the day that you said you read my column. The remainder of today's mishmash will be com posed of a few quotable quotes, quipable quips and un believable believables. Now that we have gotten the pur pose outlined, we shall carry on. I don't know what most people consider the purpose of this column, but I feel somehow that it may be being misconstrued by some of the reading public. The other day one of my acquaintances referred to my column with something like the following: "I thought that piece you wrote on Girl Guides was funny. I am a member of the , organization, but I don't think that it has much purpose just a lot of wasted time. Why don't you write something about Project and show how silly it is? The basis for this effort is not to scratch the super ficialities of service groups or to poke fun at any campus organization. If the only reason that people read this or any column is to see who is getting clobbered and how funny the column Is by the way the writer goes about it, then most of the columns are complete failures. Surely, I have made a few attempts to purvey the feeble brand of humor that I enjoy Shulmanism if you will, because yours truly feels' that the everyday, run-of-the-mill ques tions that torment the college student are what he likes to see in print. ' What the common horde, and I am right in there stampeding along with them, may not realize that they are seeing themselves when they say "Why that's just like Charlie Juggernaut or Mavis Roubidioux." Instead they blame them for the failings of an organization, instead of getting in there themselves and rectifying what they consider to be a waste of time. The trouble seems to be that everyone is always more than willing to push all the blame off on the other fellow instead of accepting some of the "glory" for himself. I fully realize that this is a truism that has probably been printed fifteen million times ... but if it has, why doesn't somebody remember it? I could come forward and condone free love on Wednes days in this column, and would probably get only a very few objections from the moralists on this campus if there are any of those who have survived. Actually, the only criticism I might get would be from the Free Love on Tuesday Club. And even they in this day of expansion of activities so an organization could be of more service to the campus, might not even object, because it would give them a chance to widen the scope of their activities. Trivia is all that interests college students (this is the writer's opinion only, mind "you.) World shaking ques tions become secondary to the posers like "Why is the Crib coffee so lousy?" or "What is the true definition of a function?" or "What ever happened to the campus beau tification committee?" Why not set aside a moment once in a while when' the little aggravations are forgotten and things of more value are considered ... like who has the crass unadul terated nerve and intestinal fortitude to make a sug gestion like this and ruin our lives? I fully realize that it's destroying the Karen Coed and Calvin College images, but on the other hand, it might prove to be an interesting experience. Now as I trundle back to The Catacombs, which by the way does not refer to any building on the campus, but what I consider the general condition of the place one mass grave full of embalmed ambitions and stifled innovations I'll pat myself on the back and say "good column kid" and forget about what I have just written, before jumping back into the crypt with the rest of the corpses on the campus. Nebraskan Letterip The DaDy XabTaaka. win annua an thonn tejten W" 7J?. cssi sis. r w. ww. wh. Unit Mm VebmkH raarrrea tha riant "" latalalnr "" writers view. Tired Student Criticizes Follies To the editor, I'm tired of Follies with no plot or meaning Of kick lines and same ness And Girls always creaming. I'm tired of sitting so still for two hours And constantly waiting for Trophies, skits, and lost flowers. I'm tired of humorless sing ing and dancing Of low tricks and bad lines And talent plain lacking. I'm tired of judges playing "fair" with the houses Selecting their winners No matter who louses. Tm tired of amateurs play ing "big time" Knowing nothing of direct lag Or lighting refined. I'm tired of columnists thanking the mob For a "real swell show" I really could sob. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press representative: National Advertlsinr Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD 14th R Telephone BE J-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 . Pvtoerlptlaa yatoa ara (I ar tmnimt ar tS tor the araaVmk yar. Entmraal m neton rJaaa matter at Hi pott cffle Hi Uacotn, Mrbraaka, mitt 0 met mt Aagaaf a. Hit. Tfc Dairy Mebimkwi Is pnbllnhr4 Monaay. Toeaday, WMnmiday ant Frl a'ar atarlnt the acbool yrar, exerpi 4aiini nteatlnm an4 exam perlmU, by taoVntt the VtTnltr f Nebraefca under antharliatloa o the Committee aa Student Affair a aa exprrotlon of tmlrM philn. i'nollratloa nnoYr the Jnrlaitctiea of the Sabeommlttea aa MtoeVat Pablleatlnn aball be free from soitortal eeaaenblp an the part of tfce Hnbeommlttre or an the part of any aeraoa aatilee the I nlvrntlty. The member f the Rally Nrbrankan ataff are penonallr teaponalbl lor what they aay, ar o, or rnuaa to be print:, lebruanr MAS. EDITORIAL ST A FT Joltap I)v Calhoua Maaas-lnc Miter , .....Oretehm Shellbert Newa fctltr Norm Bratty Uport Bdlior Hal Urowa At Newe Mltor ilm Forreat Copy r liter Pat Dean, Unite Holhrrt Jerry Lamheraon lff Hrltrra Ann Mnyrr. IHrk Nliirkry, Nancy Wbltfnra1 Junior Staff Wrlten llav Wnhltnrth, 4n Hark, ;inya ( lark Kleannr Billing Hhrht ?fewi Wltor Jerry Mmbrmon Mink IHewa Ml tor rilek Mnrkry WUrNKSH STAFF , .. Bnalnee Manarer ...... . . . 'staa Kalman Aaalatant r)alne( Mpnsti-ra ..Ihia lrmion. Bill Oiinlleka. Jnhn Me'inmlrr irralailna Manaaer ( I'm. Iri -vlirr BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: 3-5 PJW. Monday through Friday So get off your duffs you lethargic slime Do something about this For a buck it's a crime! So get some new judges, variety in skits, Pay your directors for techniques and hits. Or pick the top talent from each frat abode Or openly rotate the houses (It's really the mode). If you want to be fair (hear, hear!), Give them longer to pre pare. TIRED Sports Jargon Confuses Reader To the editor, Congratulations to the sports writers of the illus trious Rag. They have learned a new word. While it is true that we appreci ate their endeavors to broaden our vocabulary, the constant use of the word "skein" is unnecessary. By the way, what does it mean? Sincerely, Yodae Kritch Profound Change Is Underway In United States9 .Community Life By Eric Sevareid In a week of mobile re discovery of the American interior this reporter has had talks with hundreds of students, teachers and ad-minis- t r ators in p r i vate and public colleges of a half doz en states, and the p r o c ess has p r o d u c e d a daw ning r e a liza- Sevareid tion that the United States is undergoing a profound sea-change in its commun ity life. It is not only that the financial and facilities problems of the univer sities are commanding in cessant attention from the President down to the raw est and newest of the state legislators; it is not only that the post sputnik strug gle to raise intellectual standards is conscientious ly continuing and in places already producing measur able results; it is not only that the passion for high er education seems univer sal and is going to make the generality of American citizens perhaps the most reasoned and responsible mass society history has known. It is all this but more. For one thing, it seems to me, the local college or university in a great num ber of cities is becoming the central, the dominant and characterizing aspect of the community's life. It is still a struggle in many states to get sufficient funds from hard pressed fftWTJjF THERE'S A V J PUMPKIN " KM COME NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN 1 jrn wmnmist nam 1 If. U HUH?HOWWM? ANSWER METKAT.'HOOJ COME HA EVER tH HIM'-? HUH? I REFU5E TO ARSUE WITH VOU BECAUSE WR KC0MIN6 HI6.5I5TOT,THATI5.' at k,, wm v mm fi M S4'fy m 91 SI 1. n n tiw . ,iu rural dominated legis latures. But the old di visions and antipathies are dying away those be tween "town and gown," those between the business men and the professors. No longer is the "city club," private haven of the finan cially powerful, the true repository of community authority and respect.Not any more does a professor invited within those pre cincts feel ill at ease. Not any more does the "hard fisted business man" feel belligerently alien in t h e company of those he once thought of as "visionary theoreticians." Never before has the "downtown press" paid sucn informed and imagin ative attention to the local classroom and laboratory as a rich source of excit ing "hard" news. The col lege is no longer simply a traditional respecta ble adornment for oc casions of official local Chamber of Commerce brochures. The colleges have entered into the daily life of the cities and states and they into the daily life of the colleges in a degree remarkable to one whose memories of college life were fashioned in the thir ties. It is not only the flower ing of the scientific revolu tion and the consequent need of corporations for the school and vice versa that has done this. Bad as so much of our secondary school preparation indubit ably is, one senses a slow ly gathering contagion of the excitements of the in tellect in the middle and lower-middle levels of our economic strata, in spite of the honky-tonk vulgarities that affluence has smeared across our landscape and our surface. It is all this and yet more. American intellect ual isolationism and prov incialism (long exaggerat ed by Europeans p e r suaded that Europe was the world's center) van i 'I HI!.- . K Vs! - '- W4 a Kim Novak, Columbia Pictures Star, says: "I'm ac tually veteran Bond saver. I started saving U. S. Savings Stamps when I was still in school in Chicago. Since then it's become more or less a Uitflt-titrt ishes like April snow as thousands of faculty people go abroad each year on their various grants for for eign study, as more thou sands of students make serious summer pilgrim ages overseas, and as hun dreds of distinguished for eign intellectuals settle into American colleges as "scholars in residence." Something else is hap pening. It seems to me highly probably that the flourishing of the univer is rectifying the sad geo graphical imbalance in the intellectual and artistic life of our country. There was a time, for example, when Chicago and San Francisco were distinct literary cen ters and "schools." In this sense they atrophied as New York more and more sucked in the bright new talents in writing, in the theater, in the visual arts. This trend to centralize monopoly has been equally true in France and Eng land, with Paris and Lon don the centers for every thing fresh and new. Only in Germany, with Berlin shattered and its writers and artists and actors and painters scattered to Mu nich and Hamburg and Dusseldorf, have we seen a large scale movement toward regional redistribu tion in this generation. I have a feeling now that this can happen in America and is beginning to happen. It is the universities with their own new theaters and orchestras, their "writers in residence" their rig orous local painters that will bring this about and restore creative adventure in the vast interior stretches of the land. It may not be "regional ism" in the end products of the new creativity; that does not matter so very much. In all its forms, the enduring art is universal art and it is a universal America that we witness now, flourishing before our eyes. Dint. IM1, Hall Syndicate, Inc. habit for me to invest in U. S. Savings Bonds. "Another habit I have is mak ing sure my Bonds are held to maturity. That way I get the full interest and have a bigger part ifi helping my country.' The old pot suddenly be came a swinging jardiniere this weekend and I just want to tell you tliat flying is wonderful. It is not rec ommended to those who have quivery knees, h o w ever, because it sure makes that old platform sway, Uett ing i a on more earthv. I just want to sav that the muo ' i s I t u a- tion around is really terrible. Now the Iwum way you in- Shellberg terpret what I say depends upon what you think of when the word mud is men tioned. S6 interpret as you will. This campus is, no longer a place for clean footed, or is the word feeted (?), souls to putter upon. It seems as aa : r 1' I -a X PROBLEM OF THE WEEK Sponsored by Pi Mu Epsilon National Mathemattea Honorary Fraternity The following three words have been quite significant to all of us. SEND , MORE MONEY Now see if you can find the proper digits for the let ters to make our words a proper problem in addition. Cops and Robbers There are communities where the same family names occur time and time again. In one such com munity it happened that one day there were ten men at the police station, six of them named Miller. WORDS: TI IR CAUSE AND CURE Today let us take up t subject of etymology (or entomology, as it is sometimes called) which is the study of word origins (or insects, as they are sometimes called). . , Where are word origins (insects) to be found? Well sir, some times words are proper names that have passed into the language. Take, for instance, the words used in electricity: ampere wa named after its discoverer, the Frenchman Andre Marie Ampert (1775-1836); similarly ohm was named after the German G. S. Ohm (1781-1854), watt after the Scot James Watt (1736-1819), and bulb after the American Fred C. Bulb (1843-1912). ' There is, incidentally, quite a poignant little story about Mr. Bulb. Until Bulb's invention, alt illumination was provided by gas, which was named after its inventor Milton T. Gaa who, strange to tell, had been Bulb's roommate at Cal Tech 1 In fact, strange to tell, the third man nharing the room with Bulb and Gas was also one whose name burns bright in the annals of illumination Walter Candle! The three roommates were inseparable companions in col lege. After graduation all three did research in the problem of artificial light, which at this time did not exist. AH America used to go to bed with the chickens. In fact, many Americar were chickens. Well sir, the three comrades-Bulb, Gas, and Candle promised to be friends forever when they left school, but success, ala, spoiled all that. First Candle invented the candle, got rich, and forgot his old friends. Then Gas invented gas, got rich, bankrupted Candle, and forgot his old friends. Then Bulb in vented the bulb, got rich, bankrupted Gas, and forgot hia old friends. a. Candle and Gas, bitter and impoverished at the age respec tively of 76 and 71, went to sea as respectively the world's oldest and second oldest cabin boy. Bulb, rich and grand, also went to sea, but he went in style-as a first-class passenger oa luxury liners. Well sir, strange to toll, all three were aboard the ill-fated , Lusttama when she was sunk in the North Atlantic. And, strange to tell, when they were swimming for their lives after tht shipwreck, all three clambered aboard the same dinghy 1 . Well sir, chastened and made wiser by their brush with death, they fell into each other's arms and wept and exchanged for giveness and became fast friends all over again. For three years they drifted in the dinghy, shaking hands and singing the Cal Tech rouser all the while. Then, at long last, they spied a passing liner and were taken aboard. ' They remained fast friends for the ret of their days, which, I regret to report, were not many, because the liner which picked them up was the Titanic. mat a pity that Marlboros were not invented during th lifetimes of Bulb Gas, and Candle! Had there been Marlboros, these three friends never would have grown apart because they would have known how much, despite their differences, they still had in common. I mean to say that Marlboroa can be lit by candle, by gas, or by electricity, and no matter how you light them, you a ways get a full-flavored smoke, a filter cigaretta with an unfiltered taste that make, anyone-including Bulb, Gas, and Candle-settle back and forget anger and strife and smile the sweet amile of friendship on all who puss ! C Ma nhalmaa 0 Another peaceful smok. from the maker, of Marlboro is th, brands filtered km9.t:e Fhnip CammmnHm Try ope oon and find out how welcome yuu'll be aboard. Flowerpot By Gretchen Shellberg though no matter how good your intentions of staying on the clean firm path, there's always a wee bit of mud sloping up over the edges and onto your nice white tennies. Of course, then, it is more collegiate to have soiled tennies, isn't it? Personally,. I wear blua tennies. Blue is such a nice soiless color and besides, what's better than "basic blue", so good for those minor depress days. Not to say that my little blue t e n n i e s are not un marred. After three years of tripping about at old NU, one does tend to gather a bit of furch on one's feet. But it really is surprising who will be splashing in the mud puddle next to y o u sometimes. Slop, slop, slop. And the monsoon season hasn't even bgun yet. Things really get muddy in April. Altogether there were six policemen and four burg lars. One Miller had arrest ed a Miller and one Smith a Smith. However, this bur glar Smith, was not arrest ed by his own brother. No body remembers who ar rested Kelly anyway, only a Miller or a Smith could have been responsible for that act. What are the names and position of these ten people? ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PROBLEM: The number of visible steps of the escalator is 100. Correct solutions were sub mitted by: George Grone, Gary Lorentzen, Art Ost diek, and Larry Schuster. with (Author of "I Was a Teen-tge Dwarf", "The Many Lores of Dobi Gillis", ttt.)