The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1960, Image 1
Foreign, U.S. Students Form International Group ome 1J0 sljkksits. evr watii (Article III to: The Mfcrs mill be t awv sti&dent r famltv mem. dents for Thank? 21 vine va taro-thirds f which wvre foreign students, attended the first general assembly f the Nebraska Internation al Association XJJL.K ac cording t Jack Kosmaoek, The coosiitatiffla was pre sented at the meeting, which was designed to farm an OTgianaatioa ""to serve the entire stwient foody, the city ot Lincoln, the state, the awtiora, and the peoples t the rM in the proind Uen f better social and cultural relations,' Ksma cek stated. The CMistitaSfta stresses the purpose I (he new I r- i. Create mntaa! indcr standing and friendship anMitg intenuttAaal sta deats. EnoMrage InterwatM al stawats to present s rial and raltaral programs. S. IU1 new stadeats todi rktaaUy and tIlretitely, es peeiaBy iateraalMMl sta oets, by acquiinticg them with the varfovs types f services and fariiitirs avail able wi the campas and ia the cwamanity. 4. Ay ftther activity r servire related t Ibe sta lest welfare ia the Univer sity cmronnitT," ber is eligible far member ship in this association. Lack at Iaterest The formation of the XJA. came about after a lack of interest on the pait of American and foreign students oa invitations and acceptance of foreign stu Officer a ill be Mmi. aated aad the ewtstitatMa will be ratified at the next meeting whkh will be at S p.m. Sunday, Dec, II at the Stndent Unto. Kc&macek stressed "the Association encourages all of the students ta recognise this opportunity for what it is. The X1A urges you to take an interest in the MA to the extent that you feel a sense of responsibility to promote a future of peace, international understand iag and cooperation in har mony with the customs and ideas o fall peoples through out the world."1 oo - chairmen, secmary, treasurer, social chairman, program chairman, publi city chairman, liaison HS cer, parEanwsataria'n, orien tation chairman and Stu dent Ceaaaeil representative. Fees win be assessed and cation. Instrumental ia starting the movement for the X1A mere Javad Abedi of Iraa, Yilmai Aksot of Turkey, John Else, Mike McCann, Kdmacei and Mrs Olga Steele, Careiga student ad-riser. mmm Parking ou Trial Nebraska Hall Lot Now Open The1 parking lot near Nebraska HaH, the Id Elgin buld teg, is mv pen a a tenia! basis to daily commntars, accord teg to Jim Pittenger, assistant to the dta5kffv Daring the three week period between Thanksgiving and Christinas vacation nly (daily traffic wiil be slewed to mse the area f ormerly osed by Area 2 students. Violators wiil be cocecea y rae (uimiversray nance, acoorenmg to ratenger. irvioM. a il - -ji u . . rMUngtsr sia ine suggest Vol 74, No, 38 Lincoln, Nebraska ed that tthe area be nspi for eonnnuitons n!ty and reoeireid m 66ecfetis $Nsm the Sto- tent cornea paintmg coonmit tee, Tibe Council, however, co wdiriia'a the imaKer with Vm SXH OtHffict and found tihat tlbera nwe bjectjoms fcima that wgamzatkm. The iAM tuonncil contended (mat tfc holders el Area 2 permits slhctfld ba permittied to inove &st tfhit Biwa," Fittenger ex- Conference la xiew of the eonfSctt tS, tpiiaan, Pitftengar and Cap tain Eugene Masters of the IMversity Police roet with RAM repTesejiaaiwes m JJov, 21 to &scnss the matter. It was fenesraHy agreed fhat specific data was snot avaflable and that it woeM be lae'bifiil t all conoerned iff, uca amormatKjn coaia ibe made av&Ila'ble,'" PilftfiBgar taja. H the three week ttria! baas bift that additional parking its needed for the Asdlv ttral- fic tflre-swbraiflia HaB park ing Hot win ronunne to be rs neri'ed Inr ihe CMnmatar. B the survey iindicateg the coxn- tmutors m not mse the lot, nriorlty w ill retnm to the Area 2 narking, according to nttenger, "'There is mo reason to have an empty lot. We are aneet fflg with the Student Council to tfleitennine who shall suse the M. 17e shall continue to meet with them before any Jurther decisions are made, " he noted. EeOpenefl The parking M was re-opened Monday as prom ised last San after tfihe BOTC department could mo longer use the lot for aruL Immedi ately Sallowing Spring vaca-: ttion the EOTC depaotment1 win again aise ?he area and; parking win mat be available,' according to Pittenger, i nttenger poinded to ihree reasons dafiy parking shonld have priority wver ""storage parldng." L "Active traffic win pro long the life of surfacing. 2"1Dai!y traffic win free ifflie Hat an the evenings fori snow removal which win serve to prolong life wf sur facing. 3. ""Dauyommirtort should lhave priority over students srequiring storage packing 2a-cJIitifis.'" Award Given To Loeffel For Service Pro! W. J. Loeffel, retired (chariman of tthe animal mus handry tdepartment, ihas lieen named the rechpient iof the FeBow Award and has !been gn'en life memhership iin the American Society rf Animal Production. The announcement .of ffh award was anade last friday at the group's annual awards dinner at the Hotel Sherman un Chicago. This is (considored ih most outstanding award pre sented 3y Ihe Society,"" said X XL LoosH of Cornell Uni versity, president (of the so iciery, "It is reserved Sor a limited aiumher of members who are judged to have given lh imost JlistinfuishHfl nrv.i ice," J Loeffel recieved IhiB MaRter' of Science .degree at the OnH versity and has heen a mem- ber iof the staff since 1D19.I He served as chairman of the animal husbandry (depart-! onent irom 19.'1B iuntil 195ft. S ICA Head Discusses Economics Pomes Qarsli'cm r Proper Approach The director of the lulier- mational CaoperatMB Aflxnxn- ifjtratkm, James W. Hiddle- berger yesterday posed th question iof mow to approach the pKxbleia tf (ecomoimjc aaa- prwement for 0 d e r fl e- veloped peoples. The answer lis in the devel epment (of phj-sjcal and ma man capital he told the sto- oeTfts. The fanner amhassadtur to Greece and Yugoslavia laid at the tiswrtrsng pomts. 1. IMess the bii !hv mts derdevektned nations far sat- cM &d-eoaii(imic improve-! met succeeds on a frame work of a free societv. the countries wiil adopt an ex treme avenue f approach" hased (oa Commmiism. 2. Whether ttm eocnni db- penas largely am on the amount and type oi ffnreigt aia crran to them mv the M. and 1 1 e r (developed (Cohd- mes. Cme thins as known from past experience, me saifl. have learned that the process 01 meroing (others to (master strange skills and to accept new ideas and values is a longnterm process. 31 we expect to make a real (contribution to the econ omic and social irrnrres nf less-developed peoples, we must reconcile mursex ftn . sustained and longterm tech-! micai (cooperation effort and we anust (organize (ourselves accarflmgly.. Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1960 MJ ID) B Aver By Nancy Wahiord Wstd to Dr. Ltkm A. CSy kis wse ia stody raska. higher eiJwatiHa. iactodaag the Lversaty. are "Mt Ban a satisfactory petsitioia t at tract w mivui laewy mem bers ttmv average ia vsum peteaace. This repent, made by INeaa Frank Werer Hasitin rT. lece xM Dean Mtri Ur&isrwi head the t Etgj- paimieid cft fhalt the tMrer-Jeeiit, campares with a raise ge ity afiers a litetanue ffaeniillty salary ancrease toMtt HJK to SLMMtihe Jar restrain state, tot still wsmsiderafelly b&m5w me maaJMiai average. Salarr Raar The UiaiversitT salarr range, m iacrease af 1 per 1.4 to 23 per ent tae state, a per cent m erease ffiar Jhe matotMsa! wr- I age M a reported S par ceut FACULTY FINDINGS DisjCrlbatMa f Jkcadenk Rank XaiRfcer, AsMwiat Asst. A3 Raks Prrfer Prrf. Prrf. lr.timac Vniwirsily -438 2W 21.4 3C. 12 KgWM 9J3 25. 5 282 14 Xatwni 2,'IS2 28.-1 2&2 25U jjjl IrihvtMi T Rghest Degm Pewieatage f Patwlty Memhm B3iag: Ifectarate Masters Bacalaarraie UaDiversaty 52 312 Awerage iiar PmMic imsttiitatioiits ....... ..aft. Average ff or Xmpah&c imstiittiiiaaons .......2a. 10 Facility Members Odaeatei ia Xt&raska With ae r Mere , Wish Hicfcest Degree Degrees fen XeK lasOurtaem nwm XeW. lastasxttiMK Omrsity -tta.7 20 Awage Teaehiag Asstgiinet$ Awsrage Oass Birs Taaght Average Class Hwnre TaaM Per week fcy InS-tSiwe faenhy Per wi fcy furt-txae facaity University - Ml 43 Faculty FamcSaMis ia Pvmnftage tf Time Devwted to Eac Gradaatel rndergrad Pr. instracua Inslraetija Research EMsnswa ilbw tSnwwwty .....155 5S.7 IU u.$ 10 lnstitntioa Esfiaated StofleBfrFaoBSs- Katt VSniversity jjjj ampnhlic InstitsfliHBis 10 AH Ilastttatians " Cftnparisons f I3nhrslly Salaries with Ee-giA&al and Xa&oud Prrfessw Assoc. Prot. Asst. Pnd. InstraKlw lOniversiay $7jB09 $599 ,$5,Mi9 Kegioa M,S3B 7980 i65B 5,259 EeasBBs GSvea for Leaving X-brfia IwaStatiKns Reasons Frequewy aa Per Cent 3L Frofessionall ad-ancement " aad ffiivimcial $aia ,..27.5 2. Graduate stady JULJS 3L ethTement !!."I""Mii 4. Temporary appaintmeat ZZZZZZZ $2 5. Discharged ... ibj (fi. Other reasons . Zil Today On Campus Facuhv reciial. 7::30 mjm Holy Trmiftr (dhundL fiOth and A. Y,W.CA. Christmas Baz aar, 11 a.m. to 'J pjm, Indian Suite Stndent Onion. A.CJE -I pjm. Teacher's. AS "T". 7:15 mam.. Wxrmm Methodist Church. 3th and! ' I ' .. ( I : t ' I I 5i v I ; : " " t 1 QUICK SOLUTION FOR SHOPPING PROBLESf The fifth annual TWCA Oirktmai; r.- zaar could lie the single solution to your seasonal shopping problems. The Bazaar features a large variety ioI Items from anany lands ranging In price from HO cents ito IS (dollars. The Bazaar wlli he !hcld iin the Indian Suite of the Student Union today Honorary Coimiiandant mi Wffl Be Elected Today ne amiversirv Ce-efi win he tZari! fefls-p 1950 Bemorary Commandaml (over th Atttit : sit :H"nfl t 'vr wnwrrn n . . . .... jumoe idwjv loepanmenis ior line (coming year. war aflesuty win Ibe revealed (during icoronatian cere- anames m. ine -men annual Miiitary EaH m Dec. 10. Al Eligible AH students are eligible to vote at the polling places iin the Stndent Onion and iin the Ag Onion. The polls will toe (open anrtJl !S pjm. Prior to the IbaH the WWC students win elect their re spective Aranv. Xanv. and Air moroe (Cueens. During the coming year the Bonorary CHmmandant ami the three 3vk tgoeens wiD take part an format EOTC pa- raaes, mspectiiiH and the, presentation mT awards, and citataons to Ei&TC students. The eMwrainc aff tfhe mew rojahy wiH ttafce rolace an (enn- j;midlitin with the ttraditinnal (Grand March (daring the teal. a DHowmg She nnmation, fflie mew Commandant and Iher es cort will lead the senior BBTC students and their la (flies in tllbe CHmmaHflattt'i; IDancE. Eichard Jttahy This vear"s MUrtaxv Bill: ffeatures Eichard MalHw aad- Ms amchestra. the tUbeniei 'Mudfcets to Missiles.'" and I imtfirmission eBarlainmeiitj proaided fcy the Cadence!, Countesses and the Pershing j amies crui ttcam. Tickets for the event are m sale iin the StudeHt Onion lobby and iin the MOT lobby f or fS.35. Speatatar tickets far IB are un sale an (dowBtowTi stares and iinttheSlaaSeailf Oaion lobby. Semi-f trail toresc is re- mred Sar sprtaSor, accurd ing u Diet Eneter, tirtet Sc tahles committee chairman. '"Formal tflress. either ta- edoes or EDIT amifarms wilh white shirts aad Iblacl teDwl lies, iis the nraner (dress far the actual Eaflr Eiieter said: "ectat0rs wjB mot tee afl-j. lowed ta (fiance.'" 1 iaacreaj ia typical Rasssaai Other ffauKiliaags am the repair! sodscate that stjemt-ffacmllty ratias at the Umiversity sure ahsidt 1541 r "typical cf what WTBBM ibe jHwcoa at sisailar ua- StitatMBML ie i mnwKiv is al r- pMtei U k3Jlhe klghest per" ttge c5rxl degrees f aay iastitatau ia the state. per cesst WiiSMia t2t Umaversity, the OaEBege f Arts amd Scitences ran3d highest with m.i per wait fflff t&e ffAMnJirr ftimWiwiur I dactaraiiies and ta CMlege rf J"!Mrai!!ig asid Arahite tmre, to$t with 18 per cent. RriiettXe Eshi?l kmw reflect tt3ie ttradatiOTial eimra tiiamall meeds and attiSiodes ai tie several (iisdipaiiiEies,'" the repMit saatei. The University ramis as the Ua;rgt simgJe iimstiSairilicaa t higher JtearaiiBtc M the s&m and emaltevs a ttstixn mr jlsb iiKiiw ttacaaOty misejmlxers ana IflS jwart-ttiiniira ffsjr Use prfeswmal amd adniit- itsaraiave areas. "This sAm it Kritwrt tm Kadnrade UWUt i farm. ty BiKg. a sgftsaXMa erain- crastfered to be imd- sarahSe.'" Se MI wmr (rwnrf ag oikj. SatMty meimllaers, ""aa iimiDird- unaiey mm ffiiaare fer a staa iffiiversiav " teave earmfti (or mtMne (degrees iiroin Xehras-, 'Holiday FeslivaP Set for Dec 19 Al Onroesrsitv emnilmwt eiLchafling ara and profes sicinal stalX aaiay attend the ibtoiioay aiarvest Festival'"' open house at the Stndent IPb- ann Dec o. The (Dpea teonse w23 replace the an-Tuml innnoal teannaeit held previknisly. This year's event wuH tee informal, es cept for a taraef cereaDany hon 'orinE two emT&Dvees whs haw onmpletod 25 years uff servace waua the OnOTmlty. Tbex wSI tee riven cerffi- cates t& appmciatian fcv Chan cellor oiSard Maroin.. Spouses (or aaates iff em ployees trstm al three cain- pnses may atteno, saia Mrs. Helen EarL a maemteer iof the icpen teouse planning icmnmit- !tee. Al Onion tfaciliiifis tae been reserved for the e- aing, she said. Olio lo Speak ka scistitiutiims while SS..5 per ceat have earned their liigh est degree Ansa Nebraska in stltaitiMS. Eperieace Restricted lastitatitoos whase ffaculty eiperieaiice is restricted t the schwal which he serves wM saaKer Smm a lack I the icfaska ef mew iideas e sesittM ta growth aad Seve3 pnoeaat. the reewt ex- piaiioed. Am earlaer ressmrt that at al levels sff raoik, t2&e salaries paid fer the UmversiitT idwiiaj the M!9 acadeansc year were toelaw the averare sal aries COTipraMie anttsttiitiB tissas m the regjusa, was cusoi-firaniwL Tfce average prwlesswi's sal ary at the lahtersity is es!pared 1 a regitaal aver ge f $1.SS; assweuie prw fesr, SSJW ciripari to asitaat nrafesswr. S&.- cwooared t SssJSi ui iftstrwetw. SSwI9 cmiBared to SKW5 lw the regwa. Kstriteiteai oS acadeamiic rami at the UimveirsJtv is two- paraMe wish regMaial aisd Ba- 3mmvm averages and aimaiiicaties that the Uimiversiiay is "Taut sstiatjSBa acatemk: raauk ia liea ff salary."" The smrprisiagly Iknw tmnBBvier off tacaalltty persamwl appears to toe daae la persimal fes ta the state which iBHiflim eaace a ffaicaailty mKeaateer" de liMca a renmaiia ia spite ef salary- feadvaatases,"" the report said. The estiiiimaied aumnnntTiT ffac nfflty ttaanDBrar rate ffiar the Liiiversiijy i$ 9. J er em&. as (pKnapared Has a staie-wade av erage aaf M.i tms: eemlL The ttiswer LMveisiily ttamnn vT wiiMm the state was at taiteilefl tka the grealter ppcup traiiuy f mt increased eoimpeii satiiem tthrMmghirat the He ttaaae tf a ffacaaKy Bdennlber. Vint I'udJtjr "Serenades' For 4CIassIcs, At YD's 3Ieelin" Koriman CWaL reoemtlv am- poittted admiMstrathe assist ant w twiemnor-eiectt rrant Monisan. iis the scheduled speaker far the Turning Becn- locraa aneettng tamgm at 7 throngh Thnrsdav from 11 ajm. its S sun. daiy. -Shown fiiBplayitg x flelcate Japan ese bowl as daiiie Eerfiaul Anita ahea . cuddles a (doll frem tie Spnh Seas and Susan Woods holds carfd statuettes from Africa. The Stndealt Vmm Matsic Cfemimiiiliaiee lias canceJfed the featured recuri iwnwEnaia 'Oassical Cattere"- aan Tdes- dav at 5 kuhl. accEsnfliine t Mary Beth Larson, emminlr tee (ChaiiranaiL la iits v&aee fflie cmsaimiilttiee wiH present a mew prograai "SEmset Seellaae," at 4 every Toesday, wMch will ffeatmre reenrds fm Ercxaa- way uniEsicalLs, soomdtrBckx nnmiies. jiazL and con- tempurary anisic. lae icsmininiee teas .scbed- uled wweKty pragraims throBgh Fetemary 28:: iNov. 2 "Ptnrgy and Bess'" IDec (fr ""Snnni f Mnsic Bee. 13 "TS m t crack er Suite'" and "The Einrstna Trio Rays Medkeial ChriKt- imas Mow" Jan. IB "Music ffr EEodus"" 7 'SleflfiMis fctn, Ktms Maittovani' Fein. Ift-niestside Stasry FeTo. 21 "An Aaericaa in Paris' and "Xhamsaflv iia in TP a wiH speak am the prdb-1 One" nns a dhamging an admiini-s- Feb. 2B "Victory at Sea' Hems traticm, imctoding a dhEnge ia! polflical parties sm the sMe level, Ted Miaaster, ffarst vice president cf the TDa, iuud. The ooBsSMaim atf tibe Xe- Iraska Stuflam Federation YiBung DfijEooratic Ootes wj33 he (Eiscnssed atormg tfihe reg- ajar ODiiismess aneetnaL ac- cnrdiLBg to Mnfmster. Vac tinom Foreign SludenU To Explain FJns Foreign students, representr mg imare inan toreiga Dtran tries wiH tee cuests t. x Fnr- eign Stndent Party m the Ag Student Onion nf Xov. 30 at 7 The theme mff the mTr tee ""flags' and a representa tive iff each country will ex plain the BDeanmg f tbeir flag, saifl Soca Erictsen. wait, wfrnagr Panel Discwftes Proper Ball Etiqaeile What steroid be wora t ibe MSitaiy KaE? Wtoe steBiaM the corsage tee wnra'? Shaudi a feoy ask a irl the csilar tf toer idiess befare teiying a caar- sage? W&at stemM a orl da wiith tear purse? These are a few iff tttee wnes- which will tee answered fey students anl ffactity paael membirs Tuesday in Leve La brary amSitssriirtii. Kay Stute wil tee mistress 'id cereiaiimes at Utee T:35 meet which is cptai is all Uaa versily stndmts. Panal jmemteers w23 tee 3Dr. Jauette Sayre, assacista pn fffssw l& physical elaratina mar womea; iDaiares Case, stale FHA adriser; Captait Ees WaHais, Csptain CaVge (Chairman mf the A Oaiani GeAf-v. Jloha EOse. EcA Sa-.iae. cjjkjj. meriammein: csoro- Jiriaft's RtffismppBr aJ fjisfla r I i ? 9 ' mittee. ishelhifaii. "0' .'IW 4 --W-f