The Nebraskan Monday, 3: Page 2 EDITORIAL From the editor i A Liberal View By Herb Probasco In place of its regular Tuesday issue tomorrow, The Daily Nebraskan is publishing an experimental magazine issue designed to stimulate a little serious thinking on the part of the 8,000 plus Cornhuskers. This may be a real challenge what with final exam cramming, but we are willing to take the chance, and, besides, you can always come back to it if you should find yourself pressed for time. Included are five articles, three of which are critical essays, one descriptive essay and a profile of a faculty member. The authors are all men, unfortunately, but there is a good variety and at least one of the pieces should interest everyone. All of them interested us and represent a good cross section of talent on the campus. We had hoped for more participation by the student body, as tomorrow's issue by no means represents the entire expository element of the campus- Perhaps the magazine will serve to prod those who were embarrassed to submit anything for consideration and possible pub lication. The majority of the contributors are novices with little or nothing in the way of previous published writings. However, this is not to be held against anybody, since we all have to begin somewhere sooner or later, providing we have an idea or a point that we wish to espouse. And most of us do, though most are often too slow to take advantage of an opportunity to take to the soapbox. If the mazagine idea is generally accepted and it looks as though students would not react violently against a one day delay in the social column or some other of the popular features of our sheet, the second semester staff very likely will consider taking the bold step of publish ing another issue in the spring. We do not view this edition as a way out of working for an afternoon. There would be easier ways to do this. We would like to think of it as a service to the campus and the student body. If you read it, then we have ac complished our purpose. If you go a little farther and do something about it, for example, write us a letter or, better yet, submit an article for the next issue. Then we will know that you read it. If you don't read it, you stab yourself in the back; you admit that all the things that are said about apathetic students on this campus are true, that we are the wet powder of what has been termed as the explosive generation, the still silent mem bers of the silent generation- So, we have done our part; you must take it from here. Acknowledgements for assistance in this issue go to all the contributors, to Prof. Wilbur Gaffney of the Eng lish department who solicited contributions through his classes and to other faculty members who aided the Nebraskan in publicizing the plans for the magazine and of course to those students whose material appears in the edition. It's free; the only obligation is for you to take it upon yourself to read it and pass judgment, pro or con. Rumors are circulating to the effect that a column by this writer last week advocating abolishment of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee will be -distributed to members of the state legislature tomorrow by an unknown person or persons, more than likely opposed to this writer's position. It would be folly to think so, and this writer does not claim to, that this view is held by the majority of the voters in this state, nor, for that matter, are many other views which are not those held by the conservative element in Nebraska. It is not unlikely that a story will break soon, if it has not already, regarding the circulation of the column, along with comments by this writer. Just what in the way of fireworks will develop can't be said at this writing, but a few remarks may be in store from the chambers of the Unicameral. We might find ourselves involved in more than a little controversy over the column and what it advocates. May be the committee will come out and investigate me, which would be a first hand opportunity for all to observe its operations. Anyway, keep your eyes and ears open. Nebraskan 155. 7."" wih " t lHiat. However, letter R!if " "V " "'I' at the editor! el- JZSU. ffc"M " letter exee4 thl 5 mnLtrlJiC"' mt9 eaeraee them, retaialaf the 5 Blast Letterip Writer A Ignorant To the editor: 1 We think R.E.L letter in the Nebraskan is one of I the most partial, biased and ignorant letters we have ever seen and written by one of the least Liformed persons on I the University campus. I He openly admits that the Missouri game was the 1 first NU basketball game that he witnessed. Yet upon i this lone game he is condemning the players, the team I and the student body. He was quick to degrade the fac- 1 ulty, studenU and fans for their booing and yelling, but i , where was he when the excitement began? When he goes 3 to a basketball game, does he sit there with his eyes I closed and ears plugged? If he was an average Husker i fan, he would be on his feet shouting encouragement to I the Nebraska players. We believe that it is up to the fans to decide which team should apologize to the other, but we do feel that the fans and players should not be condemned for their i actions due to the circumstances that existed. 1 It was very evident that the student body and fans 3 were standing behind the team. They had reason to be I domg so, when a Missouri team has pulled a trick like I this two times. - 1 R. C. and D. P. I 3 Daily Nebraskan Member Associated Collerfate Press, International Fress I -!rreB.UtlTe: N,tlon1 Advertfataf Serrie, Incorporated 3 FBDllshed at: Room SI, Student Union, Lincoln. Nebraska, i SEVENTY -ONE TEARS OLD I 14th tl Telephone HE J-763L ext 4225. 4221. 4227 1 weertle rate an M aer anneXer er M for rhe aeaaVnria yrmt. JXtt wiT44 I y.n T": " faeathm. aai nam arrtt. ar I "Tr.; ' Wetirarta aarr aatkorloitlea M the Oemmlttee 3 a i aa aa exaMlM af ataaat entirioa. Penlieattea aaarr the 3 lartMvnea a IttmillM aa Mean PahlteatlfflM shall ke free from 5 rVi.rm. ""L l "" Babeammttfee ar aa the par af aar oerm aMrtae tae lalTeraHr. .The ameer af Mm Dally NearMfcaa ataff are rntTutZ m " " UM u 3 BMTOMAl WTAn T4Hae .mi ,....iiiiM( M.iM(Mf,MIII Sera rrohana s J"""" , Iae alfteae 3 neara Mite Rare Lene 3 OIer Hal Brewa 3 7J!'!r?u. 'iiri: OemM fmberea 3 lH Cellar rat Deaa, aa Mnrer, Orrtrhea Klwllher. ?!lL 'fT y " all. Ilare WoWf.iia 3 Jaelar Staff Writer, .fcaeey Brewa. Jtia rerreat. Nana Hhitfora. tltro Weee 3 lrt Kewi Editor pal ftrm 3 SCSIMKMI STAFF ?"LMV "" 3 ''"' Hntlaee Haaacere ....Dm Fensaoa, Ckip Kaklra, eeha Hrlireeaer 3 rirratatlaa Maeaxer Rob Kaff viaesuiea auaaxar OPINION Letterip .srt m A Few Unsold Thoughts 1 1 From the Briefcase L in ing By Eric Sevareid Department stores use the first days of the new year for grabbag sales to move outsizes, odd-lots, misfits and faulty goods, and there is nothing in our contract that says we can't do the same. The lining of our briefcase is filled, not only with left-over coins from a dozen countries but with unsold thoughts, half thoughts, facts, figures, prejudices and crotchets, and we may as well toss part of the litter on t h e counter for any undiscrimi nating shoppers still on their feet. The muscular strength of American kids is far below that of British kids. To the "Quiet American" and the "Ugly American" is n o w added the "Soft American." This is true, was discovered several years ago, is due to the car's replacing legs and bicycles, and European kids will go the same way when car-crazy Europe has had the rwMi,,,, things long f V 1 e n o ugh. ?' I The chief I i I d i s t i n c- ; ' 'f 1 1 o n be tween West Europe and Ameri ca is that Europe is about I h-i 1 Li As'J 10 years be- Eric Sevareid hind us in both the bless ings and the curses of mod ern living. American children watch far too much television. They do in fact, exactly as much as British chil dren. Seventy-five per cent of British homes are equipped with TV, 65 per cent with bathtubs. There are some educational TV stations in America, none in Britain. - America is a materialistic society. Well, we possess the material, but from my own travel experience I would put the new Africans first and the French second in terms of the materialis tic spirit. Europeans find American boasting our most insuffer able fault. They have a point, but braggadocio is a fault more easily curable than the average Briton's deep seated conviction that God is British, the aver age Frenchman's indiffer ence to the rest of the world and the leftover germs of the master-race syndrome that sleep in many German breasts. Americans get too hysteri cal about the Marxists in their midst. Americans do. considering that there are so few. But I notice that it is the hard core of Marx ists who now threaten to split Belgium in two, that it was the hard core of Marx ists who drove the British Labor Party down the offi cial policy line of neu tralism. Americans, devoid of a native culture, think they Ill fW: felL (P 0 ft J If It ft flftw If ; Mil ih mik: , - KEY To THE CT.i can buy other people's cul ture with money. -Maybe this is why European art dealers cry on their way to the bank, although the high est private prices paid for paintings in recent history were paid by an English collector. I also notice that the number of Americans who visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is far higher than the number of Europeans of all nationalities who visit the Louvre, that more people enter Detroit's Art Museum than enter the famous Brit ish Museum, and I incline to doubt that all the 35 mil lion music lovers who regu larly listen to Amercia's symphony orchestras more than half the world's total own oil wells in Texas. American education Staff Vietc$ BOVINE Hopes for a joint library and Student Union to be built on the Ag campus have faded as University officials have decided against a coordinate struc-. ture while making prelimi nary plans for a library. This decision has squelched the sudden inter est of Ag Union members who were hoping for a new Union in the near future. One of the major reasons for the final decision was that some faculty members thought that recreational activity in the Union might disturb the solemn quiet ness needed in the library. However these same offi cials proposed that the Un ion could move small of fices and meeting rooms into the library and keep their recreational activity in the Activities building. This idea was vetoed by the Un ion board which felt that all of its activity should be un der one roof where there could be direct cooperation and contact with the Union personnel. The Union board also felt that the library may at a later date decide that it needs more room and move the Union out. Then if the present College Activities Building was turned com pletely back to the physical education department, the Unioa would have nothing in the place of a facility. Such a squelching of hope for a new Ag Union has happened many times in the past ten years when s t u dents would get interested and then the boom was low ered by some other force. One of the main reasons that has hindered the Ag Union is the lack of funds to build the facility. Some funds have been promised at various times but have fallen through because other funds could not be ob- Is sloppy and superficial and too concerned with technical studies. A sicken ing amount of it is pablum indeed, but I notice British leaders now getting panicky about their own paltry ef forts at scientific education; I notice that 30 to 40 per cent of the new techniques in British industry are bor rowed from American in dustry; I notice, in a ship at Southampton, that more than half the families emi grating to Australia and Canada were doing so chiefly because of a sick certainty that their c h i 1 dren had no chance of ever getting into a British uni versity; I notice British French and German educa tors wondering if it is, after all, just or even intelligent for the state to determine (Contined on Page 4) VIEWS by Jerry Lamberson tained to supplement them and build the Union. During this ten year per iod, the Student Union ad the meantime there has have promised that funds would b set aside for a new Ag Union but the funds have never been seen. In the mean-time there has been an addition to the City Union as well as many other increased facilities at the City Union. Very little in facilities has been im proved at the Ag Union and there seems to be little ef fort gained in the reality of a new Ag Union during the ten years. A faint hope might still be present should the Ak-Sar-Ben' decide to appropriate funds for a new Ag Union. There, however, has been no action taken but such a contribution has been men tioned by several sources as an alternative of getting a j new Ag Union. The Ak-Sar-Ben has financed similar projects to promote agricul ture throughout the state. If the Ak-Sar-Ben were to provide the funds for a new Ag Union and the approval given by the University to build such a structure, there might be a dim re flection to the University by the Ag students. These students will occa sionally be reminded that in ten years neither the Stu dent Union nor the Univer sity could afford to build a half-way presentable facility for them to use on the Ag campus. And yet an outside source came in to fulfill their needs. , ,'iat;i -imnTimr iimim 1 1 i ii nr ii m miiiai " prsspc Satyr By Dick Masters Awaken Tisiphone! The hour is at hand and the cre ators would have your at tentions. The WHOOPING CRANE will soon become a Through the diligence of ' one Fred Gaines and his co hort in art, Pat Drake, a new magazine will grace the reading masses of Ne braska (all six of you). Con sisting of student poetry and a smattering of prose, the WHOOPING CRANE is be ing undertaken and fi nanced by a very unorgan . ized group of talented youg writers. ; ' . Perhaps some of you have already been fortunate enough to-possess a copy of the abbreviated CRANE. If you are one of the lucky few, tell your friend and he. too will be inspired to pur chase the little gem. The cost will be nominal (which means that its cheap but we don't know how cheap). For perhaps the price of one package of butts, you can be the first in your cell to have one. If you commit some of the poems to memory, you can impress your friends, fright en your mother and win a free group of conferences with Dr. Brill. Since this poetic endeavor has not gone to press, you of the literary talent may submit your mad ravings to the SATYR for considera tion. Fred Gaines or Pat Drake will also be happy to sneer at your attempts. They may be reached through symbolic or meta phorical devices. A tele phone call may do the trick in extreme cases. You may be wondering why a magazine of poetry conceals itself under such a bizarre misnomer. Though the name was actually re vealed to Drake in a dream, it symbolizes a dy ing race of weird birds, who need the interest and the Student Group Formed To Defend HUAC Chicago, 111 (UPS) A national organization of col lege students defending Con gress's investigatory power has been formed at North western University. The Student's Committee for Congressional Autonomy (SCCA), which will direct its initial efforts at countering what it calls the "Communist-led" drive to abolish the House Committee on Un American Activities (HUAC), will be headed by two brothers, John and James Kolbe, now attending Northwestern University. The committee uses as its motto a statement made by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black in 1936, as a United States Senator: "There is no power on earth that can tear away the veil behind which powerful and audacious and unscrupulous , groups oper ate, save the sovereign leg islative power armed with the right of subpoena and search." James Kolbe, 18, a major in political science, said that the committee will seek to organize support for HUAC wherever it holds its hear ings. There is a direct coun terattack to displays such as the riots which broke out last May when HUAC held hearings in San Francisco. In a letter to all members of Congress released last week, the brothers ask sen ators and representatives to "join in this fight to protect the autonomous right of Con gress to inform itself and the American public of the per sons and practices which would corrupt or destroy our way of life." They point to the long tradition behind the YSV &wmtm l hBI 'iim- a'. .J 1 1 protecticn of you out thare in televidiot land in order to survive The idea is not a -irst ai Nebraska. Campuses on the West Coast and schools which abound in real peo ple have already become the proud parents of off spring such as this. But here at Victorian NU, the struggling little befeathered one may get caught in the nest of censorship before his wings are tried. If each copy has to bear the stamp of Hover, of if Miss Snyder declares it out of the approved freshman girl reading list or if the SCRIP staff sets up a form idable lobbying group, the flapping of poetic wings may never be heard above the din of the Philistine army. For those of you who are not convinced by now, the SATYR will employ the tac tics of Madison Avenue Pavlovs in an attempt to make you salivate at the mere mention of WHOOP ING CRANE. Buy a Whooping CRANE, the magazine for people who can't read after every meal. People who don't give a damn about other people read the CRANE don't we wish everyone did. Re member WHOOPING CRANE is recommended by four out of five New York pshchiatrists. Beat the Gray Sickness, be beat. Goodby for now gentle readers we shall appear when the new regime takes over. The Unbearded Fidel has granted the SATYR space next semester. Be sure to follow the series which will take up such mo mentous subjects as the lemming race in Norway, the parent problem at Ne braska, how not to get an annulment (ghost writer will do this one), raising snakes in your own back yard and why Eric Sevareid should be Outstanding Nebraskan. legislative investigatory power dating back to the parliamentary inquiries of the 16th century. They charge the numer ous organizations which op pose many Congressional in vestigators with "weakening the investigatory power by corrupting the conditions which are essential to its ef fective and responsible use.' These opposing groups are accused of "severely distort ing certain provisions of the Constitution and totally ig noring the necessity for Con gress to "search wit facts" in order to Justify their op position. The K o 1 b e s assert that Communists and "many anti - American individuals and organizations" would gain the most from the weakening of the investiga tory power, because Con gressional committees "have been so successful in uncovering the true nature of their operations." Alfreda Stute Elected Terrace Hall President Alfreda Stute, a junior in Teachers College, has been elected president of Terrace Hall. Other officers include Lila Bartling, vice president; Peggy Merica, social chair man; Neva Champ, AWS rep resentative; Donna Coates, secretary, and Barbara Mc Camley, treasurer. House council members are Louise Best, Madelyn Cerny, Roxanne Nor ril and Judy Hearmann.