The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1961, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The Nebraskon
Monday, Jan. 16, 1961
Test Results
Two Cases
By Jim Forrest
Results from the second an
nual diabetes self-testing pro
gram sponsored by the Stu
dent Health Center showed
two University staff members
to be definite diabetics.
According to Celeste Knip
meyer, public health nurse,
these two individuals in addi
tion to two borderline diabet
ics also discovered among the
staff personnel did not know
previously that they had the
These unknown diabetics
were discovered through their
participation m the Student
Health's program of do-it-yourself
testing, which was in
itiated as a new method of
diabetes detection a year ago.
The program involves send
ing 5,000 individual self-test,
specially treated indicator
strips to faculty, staff, and
In a comparison with the
program's initial year, Miss
Knipmeyer said that 775 re
turned the test strips for anal
ysis this year as to 725 last
Out of this total 338 were
from students and 437 from
staff and faculty. Miss Knip
meyer pointed out that this
was an increase of 208 among
the students and a decrease of
158 among the staff.
"Many of the staff who par
ticipated last year didn't feel
It was necessary again this
year," said the public health
nurse. "The marked increase
among student participation
we feel Is due to the better
publicity within the student
No students were found to
have the disease, according to
Miss Knipmeyer.
In an attempt to realize the
full capabilities of this self
testing program, St u d e n t
Health this year added a test
for excessive albumin in the
Kidney Disorder
"An excessive amount of
this protein may indicate a
kidney disorder or infection,"
explained Miss Knipmeyer.
The results of this test
showed that 155 students and
146 faculty and staff showed
indication of having albumin.
"The company that made
(Continued from Page 2)
a child's life-long destiny by
a paper examination at the
tender age of 11 or 12; I
notice that in Italy, home
of the Renaissance, one
citizen out of eight over the
age of six can neither read
nor write.
How we Americans waste
our educational resources!
How Europeans strangle
their human resources in
the cradle!
To toss one more rem
nant on this litter heap let
me say that I believe
America and Europe, fully
developed and working to
gether, could stand off the
Communist world in every
respect. But a fearful num
ber of socks need pulling up
first, and by no means are
all of them made in Amer
ica. Dist. 1961, Hall Syndicate, Inc.
Faculty Quintet
Presents Concert
Five faculty members will
present a concert of chamber
music tomorrow night at 7:30
In the Student Union ball
room. Members of the quintet will
be Emanuel Wishnow and
Arnold Schatz, violins; Louis
Trzcinski, viola; Priscilla
Parsons, cello; and Wesley
Reist, clarinet.
On the proigram will be
Quartet in D minor, K.421, by
Mozart; Sonata IX "Golden,"
by Percell-Britten; and Quin
tet, Opus 115, for Clarinet and
Strings, by Brahms.
Moot. Court
Decisions were held for the
appellees in the first two
rounds in the pre-Christmas
semi-finals of the Allen Moot
Court Competition held in the
law school court room.
In the first round appellants
Betty J. Holcomb and Aug
ust Schumann and appellees
Robert Zuber and Shelley
Krantz were concerned with
a case involving a Negro
farmworker committed to jail
for failure to post bond when
he was found to be the only
eye witness to a crime.
Right to Detain
The question was whether
the authorities had the right
to detain him indeterminately
when the accused suspect was
not yet under arrest.
This first round marked the
first time since 1953 that a
woman has reached the semi
finals of the competition held
The judges for the first
round, Winfield Elmen. Rich
ard A. Knudson and Charles
Oldfather, awarded the deci
sion to the appellees.
In an evening session, ap
pellants Richard Gee and
Merritt Powell and appellees
Sam Van Pelt and Ronald
Schuyter argued out the sec
ond round.
Birth Control
This case concerned the
constitutionality of a state
birth control statute. A doctor
and two patients brought the
case to test the validity of 'he
statute when it was shown
that the health of the two pa
ients' was endangered and
the doctor was precluded by
state law from prescribing
The decision of judges
Richard Wilson, Leonard
Dunker and W. W. Muern-
berger was given to the ap
Moot Court faculty adviser
Is Richard Harnsberger, as
sociate professor of law.
Additional rounds in t h e
semi-finals are to be sched
uled before semester break,
according to Harnsberger.
the test strips put misleading
instructions on the accom
panying card. They said that
if the test strip changed color
it. was an indication of albu
min, but the strip will change
a little under plain tap
water," said Miss Knipmeyer.
Knowing that most of the
people who checked a positive
reaction were mislead, Stu
dent Health is asking each in
dividual to come in for addi
tional testing.
Miss Knipmeyer re-emphasized
the importance of early
detection to avoid complica
tions which, as they become
worse, become irreversible
and the patient will never re
turn to normal.
Student Health officials stat
ions which, as they grow
ed that unless a better test
strip is developed for next
year's program, especially the
albumin test they will re
quire that each strip be
sent to Student Health for
processing and analysis. The
albumin test may be discon
tinued altogether, Miss Knip-
meyer said.
The results from this year's
program have been sent to the
State Medical Association for
''THA-te Neefc, fKOCAft THE AAPST WfUL APJtlSltD
Red Cross Exec Board
Picks 33 for Positions
A total of 14 committee
chairmen and 19 assistants
were selected from 80 inter
viewed for Red Cross com
mittee positions Saturday by
the now Red Cross executive
The chairmen and assistant
chairmen selected to serve for
a one year term were:
Jr. Red Cross Chairman,
Maggie McCracken; assist
ants, Susan Salter and Jo Del
Nye, orphanage chairman,
Susan Christcnson; assistants,
Sharon Hoffman and Sally
May Buy
Mead Land
The University has received
tentative approval for the pur
chase of 7,500 acres of land
at the old Mead Ordinance
Plant, officials say.
Carl Donaldson, University
business manager, who at
tended conferences in Wash
ington with the General Serv
ices Administration (GSA)
saia ine university nas ap
plied lor 8,200 acres at the
site to be used for establish
ment of an agricultural field
The University's proposal
has received approval of the
U.S. Department of Health,
Education and Welfare
(HEW), but the GSA, which
declared the land surplus, has
final authority.
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
has said he is optimistic over
working out details on land
the University wants.
A formal reply to HEW is
being drafted this week by the
University. HEW will then
transmit it to GSA.
Outstanding Nominations
(continued from page 1)
Dr. Eldridge
Dr. Franklin Eldridge, dean
of Resident Instruction on the
Agriculture campus, has been
a member of the University
statt since 1954.
The letter of nomination list
ed his accomplishments as
prerequisites for the title of
Outstanding Nebraskan for
"He is responsible for the
development of Science and
Agriculture day for outstand
ing high school seniors. Last
year he started an atoms in
agriculture tour which trav
eled throughout the state. Dr,
Eldridge has been the chief
instigator of the Honors Pro
gram which was begun on the
Ag campus recently.
He was one of the mem
bers that helped get the
Nebraska Center for Continu
ing Education here at Nebras
ka. Dr. Eldridge also serves
on the Ag campus and the
University Building commit
tees which are responsible for
all construction on campus,
the letter noted.
Dr. Eldridge is past presi
dent of Gamma Sigma Delta
Final Examination Schedule
First Scmmter 18A0-A1
Saturday, January 1
2- S f.m. All sections of English A
Tuesday, January 24
-12 a.m. Classea meeting at 11 a.m., 6 or 4 daya, or MWF or any one
or two of these dava.
1- 5 p.m. Classea meeting at 11 a.m. T Th 8, or any one or two of theae
Alt sections of Speech t, 10.
7-10 p.m. All aectlona of Education 61. 2.
Wednesday, January 29
-11 Clatses meeting; at 8 a.m. 6 or 4 daya, or MWF, or any one or two
of these daya.
J- B p.m. Clauses meeting at 6 a.m. T Th 8. or any ona or two of these
AH aectlona of Business Organization 21.
, Thursday, January .
-U a.m. Classea meeting at 2 p.m. 5 or 4 daya or MWF, or any one or
two of these days.
2- t p.m. Classes meeting at 2 T Th or either of these two daya.
All aetiona of Economics 15.
All section of French 11, 13.
Ail section of Spanish 51. 53.
All aectlona of Home Economist 41. 43.
Friday, January 37
-11 a.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m. 6 or 4 days, or MWF or any one or
two of these days.
Clasaei meeting at 6 p.m. 8 or 4 daya, or MWK. or any ona or two of these
AH aectlona of Economics 11. 12.
All aectlona of Education 30, 31.
2- 6 p.m. Classea meeting at 3 p.m. T Th, or either ooe of thee two daya.
Classes meeting at 6 p.m. T Th, or either one of these two daya.
1- 3 p.m. All sections of Math 11, 12. 42.
1- 4 p.m. All aectlona of Math 14. 18, lis, 116.
Saturday, January 'in
-13 a.m. Classes meeting at a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF. or any ona
these days. ,
3- 6 p.m. Clasaei meeting at a.m. T Th 8. or any ona or two of these
Monday. January 30
-11 a.m. Classea meeting at 1 p.m. 6 or 4 dava. or MWF, or any ona or
two of these daya
1- 5 p.m. Classea meeting at 1 TTh or any one of these two days.
All aectlona of Business Organization 3 and 4.
Tuesday, January 31
-12 Classea meetng at 10 a.m. 5 or 4 daya. MWF. or any ona or two of
these days.
2- 6 p.m. Classes meeting at 10 TTn 8 or any one or two of these daya.
Wednesday, February 1
-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 4 p.m. 6 or 4 days, or MWF, on any cna or
two of these daya.
All sections of English B, 1.
- 6 p m. Classes meetlrg at 4 p.m. T Th or either one of these two daya.
All Motions of English 2, 3. 4.
and member of Sigma Xi and
Alpha Zeta honorary fraterni
ties. Ingrid Leader
"Ingrid, who graduates in
February, is a Mortar Board
and has contributed a great
amount of time and effort in
her main interest 'to build a
better University for students
on campus now and for those
who will be here in the fu
ture!" the letter of nomina
tion explained.
Miss Leder, born in Ger
many and now a naturalized
citizen, has a long list of stu
dent organizations to her
name. She is past vice-
president and president of
Builders, a member of the'
Student Tribunal, treasurer of
Theta Sigma Phi, vice presi
dent ot ivutvVA and past vice
president of her sorority. Al
pha Xi Delta.
She was a columnist for the
Daily Nebraskan and later for
the Lincoln Journal.
"Her devotion and loyalty
to the University and the state
will continue to influence peo
ple throughout the nation,"
the letter concluded.
Rod EHerbusch
Rod EHerbusch was the sec
ond student to be nominated
for the student award over the
"Rod has concentrated on
church, political, and scholas-!
tic activities and has led an
all around "Outstanding Ne-;
braskan type life," the letter
of his nomination said.
Ellerbusch is member of In-i
nocents society and is the sen-!
ior judge of the Student Tri-1
bunal. He has served as pres-j
went of the Lutheran Student
Choir and president of the Lu
theran Student Association
and the Church Council.
In politics, he has served as
president of the University
Young Republicans and is a
past rush chairman for Sig
ma Nu fraternity.
Prof. Dale Breeder and Dr.
Harold E. Wise have also
been nominated for the fac
ulty Outstanding Nebraskan
award. Archie Clegg, Beverly
Heyne, Fat Porter and Ken!
Tempero have been nominat-:
ed for the student award.
Nominations will be re
ceived by the Daily Nebras
kan office until 5 p.m. today.
Outstanding Nebraskans will'
be announced in the final is-i
sue of the semester this kyi. '
'Showcases of Poland'
Contemporary 'Kilims
Debut at Art Galleries
Contemporary rugs and tap
estries deck the halls of the
University Art Galleries as
the "showcases of Poland,"
makes its debut here.
The exhibit will be here un
til Feb. 12. It was obtained
through the Cepelia Corpora
tion of New York, the corpo
rate name of the Polish cen
tral organization for folk and
fine art, according to Norman
Geske, director of the Galte
The contemporary weavings
called "kilims" represent the
heritage and traditions of the
country of Po 1 a h d. Other
types of design and. weaving
represent Polish folk art.
The weavers of Poland, one
of the oldest groups of artists
in that country, can trace the
history of their special skills
to the 11th cenury.
Carpets were woven ra the
15th century and particularly
beautiful and dis,rnctive
weaving In the 17th a 18th
centuries were produt by
large manufacturers and
workshops on estates of the
The works of Poland's most
famous weaver and designer
oi line tapestry, Stefan Gal-
kowski, are also on exhibit. He
is known for his adaptation of
the Gobelin technique which
Geske expalined as "an illus
tration of the cultural rela
tionship that exists between
Poland and France."
Other fabrics, including
some notable Jacquards and
decorative straw fabrics, are
also Included to show the
range of interests among Pol
ish weavers.
In addition to the rugs and
tapestries the exhibit includes
emDroiaeries, laces, ceramic
objects of metal and wood,
jewelry, furniture and cloth
The institutions and support
ing organizations represented
in the collections are the Pol
ish Applied Art Society, the
Warsaw Academy of Fine
Arts, and the Cooperative So
ciety of Artists.
Maurice Weise
Heads Ag Men
Maurice Wiese was elected
recently as president of the
Ag Men's Co-op Club for the
coming semester.
Other officers for next se
mester are Jess Felker, vice
president; Daryl Starr, sec
retary; Richard Bolli, secre
tay; and Roger Zink, social
J Students
Compete for
Hearst Award
Two newspaper articles
written by University s t u
dents have been selected
for submission to the William
Randolph Hearst Foundation
journalism award for Decem
ber. Carroll Kraus's study on
Nebraska's tax system, which
has appeared in more than
half of the newspapers in Ne
braska, was one of the ar
ticles selected. His story is
one of depth reporting which
entailed extensive research
Nancy Whitford's study s on
fire hazards at the Univer
sity, printed in the Daily Ne
braskan, was also chosen. In
formation for her article was
obtained from interviews with
C. G. Eckstrand, deputy state
fire marshall.
Students are encouraged to
submit stories which they feel
are good. The staff of the
School of Journalism check
all Nebraska papers plus the
University publications for
stories produced by the stu
dents. The stories are checked
and two are selected to be
sent into the contest.
January's contest is on edi
torial writing, February's,
sports writing, March, news
writing, and April, feature
Larson; transportation chair
man, Naomi Bedwell, assist
ant, Bonnie Kuklin.
State hospital children's
ward chairman, Maribelle El
liot; assistant, Nancy Erick
son; State Hospital adult
ward, Nancy Jacobson, chair
man; assistant, Susie Haber
man. Veterans Hospital chairman,
Jan Jeffery; rssistant Sue 1s
sacson; special projects chair
man, Judy Gant; assistant,
Susan Cook; handicraft chair
man, Angle Long; assistant,
Billie Spies; Red Cross lead
ership chairman, Jean Ander
strom, assistant, Merrily
Adult activities chairman,
Nancy Miller, assistant, Judy
Brumm; publicity chairman,
Marty Anderson, assistants,
Jody Burkhart and Gail Buc
holz. Water safety chairman, Cel
esta Weise; assistants Carole
Williams and Judy Keys; en
tertainment chairman, Judy
Tenhulzen; assistants Carolyn
Drew and Susan Linn; Ortho
pedic chairman, Rachel
Heiss; assistant, Susan Hansen.
Three Groups
In Good Standing
Three additional student or
ganizations were given the
Student Council vote of good
standing Wednesday at the re
quest of Steve Gage, chair
man of the activities commit
The three organizations are:
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Theta Sigma Phi
High School
Is Optimistic
Three quarfers of the 4,747
Nebraska high school seniors
who took the University Re
gents examination intend to
continue their education at
colleges or universities, ac
cording to a questionnaire re
turned with the exams.
All students who took the
test ranked in the upper one
third of their graduating
classes, the questionnaire dis
closed. The questionnaire 'shows
that 35 per cent have decided
to attend college in the state,
while another 35 per cent
say they are undecided as
about where they will go to
The remaining five percent
plan to attend an out-state
Of those who did not plan
to go to college or university,
one per cent was going into
the armed forces; six per
cent were going to go to tech
nical school; and five per
cent planned to go to nursing
school. Thirteen per cent had
i no definite plans.
'!M I OK
FROOD'S THOUGHT FOR THt DAY: A penny saved is a penny earned. And if rou raulii
put away a penny a week for one year . . . why, you will have fifty-two cents!
'if? ii
Dear Dr. Frood: Our college mascot
is a great big lovable Saint Bernard.
He loves everyone except me. In
fact, he has bitten me viciously
eight times. What can I do to get
him to like me?
F rustrated Dog Love,"
DEAR FRUSTRATED: Mother him. To.
carry this off, I suggest you wear a.
raccoon coat, let your hair and eye
brows grow shaggy and learn to
whimper affectionately.
Dear Dr. Frood: Most of my life here
is extracurricular. I carry the drum
for the band, pull the curtain for the
drama society, wax the court for the
basketball team, scrape the ice for
the hockey team, clap erasers for
the faculty club and shovel snow
for the fraternity houses. Do you
think these activities will really help
me when I get out of college?
DEAR EAGER: I don't think the col
lege will let you out
Dear Dr. Frood: On New Year's
Eve I foolishly resolved to be
more generous with my Luckies.
My friends have held me to this,
and I've been forced to give
away several packs a day. What
do you think would happen if I
broke this resolution?
DEAR RESOLUTE: It's hard to
tell, really. Lightning, a runaway
horse, a tornado -who knows?
Dear Dr. Frood: Before vacation, my girl and I
agreed to exchange Christmas presents. I sent her
a nice hanky. You can imagine howl felt when I
awoke Christmas morning to find a sports car
can I do now?
her that Easter giving time is
just around the corner.
r lGi',".l
Dear Dr. Frood: Can you help me convince my girl that
I m not as stupid as she thinks I am?
DEAR ANXIOUS: Perhaps, but you'll have to convince mt
TO GET A QUICK LIFT, suggests Frood, step into an elevator and light up a Lucky In
stantly, your spirits will rise. When you savor your Lucky, you're IN for college students
smoke more Luckies than any other regular. They're a wised up bunch who've known
all along that Luckies taste great. Get the cigarettes with the toasted taste-get Luckies
CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change!
4. r. . Product of J&dmvuean Sztory is our middle name"