The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1961, Image 1

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C&UEcil Recommends A WS
Freshman Hours
By Norm Beatty
The Student Council
tigation committee asked
that "the closin? hours for
voted Wednesday.ulniversit freshmeil girls
tion to the Associated Wom
en Students Board that in
cludes a call for extension
of freshmen women's hours
during the week.
The Council's AWS inves-
on Monday through Thurs
day be extended to 10
p.m.," according to Sukey
Tinan, chairman.
She said that if the Love
Library officials' felt there
IFC Action
Council Tells
Officers Slate
By Dave Wohlfarth
The toterfraterninty Executive Council announced its
slate for new officers Wednesday night, selecting two men
for each of the six positions. More nominations and the elec
tions are scheduled for next week's meeting.
The slate includes: for pres
for president, Don Fer
guson, Phi Gamma Delta,
and Ron Gould, Theta Xi;
vice president, Joel Meier, Phi
Delta Theta, and Gary Mc-
Clanahan, Phi Kappa Psi;
treasurer, Marsh Kuhr, Farm
house, and Dave Sundberg,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; secre
tary, John Nolon, Phi Delta
Theta, and Roger Myers,
Beta Theta Pi; public rela
tions director,: Grant Greg
Spring Day
Filkins to Head
May 5 Event
The 1961 Spring Day chair
men were announced yester
day at the regular Student
Council meeting.
Mylon Filkins was named
over-all chairman for the May
5 event. Five other chairmen
and five assistant chairmen
were also given a vote of ap
proval in the nominations
by Roy Neil.
Chairman ...Mylon Filkins
Boys Games ...Wesley Grady
Assistant ...Marshall Kuhr
Girls Games ..Suzanne Stolz
Assistant Linda Jensen
Publicity Leroy Bentz
Assistant .Steve Joynt
Sec.-Treai. . .Jndy Edwards
Assistant . . . Vickey CuDen
Trophies Irvin Belzer
Assistant Jana Lambach
The procedure in choosing
the chairmen and the assist
ants was changed this year,
according to Neil. The nom
inations committee held inter
views with 22 students last
Sunday. The committee made
their selections for each post
and then the 'Council to ap
prove their nominations.
In the past only the six
chairmen were selected by
the nominations committee,
of which three appeared be
fore the Council for the job
of over-all chairman. This
person then appointed the re-""
maining interviewees selected
by the nominations commit
tee to the other chairman and
assistant chairman positions.
"This ,w a y we get better
co-ordination. Only those peo
ple who are interested and
qualified for a position are
chosen. This was not the case
la the past," Neil explained.
Week Set
Roger Strove, president of
the council on religion, has
announced that Religious Em
phasis Week will be resumed
this year on the University
campus. It will be held Feb.
Strove noted that six "out
standing" speakers are being
invited by the various religi
ous groups to discuss the
theme 'A Relevant Faith."
Several of the speaker invita
tions have yet to be con
firmed and will be announced
in the near future, he said.
in addition to speeches at
the individual religious
houses, it is hoped that a
number of residence houses
will also invite the religious
leaders to speak, Struve
The event had been an an
nual occurence in past years,
but was not held last year
because planning began too
late, Struve explained.
Theta Sigs Pledge
Three, Initiate Five
Theta Sigma Phi, honorary
journalism fraternity for
women, initiated six new
members, and pledged three.
The initiates are Sarah
Alden, Sharon Olson, Anne
Sowles, Carol Wilcox, Cindy
Powell, and Gretchen Shell
berg. The new pledges are Karen
Costin, Barb Shuck, and Carol
gory, Beta Theta Pi, and Bill
Murphy, Sigma Chi; and rush
chairman, Jim Huge, Phi
Kappa Psi, "and Bill Waddell,
Sigma Chi.
"Top Men"
President Marty Sophir,
who announced the slate,
called it fairly well bal
anced." He said, "We feel the
slate contains the top men,"
and urged houses to nominate
others for offices.
In new business, Sophir
read a letter from Ernest
Dewey, president of the IFC
Board of Control, that ap
proved the new constitutional
amendments and recommend
ed a provision be included
that the old Executive Coun
cil meet with the new officers
for a minimum of six weeks
after the election.
A motion was passed to
amend the constitutional
amendment (passed Dec. 14,
1960 which changed elections
from March to January), so
that the out-going Executive
Council would, as part of their
duties, meet with the new
Exec Council each week for a
minimum of six weeks after
their election.
Prieb Resigns
Ben Prieb submitted his
resignation as IFC Rush
Chairman due to the fact
that he is getting married in
August and will not be able
to handle the summer rush
Prieb earlier announced
that an alumni had offered to
sponsor the rush film in Bro
ken Bow this spring and
moved that an additional $60
be appropriated for the film,
which was passed.
Funds to be Used
In Technique Study
A $6,000 grant has been
awarded to the University
School of Journalism by the
Newspaper Fund, an organi
zation supported by the Wall
Street Journal.
According to Professor
Neale Copple, director of the
advanced reporting classes at
the School, the grant will be
used to study techniques of
upgrading the classroom ap
proach to journalism so that
students can obtain maximum
benefits from the training in
newswriting and related
courses in social sciences,
pure sciences, the humanities
and other academic areas.
The first expenditure in
volves student expenses for
depth stories of concern to
Nebraska and the Midwest
One of these stories, a series
on taxation by a senior stu
dent in the first depth report
ing class, has had a circula
tion of more than a half
million in Nebraska's news
papers. Copple explained that this
circulation thus far totalling
one and a half million was
for the first three of the five
part series which will be
completed in January.
Other stories being pro
duced by the journalism stu
dents include: the farm sur
plusThe Plague of Plenty;
education S p u t n 1 k Plus
Three; recreation No Place
to Play; Industrialization in
the Midwest; the isolationist
Midwest becomes the front
of defense in the missile
age; and the exceptional and
retarded child.'
Profiles of nationally well
known Midwesterners are al
bo being worked on. Included
in this series is ""What Hap
pened to Joe Smith?"
The project also involves
research in depth reporting as
it is now practiced by lead
ing newspapers, interpreta
tion of these methods to stu
dents, field trips by journal
ism students, coordination
with other departments in the
University in providing jour
nalism students with essen
tial background courses and
the preparation of a text to
make the material widely
was a need to extend the
hours then there is also a
need for the extension of
freshmen girls hours.
"The committee further
felt that we should, not be
so concerned as to whether
they would all go to the
library during the extended
time, but rather that they
have the opportunity to go,"
Miss Tinan explained.
The extension of hours
was point five of the Coun
1 cil's report. The other seven
recommendations for con
sideration by AWS include:
1. "That the rulebook con
tain a list of places to go
for information and serv
ices; the list to include
where to:
a. Apply for a part-time
b. Change residence
c. Find employment after
d. See about Student
e. Change advisers
f. Schedule 'social affairs
plus others.
2. "That the rulebook con
tain a church directory,
listing the names, ad
dresses, phone numbers and
pastors of each religious
house on campus.
3. "That the rule book
contain a map of the cam
pus, indicating all build
ings, housing units, religious
houses, bookstores, football
stadium and the parking
4. "That the lalebook be
supplemented with a special
section to provide the above
6. "That individuals who
commit infractions against
any AWS rule which consti
tutes an automatic campus
be given the right to appeal
their case; and this right
to be stated in the rule
book. 7. "That the rulebook ex
plain more clearly the pro
cedure of AWS Court.
8. "That all University
women, freshmen through
senior, be allowed two 12:00
cuts a semester, to be
taken any night Sunday
through Thursday, for pur
poses to be decided at their
discretion; the individuals
to tell the housemother by
12:00 noon on the day of
the cut; these cuts to be
mainly used in circum
stances in which the pres
ent AWS rules do not allow
you to obtain special per
mission." The committee report
"neither for nor against
these recommendations, but
, rather that it feels they
need consideration in order
to investigate the areas
they concern."
The committee consulted
similar rulebooks at South
western University, San
Diego State College, the
University of Michigan and
the University of California
in making the report.
Vol. 74; No. 54
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, Jan. 13, 1961
By Nancy Brown
Two nominations for asso-
cite law professor Dale Breed
er were among six recently
submitted for the title of Out
standing Nebraskan.
Ken Tempero, Archie Clegg,
Beverly Heyne and Associate
Dean Harold E. Wise of the
Graduate College were also
nominated for . the awards
which are given each semes
ter to one student and one
faculty member who . have
distinguished themselves by
their contributions to the Uni
Pat Porter has already been
nominated for the honor,
which will be announced Fri
day, Jan. 20. Deadline for ad
ditional nomniations is 5 pm.
on Monday. ,
"Mr. Broeder is an out
standing asset to the Univer
sity and its College of Law,"
stated the letter nominating
the associate professor.
"His informative and time
ly studies in the fields of fam
ily law and criminal law have
been invaluable not only to
the members of the Nebraska
bar, and indeed, practition
ers all over the nation.
"Currently, the 30-year-old
associate professor is teach
ing torts, the law of civil
wrongs, criminal law and fam
ily law. Next semester, Mr.
Broeder will begin teaching
a new course, problems of
criminal procedure, which he
has been developing through
his knowledge gained in ex
tensive research and as a
participant in the Chicago
jury Project.
"It is worthy of note that
this nomination was intended
before Jan. 12th's statement
by Mr. Broeder regarding the
rile of the law College pro
fessor. However, the pene
trating statement appearing
in the newspapers regarding
the professional integrity of
law professors makes this
nomination even more signi
ficant. "In that statement, Mr.
Broeder took issue with form-
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Watching the ground-breaking ceremony ,
for the Sheldon Art Galley are (left) Mrs.
A. B. Sheldon of Lexington, widow of the
late A. B. Sheldon; Regent Frank Foote of
AxtelL Regent Clarence Swanson of Lincoln,
president of the board; Chancellor Clifford
M. Hardin and Mrs. Joe R. Seacrest of
Lincoln, president of the Nebraska Art
Association. A model of the Art Gallery
when completed stands in the background
to the left.
Sheldon Art Gallery
Construction Begins
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
turned the firs shovel of dirt
Thursday in the construction
of the $2.4 million Sheldon Art
Gallery at its future site on
the northwest corner of 12th
and R streets.
Also present at the ground
breaking were Mrs. A. B. Shel
don, widow of the late A. B.
Sheldon; regents Frank Foote
and Clarence Swanson, board
president; Mrs. Joe R. Sea-
crest, president ot t n e Ne
braska Art Association; Mrs.
Everett Angle, past president
of NAA; and Fred M. Wells,
member of the NAA's advis
ory committee on the gallery.
With the initial ground bro
ken, the Olson Construction'
Co., which was awarded the
overall contract with a bid of
$2,368,000, will begin the oper
ation of erecting the 188x150
foot gallery. Completion is
scheduled for September,
The two-story building will
be used exclusively for exhi
bition and gallery purposes
and is being financed through
a gift from the estates of the
late Frances Sheldon of Lin
coln and her brother, the late
A. B. Sheldon of Lexington.
A distinctive feature will be
the great hall, with a bridge- j
type grand staircase leading!
to the main galleries on the
second floor. The hall will
display permanent pieces of
In addition, the gallery will
bouse an auditorium seating
300, , administrative offices,
three main areas of galleries
and a Sheldon Memorial
Room to be used by the NAA.
The Building will be both
air-conditioned and humidity
Associated plans call for the
old Administration building,
adjoining th i site, to be razed
and a Nelle Cochrane Woods
building in architectural har
mony with the new gallery
will be constructed to house
the art department, now lo
cated on the second and third
floors of Morrill Hall.
This addition to NU's new
art center will be financed by
a $250,000 gift from the Woods
Charitable Fund, Inc.
Gable, Bredenkamp
Over All Chairmen
. Don Gable and Bart Bred
enkamp were selected by the
Engineering Executive Board
as Over All Engineering Week
Wayne Liesemeyer and
Jerry Howerter were selected
as E-Week co-chairman for,
the department of engineering
Red Cross Interviews
Interviews for board posi
tions for Red Cross will be
held Saturday in 334, Stu
dent Union.
Applications can be ob
tained from any chairman
or from the envelope
placed outside room 345.
All applications must be re
turned and an interview
time signed up for by 5
p.m. Friday.
All workers are eligible
and are nrged to apply.
Art lecture, Professor
Lorenz Eitner, art historian,
University of Minnesota, 10
a.m., 234 Nebraska Union.
Swimming, Nebraska vs.
Emporia State College, 7:30
p.m., Coliseum.
"Birth of the Universe,"
2:45 p.m., Ralph Mueller
Planetarium, Morrill Hall,
14th and U. -
Ceres, transparent woman,
10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m..
Health Galleries, basement,
Morrill Hall 14th and U.
Gymnastics, Neb r a s k a,
Fort Hays and Fort Collins,
2 p.m. Men's Physical Edu
cation Building.
Wrestling, Nebraska vs.
Fort Hays, 7:30 p.m., Coli
seum. Swimming, Nebraska vs.
Oklahoma. 2:30 p.m., Coli-
Iseum. , i
er state senator Ray Sim
mons, who has criticized the
work load of law faculty mem'
bers. His statement of aca
demic freedom will, no doubt,
be considered courageous, in
light of harrrassment of
former law school faculty
member by the 1959 Legis
lature. .
"We belive that this nom
ination will, in addition to
honoring a truly magnificent
teacher, demonstrate to our
fellow students and the peo
ple of Nebraska, the deep
seated respect we feel for our
faculty and our University,
and our shock at uninformed
critics who would undermine
our fine educational system
in this day when good educa
tion is a prerequisite to dem
ocracy." the first letter of
nomination concluded.
In the second letter nomin
ating Prof. Broeder, addition
al points were brought out:
"In my understanding of the
choosing of faculty members
as Outstanding Nebraskans,
the critieria are: an interest
in the student as an individ
ual, dynamic and interesting
classroom technique, repuia
tion nationally in. one's field,
respect f students and fel
low teachers, ana good cur
zenship outside the classroom.
"In mv opinion, Mr. Broea
er fulfills these criteria fully
as well, and perhaps better,
than any of the recent out
standing Nebraskans.
"We feel that Archie Clegg
is very deserving of the title
of Outstanding Nebraskan for
the fall semester because of
his character and his out
standing accomplishments
and contributions while a stu
dent at the University," stat
ed the letter of nomination.
"Archie's sincerity and in
terest in others, both faculty
and students, has made peo
ple admire and respect him.
At the present time his activi
ties on campus include presi
dent of Farmhouse, vice
president of the Nebraska U
ion Board of Managers, presi
dent of the Ag Nebraska U
ion. vice president of the Inno
cents Society and a member
of Agronomy Club.
'He has also been chaorman
of Spring Day, vice president
of Kosmet Khub, a member of
Ag Exec Board and the Var
sitv Men's Glee Club. Last
year Archie was chosen as a
finalist for Eligible Bachelor.
"In addition to his activities
he was elected to Alpha Zeta,
This Summer
The University will hold a
language development pro
gram this summer tor n l g n
school teachers of romance
Applications are now being
accepted by the department
of romance languages for the
institute. Stipends of . $75 per
week for the session will be
paid under a National
Defense Education contract.
The teachers will live to
gether in restricted areas of
the University's dormitories
where they will speak only
the foreign language which
they are studying.
Dr. Claries w. coo-
man, chairman of the depart
ment of romance languages,
said that the program would
be concentrated in the areas
of understanding contempor
ary culture of the Spanish and
French speaking people, the
latest laboratory and teach
ing techniques and the appli
cation of principles of struc
tural linquistics to foreign
For further information con-
act Dr. Colman in 304 Bur
an agriculture honorary.
Archie's accumulative aver
age is very high and is indic
ative of his ambition and abil
ity to be a great leader," the
letter, concluded.
The letter ruminating Bev
erly Heyne listed her activi
ties as qualifications for se
lection: "A senior this year,
Bev is a vocational agricul
ture major, a member of
VHEA, Phi Upsilon Omicron,
home economics honorary;
YWCA; Young Republicans;
past president of Red Cross
and past Tassel.
"She is also secretary of the
Lutheran Student House.
Bev is treasurer of Mortar
Boards this year and is cur
rently a dorm counselor. She
is also vice president and
pledge trainer' of her sorority,
Alpha Omicron PL and has
served as rush chairman and
standards chairman for the
house in the past.
""Her never-tiring efforts
have won her the respect and
gratitude of her counselees
and pledges. Through her in
terest and participation in Lu
theran Student House, it is
evident that she is a person
with high morals and aspira
tions. "Her dedication and respon
sible attitude toward every
thing she undertakes is proof
of her outstanding character.
She has maintained a grade
average of 6.8 through her
college years, proof that her
studies are just as important
as her campus activities," the
letter concluded.
"Ken Tempero has given
dedicated service to the Uni
versity of Nebraska for the
past three and one-h a 1 f
years," stated the letter of
He is the type of student
that freshmen hope to pattern
their college lives after, but
few wiM ever reach his
heights of accomplishment,"
the letter concluded.
His activities include
a member of Innocents, a
brigade executive officer of
the Army ROTC the National
Commander of Pershing
Rifles, president of Alpha Phi
Omega, German Club, chair
man of the Publicity commit
tee of the 1960 Military Ball,
president of NU-Meds, past
secretary of Theta Xi fraterni
ty, Theta Nu, and president
of Honor Code committee.
Dr. Wise
Dr. Wise is associate Dean
of the Graduate College, dep
uty University research ad
ministrator and professor of
secondary education. The
nominating letter listed
some of his accomplishments
as qualifications for selection:
"Dean Wise has established
himself as a leading advocate
of excellence in both under
graduate and graduate studies
at the University. He has giv
en encouragement to and ad
vocated adherence to the high
est standards of scholarship
in his work.
As a professor of sec
ondary education, Dean Wise
was very effective in teach
ing young undergraduate sci
ence teachers at the scientific
method and in inspiring them
to become outstanding science
teachers in the secondary
schools of the nation. '
More recently, as associ
ate Deaa of the Graduate Col
lege, he has gives guidance
and assistance to numerous
staff members and depart
ments in developing quality
programs of graduate educa
His ark as a member of
the committee to select
Woodrow Wilson Fellows has
contributed significantly to the
success of this outstanding
program. He has also been
the principal administrator of
the program of scholarships t
and feliowsnjps grama i
graduates," the letter concluded.
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