The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1960, Image 1

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twi. i-r, (NO. 3t
Lincoln, Nebraska'
Soprano Soloist
Is Operatic Star
Ellen Faull, soprano with the New York City Opera Com
pany, will be the guest soloist of the University Symphony
Orchestra for the annual fall concert on Sunday.
Prof. Emanuel Wishnow, chairman of the department of
music, will conduct the concert in the Student Union hall-
room at o p.m.
Admittance will be bv tick
et only until 7:45 p.m., when
non-ticket holders will be ad
mitted. Tickets are free of
charge and may be obtained
from the main desk at the
An operatic star, Miss
Faull has appeared with the
San Francisco, Philadelphia,
Havanna, Pittsburgh, San
Antonio. New Orleans and
Washington, D.C. opera com
T . . . .
in aaamon, she has ap
peared with the Baltimore,
f " J. .4, 1,
0 o fly
Boston, Chicago, Philadel
phia. Pittsburgh and Holly
wood Bowl symphony orches
tras. Four Selections
She will sing four operatic
numbers with the Universit"
"Jewel Song" from Gounod"
"Faust," "Vissi D'Arte" from
Puccini's "Tosca," "Un Bel
Di" from Puccini's "Madame
Butterfly," and "Ah fors'e
lui" from Verdi's "La Travi
ata." The University's 60-mem-ber
symphony orchestra will
play selections Including
"Overture to an Italian
Comedy," by Benjamin; two
sections of the "Faithful Shep
herd's Suite," by Handel
Beecham; "Academic Festi
val Overture," by Brahms;
"Minuette for String Orches
tra," by Bolzoni; "Prelude
to Hansel and GreteL" by
Humperdinck; and "Prelude
le Act III of Die Meister
singer," by Wagner.
The orchestra will also
play for the "Messiah" pres
entation, Dec. 11; the opera,
"The Sweetwater Affair,"
Dec. 8 through 11; the Hon
ors Convocation, April 18;
senior soloists, April 23; the
spring choral presentation of
'The Creation" and the
spring orchestra concert,
March 12.
Cuba, U.S.
Dr. Crorwn To Give
'Cuban Background
"Cuba and the United
States," a discussion by Dr.
David E. Cronon, associate
professor of history, wia be
presented today in the Stu
dent Union party rooms at
7 p.m. by the Nebraska Uni
versity Council on World Af
fairs. Dr. Cronon will give back
ground on the social revolu
tion in Cuba and discuss
among other pertinent topics
"what is going to happen to
our naval base in Cuba?",
"will Cuba turn Commu
nist?", and "will Mexico sup
port Cuba?"
Presenting the first of a bi
weekly discussion se- j
nes, jvucwa is making a
special attempt this vear to
get foreign students into the
organization, according to
Ingrid Leder, vice-president
in charge of programs.
Miss Leder said that there
is a definite need for an or
ganization in which foreign
students can actively partici
pate since the discontinuation
of the Cosmopolitan C lub.
I he losmonolitan Club lost
its charter last year because
tney tailed to fulfill their
purpose of bringing foreign
nd American stndents to
other when the American
students stopped coming, ac
cording to Miss Leder.
"NUCWA is trying to bring
me two groups together on a
discusskm-tvTe basis." said
Miss Leder.
The organization plans bi
weekly meetings with speak
ers or panel discussions on
international problems.
"After all, where can we
learn more about a certain
country and its prob
lems than by talking direct
ly with students from that
country?" asked Miss Leder.
She went on to cay that
NUCWA is not just aimed at
political science and history
majors but at everyone.
"'Every student should h
made aware of the problems
which our world is now fac
ing," said Miss Leder.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1960
Sororities to Print Finances?
v J
.... "f' " :'- V
Wt . '. .. ..
' The Law College Moot Court team nr
pares for the regional competition at St.
Louis, Mo., under the direction of acting
coach, Prof. John M. Gradwohl (left). The
students are (from left) Sain Jensen,
Richard E. Gee and Sheldon Krantz. In
the background are (from left) Pat Healey
and Jim Hewitt, Lincoln attorneys and
former Moot Court team members acting
as judges for the students' practice.
Law College Team To Participate
In St. Louis Moot Court Competition
Prof. John M. Gradwohl. acting rnaph and o tasm nt
. . . ... . r - "
mice vouege smaents will leave for the annual regional
moot court competition Tuesday in St. Louis, Mo.
The students, selected on the basis of particular ability
in arguing appellate cases, are Sam Jensen and Richard E
Gee, both seniors, and Sheldon Krantz, a junior.
ine siuaems will enter into
competition with twelve west
ern colleges of law and will
face the University of Mis
souri team Wednesday.
Prof. Gradwohl said all
competition this year will be
in the area of labor law.
The University's Law Col
lege has an outstanding rec
ord in moot court competi
tion, particularly .in .1953
when the College wen the na
tional competition and in 1956
when they won the regional
and placed second nationally.
In both years, the Univer
sity was recognized as hav
ing the outstanding individual
and presenting the most out
standing brief. -
The three day regional
competition is of particular
interest and importance to the
students since it gives them
a chance to argue cases be
f o r e nationally recognized
judges, Gradwohl said.
Campus Mail
Issues Rules
Panel to Solve
Ball Questions
Questions concerning eti
quette at the Military Ball
will be answered by a faculty
student pane Nov. 29 in Love
Library auditorium.
Kay Stute will be mistress
of ceremony for the IWA
sponsored panel which will
begin at 7:15 p.m.
Future Teachers
To Meet Friday
A meeting of all potential
teachers who plan to teach
next September or next Jan
uary. 1961. will be held Frirfav
in Love Library, according
io ur. wesiey Meierhenry,
coordinator of the Teacher
Placement division.
Anyone interested in teach
ing should attend the meet
ing, where the policies of the
department will be explained.
Registration material for
placement will be handed out.
Students will nave the .oddoi-
tuftity to meet and talk with
me placement oureau sum,
according to Meierhenry.
An instruction booklet for
preparing and handling fac
ulty and staff mail can be
obtained from the campus
mail room in the former Ad
ministration building, accord
ing to the Bulletin Board.
The Bulletin Board, is
published weekly for the
staff of the University by the
department of Public Rela
tions. It reoorted that the citv
post office is now giving in
adequately addressed mail
for people and departments
at the University to "the
campus mail room for dis
tribution as best it can.
The Bulletin Board sug
gested that to speed up deliv
ery of mail, correspondents
should use the complete ad
dress, including room num
ber, building and zone num
ber. The citv campus zone num
ber is eight and the Ag cam
pus is three, according to the
faculty paper. It also suggest
ed that stationery carry the
complete address. ;
Today On Campus
Faculty Senate, 4 p.m.,
Love Library Auditorium.
Governor-Elect Frank B.
Morrison talk, Young Demo
crats, 7 p m.. Student Union.
NUCWA meeting, 7 p.m..
Student Union party rooms.
Lincoln Symphony concert,
8:30 p.m., Stuart theater.
Student Council Proposes
Campus Christmas Display
The Christmas spirit invad- J ger, Dave Bliss, Joel Myer
ed the ranks of the Student and Phil Johnson as mem-
touncu weanesaay.
President Ken Tempero
presented a plan to build an
a 1 1-campus Christmas dis
play directly in front of the
Student Union.
Tempero explained the new
idea would call for much
student participation in an
effort to build the display.
The Council voted to set
up a committee to study the
proposal which would call for
student kelp, donations for
permanent display material
and University co-operation.
The latter has alreadv been
promised, according to Tempera.
It would be one thine we
could do as a campus," Tem
pero noted. Several of the
other Council members
agreed saying that such a
plan would increase student
Steve Gage suggested that
an "international Christmas
display" might be possible.
me estimated cost is ex
pected to be around 300.
according to Tempero. These
funds, he suggested, might
come from the IFC, RAM,
IWA, AWS and other student
organizations through person
al contributions.
Neil Ferguson was selected
as the chairman of the
Christmas display committee
with Sharon Rogers, Al Kreu-
bers. The committee was
told to be prepared to make
a preliminary report next
week at the regular Council
meeting as there are only a
few weeks left until such a
display would have to be
Ferguson said his commit
tee welcomes any and all
student suggestions concern
ing a Christmas display. He
added that he can be con
tracted at the Phi Karma
Psi fraternity.
Inthology Selects
Students' Poetry i
Five poems written by Uni
versity students have been
accepted for publication in the
"Annual Anthology of College
The students and their
poems are Jocelyn Barrowes,
"Lovelight;" .James Stud
nicka. "Haveloek Park at
Morning;" Michael Stefc,
"Wind;" Norman Johnson,
"Poem:" and Gretchen
Shellberg, "The Wedding
These poems were selected
from thousands of poems sub
mitted. The "Anthology" is a
compilation of the best poetry j
written by the allege men
and women of Anunea repre
senting every part of the
Financial obligations for each sorority
may be published in sorority rush books next
The action has not been made by Panhel
lenic Council but the suggestion will be taken
before the Panhellenic financial advisors.
In the past, sorority costs have not been
released by houses durinsr Rush Ww- h.
ever, girls could consult the Panhellenic office
about costs.
According to new propos
als now under Panhell con
sideration, Legacy Weekend
will be restricted this year
only to high school seniors.
Before the weekend, a let
ter will be sent out by Pan
hellenic informing the lega
cies that they are being given
consideration by the sorority
but clarifying the fact that
they are not nrnmicnH m ..
- i ...jv. iucui-
bership come Rush Week.
The feeling at the Panhel
lenic meeting was that thu
action would clarify the lega
cy situation.
This proposal will be pre
sented to the hmicpc nj
voted on next week.
The Panhell ftuinnii
taken action durine th lac
two meetings in the effort to
make improvements in the
organized Greek system.
Five Point Program
Last week a five-ooint
gram was submitted to tht
group by house presidents,
Panhellenic delegates and
scholarship chairmen.
The five points were:
(1) Panhellenic thnni
have their minutes mimeo
graphed after every meeting
and sent to each sorority
house. The motion was car
DG Team
Wilis Talent
'Phi Psis Plus Two
Take Second Place 1
Top honors in the Univer
sity talent show went to the
Delta Gamma dance team of
Karen Costin. Anne Sowles.
Lucy Madden and Jeanne
Thorough for their modern
jazz presentation of "Fever."
Miss Costin and Mks
Sowles are repeat performers
in the talent competition and
also appeared in last Tear's
production of "The Pajama
Game." Miss Madden and
Miss Thorough are freshmen
members of the team.
Phi Psi's Plus Two comhn
members Byron D i 1 1 o w,
Doug Gaeph. Dee Koch. Den-
nis Holm, Dennis Taylor and
Ken urebenick received sec
ond from the panel of student
and faculty judges.
bail uallaway and Mary
Kay Coonrad took the travel
er act award with their
Kingston Trio take-off on
"Bon Do Ah" and an "origi
nal number written daring
study hall" titled "Down at
Also performing were the
"Rhythm asd Bones" combo
which included Jim Herbert,
Walt Hutchison, Rod Schmidt,
Larry Hoepfinger, Ron Stock,
Gordon Yapel and Dick
Spencer; - -
Zeta Tan Alpha triple
trio members Nancy Walton,
Linda Hellerich. Xancv Rut.
ler. Carohn Coffman. Iw
Lou BelL Sisrrid HendprSr.n
Karen Knaub, Mary Raben,
Bernice Hodge and Marv J
Logan, accompanist
Nancy Ash, "Impromptu in
C Sharp Minor" piano solo
by Reinhold: Judv Howard
"Hollywood Square Dance;"
Steve Friedman in "Top Hat
and Cane" tap dance ac
companied by Byron Dillow;
Joe Hill and Zeff Bernstein,
"The Wanderer's" traveler
act; Gail Gallawav's vocal
solos. "Temptation" and
"Bali Hali" accompanied by
Mary Knolle and Karma An
derson, vocal solos, "Dear
Hearts and Gentle People"
and "Slowpoke." I
Recital Features
French Baritone
French baritone, Gerard
Souzay, will give a recital,
the second in a series of Lin
coln Symphony presentations,
Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the
Stuart Theater.
Souzay will sing "Evening
Hymn," "Man is for the
Woman Made," "Nymphs and
Shepards," "Sweeter than
Roses." "EJerv." Le Manior
De Rosemond," "Chanson
Triste," "Don Quichotte A
Dulcinee, and "Liederkries
Opus 39."
Coed Tells How It Feels to Be
Daughter of Governor-Elect
By Norm Beatty
How does it feel to be
the daughter of the governor
of Nebraska? Ask Jeannie
Morrison, 19 year-old daugh
ter of Democratic Gwernor
Elect Frank Morrison.
-Most of all 1 am happy
for Dad; he has worked lor
this not only 14 months but for
manv, many years for this,"
the Delta Gamma replied.
Still In Daydream
She explained that she is
still it a daydream as stu
dents are constantly congrat
ulating her for her father's
victory. "I cant really real
ize it yet. 1 guess I will in
January, she said in an ex
cited voice.
Miss Morrison said she
Hasn't know what lies in
store for her next January j still ahead.
when the Morrison family
plus "Jigs," the family dog,
move into the Governor's
mansion. "I am very excited
though," she added.
Miss Morrison explained
that she was not in such a
jubilant mood Tuesday, elec
tion day.
"'I bad the strangest feel
ing all day Tuesday. 1 guess
it was a helpless feeling.
You wanted to do something
but couldn't as you watched
the people going to the
polls," she said.
Listened to Returns
She spent the early part
of the evening at home with
her family listening to elec
tion returns where a pessi
mistic air reigned. "Things
were very , very q u i e t.
I nat s when Cooper was
Unable ta listen to any
further reports, Miss Morri
son left to join a gathering of
Morrison workers at a down
town Lincoln hotel where "ev
eryone was quiet"
She left the Lincoln Hotel
st 2 a.m. when a definite
trend was forming in favor
of the new governor.
"So Happy
"My father was so happy I
knew deep inside he would win
even though I must have ap
peared pessimistic on the
outside. 1 guess I had too
much faith in the people of
Nebraska," Miss Morrison
What does the blue-eyed
sophomore anticipate the
most? -"The day Dad takes
office. Because I know he is
going to be the most tremen-
jdous governor Nebraska has jBalL
had for a long time. This i
something the state needs,"
she philosophized.
Miss Morrison has invited
her entire sorority t a slum
ber party in the mansion as
soon as the Morrisons move
in. "The girls in the house
have helped very, very
much In campaigning and do
ing all kinds of work that
needed to be done," she
said. She added that "anyone
is w elcome to drop in at any
, "Dad and I both appreci
ate all of the support 'he
had on campus, it really
' helped."
The most .dominate thing in
the five-foot seven-inch bru
nette's mind at the present
is "what gown I am going to
wear to the Governors
. . . There's no place Uke the Nebraska governor's
mansion to call borne, sweet borne. Jeannie Murriboa,
daughter f Governor-elect Frank Morrison, wonders,
"Which room win be mine?"
(2) Proctors win again be
allowed to proctor at the
dorm, from 7 to 9 p.m. and
9:30 to 10:30 p.m. Each proc
tor must make herself known
by obtaining a proctor card in
the staffroom. Only one proc
tor will be allowed from
each house.
(3) Listings of actual aca
demic ratings should be pub
lished for each house. This
motion was defeated although
it was felt that it gave each
individual member more in
centive. A committee was
appointed to see why the old
system was discontinued.
(4) Panhellenic should sug
gest to AWS that afl fresh
men women have weeknight
hours extended to 10:30. This
motion was carried because
it was felt that the new ac
tion would cut down on the
"noisy hours" which are
said to begin at 9 p.m.
(5) Panhellenic shoald
hold a rush evaluation mt.
ing early in the fan instead
of waiting unta snrine. Th
meeting was held Monday.
Panhellenic rush chairman
Sharon Rogers led the Rush
week discussion.
System Good
The concensus of opinion
was that the two party sys
tem which originated th'ii
fall was very good. Mot.
questions concerned timing of
parties, filing of preferences
and receiving of lists. The
Saturday morning breakfast
party may be extended to
IVi hours to allow for more
On Sunday night, dessert
will tw served at the party
followine the dinner
Refreshments may be served
t all two hour parties.
An appeal was made by
Sharon Rogers that all
houses do their room rushing
during the two hour parties.
Ail proposals concerning
Rush Week must be submit
ted to the individual bouses
and voted upon by Panhel
lenic and the Alumni Ad
visory Board before they
are put into effect.
Coeds Become
Aquaquettes, the University
swim club, has initiated 26
new members.
New members include Jan
Allen, Darlene Avery, Susan
Elevens, Mary Alice Crabin,
Susan Eriekson, Pat Filbert,
Sharon Framsead. Jane
Greenamyre, Linda Hallam,
LaDean Hrabon and Cathy
Karen Kyles, Linda Larson,
Judy Leeke, Karen Lund,
Judy Morhart, Enid Reeder,
Wavalee Richman, Anne Sav
idge, Cordy Seward, Kit
i Thompson, Mary Ann Vol
jbeiding. Kaye Wagner, Clau
dia Walker. Nancy Wallin
5 and Wend WendL
f. .