The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
The Nebraskdn
Monday, ; Dec, I960
Nebraskan Letierip
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Our Holiday Letter
To Santa Claus I
' s
Since front page editorials are not in keeping with I
The Daily Nebraskan's policy, we have expressed our
wish for the season and the new year in the greeting f
drawn by staffer Jim Forrest. 1
The theme, which is depicted by the tree growing out
of the globe, is that of one world, embracing the goals of
peace, equality, brotherhood, freedom and love decorat-
ing the tree. In addition, hope, which must accompany 1
all efforts to achieve the desired goals, is a part of our g
tree. i
This past year, the first of what promises to be a dec-
ade of unparalleled impact on the future of the world,
has been one both of encouragement of hope and also of
futility. At times it seemed that we had moved closer to f
our goals; there were other periods when the waters f
were troubled. I
As we think back over what transpired during 1960,
we find it hard to believe that so much could have hap-x
pened in so little time. We also find that in lining our-
selves up so solidly behind the goal of world peace, we as
Americans may have overlooked those black marks which
tarnish our reputation as a leader of the cause for free-
dom. . . .
1960 saw the execution of Caryl Chessman. Ameri- I
cans found it easier to erase their mistakes by total era- S
dication of the effect, still paying little attention to the
cause. Rather than rebuild, we destroyed. "An Eye for
an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth," according to the Bible,
the same Bible that says "Thou Shalt Not Kill." 1
Those events which are taking place in New Orleans
have found Americans fighting against the very thing
which they have so long and vigorously supported, broth-
erhood and equality for all. They call it white supremacy f
down South. However, it would be hypocritical for us to
ignore the discrimination that is present above the
Mason-Dixon Line. It is a case of yelling loud enough f
about the other fellow's wrongs to protect our own from f
being discovered. I
The letter from a "Japanese CORN HUSK" which
onnaoT-c in tha T .otArin VYlnmns tnrinv TWliTlt, IW) B CHIPS.-
tion which we must all face. What is American Dem
ocracy? However, a New Year is about to begin. We must look
ahead, not back. If we have erred, we must be careful not
to make the same mistake. We must Join with the free
peoples of the world in working towards those goals for
which we hope: peace, equality, freedom, love and
brotherhood. This is our message to Santa Claus, to our
selves, in other words, for we must be our own Santa
Clauses, working for one world.
Staff Views I
"bovine views 1
by Jerry Lamberson
Preliminary plans drawn up by the Ag planning sur- g
vey committee call for a considerable change in the
present pattern and facilities of the Ag campus.
This committee asked each of the Ag campus depart- 1
ments to estimate their future needs by 1980 so that plans
could be laid out as to the pattern that the campus might
follow. The estimates were compiled by the committee
and a mapping of facilities was begun.
The committee had three major points ki mind as to
the improvement of the Ag campus. One was to induce
some logical pattern of growth so that the campus would
be orderly and neat in appearance. The present pattern
of the campus has been outgrown due to the construction
of some new buildings and the future need for more.
' The pattern followed by the committee was one of
emphasizing some type of academic environment for the
campus. However, it will be hard for any architectural
firm to calculate a plan that will show such environ
ment unless some of the present buildings are torn down.
Some of them are old and do not illustrate academic
achievement of the campus. Others are out of place at
the present and stick out like a sore thumb.
The improvement to provide a traffic route through
the campus and to aid in pedestrian safety is definitely
a must for the Ag campus. Wider streets and better
pavement would allow much of the traffic to bypass some
of the acadamic areas which would aid in quieter condi
tions as well as increased safety to the pedestrians. Such
streets as the One to the north of the Ag Engineering
building are quite dangerous especially to the hot-rod
type of drivers. Here the street runs directly up to the
Access to the campus is another improvement that
is definitely needed. The heavy traffic on Holdrege has
caused considerable congestion at the Ag campus en
trances on Holdrege. Street. However, another entrance
on 33rd might aid this cause. The committee proposed
an entrance at the northeast corner of the Ag section
which is near University Place. This entrance would be
dose to the radial highway of the Interstate. An entrance
here might attract more visitors to the Ag campus.
Also proposed in the building committee survey is
the change of the center of the campus to the north and
east to accommodate for the new buildings that may
be needed by 1980. This would probably cause some con
struction to the nor and east of Dead Man's Run, a creek
that runs through the Ag property. Construction on the
north, side might present problems in access and con
struction as bridges would have to be built to cross the
The survey said that the intramural fields for all Uni
versity instramural sports might be included in the pro
posal for the 1980 campus. This would allow plenty of
room for the intramural sports.
Such proposals with the addition of several new build
ings will cost the University plenty of money. This type of
campus will not be developed over night and probably
many ideas will not become a reality because of lack of
funds and because of changes in ideas by various
All of this must I k considrably different from the
proposd campus in 10 when the University considered
moving the main orfmpus and combining tt with the Ag
campus. However, the Board of Regents after much dis
cussion decided that the main campus should be left in
its present location and so the large area of ground has
been left for Ag campus use.
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, -Incorporated
Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
I4th A R ' ' -'-,
Telephone HE I-7S31, ext. 4125. 422S. 42iT
ffnhmrlimm rmtn are S3 Pr tmntm r tit far the s4nf Mr.
KntanS a Miaii 1M matter M the poet efflee la LlaeOB. KeknMka,
ader the Aaurn 4, ltil.
The DeJtj Meltruksn It paMiibcl Mono,?, TneW, Mm4 kn4 trt.
T arla the irhool rear, exeept inrlnf ecteatkim an exam prl4, bf
tudmte el the tnlrenltr ef Nehntika aader aatherlatla at the Commit
a Btndenf Affairs a aa exnraealoa ef atadeat nptnloa. Pnhllrattoa ander Ma
Jnrtudletiaa ef the Bntraonanlttae oa gtndent Pahllratlsnt ihall ac free from
editorial erxMrshlp oa the part af Ike 6abommlttee or the part ef aar
aweea entald the Unlvrrelty. The amnbrra ef the Dall Nebraekaa staff are
tumnnellr rretxmiible for what they aa?, ac do, er cams to be printed,
ebraarjr S, UM.
fMltar , Herb frobaaea
Maaa1a Rdlte Dare calheea
ewa Mltor , . Karea Xaa(
porta Editor ftj IS raws
As Nw adite Gerald UnbmN
Cop Editor rat OeakB, Ana Mover, Oretrhea flMlberg
titaff Writers Mom Beattr, Dare Wshlfarth
Junior Htaff Writers. .Naney Browa, Urn Tet, N alter Whltfnrd. Chip Wned
Mght Mews Kdltor .Dare Wohlfartk
: t . BUSINESS STAFF . , ' ...
Siulneas Manaacr ... .i ...... .w. .. i .fitaa Ratmaa
Altant BnalnrH Managers ....Dob Fersaaoa, Chip Kuklla, John rVhrordnr
:trcu!atloa Manater Bob Kerf
ClaaeUled Maaatvr Jerl Jehnsea
Stevenson Faced
I Restarting U.N.
By Eric Sevareid
By his act in asking Adlai
Stevenson to speak for
America at the United Na
tions, John Kennedy has
done the country, the U.N.
and himself a favor, but he
has done no favor to Gov
ernor Stevenson.
The Democrat twice fated
to carry his party's weight
in hopeless races against a
n ational
hero is now
asked to
perform an
other near
miracle, the
most imme
med lately
critical task
any Ameri
can states
man could
face. He is Eric Sevareid
asked to help restart the
machinery and drive of the
United Nations, now sputter
ing closer to complete para
lysis than at any time in its
fifteen years.
In the first year of the
Kennedy regime the world
will find out with finality if
the U.N. really is to be a
powerful instrument for
world order or if another
dream of peaceable men is
to fade into the mists like
the League of Nations.
Its treasury is virtually
bankrupt, largely because
oi Communist bloc refusals
to honor their debts. The
Security Council may cease
to function for months be
cause of the quarrel over
iRag Seeks
f Articles for
Material for a magazuie
issue of The Daily Nebras.
Kan, to appear sometime
in January, is still being
sought, according to Herb
Probasco. editor.
"We have had good co
& operation for this experi
I ment," he said. ''However,
I we can still use more ma
I terial and I .hope students
fwill use Christmas vacation
as a time to write articles
for the magazine."
I ; Probasco explained that
1 nonfictkm material is being
s sought' on problems and
ideas of a contemporary
nature. Articles should be
1,000 , to 2,900 words ' in
g length, double spaced, type
i written and on plain paper.
Manuscripts cannot be re
I turned.
s The. magazine pat
terned After similar "publi
cations at the Universities
of Michigan and Minnesota.
Tnnloa in 1hea macraTinne
ranged from "A Liberal
Education: Whys and
Wherefores" to "A Modern
I 'Analysis of Religion."
Deadline for submitting
I articles to the proposed
! magazine, which would ap
pear in place of a regular
issue, is Jan. 6.
; ''If this first issue is sue
1 cessfirt,";. Probasco said,
i c"we hope to make it a part
"'of the' paper," perhaps ap
1 pearing twice a semester."
. jp- Vim &Sm 1
its composition. The Secre
tariat still labors under the
Russian blackmail threat to
ruin its effectiveness by boy
cott. And the whole prestige
of the U.N., so recent
ly booming by reason of its
bold start in the Congo, is
now on the verge of col
lapse by reason of its in
ability to finish the Congo
Two powerful forces, one
coldly organized, the other
passionate and spasmodic,
are shipsawing the United
Nations with cruel effect.
The first is the Communist
world movement which
seeks, not order, but disor
der everywhere beyond its
own walls and uses the U.N,
with utter cynicism to that
end. (In the eighteen thous
and dreary, arrogant words
of the manifesto for world
Communism short of major
war, just issued by the Mos
cow conference, there is not
one mention of the United
The second force is the
jealous drive for national
prestige in the small, new
countries as witness the
self -centered - behavior of
Nkrumah and Nasser in the
joint Congo operation. A
strong United Nations is
immensely important to
this collection of new sov
ereignties because it is the
only means by which their
whole can become greater
than the sum of their parts;
yet by immaturity they are
paralyzing the UN as surely
as are the Communists by
One might add a third,
though passing force the
damaging influence of Pres
ident deGauUe's disbelief in
any supra-sovereign institu
tions of any kind.
Stevenson can help; if he
cannot, no American alive
can help. He can bespeak
He was
now he'll sleep forever .
Whan yo fael'dctvwiy of Hie wheal, eat off fh rood.
Take a nop. latter lots ond olirl Lost yaor nearly
40,000 diilS on evr roads. Too many ware vkthns of their
own mistake. Good drivers never risk the lives of then
r their own
Help stop senseless killing. Drive safely.
Insist on strict law enforcement.
Support.your local Safety Council.
Wherr traffic laws are strictly enforced,' , ' : '
deaths go down.
Published in an effort to save lives, in cooperation talk '
The National Safety Council and The Advertising Council , '
W MawSim
the America that thoughtful,
men everywhere long to
hear once more, the Amer
ican accents not heard at
the U.N. since the ambas
sadorship of Warren Austin
our fundamental peace
ableness, our straightfor
wardness, our creative sym
pathy for the dispossessed
of this world. It should not
be the purpose of the Amer
ican spokesman to score
quick debating points
against the Zorins arid the
Gromykos for the afternoon
headlines. To do that is to
reduce the United States to
the propagandists level of
the Communist bloc; it is
, to tarnish our name. '
Stevenson is more than
an intellect in operation; he
is a kind of presence, on any
stage. He will be persona
more grata upon this stage
than any performer we
could send. In the very spe
cial setting of the U.N. the
personal tone and bearing
of the performer is of sub
stantive importance. In this'
realm, manner often be
comes matter. Prime Min
ister Macmillan demon
strated this, in September.
India's Krishna Menon
Is speaking didactic non
sense, therefore, in stating
that neither Stevenson nor
any other American will be
any better at the U.N. than
the policy instructions from
' Washington. No more perti
nent example, In the re
verse sense, exists to dis
prove Menon's logic than
Menon. Incessantly has Ne
hru's light from New Delhi
been refracted, diffused and
discolored through the prism
of the Menon personality.
There is a culture of the
heart as well as that of the
head. Stevenson, thank God,
is at home and fit ease in
both. x ;
Out. land. Rail Syndicate, Inc. 1
Th nallv Xpftrftikftn Will Ubl.Ml niy innw ifii-na .,. a..? kkiitu.
IH- I? .Si ",.h 'a ar. nan or lalllala. Hrr lt,;r,
tUI be print aader a pre yr Initial, enly at ; the editor. JU
" luiuM ant excrra oa rd. When wtters evci-ed this
ttto!2JJ fr U, na,nM them, retain ,.
writers view.
About Democracy
I am a man of graduate
of University of Nebraska
and a Japanese, but there
is no difference in my heart
'to love my Alma Mater
compared with American
graduates. The campus of
Lincoln, where I have been
many years ago, stays still
now in my memory and
once and while it comes to
me in a vision to make me
When the . war ended,
many American service
men and civilians came to
- Japan. Whenever I had a
chance to meet with them,
'I used to ask them if there
was a graduate of U.N.,
i.e. CORN HUSK. When I
found a alumnus, I felt just
like I met my real brother
and I used to repeat same
questions; "Is there any
change in the campus?" or
"How are professors getting
Last month the Japa
nese news papers reported
all together that Mr. Ken
edy won the honor of the
new President of the United
States and his new brain
trust. It gives me a great
pleasure to know that Mr.
Solensen who graduated
' from the University of Ne
braska is appointed top ad
vicer of the new President.
We expect greatly showing
of Mr. Kenedy's ability for
the progress of America
and for world peace during
next four years of his pres
idential term.
Beside my professional
study there were too many
things to learn during my
stay in U.S.A. One of them
most valuable, I believe,
is that the American are
never proud, for example
anybody even in high posi
tion say "halloo" cheer
fully each other. This is the
fact 'to show beautiful hu
man friendship of Ameri
cans without distinction. I
myself have observed in
Lincoln the mayor said to
a shoemaker, "Halloo.
John!". Such a frank and
warm scene has never seen
in Japan.
However I am very sad
to confess that the day has
come when my beautiful
dream for America was
broken. It happened several
years 'before, and it is the
impression I received from
one who was an ambassa
dor to Japan (not make
clear his name).
He was a graduate of
University of Nebraska. It
is quite natural that one
Who is the same alumnus,
very few in Japan, must
express his respect So I
visited the ambassador for
salutation. ButI was re
fused to see himoy the rea
son of his inconvenience.
As I thought that it was
formal to send a letter
ahead to get his appoint
ment to see him, I wrote
a letter in the highest form
in Japan and sent it to him.
However I could not re
ceive any reply from him
at all.
I was disappointed very
much and have begun to
suspect a little for the
til?) "'"he 0ptoin uS9"ts that
fV now is the time. New sweat- t
j er$ Qnd fli'r items orrivecl I
I late this week to give you a J
Captains Walk
it.- ( A
American Democracy; why
he could not reply the rea
son he could not to see me,
or why he did not spare a
minute to receive the re
spect of the same alumnus,
a Japanese. Also I know
clerks are working in the
American Embassy to as
sist him.
I used to speak to stu
dents abroad including my
self when I was a student
in U.S.A. that we were un
official ambassadors so we
should behave courteously,
associate with the people
of America, and not give
bad impression and many
Americans agreed to my
word. .
I can not yet understand
his attitude and not clear
my doubt for the American
Democracy of Americans
staying in Japan..
By a Japanese of
Editor's Note: The above
letter was received at The
Daily Nebraskan office. The
author is Shiroku Tao ef
Kawasaki, Japan. The am
bassador he is apparently
referring to is John Allison,
a graduate of the Univer
sity who represented the
United States in Japan in
the early 19508. The views
of Mr. Tao are not neces
sarily those of The Daily
Nebraskan. However, we
find them interesting in the
light of recent hostility in
Japan towards the United
Suggests Masters
Wasting His Time
To the Editor:
As a part time student at
the University, I attempt to
keep up with,- and follow
student news and campus
opinion to as great an ex
tent as my time permits.
The main source of infor
mation to which I am ex
posed is The Daily Nebras
kan. During the past two se
mesters of which I have
been a student I have at
tempted to -follow the arti
cles written by the different
members of the newspap
er's staff. In reading these
various columns and (?)
columns I have come up
with the question, "Is the
name Dick Masters a pen
name, or does it actually
belong to an individual?"
I have read most of
(Dick Masters' ?) articles
and am truly amazed at
the attitude of this student
If he is a student, I do not
understand how it is pos
sible for "waste"
away so much of his time
with apparent worry about
the activities of the Sub
Rosa organizations.
My suggestions to Mr.
Masters: (1) Buy youur
way into one of these or
ganizations, (2) Form your
own "hand" picked group,
(3) Reread "Alice in Won
derland", (4) Sleep more,
write less, (5) Edit comic
Editor's Note: Dick Mas
ters is real. He is not a
staff member, only a col
umnist. Vi
larger selection. ' I