The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan
Friday, Dec. 2, 1960
Hast thou arisen out of
the mists of time to plague
us and prod us? A spectre
of greatness reutrned from
the world b e y o n d, thou
Begone, thou haggard
publican of multiple de
feats. Take thy face hense
and leave us to heaven.
Point not with withered
hand at our droppings.
Scowl not at the flowers of
our soMv.
My sweet dears, time was
when the Gadfly stung us
one and all. And once upon
that time, we labored
through the Briar Patch.
Lest we forget, the Weal or
. Woe ran too.
From these fog-ridden
depths of long ago comes a
rogue and an elf guised as
LEON. God save the King!
Beware of slander, ogre
and quit swiping what few
readers I have left. Dear
Abbie, indeed! No harm
intended, Charlie Chan, it's
about a fine column.
The Little Corporal is off
to Waterloo this week.
Seems he just got back
from Elba or Chicago or
someplace. The peasantry
breathes relief and reprieve
in his absence.
That fine statesman from
the South, John Calhoun, is
printing all the news that's
By Phil Boroff
a Janus Films release of a
film by Ingmar Bergman
starring Victor Seastrom.
The emphatic aged phy
sician and the cinematical
ly beautiful production
make "Wild Strawberries"
one of the few examples of
true motion picture art.
The film was presented at
the fourth Film Society pre
sentation by the Student Un
ion film conimittee on
Wednesday evening.
Ingmar Bergman, Swed
ish director and screen
writer, has provided an
abundance of material for
thought and a wide variety
of cinematic effects for con
sideration. The plot con
cerns a day in the life of
Dr. Isak Borg, eminent 78
year old Swedish physici
an. He is to receive an
honorary degree from his
university, - commenorating
the 50th anniversary of his
graduation. :
However, this happy day
begins with a wierd dream;
the old man is on a de
serted street, the clocks
have no hands, a man with
out a face falls to the street
and blood rushes from his
crumbled body, the old man
sees a hearse that hits a
lightpost and throws its
casket to the street.and the
old man's corpse pulls the
doctor down into the brok
en casket.
To receive the award,
Borg must travel from
Stockholm to Lund. He de
cides to drive his antique
car. Marianne, his es
tranged daughter-in-law,
will also travel with the
old man back to Lund and
to her physician husband
Evald. .
The travellers stop at a
summer house where Borg
lived when he was a boy.
Noticing a wild strawberry
patch, Borg daydreams of
a youthful summer day
when his intended wife Sara
first loved his brother.
The journey is resumed
with the addition of three
hitchhikers, a girl also
called Sara and two young
men named Anders and
Vikter. Later, the antique
car is involved in an acci
dent in which the other car
is overturned. The disagree
able husband and actress
wife of the overturned car
are offered a ride, but are
turned out of the car when
the daughter-in-law can no
longer stand their fighting.
Borg has another day
dream in which he is given
an examination by the dis
agreeable husband. Borg
examines a patient, the actress-wife,
and declares her
dead. But she comes to life
with a horrifying laugh. In
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Cnllrrfete Prng, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at; Room. 20. Student Union. Lincoln, Nebraska,
14th & R
Telephone HE 2-7631. ext. 4225. 4228. 4227
.. Sonserlptloa ratea en S3 per semester or S3 nr the academic vrar.
.Bnfre .!" ' matter st the post efflee la Llorala. Nebraska,
aader the att ef Auaat i, U1.
m.' ''? .D"' "'braskan t abllhe Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and rrt
a durlar ths school yea.- tieept durlnc axjatKini and exam period., by
"v ol i .? University , Nebraska andrr juthorlzatlon of the Committee
t? i? ",, expression of student opinion. Pabllratlna ander the
!5"ir" h" Subcommittee h student Publications shall be free from
editorial censorship on the part of the nnbcommlttee or en the part of any
ewrsoa outside the University. The member ef the Dally Nebraskan staff are
personally responsibkj for what they say. or do. or cause to be printed.
ebraary a, 1950.
Editor . . . ,
Maaajrlnt Editor
News Editor . .. .
Sports Edlte . . .
At News Editor.
Copy Editors . . . ,
Herb Prebaeoa
Dstc i alhoue
, Karen Lone
' Hal Brown
'" ",11 Gerald f.ambenea
rat Dean, Ana Mover. (irrtrhen Khellbera
i.,nLv. -.......... norm Beatty, Dave Wohlfarth
Junior Staff Writers. .Nancy Browa, Jim Forrest, Nancy U hit ford. Chip Hood
Blaff Writers
fit to. Even the Gestapo
High Council had a vacation
from nervous disorders.
' This has most certainly
been the season for conven
tions. The publications staff
journied to Chicago, The
IFC struck out for the
west coast, the Union Board
skiied to Wichita and Sig
ma Delta Chi was making
the scene in New York and
the SATYR attended the an
cient rites of marriage in
North Dakota.
Thanksgivings are in or
derI'm still a bachelor.
Perhaps, derisive read
ers, you are awaiting the
crusading mein of 'he
SATYR. If you see anything
that Is worth crusading for,
I should be most happy to
accept your suggestions.
Since the Cave has been re
decorated and I detest clut
ter, just drop them in the
nearest manhole. I shall
stumble upon them from
time to time.
I yield the space to the
right honorable critic from
the outer cricle, John Else,
who has something to say.
Oh yes, kiddies, just for
chucks wait for Boroff's
comments on Wild Straw
berries. One of the finest
comedians in the business,
if you want my opinion.
And you usually don't.
the background are the
three young hitchhikers
stiffly representing students
observing the examination.
The charge in 'incompet
ence'; the punishment is
The examiner and Borg
then regress to the time
the old doctor witnessed
wife and her lover. Borg's
son could possibly have
been the result of this in
fidelity. The old man reaches his
destination, amends are
made with his son, and the
son and daughter-in-law re
concile. Borg receives his
honor and, after saying
goodbye to the three young
hitchhikers, spends that mo
ment before . sleep remem
bering a happy youthful
day at the summer house.
It is the story of 'what one
thinks of life when one is
about to leave life."
Victor Seastrom, as.Drv
Isak Borg, is outstanding.
It is an amazing final ac
hievement for the late, well
known Swedish stage and
film actor. Ingrid Thulin,
currently under contract to
Metro-Goldwyn-M a y e r, is
impressive as Marianne,
the daughter-in-law, and
Bibbi Andersson, as-both
Sara's, and Julian Kendahl,
as Borg's housekeeper, Ag
da, are also outstanding. In
fact, every role is excel
lently cast and excellently
All technical aspects of
the film are superior. Light
ing expresses mood: light
when the old physician
dreams 'youth,' dark when .
he dreams and lives 'age.
Excellent cinematography,
costuming and editing dis
criminate between the
'real' and the 'dreamed.'
Ingmar Bergman has di
rected and written a mast
erpiece. "Wild Strawberries" has
awards, including he Grand
Prize at the 1958 Ber
lin Film Festival and the'
Grand Prize at the 1959
Nar Del Plata Film Festi
val. Films in Review, no
table monthly publication,
awarded the film its 1959
Best Foreign Film, Best
Actor (to Victor Seastrom)
and special citation (to Ing
maiu for 'the body of his
work') awards. The film al
so won an Academy Award
nomination and was in
cluded in almost all 1959
Ten Best' lists.
Another notable foreign
film that was included in
most 1959 'Ten Best' lists
is the 'new wave' French
film, "The 400 Blows." It
will be the next Nebraska
Union Film Committee's
Film Society presentation
on the evening of Decem
ber 14.
Nebraskan Letterip
Campus Elections
Draw Criticism
To the Editor,
We think it is deplorable
that the Daily Nebraskan
and the Student Council are
so totally incompetent con
cerning one of the most im
portant institutions on cam-pus-the
Cases in point:
1) The election for home
coming queen was not suf
ficiently publicized.
2) Members in charge of
the homecoming balloting
failed to make clear the
number of candidates to
-vote for. . -
3) And most recently, the
Daily Nebraskan released
front page copy stating that
the Honorary Commandant
polls would be open until 9
p.m. and the polls closed
at 5 p.m.
. We don't know where the
mix-up is, whether it is the
Daily Nebraskan or the Stu
dent Council, but we feel
that this privilege of stu
dent voting should not be
so abused.
Mary Weatherspoon
Suzie Stolz
Military Ball
To the Editor,
Concerning the letter by
Miss Weatherspoon and
Miss Stolz, I would like to
offer an apology and an ex
planation of point 3 which
they raise. It is true that
the article in Wednesday's
Daily Nebraskan about the
election of the Honorary
Commandant did contain
the statement that the polls
MV f - &
Ed, telephone lineman, It en
routine duty when a cloudburst
hits the Arizona mountains, caus
ing sudden "flash flood" in the
desert below ...
j cought us fu. peach xxi ) M l rr- .
ZZ-Ki -dropwr?- I. ,..-..T !.Ul!53- IT-ATfcWH ENMI SOT THE V, 7
- - - - i n mil .i 3m T rw jim v less, esowa
would be open until 9 p.m.,
rather than the correct time,
5 p.m. The error was mine.
As publicity chairman for
the Military Ball, I wrote
the press release and absent-mindedly
put down the
wrong time.
The only error of the Ne
braskan staff was that of
trusting the complete accur
acy of my reporting.
When the error was dis
covered, the Nebraskan was
already in circulation and
there was nothing that could
be done about it.
I apologize to those stu
dents who were not able to
vote as a result of the error.
' " Rod Ellcrbusch
Parking Problem
To the editor:
It's about time they
opened that Nebraska Hall
parking lot for parking..
However, I'd like to know
whether there will be quick
use of the lot by students
who live on campus. I don't.
You see, if I start bring:
ing my bike to ride to
Temple, Building from the
lot, I'd like, to either be able
to keep1 it in the car or
leave it at my apartment.
Bill Lonigan
Delta Phi Alpha
Adds Nine to Clan
Delta Phi Alpha, national
German honorary scholastic
fraternity recently initiated
Gisela Starck, Mark Soren
sen, Arthur Hughes, Kathern
Bieaer. Larry Barron, Ken
Barjenbruch, and Patricia
Initiates unable to attend
were Pat Clare and Grover
I . JllUffiSU I -
w i i- --fw p--wij 1 1 1 .v-AjfPa KVaaaaaaaaaannri
I I uml j!7 " rrl lose jH ( TunilfUT
OURSElVESl CAR'S t.l ' t. I
S Si Uo.jfisf.D'uPito.
Fowler to Discuss
Limestone Cves
Dr. James A. Fowler, cur
ator of education of the Cran
brook Institute of Science,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich., will
speak on Friday, at 8 p.m.
in the Love Library Auditor
ium. His lecture, "Adventures
Underground," will be con
cerned with the origin and
formation of limestone caves.
Pictures of the animals liv
ing in such, caverns and the
fossils found in these caves
will be shown.
Dr. Fowler was formerly
with the Academy of Natural
Science in Philadelphia and is
an active member of the
American Speleological So
ciety. This event is made
possible by the late Ben and
Rachel Maibe. long time
members of the Nebraska
Academy of Sciences.
U in the v 1 ' ; 1 C f R
loirofth. V j XT'
Nature) r , F
' '' .": fox
I COLLEGE HALlA ' !fi JiillJ ,
to the Thrw Suitl j ' 7 -"Vk HULT )
Motivations: College Holt's i (M ; ?f J' Vs f
-z linn i 1 - . J - -n .
Snow Slopes
The Union recreation com
mittee has again arranged for
a ski-trip to a Colorado ski
lodge during the semester
break Feb. 1-6 1961.
The cost of the entire trip is
approximately $65, which in
cludes train fare, meals, lodg
ing, insurance, i equipment
and ski lessons.
Both beginning and skilled
skiers may take advantage of
the trip as there are gradu
ated slopes of varying diffi
culty and ski lessons for be-
1229 R ST. HE 2-3645
Do you
Need Clean Crew Sox?
Clean White Blouse ?
See the Lanz Samples
at both ends
Beckon Skiers
i einners. ' Besides skline one
can also enjoy sleigh riding,
and ice skating.
Anybody who wishes to join
the group going on the ski
trip can sign up by paying a
$10 deposit at the Student Un
ion Activities office before
Dec. 16. ,
Sharon DeMars, chairman
of the Union recreation conk
mittee, said that orientation
meetings will held lot
those who plan on going on
the ski-trip.
For Spring, Thvrs., fridsy