The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 06, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2
Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1960 Page 2 The Nebraskon s r s si I A ! r A C 1 c' M . - r 's ft H t f EDITORIAL OPINION Conservatives Have l Illogical Patriotism j Sometime back in the dark ages, a conservative Daily Nebraskan editor bought subscription to a bulletin known as "Human Event; The Washington Newsletter." It arrives faithfully every week and nearly as faithfully It finds its way into the circular file. We never throw it away without scanning it, how ever, and recently we took a closer look at suggestions by the newsletter to fight t h e .programs proposed by President-elect Kennedy. These suggestions include buy ing Goldwater pins, buttons, bumper stickers and color postcards "to identify yourself with all those who want to support Goldwater during the coming 'Hundred Days,' when the liberal-labor forces will attempt to steamroller the Democratic platform through Congress. Also sug gested is the organizing of a "Resistance Movement" in communities. Goals of this movement would be to resist high taxes, big spending, inflation, socialism and the "hundred days." It is in the American tradition for pa triots to call together their friends when a crisis like the Kennedy Revolution confronts the American people,'' comments the newsletter. Since when has it been in the American tradition to resist the desires of the majority? No matter how tiny the margin may be, the recorded vote shows we have elected a President, one who deserves the support of all the people, rather than those who would destroy us with unpatriotic and narrow minded "resistance movements." From the Editor: ' A Liberal View By Herb Probasco Somewhat o u t of practice as far as sitting at the typewriter is concerned, I have decided to share the ex periences of my most recent jaunt to Mecca, namely New York Gity. As my predecessor and substitute Carroll Kraus told you, I was attending the national convention of Sigma Delta Chi, formerly known as a professional journalistic fraternity, but changed by this convention to professional journalistic society, since the Internal Revenue boys don't recognize fraternities, professional or social, as tax exempt groups. This was the first time the New York City chapter (known as the deadline club) has hosted the convention and they made up for any lost time. All luncheons and receptions were sponsored by newspapers and broad casting networks and included places such as the Pin nacle Club, located on the 42nd floor of the Socony Mobil building with a fantastic view of city lights in all four directions; the new world headquarters of Time and Life, a rather ugly structure which made me wonder if Henry Luce had not designed it over his lunch hours; and the Overseas Press Club. Our program, a very tight one, included talks by Gov. Michael DiSalle of Ohio; Rep. John Moss (Dem., CaL), chairman of the House subcommittee on Govern ment information, who was presented the first freedom award for his work in the field of freedom of information among the Washington bureaucrats (a subject which I shall deal with in somewhat greater length at a later date); -Turner Catledge, managing editor of the New York Times; Pierre Salinger and Herbert Klein, repsec tive press secretaries to President elect Kennedy and Vice President Nixon, who discussed whether the press was fair during the campaign (they generally concluded that with exceptions on both sides the reporting was un biased and the coverage fair); Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, who gave only a mediocre speech, but is a tremendous politician with a very distinctive appeal; and Dr. Frank Stanton, president of Columbia Broadcasting System, and the individual repsonsible for the great debates. His analysis of the worth of the debates was the high point of the speakers. The convention concluded with a tour of the United Nations. All tours at the U.N. end at the gift shop and I gave in and came home with two pieces of hand carved teakwood from Kenya, a letter opener and a native war rior with spear and shield. Entertainment was kept at a minimum because of the lengthy business sessions and many programs. How ever, the evenings were kept free for the most part and I managed to squeeze in a play, "The Best Man," a com edy about the behind scenes goings on at a presidential nominating convention. Typical of all stage plays these days, it included every form of moral laxity, ranging from infidelity and homosexuality to dirty politics. If any readers want to avoid the wrong shows, this is one well worth passing up. However, I can't pass up the chance to rave about "The Sound of Music." Having not seen "South Pacific" as a stage show, I can't comment first hand, but persons who nave seen both say the former is the better. There can be no disputing that it is as fine a show playing any where, presently. The choregraphy and the music are "soundsational" as one reviewer termed it. When Mary Martin first appears, her winning smile and sparkling eyes project a feeling to the members of the audience that few performers could duplicate. My only other venture outside the confines of the hotel was to Greenwich village to look up a friend. It was a big disappointment, as most of the villagers looked no more beat than I and the coffee houses were hardly un usual. My travelogue is completed and I can go back to saving my pennies for a trip to next year's convention in Miami Beach. Daily Nebraskan Member Associated CoHerUte Press, International Press Sepreseatatlre: NstlenaJ Advertising; Service, Incorporated Published at: Xeam 2. Stadeat Union, Lincoln, Nebraska, i SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLO 14th B Te!eptne BE S-7C3L ext 4225. 4228. 4227 UtifcMitpM nM ara S3 acr u rtw ar SS far tar ars4rm1e jw, Imiij aa arraM rlaia maMrr at tft aaat afflaa tm Liarata. Nrbraaka. i sat Ik met af iUM 4. ISIS. Tk Ban? Stcaraafcaa It paaflirire ajaadar, TaraSay. WrtariSay aa4 FrV i Sav 4rta At arftaal rrer, nift srlaf wtHm aM nam arrlW. H : alaaVan af ItM Carraraltr af Wrkraafca aaaVr aathnrtratWra mf rbr ('Mmlltw ; aa StaaVat Affair aa aa win Haa af ataaat aataiaa. PaMlrafiaa aaarr taa i JarMirtlaa af Mr Haaraaaiiltl aa raoirt Pahftraflaaa hall br fre frnai ! aiHavtal ataaaraMa aa tar part af tar mi amialttrr ar aa tft aarl af aar i arraaa awtalar far riHreriKtT. Tkt aaaiBira af Ike Dally Kraraakaa staff arc i amaaalty inmaalMa tar alias tary aar. ar aa. ar caaa a to arMea. j Vearaary S. ISM. EDITORIAL ST Art j Mltsr Hrrfc Frnhawa j Sfaaafftaa BSIfar ,....... ................. ....... Dava Calttaaa tlawa 41tar ....... .... ......................-. . Harm faac ' Baarta B4rM Hal Rrowa Af Mew Bait..... OrralS lamhmaa : Cap? Mttara Fa IV a. Aaa .Mtj-rr, Orrlrkm tthrilhrra : Staff Hrttrr Harm- BVatty, lavr Mohlfartk Jnatea- Staff Wrltar. .Maary Brawa. Jin rarrrat, Jfaaey VVkHfnr. tliia MmI SteM Nm Mtsr Marmaa Brarty i t'SINEXS ST A FT ail Maaaccr . Staa Ralmaa Aiatoraat Haaliia Maaacm ....Daa PrrcaaaB, Chip Kaklla, Jaha Srtimrarr Cirratatlaa Naam Bab kaff DaMaifJ4 Maaaccr Jerl rahnsaa , M.' V Jl - From the University Press Johnson Autobiography Deserves Wide Reading Saws? rMAui&ua xv You've in the Hms of ouacks. HarvardStudentft Staff Viexcs Just A Thought Aid Negro Girls Cambridge, Mass. (UPS) I A group of Harvard gradu i ate students have initiated i a campaign to send letters, ! gifts and Christmas cards to the four Negro girls who have been enrolled in New Orleans public schools. "We feel that friendly i greetings from persons all ! over the nation would do ! much to offset the daily ! hurt and anguish that these i little girls experience," said I a Harvard spokesman. ! The Harvard men also ! hope to get enough dona I tions for a college scholar I ship for at least one of the j girls. The response to the plan ; so far has been very enthu I siastic, the spokesman said, i Several elementary and secondary schools in the I Boston area have undertak I en a letter writing cam i paign as a class project, i and Boston newscast ! ers and disc jockeys are ! urging their listeners to i write. Last week Harvard stu i dents posted a large photo of one of the children in I Harvard Square, accom j panied by a large card to I be signed and sent to the i girls as a token of support. Not Guilty By Myron Papadakis and Bob Nye To our dismay and dis gust we find upon opening past issues of the Rag in the Want Ad section un der "p e r s o n a 1" "If you don't believe in the Glorifi cation of Militarism then don't attend the Military Ball." Can it be that a sane and thinking college student actually spent cen tavo's to place that ad in front of the public. To the author of such, "Are you 4F?" Again it is times, for the gala and extravagant Mili tary Ball. As in the past the various ROTC units will parade their graduating seniors and their ladies into a spotlight and then down into a grand march, at which time the Honorary Commandant, and the serv ice queens will be an nounced. To many the Military Ball is just another formal expensive dance. To oth ers, generally the paid spectators, the Military Ball is "just darling." These spectators have come to be given a show, and they will leave satis fied. The ' sharp uniforms and beautiful gowns com bined with the formal atti tude and unique backdrops does indeed constitute quite a show. Thisv however, is not the real purpose behind the ball. In fact, the purpose for the ball is perhaps too well hidden. We don't be lieve that many persons Without seeming to attack the campus police for one isolated incident, it seems it is necessary to find a so lution to this problem so that it does not re-occur in the future. I think one step in that direction might be for the campus police to show a little concern for their ac tion. Another idea might be for the police to decide whe ther the campus force or the Lincoln City force has jurisdiction over the 16th street area, especially in front of the Girl's Dorm. This seems to be the area of greatest concern, not only to the drinking viola tions but to the parking ticket industry. To digress for a minute, why is it that the parking iaws around the campus are enforced to the fullest de gree, while the moving vio lations seem to reap only a slight per centage of the fine income. Which is more important, the steady in come from parking .tickets or the safety of the stu dents' To get back to the sub- KUON-TV PluMS ject at hand, with a limited Xt?SE?-ii&. HolidayProgram where we are taught . , . , to learn to reason for our- o Ui ve r .ity coral KUON-TV uus unnsimas sea son. "Sixty Men Singing," will be presented 'live' by the Varsity Glee Club Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. and replayed by means of video-tape Dec. 27 at 8:30 p.m. "Music for Christmas." will be presented by the Wesley Foundation Choir Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. and repeated Dec. 26 at 7 p.m. Christmas stories will be Two University choral Dec. 21 and 26. "Christmas from the Sky" is scheduled for Dec. 22. By Dave Calhoun selves and think out every thing before answering, an officer of the law can say whether or not his force has the legal right to in spect the inside of any auto on campus "with reason able justification," when in fact this area has been a field of Constitutional ques tion for many years. Even today, the court system has not been able to clearly judge one way or the other. Maybe Captain Masters should check his C.J.S. Maybe it would beneift the student body if the cam pus police would bring to the attention of the students some of these policies. I realize they distribute sev eral pamphlets at the be gining of the year, but I don't think this is enough. I don't expect any re sponse to this column from the campus police, for it seems evident that the stu dents at this University are the only ones responsible for their actions. v It's just a thought. realize that this ball is ded icated to those men who are willing to accept with-out-hesitation the responsi bility of being an officer in one of our services. This ball is to honor those peo ple who in addition to being a ollege student is also a military cadet. Even while in attendance to this fine ball it is easy to envision a jet pilot fly ing over a darkened and perhaps snow covered Ne braska plain, alone with his thoughts and his job; or the Lt. jg on board a sub on patrol somewhere in the North Atlantic, who, per haps bored with the slow passage of time, is thinking of his days as a Middie at N.U., or the G.I. looking forward to the holiday sea son perhaps some 5,000 miles from the U.S.A. All these men, service men, are men with a job. That job is protecting our lives and that of our coun try by being prepared to give their own. Perhaps to some it takes war to show how necessary they are. Then, as we have said, the purpose for the ball is to in some way honor those that have committed them selves, and are desirous of being officers in the finest armed forces in the world. Our sole advice to "Per sonal Columns" is save your $4.00 by not attending the ball and save more by saving your literary tal ents. Those who attend will," we tire sure, have an enjoy able and entertaining eve ning even if "militarism" is encouraged. Pioneer's Progress: An Autobiography by Alvln Johnson. Foreword by Max Lerner. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1960, 413 pp. $1.85. Reviewed by E. David Cronon This book deserves a wide audience at the Uni versity of Nebrasha. For it is the vastly entertaining and inspiring life story of one of the University's most eminent graduates. Alvin Johnson, the son of Danish immigrants, grew up on a pioneer homestead near Dakota City. After studying at the University in the 1890's, he went on to a distinguished career as a professor of economics at a half dozen of the best universities of the country, including a brief stint at his alma mater. A brilliant teacher with a restless, probing mind, Johnson was no mere pedant. For many years he served on the edi torial board of the liberal New Republic magazine. He was the chief editor of the monumental Encyclo pedia of the Social Science. And he helped organize and for twenty years headed the New School for Social Research, a pioneering ven ture in adult education in New York City. As Max Lerner points out in a perceptive foreword, this is no ordinary autobi ography "it is a life, an age, an education." As such it deserves to rank with Henry Adams, "Education" and with Lincoln Steffens. Moreover, Johnson's style is eminently readable. Ne braskans will chuckle over his witty recollections of University life in earlier days for example, his de scription of his young math instructor, the dapper Lieutenant John J. Per shing, whose soul, he notes, "appeared to have been formed on the pattern of 'Present arms!' " This book is one of the first titles to appear in the new Bison paperback series of the University of Nebras ka Press. If this is a rep resentative sample, it will be a distinguished series. Nebraskan Letterip Hubbie Corrects Wife's Economics To the editor: Mrs. Fout's recent letter to Al Bennett is quite pos sibly justified, but your In correct usage of the term "inelastic demand" shows that you were probably sleeping at the wrong time in Dr. Hall's Ec. 191 class. "Inelastic demand" re fers to the idea that people will continue to purchase in like amounts regardless of the price (within reason). Your enthusiastic remarks were fine, but I think that you were referring to the "elastic demand" for food items, which, I am sure, the Union is undoubtedly exper iencing. In the future, please allow me to proofread any letters which you compose in a fit of justified anger. Darrell Foutj r FLOWERS FOR THE BALL HILTNER - HOUSE OF FLOWERS t ; 135 So. 12th HE 2-2775 2775 j NEW CLASSES FOR COLLEGE GIRLS llancy Cliilds For Girls with Beouty Queen Aspirations For Girls desiring to know the proper manners for society living For all girls desiring to develop their chorm, manners and poise fnrof now for clatstt starting MONDAY, December 12 Classes arc one hour long with periods rtinning from 10-3. - Clip this Couon Send To: Nancy Chllds Modeling School 1129 R Street NAME PHONE ) ADDRESS Time desired for your class Please send me additional information. llancy Cliilds TlloJeling School ) y d Ays 4 N Oxford lor comfort... quality ...oppearonce The rich texturing of fin oxford. skillful toiloring give fh6 aMor ncs of being well-dressed. Cose in point: the Arrow Tabber, the au thentic British type improved with self-snop tob$. Your wardrobe is incomplete without this Arrow shirt. $5.00 cum laude collection by -ARROW- i r