The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1960, Image 1

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    NIA Approves
By Nancy Brown
An organizational constitu
tion containing eight articles
was approved unanimously
at a recent meeting of the
hew Nebraska International
Association (NIA).
At the same meeting, John
Else, Dave Sorensen, Javad
Abedi of Iran and Jagjit
Singh of India were nomi
nated for " the offices of co
chairmen. Two co-chairmen, one from
the United States and . one
from another country, will
be elected at the next meet
ing in January. Other elec
tions at this meeting wQI in
clude the selection of eight
members-at-large and a Stu
If Probation Removed
SAE, Sigma Nu Get
Initiation Privileges
.Sigma Alpha Epsflon and Sigma Nu fraternities have
been granted the privilege next semester to initiate pledges
who made their first semester average and pledged by Feb.
28, 1961, if the fraternities are off social probation.'
The motion was brought before the Interfraternity Coun
cfl Wednesday by Phil Bauer, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, who
ald he felt the Jan. 9 pledging deadline should be extended.
Bauer said the move was.
"necessary" because the Sig
Arphs and Sigma Nu nave
been "almost assured" that
they will be off probation
Jan. 7.
The motion, waiving the
rule that "no fraternity be
allowed to pledge someone
after the fourth week before
semester's end and initiate
him the following semester"
carried unanimously.
Ron Gould, public relations
director, moved that the
pledging date be moved to
Feb. 28. It was passed 10-9
with three bouses absent.
IFC elections will be held
during the last meeting of
the first semester with nomi
nations a week before ac
cording to another ruling
passed by the group.
A motion to put the Junior
IFC in charge of Greek Week
was also discussed and
In other action, Bill Pax
ton. Sigma Chi, moved that
each house select an IFC rep
resentative on a yearly basis
to attend meetings with the
house president The motion
will be voted on next week.
The motion was amended
by Ron Bell, Phi Gamma
Delta, to read that "the al
ternate delegate serve from
January to January" in or
der that "the new council
would be able to work with
the new officers."
Scripts Ready
Scripts are now available
for persons interested In
trying out for the Kosmet
Klub production of "Damn
Tbey may be picked up
st the main desk in the
Student Union any time aft
er 12 noon today. Tryouts
are set for Jan. 19 and 12.
Approximately 45 persons
are needed for the cast.
Here We
The Soviet Student Ex
change program, which was
scheduled for October, may
be held in April, the campus
YW-YMCA reports.
A letter from J. Benja
min Schmoker of the com
mittee on Friendly Relations
told the YW-YMCA:
"On Nov. 22, and again on
Nov. 25, I had conferences
E resident of the Presidium of
it Committee of Youth
"Madame Titova indicates
that the group which was
cancelled in October will be
coming to the United States
in April. She was unable to
five me the exact number
that we might expect and it is
also likely that the personnel
of the group will not be the
same as those scheduled for
October. '
"There is quite a long story
itarding the cancellation of
the October group and I will
have this out in a special
bulletin to all of our host as
sociations just as soon as
some additional clearances
can be made and we can
check up on the facts."
Inside the Nebraskan
Union Conference
Region Eight Student Unions discuss plans for booking pool
' for top performers Page 4.
Theater Review
Phil Boroff and Doug McCartney review University Thea
ter's current production, "A Streetcar Named De
sire." Editorial Page
Swimming Tonight '
Nebraska varsity swimmers clash with frosh this eve
ning ; Page 3:
dent Council representative
Its executive committee
will .consist of two co-chair
men, the Student Council rep'
resentative, secretary, treas
urer, social chairman, pro
gram chairman, publicity
chairman, liason officer, par
liamentarian and orientation
The membership of the
executive committee will be
composed of two students
from the United States and
nine from foreign countries,
with not more than one per
son from the same foreign
One to three faculty spon
sors will be elected for terms
of three years. They will be
System Will Better
Utilize Personnel
The Executive Committee
of Builders has announced the
approved plans for the re
organization of Builders com
mittees. Ingrid Leder, president, said
there will be three areas of
concentration p u blication,
public relations and Ag activi
ties. The three vice-presidents
are in charge of the areas.
Two publication committees
have combined to form one
committee in charge of the
Calendar and Student Direc
tory. There will be two chair
men to direct the combined
AH four of the present pub
lic relations groups will meet
as a single committee. Mass
meetings of the PR group will
be held in which temporary
projects will be assigned un
der the leadership of four
project chairmen.
The chairmen will be mem
bers of the board. Each work
er will be able to sign up for
different projects.
The Ag division will com
bine the membership of four
committees. It will be headed
by two chairmen, one in
charge of ag tours, the other
in charge of ag public rela
tions. Reasons
Reasons that have , been
listed for the change, accord
ing to Miss Leder are:
1. To create more unity
within the organization.
2. To better utilize Build
er's workers, chainaen, and
the executive board, partic
ularly during "slack" pe
riods. 3. To equalize the work
load of the individual mem
bers of the organization.
4. To provide better chan
nels of communication.
5. To provide additional
services to promote the Uni
versity.. The changes wiH be effective
January 11 providing the Stu
dent Council gives it's ap
proval of the plan.
The reorganization will be
especially helpful in the pub
lic relations field because it
will eliminate maintaining a
large committee which is not
busy all year long, Miss Leder
The pool of workers will di
vide so that when a special
event comes up, for instance
a large convention, workers
can be assigned to this activ
ity. When the event is over
they will switch to a new com
mittee which is busy with dif
ferent activities.
In this manner, workers, as
sistants and chairmen can be
kept busy all year round and
will be able to do a variety
of jobs rather than just one
thing, she explained.
Eight Article Charter
considered as ex-officio mem
bers of the committee.
Four Committees
Four committees will be
set up to handle the activities
of NIA. Speakers from inter
national organizations, per
haps even from the United
Nations, will be invited to
speak here. ...
An International Student
Week is also being consid
ered. This week would in
clude parties, dances and a
Vol. 74, No. 48
"Streetcar's" Blanche DuBois her disillusionment and
destruction. (Picture by Doug McCartney Story Page 2.)
Say So on Entry
Entrants in the Student
Union's Art Show and Contest
who wish to sell their work
to the Union Picture Rental
Library must indicate so on
the entray blank.
The deadline is Tuesday.
The Union will spend ap
proximately $100 on purchas
ing a number of art works.
To be considered for purchase
each item must be in color.
No three-dimensional objects
will be considered, according
to the Union Art and Exhibit
Entrants must set their pur
chasing price at or below the
maximum if they -wish to sell
their works to the Rental
Library. A maximum of $10
has been set for all water
colors, tempra and gouche
and $25 for oil paintings.
The Union will exhibit all
items, including three-dimensional
objects, during the
show for public purchase.
Rules for entering the show
are available at the Union's
main desk and in the Activ
ities Office.
January Bidding
Set for Gallery
The bidding and letting of
contracts for the new , $2.5
million Sheldon Art Gallery
to be built at 12 and R streets
has been postponed until Jan.
5 at Z P-m.
Verner M. Meyers, director
of the University's division of
planning and construction,
said that the place for the
letting is "still to be deter
mined." Bids will be taken at this
time from general contrac
tors, mechanical contractors
and electrical wiring contrac
tors. The Sheldon Gallery will
be used exclusively for gal
lery and exhibition purposes
by the art department now
housed in the second and third
floors of Morrill HaH
cultural project program set
up to explain the culture and
conduct of persons from other
An important part of the
NIA activities will be a Big
Brother-Big Sister program.
Its job will be to help
orientate the students to the
campus and Lincoln.
Mutual Understanding
The purpose of NIA, as
stated in its constitution, is
to create mutual understand
- Houses to Participate in Pool
Council Hears Plans
For Book Exchange
An expansion of the student book exchange was explained
Wednesday at the Student Council meeting by Al Plummer.
The book pool for receiving books will take place between
January 30, 1960 and February 1, 1961 and books will he on
sale February 6 through the first week of classes of the sec
ond semester.
Plummer noted the follow
ing points of action the Coun
cil and the Alpha Phi Omega
book pool committees decid
ed at a joint meeting:
1. "To create a special sub
committee composed of one
representative . from each
house in the men's and wom
en's residence hall, each
sorority, each fraternity and
each Co-op house.
2. "To hold a meeting of
this sub-committee on Tues
day night, January 10, 1961
at 7. in the Student Union.'
At the meeting, the represen
tatives will receive informa
tion concerning the book
3. "To send letters to each
president of the above men
tioned living residences ask
ing those presidents to select
a sophomore or junior repre
sentative to serve on the sub
committee and informing
these presidents of the date,
time, place and purpose of
the meeting plus information
about the book pool."
In order that the book ex
change might have operating
and publicizing-' costs, the
Council voted to appropriate
a supplementary budget of
$25 to the Alpha Phi Omega
book pool committee.
A student using the book
exchange along the north wall
sast of the elevator in the
basement of the Student Un
ion will follow the following
He will fill out two cards.
The name of the seller, his
address, his asking price plus
the title, author and course
number will be written on
both cards. If there is a pur
chaser for the book, it will
be sold and money will be
returned to the original own
er. .
If the book is not sold, it
ing and friendship among
international students. NIA
will encourage international
students to participate in so
cial and cultural programs.
NIA plans to help new stu
dents individually and c o 1
lectively, especially foreign
students, by acquainting them
with t he various types of
services and facilities avail
able on the campus and in
the community, and to unite
in a thinking group for serv
Lincoln, Nebraska
University Entrance
'Increasingly Selective'
By Norm Beatty
Entrance into the Univer
sity is becoming more selec
tive among incoming high
school graduates, according
to Lee W. Chatfield, director
of Junior Division.
The process of selection Is
done through a strengthened
counseling and advising pro
gram, Chatfield said. When
a student has a poor high
school record and his past
experiences indicate that he
may not be able to make
requirements for good stand
ing here, the counseling and
advising goes into action, he
Students who were in the
lower half of their graduat
ing high school class may
receive advice and opinions
through the mail or through
personal conferences to
which the parents are invit
ed, Chatfield said.
This does not mean stu
dents are turned away, he
noted. "We cannot say no
to Nebraska high school stu
dents. We have a moral ob
ligation to them."
After the poor high school
student has been advised, he
may do one of two things,
according to his choice,
Chatfield said.
1. He may decide not to
attend Nebraska and follow
some other interest, or,
2. He may heed the opin
ions and advice and enter
can be picked up by the own
er. The book pool, however,
reserves the right to keep all
books which are not picked
up by the owner," Plummer
KK Meets Sunday
Kosmet Klub workers
meeting 2 p.m. Sunday,
room 232 Student Union.
All University Square Dance Club,
t p.m.. Ac Campus.
"Streetiar Named Desire," g p.m..
Howell Memorial Theater.
Swimming, varsity vs. freshmen, 7:30
p.m., Coliseum pool.
Movies, "On the Waterfront" and
"Holiday- Affair," 7 p.m. Student Union
Last day to fill drops in good standing
With Registrar.
Faculty Dance Club Dinner-Dance.
"Streetcar Named Desire," p.m.,
Howeli Memorial Theater.
"Sfir o Brthlehem," 2:45 y n, Ralph
Mueller Planetarium, Morrill Hall.
Quality concrer conference, 11:15 a.m.
4:15 pm.. Student Union Ballroom.
Movies. p.m. and 1 p.m.
Ham Operators Hear
By Dave Griffin
"We must be ready for
war," warned General Lyle
Welch at a UNARC-spon-sored
amateur radio oper
ators banquet Wednesday
Speaking on "What Each
Individual Can Do," Gen
eral Welch emphasized the
importance of the amatuer
radio operators' role in the
nation's defense.
"Nebraskans have the
idea that if something
arises we will organize and
combat it," he said. "But
if we have an emergency
such as war there will be
ice to the University com
munity. "Both American and for
eign students are doing a lot
of blundering in their rela
tionships with each other
here," .stated .Jack K o s
macek, a member of the or
ganization. "There is a neu
tral atmosphere here on
campus. Great opportunities
are being lost here year after
"Many dollars are spent on
the University anyway with
a pre-knowledge of what is
expected of him, Chatfield
How can the Junior Divi
sion determine who will be a
good student and who will be
a poor student? Chatfield
gives the following answers:
"We can unquestionably
identify a statistical category
of students who will have a
poor chance, as a group, to
succeed," he said. Such in
formation is gained through
high school scholastic rec
ords and entrance exams.
As a general rule, 90-93
per cent of the students in
the upper quarter of their
high school class do well
here at Nebraska. By the
Fund Set Up
For Keiler
A memorial fund has been
established within the Uni
versity Foundation in the
name of Manfred L. Keiler,
professor of art who died
Dec. 1.
According to Robert Knoll,
associate professor of Eng
lish, the contributions to the
fund will be used to purchase
a painting or paintings of
Prof. Keiler's to be donated
to the University Art Gallery
Donations from the public
should be made out to the
University of Nebraska Foun
dation and can be sent to the
University of Nebraska Foun
dation and can be sent to the
Department of Art, 207 Mor
rill Hall or Robert Knoll, 223
Andrews Hall.
The number of Prof. Kei
ler's surrelist and neo-realist
paintings to be added to the
collection will depend upon
the amount of money collect
ed in the memorial fund, said
No Invitation, But
Council Is Going
The Student Council is send
ing five or six delegates to the
Big Eight Student Council
convention even though there
has been no official notifica
tion or invitation.
The decision to send dele
gates to the Dec. 27-29 con
vention came at the Council
meeting Wednesday after
President Ken Tempero re
ceived a letter from a hotel
quoting prices and extending
an invitation. ,
According to the letter, the
convention will be held in
Kansas City, Mo., at the same
time as the Big Eight Basket
ball tournameut.
Tempero will receive pay
ment for all expenses except
entertainment. Other repre
sentatives will divide the
amount left from the $150
allowed for the convention.
no time to organize. There
fore, we must be ready.
"Civil defense sometimes
has a bad connotation as
certain Senators kick this '
word around in Congress,"
stated the general. Non
military defense would be
a better term.
Provincial People
"The trouble with Ne
braskans is that they are
provincial people. Most
will go to the mountains
fishing but will not look
on the other side of the
mountains. 1
"Nowdays, not o n 1 y Ne
braskans but everybody
must see what is on the
textbooks and pamphlets to
find out what is going on in
the worlds yet. many students
deny themselves the great op
portunity of getting it right
from the people themselves,"
Kosmacek continued.
Any student, faculty or
staff member of the Univer
sity is eligible for member
ship in NIA, and may join
any time during the school
year by paying his member
ship fee.
Friday, Dec. 16, 1960
same token, about 20 per
cent or less of the students
who were not in the upper
one-fourth of their graduating
high school class will not
compile a satisfactory rec
ord, according to Chatfield.
He farther noted that "our
retention is high among sue
cessful students." In other
words, those that remain in
school for the second year
for the most part, are those
who have successful scholas
tic achievement.
Chatfield said that when a
poor student is discouraged
from attending the Univer
sity then some selectivity
has taken place. He said
that both the student and
the University will benefit.
No Point
"There is no point in en-'
couraging a youngster to in
vest $1,000 to 1,500 for some
thing they don't have a
chance to succeed at," he
The counseling and advis
ing service has probably
caused the number of college
changes within the Univer
sity among Junior Division
students, although there is no
definite proof, he said.
The decline in colleg
changes for the past six first
semesters are shown on the
following chart:
first semester no. switched
1955- 5(5 ...325
1956- 57 429
1957- 1958 445
1958- 59 406
1959- 80 ...292
1960- 61 239 (to date)
A common misconception
among some people in the
state is that Nebraska is not
as selective as nearby
states, Chatfield said.
Same Practice
"People misconstrue
events when actually it is
the same practice in other
states," he said.
Iowa State, for instance,
may turn down a Nebraska
student but will accept an
Iowa student with the same
abilities and past perform
ance record. This same stu
dent then applies for en
trance to Nebraska and is
Such events cause people
within the state to think Ne
braska does not have selec
tivity and is therefore not a
good school, he said. This
process occurs in reverse or
der when students from oth
er states applying for ad
mission to Nebraska a r
turned down, according to
Sinfonia Group
Plays Jazz Friday
The "Jazz and Java" ses
sion at the Nebraska Union,
Friday 4 to 5 p.m., will fea
ture the Sinfonia Jazz Band.
The 17 piece band, under
the direction of Wesley Reist,
will include such selections
as, "Movin' Out,". "Cool
Cannon" and "'Solid Slue."
Defense job
other side of the moun
tains," he emphasized.
About 50 people were
present at the banquet in
cluding members of the Lin
coln Amateur Radio Club
and Lincoln MARS club, ac
cording to Jim Herbert,
NNARC president.
Other guests were Lt.
Col. Richard Hamilton, act
ing professor of air science;
Marvin Garber, president
of the Lincoln Amateur Ra
dio Club and Larry Hood,
president of MARS and. the
club's adviser, Captain
Thomas Daman. Vern Kil
Lan served as master of