Pog 4 The Nebraskan Friday, Dec. 2, 1960 Kowalke Leads Husker WinPi Over Stubborn Panther 65' By Hal Brown Nebraska's hustling cagers fought off a determined Iowa State Teachers College five as the Huskers scored a 78-68 triumph- Thursday night at the Coliseum, An estimated, 2,500 fans turned out to watch the open ing game for both teams. Ne braska gets its second test Saturday when Wichita comes to town for an 8 p.m. clash. Jim Kowalke led the Hus kers with 22 points and 15 rebounds as Jerry Bush's Huskers led all the way ex cept for a brief moment mid way In the first half. The Panthers pulled to within two points at 68-66 with 3:36 left in the game, but Nebraska increased the lead to 72-66 on a free throw by Al Roots and a lay up and free throw by Jan Wall to put the game out of reach Nebraska led 37-26 at the half, but Iowa State Teach ers kept plugging away and nearly caught the Huskers late in the game. The Panth ers outscored Nebraska in the second half, 42-41. Nebraska jumped off to a 5-0 lead in the first two minutes of action on jump shots by Wall and Kowalke, and a charity toss by Tom Russell. Russell, a 6-7 junior, pulled down 10 rebounds to rank with a jump shot to give the Huskers the lead once again. Three free throws by Roots and two by Kowalke, plus two lay ups by Bill Sowers sparked the Husker recov ery. Waller came off the bench to lead the Panther scoring with 21 points, most of them coming on long jump shots. Both teams hit 29 field goals but Nebraska cashed in 20 of 27 free throw attempts while Iowa State hit only 10 The box score: IOWA STATE (M) NEBRASKA (71) JF m n second to Kowalke in that department and pumped in 11 points for the evening's work. The Panthers, trailing 20-10 with nine minutes remaining in the first half rallied to take a 22-21 lead with six minutes left in the opening half. The Iowa State Teach ers surge was led by Bob Waller, wr hit two jump shots and a free throw, and Jim Jackson with two twist ing jump shots. A set shot by Bill Noon- kesser, a junior reserve for ward, gave the Panthers the lead. Nebraska came roaring back with 10 consecutive points to lengthen the gap to 32-22. Al Buuck, 6-9 junior, mak ing his first nnnpnrnnra nf the evening found the range! Jackson Svohode, ajwden Holbrool FO FT TP 5 3-7 13 Kowalke 2 1-3 5 Wall 7 0-1 14 Russell o! brook 1 4-6 Knots wau 0 0-0 0 swett Waller M 1-1 21 Buuck Wan 0 0-0' Bowers Finch 2 1-2 5 Walln Dolson 0 0-0 0 Yates N'nkesser 2 0-0 4 Christy 0 M O FO FT TP 8 6-7 2 S-4 . I 14 11 3 S-T 11 4 4-4 13 4 1-1 3 0-0 C 0 (Ml 0 (Ml ( Totals 29 10-M Total 2t 2027 73 lews. StaU Teachers W-4S t Nebraska 37-4171 All set to play Santa Claus? What you need is a red twit, white beard, fat pillow, end a pack full of Esterbrook Classic Pen and Pencil Bets. You cai b anyone's favorite Santa if you give the smoothest-looking, smoothest-writing Christmas gift this side of the North Pole. Your choice of 6 holi day colors and 32 changeable pen points, too. NOTICE! All houses competing in the PHILIP MORRIS INC. SAVE-A-PACK CONTEST Today only, for each PHILIP MORRIS COMMANDER Package you will receive double credit. Turn in packs, 1 or more, to Dave Harper, 1425 R Street, between 1-5 p.m. 'It'stim to nwmbtr Christmas Cards . I Goldenrod Stationary Store i Goldenrod Printing Company I 215 North 14 Open Shopping Nights Until t g it I WA' V - I:' JJ ill ' i See our compltttt selection. ONE FOR THE KITTY Center Tom Russell dunks one for Nebraska to swell the home team's lead over Iowa Teachers late in the game. Nebraska won 78-68. Wichita Is Next Foe N e b r a s k a's basketball home stand continues Satur day night when Wichita in vades the Coliseum for ah 8 p.m. encounter. The Shockers return seven of eight regulars whom Wich ita coach Ralph Miller con sidered regulars a year ago. Wichita's attack is centered around Gene Wiley, ; a 6-10 junior center. ; i The big fellow 'saw- only limited action a year ago ,because of an injured leg when the Shockers won 14 and lost 12. Wiley is counted on to give balance to the Shocker attack this season. Ron Heller, a 6-6 senior forward averaged 13.7 points a game last season and is the top returning score r. The playmaker is senior guard Larry Van Eman ho averaged 13.5. Main Feature Clock Varsity; "Let No Man Writ My Epotaph," 1:10, 3:18, J:20, 7;22, 9;24. - . State: "Song Without End", 1:39, 4:13, 6:41, 9:21. Nebraska: "David and Bath, sheba," 1:03. "Demetrius &,The Gladiators," 3:10. t ,. Lincoln: "North to Alaska 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:23 Stuart: "01 Slues," 4:15, 3:1,5 5:15, 7:15, 9:20. , Nebraskan rt'ant Ada. FOR SAL! Cyclones Lose ! Basketball Star ' Iowa State will be without the services of basketball star Vinnie Brewer this season. Brewer and freshman wrest ler Fred Capalongo were each fined 50 dollars for damaging public property at a city owned parking lot. Each still faces a charge of operating a motor vehicle without the owner's consent. Basketball coach Glen An derson said, "Regardless of the outcome of the legal charges Brewer faces, we feel that he should not be a mem ber of our squad this year." RAW, REAL-LIFE llAian ttV.uiiUfw! r v i mi Jaguar . . . SVtO t talc avtr Day msnts. Phon IN 6-6157 aftsr . 6vn oocktail dresses In excellent cunt dttlon: all styles; reasonable prices. Phnne HK C-8332. 3iS "O" gtraet. forTent Basement sleeping ronm with stove, re frigerator. 3400 "R" Street. Call HE 2-691T. One bedroom cottage; gas heat; VSrt. Nice couple: evenings. Call IN (-5314 Attractive study-sleeping room for r-nt walking distance from University, :s a month. 1116 O. EMPLOYMENT'"' illllllllillllllhliilllillllllllllll.il SHELLEY WiNTEXS i iraBCT-IJUISEBESSi Over 18 yrs. old, driver'! license. Be able to work starting at 3:UO p.m. every day Tues.-Frlday. See Chicken Delight, 118 South' 26th Street, Mr. Kent. PART TIME JOB! Navy Veteran. Full day's pay for each evening at Naval Reserve. PH. GA 1-3030 evenings. REPAIRS Watch Repair 2-Day Service Campus Bookstore lllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllililiilllllllll PERSONAL You don't have to believe In glortflca? tlon of militarism, but don't be afraid to have a gods time In peace, tine. The men from SAC and Ouan Unamo don't get liberty December 1 T.at. The gsmeiei res Co. 4.95, THIM-t A POINT CHOICE e 93-ONC IS CUSTOM-PITTCO fO VOUI IJMKWJP1..J-1 lme..,..,..,..,, tip IMfe UMIl! JZ Pieeparktac after 6 p.m.! i I fcfl.- DOORS OPEN MM I LUICS ill 1227 "N " HE 23097 M fun-filled i I I :: ' ' f adventure I I I ... ,m rnk.U .. . . .. . AvJ . I I JOIia WAYNE-STEWART 6RAKGER SMr j j V J EK.11E KOYACS'FABIAH Jl :r J ONBiwiAfSeof9t,COLOR by DC LUX . jT A Free parkin? sftcr S p.ni.l fllftAfci DOORS OPEN 12:45 OUUutX HO N 13th HE 2-1465 i frllV TECHNiCOLCS . i r,ipr ; f mf mm ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR A NEW CAR at your Chevrolet dealer's ! Now you can make your car-shopping rounds the easy way-all under one roof! For '61 your Chevrolet dealer offer! nearly any type of car you could want-at the kind of price that'll make you want it all the more. There's a whole new crop of Chevy Corvairs with lower priced sedans and coupes and four wonderful new wagons unlike any ever built befort j in the land. There are new Chevy Biscaynes the lowest priced full-size Chevrolets, beautiful Bel Airs, elegant Impalas, six easier loading Chevy wagons, including three 9-passenger models. Come in and pick and choose to your heart's content! New '61 Chevrolet NOMAD 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON There are six easier loading Chevrolet wagons for '61 rangii from budget-pleasing Brookwoods to luxurious Nomads. Eat una a cuve-sizea cargo opening measuring almost, nv iq across and a concealed compartment for stowing valuab (with an optional extra-cost lock). e e eseeee Mm New '61 Chevrolet IMPALA 2-DOOR SEDAN if1 "ew meiure of elegance from the most elegant Chevrolets of u u e a a ''ne ' ve ImPl ch with sensible new dimensions right back to an easier-to-pack trunk that loads down at bumper level and lets you pile baggage 15 higher. New lower priced 61 CORVAIR 700 CLUB COUPE There's a whole crew of new Chevy Corvaui for '61 poliahed and perfected to bring you spunk, space and savings. Lower priced sedans and coupes offer nearly 12 more room under the hood for your luggage and you can also choose from four new family-lovin' wagons. New '61 Chevrolet BEL AIR SPORT SEDAN Beautiful Rol i;. 1...4. .v. -- . ue prjceu juai, augvf ma taruuest iuu-fiiz unevies, Druig you newness you can use: larger door openings, higher easyhair seats, more leg room in front, more foot room In the rear, all wrapped up in parkable new outside dimensions. New '61 Chevrolet 4-DOOR BISCAYNE 6 NOW-BIG-CAR COMFORT AT SMALL-CAR PRICES-Chew'i new RteeawMt 6 or VS, ar. built to mv. in a big way. Th.y off., . W.SIur! & relet quahty. roominess and proved performance, yet they a" o'ced rEht down with many cars thai give you a lot less. . pricea ngni See the new Chevrolet cars, Chevy Corvairs and the new Corvette at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer'