5 1 ; Page 4 The Nebraskarv ; Friday, Nov. 18, I960; IFC Provides for Rush Film, Changes Jr. IFC Elections Four motions concerning the rush book, rush film, as sessment for Christmas dis play and the Junior IFC were pased. by the Inter fraternity Council hi a short 50-minuto meeting Wednes day night. Plans were laid for the rush film and the number of copies for the rush book was set at 2,200, which will cost the IFC about $1,828, ac cording to vice-president, Joe Knoll. Ben Prieb, rush chairman, estimated the cost of the black and white film to be used next summer and dur ing the school year at $266. Prieb moved the IFC appro priate this money for the film and the motion was passed. He urged that fraternities submit a list of activities and functions which might be used in th . 20-minute film. The film will be used on rush trips next summer and in future rushing. The rush book, which will be edited by Don Ferguson and Steve Gage, will reach every incoming male student and will also be distributed among rush chairmen and the state legislature, accord ing to Knoll. In other business, public relations chairman Ron Gould revealed plans for the publication of a booklet con taining' information about the IFC. In a short discussion, Pres ident Marty Sophlr promised LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS fl4a t.tr Vote? IMASlUA-nntf hlOM HO! CyilD A fESJWa TONl LOCK INTO fiBGNWiJWWIHOOW . ST .PAUL METHODS! CHURCH ft Lincoln' Downlom Church $ ft Worship Services at y:JU and 1 1 am jr Dr. Frank A. Court, Pastor 2 ' "'jj ii MMer Parne 1 V (L lifl(ll jj I 80 years your store full of now Moat I I choose the i 1 ! y':?5m' alone... jj 1 1 $ ANY BLOUSE j 1 1 1 - 1 ' f monogrammed ( J ! wkhxHit charge ii . t I and W Saturday Friday end Saturday Milter's will monogram two or 1 1 II three letters without charge on any blouse pur- ( 1 1 chased in the Blouse Nook, first floor. Choose from 1 1 j many styles, sizes 32 to 38. Priced from 2.98 to 8.98. J j j Four monogram style shown below. j j I ., ..,.,, , A fa, .inn, i ii.r j r .... .i l ,-n,, , j a "vast reorganization of the political committee to keep posted what's going on." A motion was passed to assess each fraternity $2 to pay the IFC cost in the Christmas display suggested by the Student Council. A majority vote put the okay on a constitutional change covering elections in the Jr. IFC. The motion, presented by Phil Tracy, read, "The Junior IFC advisers will act as chairmen for the first three meetings and at' the third meeting, the election will be held with this meet ing being closed to all except the Junior IFC representative and the Junior IFC advisers." Sophir said he received a letter from the Lincoln Cham ber of Commerce thanking the IFC for the transporta tion they provided voters on Election Day. SDE Honors Six Charter Members Six charter members of Sigma Delta Epsilon, na tional society for graduate women in science, were hon ored last night at a dinner meeting of the society. All of these women are distinguished scientists and active members of the Lin coln community. The six in clude Dr. Eula D. McEwan, Lulu L. Runge, Mrs. James P. Vance, Drs. Elda R. and Leva B. Walker, ,and Dr. Ester S. Anderson. Dr. McEwan is a geologist and has specialized in in vertebrate palentology. She is an emeritus assistant pro fessor of the University. Miss Runge is a mathe matician and was made as sistant professor at the Uni versity in 1913. Mrs. Vance is an instructor in geography and has taught in summer school at Nebras ka Wesleyan. The Drs. Walker are both botanists. Both are now emer itus associate professors of the University. Dr. Anderson became as sistant professor of g e o g raphy at the University in 1935. Earth Honorary Initiates Five New members of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, earth sci ence honorary, were initiated recently at Morrill Hall. The new initiates are John Boellstorff, 1th el Herrick, Marvin Machovec, and Fran cis Montgomery. if: pill IllWii X JAZZ AND JAVA, MAN ALIVE! A new campus tradition Is arising! If you haven't hit one of the Union sponsored "Jazz and Java" sessions you're just not in. Fridays from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Crib. Hot coffee for a dime a mug and hot jazz for free. "The Three Guitars" will be playing at today's session. The rock and roll group is made up of Ron Gould, Lynn Cor coran and Dennis Taylor, Theta Xis, and Rob Venner of Alpha Tau Omega. (Photo by Doug McCartney) -Law College Moot Court Competition Begins; Teams Named Ancient Greeks, Beats Come on Social Scene A scurry to drawers and closets in an effort to dig up the most unusual costume is evidence of the house parties coming up this week-end. Hour dances, exchange din ners, a nd fall parties will provide other activity. Friday Kappa Alpha Theta-Kappa Kappa Gamma-Pi Beta Phi Triad Dance, 9-12 p.m. Sigma Kappa-Acacia hour dance, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Terrace Hall-Brown Pal ace exchange dinner, 6-8 p.m. Fedde Hall (Burr East): Cornhusker Co-op hour dance, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Alpha Gamma Sigma De pression house party, 8-11:30 p.m. Beta Sigma Psi Geisha party and dinner. 7-12 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi Beatnik party, 8-12 p.m. Delta Tau Delta Greek Toga house party, 9-12 p.m. Phi Delta Theta Open House Roll-up-the-Rug party, 9-12 p.m. Andrews House (Selleck Quadrangle) dance, 8-11 p.m. Saturday Alpha Omicron Pi dinnei dance, 7-12 p.m. Love Memorial Hall-Burr Hall hour dance, 6-7 p.m. Farm House Fall Party, 8:30-12:00 p.m. Selleck Quad turkey trot, dance, 8 p.m. ' Sunday ', Alpha Phi-Kappa Sigma Orphan Party, 2-5 p.m. Delta Delta Delta-Pi Kappa Phi pledge get-together, 2-! 3:30 p.m. ; '. Gamma Phi Beta-Alpha; Tau Omega pledge pizza supper, 5-7 p.m. Ag Frosh Go To 4-H Congress Five Ag College freshmen will be among the 29 dele gates to the National 4-11 Club Congress in Chicago; from Nov. 27 to Dec. 1. The five are Barb ara Beers, Delores Ostdiek, Ger ald Walker, Laurie Howe and Calvin Messersmith. These club members were selected for the trip because of their outstanding accom plishments in various 4-H pro-i jects, according to Wes An tes, state 4-H Club leader. The first round of Nebraska Moot Court competition be gan yesterday at the College of Law. Moot Court is held to devel op research ability in stu-j dents similar to what they will find as an attorney. The stu dent will also receive prac tical experiencee in formulat ing briefs and presenting oral arguments. Moot Court was named in honor of Thomas Stinson Al len, first graduate of the Col lege of Law. A moot question is one which can be argued from two sides. Associate Prof. Richard Harnsberger, head of the competition among s o p h o -omore law students, an nounced the eight teams of 32 students. They are Joseph Krause and Donald Treadway vs. John Ilich. Jr. and Don Fitch; Michael Lazer and Gordon Hull vs. David Ilerzog and Bernard Lake; Religious Activities Questions such as "What is LS Action" and "What am I doing here?" are only a few of the topics which will be covered in discussion ses sions at campus religious nouses Sunday. UNITED CAMPUS CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP "An Al ternative to Violence" will be the topic of a panel-led discussion at 6:30 p.m. Speakers will be Harvey L. Hinshaw, professor of piano and Rev. Martin Schroeder, chaplain of the Legislature. Supper will be at 5:30 p.m. NEWMAN CLUB A dance will be held from 6:30-10 p.m. with supper at 5:30 p.m. WESLEY FOUNDATION "What Am I Doing Here?" will be the topic of the 6 p.m. forum in the Student Union. The 5 p.m. supper will be held at Wesley House. EPISCOPAL Canterbury supper at 6 p.m. will be fol lowed by an informal discus sion titled "We Listen to What We Want to Hear." UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL, MISSOURI SYNOD "Friendship Evan gelism" will be explained at the 6:30 p.m. Gamma Delta meeting following a 5:30 p.m. supper. . . LUTHERAN STUD E N T HOUSE, NATIONAL LUTH ERAN COUNCIL Proceeds from a box supper to be held at 5:30 will be donated to LS Action. The function of this project, which helps the needy, will be explained at the 6:30 p.m. meeting which will fol low. BAPTIST An informal panel discussion on "All Fair in Love" will be held at Sec ond Baptist Church, 28th and S, at 6 p.m. John Glynn and William Gourley vs. John Barth and Richard Shugrue; John Hen ley and Michael Levy vs. Lar ry Knox and Robert Varil; Charles Pallesen and Rich ard Tempero vs. Allen Graves and George Moyer; Charles Rogers and John Anderson vs. Richard Svoboda and Lyle Winkle; George Cook and Robert Weigel vs. Richard Peterson and Benjamin Neff, Jr.; Gene Watson and Har old M o s h e r vs. Gerald Schleich and Richard Garden. Ag YM-YWCA Retreat Tonight The Rev. Allan Pickering, minister of the Evangelical and Reform Fellowship, will speak to the Ag YM-YWCA to night at their annual fall re treat at the Warren Methodist Church. All members and interested students should meet at the Ag Cotner College Chapel to the south of the Ag campus at 7 o.m. Transportation to the church will be provided Discussion of goals and committee assignments will follow Rev. Pickering's speech. Both Ag groups are currently staging drives for new members and encourage students to come to the re treat and become better ac quainted with the youth fellowship Nebraskan Want Ads CLASSIFIED AD POLICY No. Words 1 da. 2 da. 8 da. 4 da. 1-10 .40 -M .88 1.00 11-15 .60 . .80 1.0 I i.25 M-W .60 M 1.25 1.60 21-26 .TO 1.10 1.45 i.n 26-SO .80 1.25 1.66 2.00 S1-3S ,0 1.40 1.85 2.28 M-40 1.00 1.55 2.05 2.50 FOR SALE Red Triumph TR-3. See In 1300 block "H" Street. OR 7-8343. 19S9 Volkswauon 2 Dr. Sedan . . . Radio. Heater. Port-a-wall. Excel lent condition . . . Phone ID 4-3828. EMPLOYMENT PART TIME JOB! Navy Veterans. Full day's pay for each evening at Naval Reserve. PH. OA 3-3030 evening!. FORRENT 26th and 8. Choice ground floor. Three rooma and bath. New stove, refriger ator. Super r'ean. See to appreciate. Adults. I.V7.S0. Phone IV 8-7076. RIDES Riders to Denver; Thankaglvlng vaca tion. Call Rush; OR 7-8827. Peraon dealrtng a ride to northwestern Mlnnenota over Thanksjivlnx vara tlon. Share expenses. Call Bill Bere erson; OR 7-3K84. PERSONAL: If yon don't believe in glorification of militarism, then don't attend the mil itary ball. , M: I'll apeak to your Dad ... I'm sure he won't object after I explain the full story. C. j exed uo pv i et p sim MUim rx Bridge Anyone? Tourney Soon Contract bridge will be ; played in the Campus Bridge 1 Tournament which will be; held Dec. 3 at 1 p.m. in the I Student Union. j Contract bridge is played in the usual manner except! that aH hands are present I and by rotating tables every one will have played the same I hands in the course of the! tournament. i The entries must be madej by teams. Entrants must be' undergraduate students car-: rying at least 12 hours. Stu-i dents may get their entry j forms Nov. 28. j The tournament is being! sponsored by the Union Tour-; mamam Pimmift.. Tt ...Ml i liauiClllO VVUIIlllLlCC. II VTU1 serve refreshments for the entrants and award the trophies. Read Nebraskan Want Ads WORSHIP SERVICES ON CAMPUS . BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Boire L. Jonre II. Men I Burner Directors Student Work 9 30 a.m. Bible Study 6 00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 10:45 o.m. Morning Worship 7:00 Evening Worship 5:30 p.m. Supper 8 00 After-Church Fellowship Groups Meeting ot Frtt Boptiit Church 14th ond K Streets Second Baptst Church 28th ond S Streets DISCIPLES STUDENT FELLOWSHIP (Christian Churches) 1231 R Street Keith Mepfcrasoa, Campos Minister 10 45 o m. Worship (Cooperatvely with U.C.CF. at 333 No. Urh) 8:30 pm. Supper, Worship & Forum (Cooperatively with U.C.CF. or 333 No 14rhl LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) 1X5 North lth Alrta M. frltim, rnttor 9 30 a.m. Bible Study 10 15 a.m. Coffee Hour 10 45 a.m. Worship 5 30 p.m. Lutheron Student Association SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Center) ; lilt Q Ktrret C. J. Keeaaui. paetar B. T. Sheehr. J. Ft. Mrers, sYssortntes Sunday Masse at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 12:30 Confessions on Saturday: 4.30-5:30 pm. ond 7:30-8 30 p.m. Busme Meetinj and Sociol Hour 7:30 p m. UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian. Congregational, E.U.B, E. 4c R.) 331 North lth XtreH AIM I. PlekrrlM. MlnMer 10 15 Communion Served o OCCF Student House 10 45 O.m. Corporate Wonhip 5 30 o m. Forum Fellowship UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Service at (ntner while prrsrat bnlldlnc betas rrballt Gllbrrt M. analnsi, ChapMa 9 00 o.m. Holy Communion 11:00 o.m. Morning Prayer 5' 30 P.m. Fvenmg Prover UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri Synod.) A. 4. Nerd'e. rswtar ISIh SM4I H Street , 9 30 e m. Bible Study . 5:30 p.m. Gamma Dolto Supper J0.45 o.m. Wofvhio WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) WMIIam B. fceauj A i. BeatMs While, paster 8 00 o.m. Holy Communion (Wesley House, 1417 R Streets) 9:30 am. Morning Worship (at LSC, 535 North 16th St.) 10:30 o.m. Coffee Hour and Discussion Wesley House) 5 30 p m. Cost Supper (Wesley House) o 00 p.m. Forum (Student Union, Room 234) RSI if Part time employment ot the Nebraska Union has the following advantages: 1. Located close to classes 2. Schedules to accommodate your classes 3. Good pay and working conditions Apply at Union Office 8-5 M-F IMMMWffMlbaw JWwWsrrB ISwisP'PB BpSJH cp lr 5 iX Kail NsbV atalii3 MsSiBllHs3 stl TIF L With order of delicious hamburger on a toasted bun, french fries browned to perfection Open 1 1 a.m. - 1 o.m. all for Take-out Service ONLY Fri., Sot., Sun. Treet Drive-In 1341 High St. $PlN THE HIGH UU!,U WILDERNESS! frtociccoca -Airs To Bit-Horn tlveeo humeri, to hve " to tho Me; woods Store ,uppl'. Ukxtf w" cut to their cabin ln high country THIS OLD TRAIL VAS Hcnuseo SURE 13 THIMC WE'RE MAfcPW 1 EVEN 01 rr VOHCKEWJXIL MACKS OH The TREES! vr LOST! rVHATU WEDO?S fc THINK. HESMPTHAT TKAJLJKBQtOBe USBO MOSTLY -i "I mw J 4 ftaK.-WW Nt J WfiRATfMArtr - sIMTt5, j if W4AT PtO 71 THEY US A 't ' HO... 5r5rJrlOKy w f ,- 9 - THE TIMgf E gROK- iseBoutuiHKKX.ioutseif. . AftOUT nCARfTTtS, TOO. SORfiTHWGI WtttavitaTn. 1 ATJOTH IHP9 r I SOI THt ULIfcX. THE RIGHT TASTE BECAUSE Viceroys got it. at both ends i 3 , ...'iiiii.i'' 31 .Eh? il - V .7? mo slZ::' oo -! feet '''' i T J m. 1 sT f f t' o aiumnDn mitra i n" I