Pag 4 The Nebraskan Monday, Dec. 19, 1960 ; 5. A j ..I s 1 ;.5 Si 8' i' ft' 1 S I r 1 'I i KK Talent Sought 4In Snadesw Baker By Nancy Brown The search for Kosmet Klub spring show talent is on Scripts for persons interested in trying out for the KK production of "Damn Yankees" may now oe picicea up rrom the main desk in the Student Union. "Past Kasmet Klub spring show productions have 'run the gamut in variety of talent. This year's production of "Damn Yankees" is no exception: we need talent in spades," stated Bill Baker, director of "Damn Yankees.' "There are approximately 45 members needed for this cast, and the talents needed ranee from a flaming cigar ette trick to a masochistic mambo," Baker added. . Tryouts will be held Jan. 10 and 12 in the Union from 7 to 10 p.m. each night. During tryouts the directors will be looking for people to portray a wide range of char acters. Baker described the characters as follows: "There's Charlie Applegate, a not too sinister Satan who is losing his devilish touch and needs special help from his right-hand girl, Lola Devil's Desire "Lola is just what the devil ordered. She is brash on oc c a s i o n. ( " Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets"), playful always ("Two Lost Souls") and frantic usually ('.'Who's Got the Pain When They Do the Mambo"). "She dances and sings to Joe Hardy, the ail-American baseball player who sings right back to her, even though he is r e a 1 1 y Joe Boyd, an aging Washington Senators fan who has made a deal witn Applegate. Joe is married and deeply in love with his wife, Meg, a kind and understanding mid- die-aged woman who must sacrifice her husband to television set six months out of every year. "During the story, the a dience meets such people as Gloria, an energetic and at tractive newspaper reporter; Van Buren, the befuddled and distressed team manager; and Welch, the slightly incap able club owner. "There are also Henry Sohovik and Rocy, three uiv likely ball players who ar convinced that all it takes to win the pennant is "You've Gotta Have Heart," and Sis ter and Doris, two spinster neighbors and .overly avid baseball fans. Mix Well' "To these characters add generous spicing of several other varieties of people who can sing or dance or douv and you have the material for a first class Kosmet Klub spring show. "Rehearsals have been planned to make the max! mum use ot a minimum amount of time so everyone can maintain their averages and not jeopardize their so cial activities. Experience is not absolutely necessary; en- thusiasm is. Your directors are miracle workers," Baker concluded. Friends Service Offers Jobs Warren Witte, program as sistant for the North Central Regioa of the American " Friends Service Committee, ' will interview students Jan. 13 for study and work pro jects offered throughout the United States and abroad next summer. These projects, sponsored by the Service Committee, in clude U.S. work camps, over seas work camps, service in Latin America, institutional service units, and interns in community service and in dustry. The Service committee Is an organization which at tempts to relieve human suf fering and to seek for non violent solutions to conflicts personal, national and in ternational. In each of these projects, students assist the people of other countries and areas to develop better living condi tions. In the institutional serv ice units, students work in mental hospitals, schools for the retarded and corretional institutions , to aid these peo ple to lead a better life. Additional informa tion about the projects may be obtained from the Univer sity YWCA office. I Stuthman New AUF President Board Interviews To be Held Jan. 9 Deon Stuthman was elected president of the All University Fund for the coming year by the AUF executive board Thursday night. Others elected to the AUF executive board are: Sonja Ericksen, vice presi dent in charge of solicitation; Lynn Wright, vice president in charge of publicity; Nancy Kaun, secretary; and Mike Milroy, treasurer. In addition to his new AUF position, Stuthman is a mem ber of Alpha Zeta, Ag Union Board of Managers, Ag Exec Board. Kosmet Klub, Student Council and Farm House fra ternity. He is a junior in agri culture. Sonja Ericksen is a board member of Coed Counselors and a committee chairman of Ag Union. She is a junior in home economics and a member of Chi Omega sor ority. Lynn Wright is a managing editor of the Cornhusker and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She is a jun ior in Arts and Sciences. Nancy Raun is a member of YWCA, ACE, Y-teen lead er and treasurer of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She is a junior in Arts and Sci ences. Mike Milroy is a member of Kosmet Klub, IFC. Student Council and Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He is a junior in Arts and Sciences. Interviews for new board chairmen and assistants will be held on Jan. 7. said Sue Carkoskj, past president of AUF. The old and new execu tive boards will interview the 1 1 NEW DDD TECHNIQUE Living Room Lecturer Plans 'Distance9 Talk Dr. George Young will accomplish the impossible tomor row for he will be at Ohio State University and Lincoln at the same time. ; ' The chairman of the veterinary science department wiH speak to several hundred veterinarians at a meeting at Ohio State but he will not be there in person. Dr. Young will speak and Dr. George Young, chairman of the veternary science department, demonstrates his method of relaying his Tuesday speech to fellow veterinarians at Columbus, 0. The veter inarians will also be able to ask Dr. Young questions after his talk via the long distance the young pigs. show slides from the living room of his home A long distance telephone will make it possible for his speech to reach the veterin arian's meeting. A duplicate set of slides will be shown at the meeting and will corres pond to the ones viewed here in Lincoln by Young, Following the speech, the veterinarians will have the opportunity to ask Dr. Young some . questions via the tele phone. Dr. Young will discuss the "Comparative Performance and Maintenance Cost of Spe cific - Pathogen-Free pigs." Such pigs are delivered by surgical means to prevent transmission of certain di seases from the mother to telephone call. Christmas A 'Bang' For C7 Jamaicans By Gloria Peterson an Nancy Whitford Christmas goes off with a bang in Jamaica. Jamaicans, according to exchange student Isa Lyttle, reserve fireworks for Christ mas rather than the fourth of July. Many of the other festivi ties, such as caroling, par ties, gift exchanges and Christmas trees are similar to those found in America, she explained, but there is one special food that is dif ferent. "This is a pudding which contains fruit that has been soaking in liquors since last Christmas or the early part of June. The pudding is then steamed and served," she said. Isa said she is looking for ward to spending Christmas in the United States and learning how the holidays are celebrated here. Other foreign students at the University will travel across the nation as far as New York City and San Diego, Calif., to spend Christ mas vacation. A number of the 236 for eign students will visit room mates and relatives through out Nebraska according to Mrs. Olga Steele, foreign stu dent adviser. In addition, special Christ mas invitations to spend the holidays have again been of fered by several Nebraska towns, including Beatrice, Steinauer, Walthill, Hender son and Lincoln, Mrs.- Steele said. "Not all of the foreign stu dents will be leaving the cam pus though, as many plan to spend the vacation time doing research and term papers while others will work full time to defray school ex penses," she said. Students living in "near-by" countries such as Venezuela and Canada will travel bv Pledge Projects Constructive Activity Subs for Usual Sneak By Sue Hovik Pledges of fraternities and sororities have been making the news with their efforts on constructive projects. Even though some of the houses have given up the tra ditional sneak to harass ac tives, and turned to a week end in the house to work on constructive projects, others have boarded buses and trav eled as far away as Colum bia, Mo., and Champaign, 111. Alphia Xi Delta pledges moved the actives out of the house for a day and night while they provided surprises ia form of a painted crest as well as painting in the house. Although they didn't have a homecoming display, the Chi Omegas didn't let the display money to go to waste. A mentally retarded boy of a needy family will go to school because of their contribution.! The Tri Delt actives felt a little sheepish when they had the wool pulled over their eyes by their pledges as they took off on a "fake sneak" one Friday night. The Delta Gamma pledge class will be hostesses for the Ked-Tread for all pledge classes on campus. Concentrating on those less fortunate is the Kappa Kappa Gamma theme this year as they go caroling at orphan ages and the State Hospital. Future sorority members 1 Friday afternoon might be getting an "early rush" as alumni children flock to the houses during the Christmas season to receive their gifts from Santa and his elves. Many fraternity men are also getting exper ience "playing Santa." Working as "Santa's help ers" are the Sigma Cms mi . . iney are collecting, repair ing, and making toys for 500 Indian children in Macy, Neb The Delta Upsilon pledges have been picking corn at LARC Farm every Saturday. The Miami Triad party is the main concern of the pledge classes of Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Thea and Beta Theta Pi. Sigma Delta Tau and Zeta Beta Tau played Santa indi rectly Saturday afternoon. They took several children from the Cedar's Home for Children to see Santa Claus. After the visit with Saint Nick, they took the children to a downtown toy depart ment and" bought each child a gift. The Phi Gamma Delta pledges took children from the White Hall Orphange to a movie and then had a Christmas party for them afterwards. The Alpha Omicron Pi pledges held a Christmas tea The technique was de veloped by Dr. Young. Book Topic Is Whitman , Continued from page 1 major analytical book on Walt Whitman's masterpiece of American poetry, "Leaves of Grass." At that time critics had agreed that Whitman was the 19th century's greatest Amer ican poet, but until Dr. Miller finished his initial and ma jor work on the author, little attention had been given to the artistry that Whitman in vested in "Leaves of Grass." Dr. Miller, a member of the University faculty since 1353, is also editor of College English and advisery editor of "Prairie Schooner." He first became interested in Whitman while doing ad vanced degree work at the University of Chicago. While at the University, he started a seminar course where his thinking on the subject of the author was, in part, formu lated. Dr. Miller has also written a number of articles on other American authors including Hawthorne, Melville, Poe and D. Salinger. He collaborated with Uni versity professors Karl Shapi ro and Bernice Slote in writ ing "Start With the Sun," a study of cosmic poetry, "A Critical Guide to Leaves of Grass" "The Ficitonal Tech nique of Scott Fitzgerald," and the editing of "Walt Yodel on Inn; ' Learn to Ski : The Yodel Inn Motel and Restaurant, located at the en trance to Hide-A-Way Par& near the summit of Berthomi Pass, will provide housing for Student Union Ski Trip parti cipants this year. ' ,ZL Only 2 miles from the Winter-Park Ski area, Yodel Inn has been newly redecorated and enlarged. The trip cost $65 which in. eludes Yodel Inn, transporta tion, lessons, equipment and chaperones. The trip will be held Febru ary 1-6, and will be sponsored by the Student Union. Shucks No Peppers . There will b no fresh men pep seetion at the home basketball game during va cation. Even though many stu dents might attend the gam here will be no section re served for them, according to Ron Gould, Corn Cobs member. i Nebraskan Want Ada rtR SALE 1958 Triumph TR-3. Mechanically eift cellent. Hardtop, heater. Two ne tires. Priced below book to Mil. 133f H, Apt. C-3. GR 7-8313. Formats tc Dress, elzei 6 and IV 8-0561. FOR RENT AOA.IN AVAILABLE One bedroom trailer, 29x8 ft., picture window, nice lot. $52 monthly renf ean apply on purchase price. AIT conditioned. ID 4-4920. CALL AOAIST Sleeping Rooms 1433 "Q", Apartment 1437 "J". LOST & FOUND Lost : Versalog HE 2-0015. tilde rule. Reward. Mixup of white, short Borgana coat Saturday at Tony Lucie's. Check lable for name "Read." If you have coat -please contact Ruthle Read at rv 8-1668. She will return your new one. RIDES Ride needed for two to California. Cou.4 leave I9th-21st. Call Terry GiUiand, HE 2-47ti3. Need ride or riders to L.A. Before or after Christmas. Huskervilte 7JW-35S4. for all sorority pledge classes Whitman. Complete Poetry ana beiectea rrose. Wanted: A ride to the Chicago area over Christmas vara t ion. Contact Roger Miller, HE 5-904 . Riders to Kansas City for Christmas vacation. Call GA 3-9053 after 5:30. Ask for Joe. Student desiring ride to northern Mich igan call Milton Hujen, Sam Law rence Hotel, before December 23. REPAIRS Watch Repair 2-Day Service Campus Bookstore PERSONAL Solve that Christmas present qmindry Buy a Nebraska Band Album. Uni versity Kxt. 6151. If you are not lnte nested in fun. ex citement, rood food, and beautiful country, then don't so on the Tnion Skl-trlp February 1-6, 1961. It you like skiing, go. Filters for flavor -finest flavor by far! candidates for these positions, train and plane to spend sne saia. Christmas at home, she noted CP'S tr Men who face wind and weather 7 - choose the protection of . . Ilk, Ic4 r ha ' p. Si i' -js - -jpin n I, "cr"v I lev Tareyton 7 ft 1 if., f ' 7m AFTER SHAVE LOTION Tareyton has the taste rf'n HERE'S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT; T 1 Tl.l i : I 'f combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL I 111 PI I Hi IPT '' 4 g-'y Proved o me the taste pf a cigarette mild and smooth .. . . c'..-trv'a- if 2. with a pure white oyter filter. Together they select and balance does it me navor elements in the smoke. Tarevton's ilavnr.hsianr. you the best taste of the best tobaccos. Skin protection, that is. Old Spice refreshes and stimulates, guards against the loss of vital j skin moisture, feels great, too. Brisk, bracing, vify that tangy Old Spice scent, Ft does qeem i attract female admirer but what red-hlooded . : ? ; ; ! : ' ' 1 .' : ; ; ?. ' -f ' man need protection against girls? , 1.00 fhuum i ' S H (J t. T O M vilvH. ... i ii?Mh:NEWJ)UAL FILTER Product of iSSUtMrrifMMtmtiVaeco-KM u imr middle name 4. r. c. Tareyton i ,1V,