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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1960)
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1960 The Nebraskan Page 3 .Nebraskan Names I V All- IM earn Phi Psis Dominate Grid Team 2nd Straight Year By Chip Wood Phi Kappa Psi leads the all-University football team selections for the second con secutive year by virtue of placing four men on the mythical seven. The team . has three repeaters . from last year's squad. Joe Malone, Phi Kappa Psi led the balloting for the tail back position by a near unanimous vote. Dental College garnered the other three positions with end Wes Berry", back Ron Noel, and blocking back Charles Arixumi. The other Phi Psi's to make the team are center Curt Plaster, wingback Bob Eyth, and end Ron Svoboda. Svoboda, Eyth, and Arizumi were all on the team last year. Arizumi has been on the all-University team the last three years. Malone and Svoboda teamed up for a touchdown and an extra point on pass plays to defeat the Dental College, 13-12, for the all University title. Malone also Nebraekan Want Ada CLASSIFIED AD POLICY No Word 1 da. 2 dm. ; 3 d dm. 1-1 .40 .65 .89 1,00 11-10 .90 M l.OS 18-20 .00 .95 1.26 j 1.50 - .TO 1.10 1.46 1.75 28-30 .90 1.2S l.W 2.00 31-3S .90 1.40 I 1.83 I 2.25 14-40 1.00 l.SB 2 06 2.80 FOR SALE 195" Triumph TR3. good condition, hard and Kft tops $1400. Good Christmas promt for Dad. Cost 13.000 new GR 7-S343 evenings. 15" Volkswaeon 2 Dr. Stan . . . Radio. Heater. Port--wa!ls. Excel lent condition . . . Phon ID 4-3628. EMPLOYMENT PART TIME JOB! Navy Veterans. Full time day's par for each evening at Naval Reserve. PH Ct 3-3030. FOR RENT 26th and 8. Choice ground floor. Tnree roorrs and bath. New stove, refriger ator. Suner clea". See to aporeciate. Adclts IS7.W Phone TV T07. PERSONAL: U m donl believe in glorification of militarism, then don't attend the mil itary ball. "'Don't cry. lady. I'll buy your stink ing no'ets: take off those dark glasses, mother, how are yosjf '." This and more on Sunday eve. the fourth of December. Save the date and bring one tco. If: how about Thanksgiving vacation? Pleas let me know soon. C. I passed for the other Phi Psi score. Player Sketches End Ron SVOBODA-Svo-boda is 5-9 and weighs 150 pounds. He was a member of the all-University team last year and competes in intra mural basketball, volleyball, sofiball', and track. He is a sophomcrs in Law College. Svoboda is from Beatrice where he lettered three times in basketball and once in football. End Wes Berry Berry is a 6-3, 190-pounder and is a junior in Dental College. Pri or to playing for Dental Col lege he participated in intra nt u r a 1 football, basketball and track for Sigma Chi fra ternity. Berry is from Sidney, where he lettered three years in football, basketball, and track in high school. He was a qualifier and placed in the state track meet his junior and senior years. Berry was also honorable mention all state his junior year in foot- CENTER CURT PLASTER Plaster is 5-11 and weighs 175 pounds. He is a junior in Business Administration. He also competes in intramural basketball and is the intra mural manager for the Phi Psis. Plaster lettered three years in football at ScottsbJuff and gained recognition as all-Big Ten center his senior year. He also won all-state honor able mention. BLOCKING BACK Ron NOEL, a 5-10. 180-pound back, normally played tail- back for the Dents. He was honorable mention on the all-University team last year. He was moved from tailback to blocking back on the all Universitv team due to his running, blocking and passing j ability. Noel is a junior in! Dental College, Noel lettered three years in football, two in basketball, and one in track at Grand Island. He was an all-confer ence Big I en selection in football his senior year. BLOCKIN G BACK CHARLES ARIZUMI - Ari zumi is 5-8 and weighs 168 pounds. He is a junior in Dental College and has been on the all-University team for the past three years. He played for and is a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity and played intramural hand ball, water basketball, volley ball, wrestling, horseshoes, and paddleball for the Beta's until this year. A native of Hawaii, Ari zumi lettered in swimming, and football three years at Punahou Academy in Hono lulu. WINGBACK BOB EYTH Eyth is 5-11 and weighs 162 pounds. He is a second se mester senior in Teachers College majoring in physical education and speech. He plans to oach after gradua tion Eyth also competes in basketball, xack, handball, and volleyball. Eyth. was a member of the all-University football team last ear and was also se lected the Daily Nebraskan's Intramural Athlete of The Year. He -ettereJ four years in track at Beatrice, high school and placeJ second in the state meet in the 100-yd. dash and 220-yd. dash in 1956. TAILBACK JOE MALONE Malone is captain of this year's all-University team and stands 6-0 and weighs 165 pounds. He ;s a sopho more in Architecture. Malone also competes in basketball, volleyball, and baseball on the intramural level. Malone didnt play football at Omaha Westside but let tered three years in baseball and two in basketball. He was named to the all-city conference team his senior year in basketball. Players earning honorable mention are: Don Smidt. Senior Dents; Dick Harr. Phi Kappa Psi: Dick Newman, Sigma Alpha Mu; Dave Anstine, K. a p p s Sigma;, Lyle Wray, Beti Sigma Psi; Pat Bottorf, Sel leek: Dick Beecher and Pan zer, Alpha Tau Omega; Jerry Schoettger, Dental College Terry Mosier, Fairfield. t r Three Repealers Pos. Player Team END WES BERRY DENTAL COLLEGE END RON SVOBODA PHI KAPPA PSI CENTER CURT PLASTER PHI KAPPA PSI B. BACK CHARLES ARIZUMI. .DENTAL COLLEGE B. BACK RON NOEL DENTAL COLLEGE WINGBACK BOB EYTH PHI KAPPA PSI TAILBACK JOE MALONE PHI KAPPA PSI MALONE ft EYTH 'I - 1 I: v t ) PLASTER & , 1 . r; A ; L,ai l,l.,i,.M.nllllllr,r. '.;r- ?J- A ; ! i i? LJ L 1 0 L ARIZUMI SVOBODA t! ' ' $ I" ' ' " 4 - 4 i - m W- It? 7 mi iW''?wJ!'M''"1''w1 i . . I , 1 c If j A ' 1 ' i .J if i v4. ! aa..nMMnaa if, r ,V J r Zeroing in on the future At Gen Tel, ouf aim is to develop me supercommunica-N tions system that will be needed to meet the demands of tomorrow. And we're constantly shooting new ideas at this target. In our 24 research laboratories, more than 3500 scien tists and engineers have their sights set on entirely new concepts in order to achieve these results. Example: a task force of General Telephone & Elec tronics scientists, working in the unexplored areas of electroluminescence and photoconductivity, have developed an operating model of a switching device with no moving parts, that may revolutionize telephone communications. It is a thin wafer only 3 inches square that may someday connect and disconnect up to 10,000 telephone lines. Meanwhile, this new discovery holds promise of having numerous applications in other fields,including switch ing and read-out devices for electronic computers. Research is but one of the many areas in which General Telephone & Electronics is thinking and working ahead net only to meet today's communications needs, but tomorrow's as well. GENERAL TELEPHONE &ELEDTRONICS BERRY Boating Lessons Begin Thursday The Nebraska State Game Commission will conduct a se ries of 15 lessons on basic boat handling with the first lesson scheduled for 4 p.m. Thursday in 114 Physical Education Building. The fifteen lessons will be offreed at no charge and will inlude boat handling, water skiing, canoeing, and sailing. The class will meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. an dthose completing the course will receive a cer tificate in small craft handl ing from the American Red Cross and the game commission. NOEL Clare Takes Over As Rushing Leader Left halfback Pat Clare took over the rushing leadership for Nebraska with 50 yards in eight carries against Oklahoma State Saturday. Clare has a 4.6 yard average on 169 yards in 37 carries. The Sioux City East graduate also leads in total offense with 41 A t 1 I Nebraska Statistics 9 Games Cagers Are Impressive Jan Wall and Bill Bowers! have been impressive in early I cage workouts, according to! Coach Jerry Bush. ' The Nebraska cagers are ! preparing for their first out- s ing against the freshmen bas- j ketball team Nov. 26. Tommy j Russell, a junior college grad- i uate from Independence, Kans., has also shown great promise in the early work outs, Bush said. The varsity and freshman wrestling teams also will stage a dual meet as part of the doubleheader program Nov. 28. V 7j VA "-'' - mm iiiHift s f flfl Willi "y s ' i it ?' 'V 'If, ' I I ' ' ' . I JM0OTH SHAV- j Your razor rides easy all the way. Softens the most stubborn beard instantly for a faster, closer shave, soothes and lubricates your skin. Extra-rich, extra-thick, push-button quick. Regular or Mentholated, only 1.00 ' citr.rTH fM& SHAVE S H U lT O N ftil, P. Bennie Dillard and Noel Martin are also over the 4.0 mark in rushing averages. Dillard is second with 75 yards in 17 plays for a 4.4 average. Martin ranks third with 53 yards in 13 carries for a 4.1 average. Senior quarterback Pat Fischer leads the H u s k e r scoring with 30 points on five touchdowns. Dillard is second with 18 points. Fischer is fourth in rush- ing with a 3.9 average on 88 carries, fourth in passing, witn a .233 percentage on seven completions of 30 at tempts for 143 yards. He is third in total offense with a 4.1 average of 484 yards in 118 carries. Fischer ranks first in punt returns and second in kickoff returns. He has returned 13 punts for a 21.2 yard aver age and has run back 12 kickoffs for a 21.7 average. Boosting his punt return av erage was an 84-yard return against Oklahoma State Sat urday. Sigs, Delts Play Major IM Contest Both Teams Oicn Early BE Wins Two undefeated B teams, Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Chi, play at 8:30 tonight in intramural basketball action. The Delts downed Kappa Sigma B, 42-19, in their first game while the Sigs dumped the ATO B squad, 49-19. Most of the scheduled games tonight and tomorrow are for independent and B and C squads.. Tuesday: Ag College Court 6.30 Ag Men vs. Alpha Gamma Sigma 7:30 Pi Kappa Phi vs. Acacia 8:30 P i o n e e r Co-op vs. Delta Sigma Phi PE Court 1 5:00 Avery A vs. Benton A 5:00 Architecture vs. Den tal College 6:30 Renegades vs. Na tionals 7:30 Trotters vs. US Boys 8:30 Sigma Chi B vs. Del ta Tau Delta B PE Court 2 5:00 Pathogens vs. Ralph's Boys 6:30 Whit's vs. P'ay Boys 7:30 Phi Kappa Psi B vs. Kappa Sigma B 8:30 Alpha Tau Omega B vs. Beta Thea Pi F Wednesday: Ag College Court 5 30 Alpha Ganvna Rho vs. Phi Gamma Delta B 7.30 Beta Sigma Psi B vs. Farm House B 8:30 Ag Men vs. Pi Kappa Phi PE Court 1 5:00 Delta Sigma Pi vs. Cornhusker 6:30 Boucher B vs. Seatcn II B . 7:30 Selleck B vs. Gus I B 8:30 MacLean B vs. Man att B . PE Court 2 5:00 Phi Delta Theta B vs. Theta Xi B 6:30 Delta Tau Delta C vs. Phi Gamma Delta C 7:30 Kappa Sigma C vs. Phi Delta Theta C 8:30 Beta Theta Pi C vs. j Alpha iau umega u OpDsaents 91 Nebraska 63 First downs rashinv 13 First downs passing ..... 28 j rirs uown penalties g 81 Total first downs 126 1471 Yards gained rushing 1964 258 Yards lost rushing 14s 1214 Net-sain rushing 1719 375 Rushing plays 493 3.2 Average gain rushing 3 5 S Passes attempted loo it z-asses completed 8 Passes had intercepted 303 Yards gained passing . 4 ft Av.raPa a.i. . " Kasaiji ........ .1 n 441 Tfttfll nlfoncx.-. niav. ena 1517 Net yards gained 1297 3.4 Average gain per play 3 g 52 Punts a9 2002 Punting yardage "., nog M S Punting average 36 9 31 Penalties 40 304 Penalty yardage '." 372 30 Fumbles 24 11 rumoies lost RUSHING Carried Yds. Lost t-iare 37 170 Dillard 17 92 53 42 27 3.16 134 128 32 9 2S 32 0 51 7 i7 5 11 Martin 13 rischer 88 Dyer 7 Thornton 86 White 37 a ay 41 Ward 9 Powers 4 Meade 21 Faiman 14 Team 1 1 17 0 86 9 9 11 4 6 43 62 17 Net Avg 169 75 53 341 27 327 123 124 26 9 15 07 28 20 17 17.0 4 6 44 4 1 3.9 3 9 3.8 3.3 3 0 2.9 23 . T. Op. Tot. Dillard Faiman Meade Fischer Dyer Alt 1 21 13 30 1 J7S 1472 2S8 498 1864 14$ PASSING Com Pel. 1 1.000 8 .381 4 .308 7 .2.13 0 .000 1?14 171 TD 0 0 J.t 3i Neb. tot. M 22 J3S 30J 1 8 0p. 1st. IM 51 510 578 X 1 TOTAL OFFENSE Plars Gained Avg. Clare 37 169 4 6 Dillard 18 78 4.3 Fischer 118 4K4 4.1 Martin ...13 S3 4.1 Thornton 86 327 3 8 Dyer 8 37 3.4 White 37 123 3.3 Clay 41 124 3.0 Ward 9 26 2 9 Faiman 35 97 2 8 Powers 4 9 2 1 Meade 34 17 0 5 Team 1 -17 -17.0 Veb. tot 441 1517 3.4 Opp. tot SM 2297 3.1 PUNTING No. Yards ' Avg. Blk Cobb 50 1963 39.3 0 Clara 1 39 39 0 Team 1 0 00.0 1 Neb. lot. Opp. 1st. 18.5 X. 52 tun 49 1808 SCORING AIM Ai-M At-H TD Eitra Feints Kick Run Pan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 7 0 0 Fischer . Dillard . Thorn too Meade . Tootood Neb. Tot. 11 I 1 11 1 78 Opp. Tot. 21 18 IS 1 t I IM PASS RECEIVING No. Yards A eg. Dillard 1 lonovan 1 Purcell 3 Dyer 1 Tingelhotl 1 White 5 Martin 1 Comstock 2 McDaniel ....... 2 Thornton 1 Clare 1 Powers 1 57 35 39 1.1 11 62 12 21 19 21 6 5 57.0 3S.0 110 13.0 13.0 124 12.0 10 S 95 70 60 S.O T 1 0 9 0 0 0 8 9 t Neb. Tot 22 303 13.8 t Opp. Tat 51 478 11 1 8 PUNT RETURNS No. Yardage Avg. Fischer 13 2 21.2 Clare , 20 58 17 2S Neb. To. ftnn Tot. KICKOFF RETURNS No. Yardage riav 5 lis Fischer 12 Dillard 1 White i Clare J Purcell 1 Comock 1 Powers J 260 IS 88 47 11 11 1.1 17.4 4.9 Avg. 23 0 21 7 18.0 176 15.7 11.0 11 0 6.5 Neb. tot J? On tot 21 426 INTERCEPTION RETURNS No. Yardage Tooeood 1 White Ward . J TintelhoM J Thornum ........... 1 Clare 1 Fischer 1 Nek. tot. Opp. tot. 28 34 11 0 0 0 18.8 20.1 Avg. 28.0 17.0 11.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.9 71 loo 9.1 12.5 All-Sport Tickets Go on Sale Today All-SDort tickets for student and faculty. are now on sale at the Coliseum ticket office, according to A. J. Lewan dowski, business manager of athletics. Student tickets are $4 and faculty tickets are $5. The tickets are good for all winter and spring sports.