Friday, Jan., 6, 1961 Page 4 The Nebroskon Ellen Basoco, Arnold Will Lead Red Cross, Builders in '61 Top officers in Builders and Red Cross were elected this week. Roy Arnold, a junior in the College of Agriculture, is the new president of Builders. He was formerly chairman of the Ag Tours committee and is a member of Farmhouse. Vice president in charge of publications is Gretchen Shell- berg, a junior In Arts and Sciences. .She is the former chairman of the Special Elec tion committee and is a mem ber of Delta Gamma. Joan Myhren, a junior in Teachers College, is the new vice president in charge of public relations. She is the former chairman of the calen dar committee and is a mem- WELCOME STUDENTS TO ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH Lincoln' Downtown Church Worship Services ot 9:30 and 11 am Dr. Frank A. Court, Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES ON CAMPUS BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Royiw I.. Jon wi ft H. Mury! Burner Director of Student Work :30 o.m. Bible Study e:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 10:45 o.m. Morning Worship 7:00 Evening Worship 5:30 p.m. Supper 8 00 After-Church Fellowship Croups Meeting at frtt Baptist Church Mth ond K Streets Second Baptst Church 28th ond S Streets DISCIPLES STUDENT FELLOWSHIP (Christian Churches) 1237 R Street Keith Stephenson. Campus Minister I0:4S o.m. Worship (Cooperotvely with U.C.CF. ot 333 No. Uth) S:30 p.m. Supper, Worship & Forum (Cooperatively with U.C.CF. ot 333 No. 14th) LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) 835 North lth Alvin M. Petersen. Pastor 9:30 o.m. Bible Study 10:15 o.m. Coffee Hour 10:45 o.m. Worship 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Association SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Center) 1112 Q Street O. 1. Keenan, pastor R F. Sheehy, J. R. Myers, associate Sunday Masses at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30 Confessions on Soturday: 4:30-5:30 p.m. ond 7:30-8:30 p.m. Business Meeting ond Social Hour 7:30 p.m. UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian, Congregational, E.U.B E. & R.) 333 North J4th Street Alan i. Pickeries:, Minister 10:15 Communion Served at UCCF Student House 10:45 o.m. Corporate Worship 5:30 p.m. Forum Fellowship UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Services at Corner while present bonding being rebuilt Gilbert M. Armstrong, Chaplain :00 o.m. Holy Communion 1 1 :00 o.m. Morning Prayer 5:30 p.m. Evening Praver ' UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri Synod; t A. J. Nnrden, Pastor 15th una Q Streets 9:30 o.m. Bible Study 5:30 p.m. Gamma Delto Supper 10:45 o.m. Wnrshio WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) William B. Gonld t i. Benton White, Pastors 8:00 o.m. Holy Communion (Wesley House, 1417 R Streets) 9:30 o.m. Morning Worship (at LSC, 535 North 16th St.) 10:30 o.m. Coffee Hour and Discussion (Wesley House) 5:30 p.m. Cost Supper (Wesley House) 6:00 p.m. Forum (Student Union, Room 234) ber of Gamma Phi Beta. , Vice president in charge of Ag Campus is Nancy McGath, a junior in the college of Ag riculture. She Is the former assistant on the Ag publicity committee and is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Linda Sawvell, a junior in Arts and Sciences, is the new secretary of Builders. She is the former chairman of the Student Directory committee and is a member of Delta Delta Delta. Treasurer of Builders is Di ane Tinan, a junior in Teach ers College. She is the former chairman of the parties and conventions committee ana is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The four new officers of Red Cross are, juniors in Teachers College. The new president is Ellen Basoco, former chairman of the, handicrafts committee and a member of Alpha Omi cron Pi. Vice president of Red Cross is Sharon Anderson, former chairman of the orphanages committee and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Maribeth Larson is the new secretary of Red Cross. She is the former chairman of the leadership committee and is a member of Alpha Chi Ome ga. Treasurer of Red Cross is Bev Ruck. She is the former chairman of the special proj ects committee and is a mem ber of Alpha Phi. Builders Interviews Applications for Builders chairmen and assistants must be in by 5 p.m. today. A p p 1 i c a tions blanks, which may be obtained in the Builders office, 342 Stu dent Union, must be placed in the envelope out side the door by that time. Applicants should also sign for interviews on the sheet next to the envelope. Interviews for the Build ers positions will be held to morrow from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. in the Union. umWIIUHIIIIHIIIIIHI!HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUItlllllllll!M TO THE NEW UNIVERSITY I j BOOK STORE COMPLETE SCHOOL SUPPLIES CENTRALLY LOCATED 1 "CONGRATULATIONS 1 i 3 E 5 I 1 GRAMERCY GUILD GROUP, INC. New York 4, N. Y. "Social Column Seven Get 'Presents' - Pinnings Virginia Hansen, Kappa Delta senior in Teachers from Kennard to Jim Lee, Alpha Gamma Rho from Valentine. Mitzi Bohling from Auburn to Vance Vuerlein, Sigma Phi Epsilon in graduate Business Administration from Lincoln. Pat Lessmann, Kappa Del ta senior in Teachers from Lincoln to -Don Olsen, Delta Sigma Pi junior in Business Administration. Engagements Bev Swaboda, Love Hall from Stanton to Ken Pohl man, Alpha Gamma Rho jun ior in Agriculture from Stan ton. Loretta Stephan, sophomore in Home Economics from Leigh to Bob Engelbart from Creston. Susan Davenport, Alpha Xi Delta sophomore in Teachers from Milbank, S.D. to Roland Johnson, Delta Tau Delta freshman in Arts and Sciences, from Milbank, S.D. Carol Zajic, junior in Arts and Sciences from Lincoln to Jim Friedman, Sigma Alpha Mu senior in Business Ad ministration from Omaha. NIA Officers To Be Elected Officers f or the newly-or-ganized Nebraska Internation al Association will be elected at a meeting Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Student Union. Two co-chairmen will be elected at the meeting, one from the United States and one from a foreign country. Nominees for the foreign co chairman are Javad Abedi from Iran and Jagjit Singh from India. John Else and Dave Sorenson have been nominated for the position of the co-chairman from the United States. Nominees for Student Coun cil representative are Yilmaz Aksoz from Turkey and Essie Mortazavi from Iran. Eight members at large will be elected, one from the United States and seven from other countries. Religious "Existentialism" and "Con flicting Faiths" will highlight discussion sessions at student religious houses Sunday. WESLEY FOUNDATION "Ones Love, Conflicting Faiths," will be the subject of the forum discussion which will follow the 5 p.m. supper and 6 p.m, vespers. LUTHERAN STUDENT AS SOCIATION, NATIONAL LU THERAN COUNCIL Stu dents will form a panel to dis cuss their responsibility "'To ward the Church and the Campus Ministry" at 6:30 p.m. Supper will, be at 5:30 p.m. BAPTIST -The supper will be at 5:15 p.m. at Second Baptist Church, 28th and S. Following this, Rev. Royce Jones will teach the first les son of a 6 weeks course on Heritage and Horizons in Home Missions. NEWMAN, CLUB The Activities 5:30 p.m. supper will be fol lowed by a business meeting and social hour. UNITED CAMPUS CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP Dr. O. K. Bouwsma, professor of philosophy at the University will 'discuss "'Existentialism" at 6:30 p.m. following the 5:30 p.m. supper. ' UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL, MISSOURI SYNOD Election of officers will -be held and a new film called "Time Out" depicting the Gamma Delta program will be shown. following the 5:30 p.m. supper. . NeVSraskan Want Adi s COLLEGE NIGHT iTl) T Fri inn A ft trt 1 5 n m THE BROUGHAMS East Mis j Aim. $1 each "SENSATIONAL ROCK I ROLL RECORDING STARS" For Ret. Ph. IV 8-2S2S CLASSIFIED AD POLICY d to be TTtntufl 1n the lasslfM motion of th Dally Nebraskan must he accompanied by the nama ot the person placing nalfi ftfl. FOR SALE Slightly used formats elzae and T, Reasonable. IV 8-0661. FOR RENT AOAIN AVAILABLE One bedroom trailer. 20x8 ft., picture window, nice lot. JH2 monthly rant can apply on purchase prlo. Air conditioned. ID 4-4820. CALL, AGAIN REPAIRS Wntoh Repnlre 2-T)ay Service Campus Bookstore CHILD CARE Sturient'fl -wife with 4-year-old child would like to care for child of ame age m her home. G-R 7-7054. fave a real eiaarette-have a AtA w ty i ... r- r & i ' iSS : ' ; "1 p ! -" y . - : if N I 4 Lin .hi ii iriiiimiiifin.iiHiiiifiiiiniVifiri mnr iin wiwnnwn nr- ru i ni in n fi mi n rn nfmrmn .... x Xv" . -A' i. IS WST COAST AlLPlANH tNT Ths bsst tobacco osliss ffcs fcsst srnslcs! X. t Bemolih Toto Oe., Wuiitao-8tli, N. C, M 4 TURKISH DOMESTIC BLEND ' -CIGARETTES fcassm 1 Zcia Tau Alpha Kappa Sigma Sigma Kappa Phi Delta Thcfa Alpha Xi Delta Sigma Alpha Mu uC3 Gamma Phi Beta Chi Omega Pi. Kappa Phi BBS Delta Delta Delta Alpha Phi Theta Xi Beta Sigma Psi Phi Gamma Delta Delta Sigma Phi