The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1960, Image 1
MKMWiriiiiirtWVT it!aWi,j"r)"-,'i'B,('(if'-!iftW UNIVERSITY OF NES5E LIBRARY PEC 9 19W.,", - - , . - ne Year FJb By Nancy Brown Only one year of physical education courses will be required for degrees in the College of Arts and Sci ences effective next Sep tember. Ths faculty of the college passed the resolution, which was recently approved by the Board of Regents in an informal session. Talked About "We've been talking about the degree require ments for over a year," explained Walter Militzer, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. "Last March, the college faculty voted to abolish the requirement completely, but the Re gents asked us to recon sider," he stated. "I regret that this change was made but at the same time I'm happy that they've seen the importance of keeping physical education in the Arts and Sciences curriculum," said Dr. Dud ley Ashton, chairman of Suggestions Heeded Council Adopts Plan For Self-Evaluation By Norm Beatty Three parts of a four-point self-evaluation plan was adopted Wednesday by the Student Council to determine areas for possible improvement. The proposals, introduced by John Hoerner, were brought about when the Council "received suggestions in the Nebras kan, from students, and from its own members concerning its organization, purposes and procedures," Hoerner said. One part of Hoerner's plan, point number three, was re jected as' the Council voted for each point separately. The three point program approved includes the following: Point One: 1. "That the president ap point a committee, not ne cessarily composed of Coun cil members, to study the representation on the Student Council' with an eye toward suggesting revisions which would make Council members more responsible toward the itudents who elect them. "a. This would include a study of the geographical re presentation such as that at Kansas University. "b. This would also Include the study of a system where the number of students voting from each area of representa tion determines the amount of representation accorded that area." President Ken Tempero named Bill ConnelL Dave My ers, Mylin Filkins and Neil Ferguson of the Council to the committee called for in point one of the proposal. Tom Eason, Rod Ellerbush and Russ Edeal, non-council members, were also named to this committee by Tem pero. Point Two: "2. That the president ap point a committee not com posed entirely of .Council mem bers to study the purposes of the Council as outlined in the constitution to ascertain whe ther or not a change is needed or desired by the student body or the University." Tempero appointed Don Epp, John Hoerner and Chip Kuklin to the point two com mittee. He asked that any in terested students contact him for membership on the com mittee. Point Three i point three was defeated by Council vote. It called for each Council member to bring at least one guest to attend the weekly meeting of the Council. The stated objective of this point was to "increase the first hand knowledge of the Coun cil and generally increasing Interest in its actions." . Most members seemed to Legislature Will Hear Dr. Glenny The Nebraska legislature will hear two reports on high er education, perhaps this month, said Sen. Richard Marvel, chairman of the Leg islative Council committee on higher education. The reports are those of Dr. Lymen Glenny, hired by the committee to make a de tailed study of the status of Nebraska's institutions of higher learning. Glenny is expected to ap pear before the executive ses sion of the committee next week to give an oral review of his final ideas. The full report accompanied by recommendations will appear in printed form near the end of January, Glenny hopes. The committee on higher education will study Glenny's report and will make recom mendations of its own, Mar vel said. i ' the Department of Worn "en's Physical Education. Dr. Ashton stated her be lief that both Teacher's Col lege and the Department of Home Economics would keep the two-year require ment as it -now stands. Undergraduate students, most, affected by this change will be the women. This is because male stu dents are required to com plete four semesters of credit in military, naval or air science in the first two years of University. , Men Included Men exempted from mili tary science for reasons of conscientious objec tion, physical disability or other causes, will also be required to complete only one year of physical edu- cation. . A large number of the University's female popu lation is enrolled in the College of Arts and Sci ences. Women students are presently required to take a course in physical edu- feel such a proposal was un necessary as any. student at tending the University is all ready invited to attend any or all meetings of the Council. Point Four: "4. That the chairman of every Council committee sub mit in writing to the Council minutes of each committee meeting showing meeting place, beginning and adjourn ing time, those present and a brief outline of action taken. "These minutes would not be read to the Council unless necessary for Council approv al of action but' would be in serted in the minutes as an official record of that com mittee available to any stu dent. Also these minutes com piled into one folder at the years' end would be valuable to succeeding chairmen." This proposal was approved by the Council. Choral Union To Present 'Messiah9 The Choral Union, a 500 voice choir, will present the well known religious oratorio "The Messiah," at 3 p.m. Sunday in the Coliseum. Professor Earl Jenkins, di rector of the University Sing ers, will direct the choir and soloists. To enable faculty and mar ried students to attend "The Messiah," the Student Union is sponsoring a children's Christmas party beginning at 2:30 p.m. This party will be complete with Santa Claus, candy, cartoons and children's games. A Christmas coffee hour will be held in the Union fol lowing the Messiah presenta tion. At 5 p.m., the traditional tree-lighting ceremonies will be held north of the Union. Prior to the lighting of the tree, Wesley Foundation choir director Dick Morris and members of Sinfonia, men's music fraternity, will lead the public in the singing of carols. Hungary Revolt Effects Related "In Italy 500,000 commu nists quit the party and in France hundreds of thous ands of communists did the same," said Edmond Lazar, "because of the shocking event? during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956." Speaking Thursday at the afternoon presentation of the documentary film "Hungary Aflame," Lazar explained the effect of the revolution in which 100,000 died and 2,000 were executed, on world poli tics. "The Kremlin came to real ize that in case of war the Russians couldn't count on satellite co-operation or trust their communist leaders in these countries," said Lazar. "In the dominated coun tries of the Iron Curtin, the people's trust for the West was shaken." "Hungary Aflame" was presented in the Student Un ion by the Talks and Topics committee and explained the background surrounding the events of that revolution in an hour long film. Kequirement cation each semester of their freshman and sopho more years, if they are en rolled in the colleges of Arts and Sciences', Teach ers, Business Administra tion or Agriculture. ' The professional colleges of law and medicine and the colleges of architecture and engineering do not have physical education require ments at present. Elimination of physical education requirements by the college will not mean elimination of courses be cause students may elect two more semesters for credit toward degrees. The two semesters which will be required must be com Vol. 74, No. 44 the .Phi Beta Kappa Dr. Robert Knoll, associate professor of English, ad dressed the Thursday eve- Fire Safety Would Cost $1,619,000 Recommendations Effect 85 Buildings By Gretchen Shellberg A list of "directives" issued to the University by State Fire Marshal Joseph Divis would cost $1,619,000, accord ing to NU business manager Carl' Donaldson. Donaldson quoted this fig ure in a University budget hearing before Gov. Dwight Burney Thursday. Nothing was included in the present budget, drawn up in 1959, to meet these additional changes, according to Donald son. University comptroller Dr. Joseph Soshnik told the gov ernor he had "no idea" how the problem would be met. Unchallenged Compliance'" The estimate of $1,619,000 in fire safety changes implied "unchallenged compliance" on the part of the University to all the fire marshal's rec ommendations. They included installation of fire sprinkler systems in many University buildings and automatic fire detection devices. The stricter fire regula tions came as a result of up grading the state fire code following the Chicago grade school fire in 1958. The fire safety changes were recom mended by the fire marshal to go into effect by last Sep tember. "This was impossible be cause they needed further engineering study," said Don aldson. Another factor was that the present budget did not' allow for even the ap proximated minimum cost of $800,000, he indicated. Not Comparable The $800,000 figure would not cover directives in "chal' lenged" areas which would not apply to the University, according to Donaldson, "be cause a university campus is not strictly comparable with elementary schools, which authors of the state code con sidered uppermost." Under the new fire laws, University buildings erected as recently as 1954 and ap proved by the fire marshal's office at that time, would need additional changes. According to Donaldson, there were 37 buildings on the city campus, 30 on Ag campus,' nine in Omaha, six in Curtis and three in North Platte that would be effected by the directives. Made Annually Fire safety improvements are made annually on the NU buildings, he ' told the hearing. Money comes from the institutional building fund and current mainte nance cash. Later Donaldson told the Nebraskan that the Unicam eral would probably decide on additional funds to meet the fire requirements. This would possibly 'come from a future University budget. "The University employs a full time safety and health engineer on campus," Don aldson said. "We asked the state fire marshal to inspect the campuses and make sug gestions to meet the ever- changing safety require ments. pleted before the end of the junior year. . No Requirement Change This change in the num ber of semesters of physi cal education required will not change the requirement of which individual sports must be taken. Under the present system, 8 weeks each must be taken of body mechanics, swimming, and a group activity which could be dancing or any sport. "In this current age we have so much nervous ten sion. The fact that physical education can relieve this tension has been verified in reports made by students," Dr. Ashton explained. sr ning meeting of Phi Beta Kappa at which David Mc Conahay, Milton Moline, San- It NEW PBK INITIATES New University Phi Beta Kappas are (standing, left) Sanford Schuster and David McConahay and (seated Milton B. Moline and Norman J. Shaffer. Eligible Bachelor Candidates Due Names of candidates for Eligible Bachelor to be pre sented in the 1961 CORNHUS KER must be in the Corn husker office today. Each house receives one candidate for every 25 Corn huskers they have sold. Candidates must meet Uni versity eligibility require ments and be in school for the entire 1960-61 school year. Judges will select the candi dates on appearance, person ality and appeal to the oppo site sex. They should not be engaged or pinned. Interviews will be held on Thursday. CORRECTION Nebraska's rate of enroll ment increase was three per cent rather than three hun dredths per cent as stated in Wednesday's Daily Nebras kan. This figure compares with the five and five tenths per cents average increase of the nation. University Foundation Collects Center Pledges Totaling $770 fill By Jerry Lamberson Since the drive for funds for the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education began in 1958, a total of $770,011.51 has been collected, according to Herb Potter, director of the University Foundation. The total amount pledged, $1,104,535,72, could je paid over a period of four years. This period will end in 1961, according to Potter. Another $1,200 pledged is past due, he said. Of this amount, $241 was pledged by Students. The University Foundation is making every effort to collect all the money, he said. No one is allowed to cancel his pledge. The total number of pledges was 2,624 and only one per son has .entirely refused to for Arts cc Sciences "Physical education is really a preparation for family living," she con tinued. "Since in the future we will have less than a 40 hour week, physical ed ucation helps students to acquire interests and skills which they will use in their leisure time." To back up this point, Dr. Ashton quoted a state ment which was made by the American Medical As sociation, that people of all ages need moderate forms of -activity. Same Faculty Number "I don't anticipate much of a change in the enroll ment for physical education classes. Because of this, I ON. Lincoln, Nebraska ford Schuster and Norman Shaffer were elected mem bers of the organization. f UJ' Of TODAY ON CAMPUS FrMay: Colloquiem. mathematics. "Al most Periodic Solutions of Systems of Differential Equations." by Prof. George Seifert, 4 p.m.. 209 Burnett Hall. N Club Dinner Dance, 6:30 p.m.. Stu dent Union ballroom. Holiday Party, Graduate and Profes sional Students Assn.. s p.m.. Union Party rooms. Saturday: Sheep Health Clinic. 10 a.m.. Veterin ary Science Building. Bred Ewe sale, 1 p.m., Horse Bam. Wrestling, Nebraska vs. Kansas State. 7:30 p.m.. Coliseum. Military Ball, a p.m., Pershing Audi torium. Sunday: Children's Christmas Party, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.. Pan American room. Stu dent Union. "The Messiah." 3 p m Coliseum. Christmas Coffee Hour, 4:30 p.m.. Stu dent Union. Christmas tree lighting, 6 p.m., 14th and S Streets. Address Change? All students who have a change in their addresses are. asked to report the change to the office of the Registrar before Christ mas vacation and no later than the first day following vacation, according to Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar. "We must have any change in addresses now to end trades out to the stu- t dents. Those grades belong to the students and we are bending In every direction to help them," Hoover said. pay the amount he pledged, Potter said. More than $10,000 of the funds for the Nebraska Cen ter, scheduled to be com pleted in June, has been con tributed by University Stu dents. Potter said the amount was "quite creditable for a stu dent level." He said the whole idea began when the University Foundation began canvass ing the state for funds in an effort to reach a $1,142,000 total goal that would match with the $1,856,000 given by the Kellogg Foundation. Mrs. Hazel Abel gave the drive a boast when she made an effort among the women's clubs which in turn did so liciting in the sororities, Pot ter said. ( In the fall of 1958 Univer don't see that there will be any change in the number of faculty in the depart ment," stated Dr. Ashton. "I also believe that 'many girls will take extra semesters of physical edu cation as electives," said Dr. Ashton. Students who have al ready had two semesters of physical education and are not planning to graduate from the College of Arts and Sciences in January or June, 1961, will have com pleted their requirement. In the past, requests for physical education require ments were made by the colleges of Business Ad ministration and Agricul Elects Three of the newly elected members of the top scholas tic honorary society for lib- University Students Steal Tree Christmas 'Spirit' Costs Pledges $160 By Karen Long A Christmas tree which stood in Pioneer House for two days has been confiscat ed by City police with an added assessment of $160 to Pioneer House members. The tree which was ob tained by pledges, according to house president Bob Gol ka, was. chopped from a spruce at Wyuka Cemetary Sunday night. Each of the six pledges who were involved were fined $10 apiece "for remov ing cemetary property" ac cording to Captain Robert Sawdon of the Lincoln Police department. He also said the boys were assessed an addi tional $100 to help replace damages in the cemetary. Tree Confiscated The tree was confiscated by Police through "confiden tial leads" late Sunday night around 11 p.m., according to Captain Sawdon. Sawdon said the Lincoln police searched the Pioneer house until they found evi dence of the tree and ascer tained through questioning that one of the boys was ac tually involved. They took him to the Police station where he was put in jail. At around 2 a.m. the next morning the remaining .five Pioneer members turned themselves in to the Police. They, along with the first pledge in jail, were released by a Lincoln attorney after being booked on an open charge, according to Sawdon. Appeared Monday According to Bob Golka, house president, the tree ap peared in the living room Monday morning. It re mained there until late Tues- j day night. According to Golka it was not there on Wednesday morning. He was curious and inquired. The answer he re ceived was that someone had been warned that police had been "tipped off" and they had gotten rid of it. He said (Please see page 4) sity Builders decided to start a canvas of the campus so that students could contri bute to the fund also. This started the boom in sudden conributions. Interest The total amount received so far by the foundation has been invested into good se curity and $36,000 interest lias been collected at the present. In all, $50,000 interest is expected to be collected be fore all the pledges are due to the University, said Pot ter. This interest will probably also go in the Nebraska Center fund, he said. The University Foundation will begin turning over some of the funds to the University comptroller in the spring, he said. ture, but no final action was taken. The action changing the requirement for physical education is part of an overall program being con ducted to critically exam ine everything in the group requirements, Militzer ex plained. Other parts of this revision went into effect last September, which in clude the option of having minors or a major and one "strong" minor. Militzer emphasized that this was not a slant against the importance of physical education; the change is simply part of a general reshaping of the degree requirements. Friday, Dec. 9, 1960 Four eral arts students are seniors and one is a graduate stu dent. McConahay, who is a pre medical major, will graduate in June with the plan of entering Northwestern Uni versity's medical school. Moline is majoring in speech and will graduate at mid-term. He served four years in the Air Force prior to entering college. Graduate Schuster is a graduate stu dent in physics. He received his bachelor's degree last summer and plans to receive his Master's degree in 1962. Shaffer is majoring in phi losophy and history and will graduate in February. He has served 3Vfe years in the Air Force. Dr. Knoll, who spoke on "The Demise of English Lit erature in A m e r i c a," claimed that English litera ture is losing ground for two principal reasons a distinc tion to regard literature with the 'seriousness that other generations regarded it; and the fact that English litera ture is being pushed out of its former eminence by the rise of new American litera ture. He explained that English literature has ceased to be our literature. "It praises what we cannot praise and neglects what we most re spect. English literature has receded to a status not un like that of French, Italian, and German literature r a foreign body whose primary function is to educate us, to show by contrast what we ourselves are." Dr. Knoll said that in his opinion, American literature is the most important sub ject taught in any depart ment of English. "But a decent study of American literature and of American culture is difficult if not impossible without de tailed and prolonge study of English literature." 1.5ln Marked For Growth University Chancellor Clif ford Hardin said Thursday that $1.5 million of the pro posed $30,701,893 general fund budget would be earmarked as a "growth and develop ment" budget which would serve to attract additional outside funds and new indus try for the state. Hardin and other Univer sity officials and Regents pre sented their biennial budget request for 1961-1963 to Gov. Dwight Burney yesterday. The total request in general fund money ($30,701,893) rep resents an increase of 22 per cent over the 1959-61 appro priation request. . Chancellor Hardin pointed out that growth and develop ment dollars have attracted industrial and research, a c- tivities to other universities all over the country. They are attracted by the universities' academic staffs, whose serv ices they need. He cited two new fields in which the University plans to expand experimentation, wea ther modification and nuclear science. The "growth and develop ment" dollars would provide a "margin of excellence" which has an influence on outside groups which offer grants to schools, Hardin said.