The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebroskon
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1960
rage c
Nebraskan Won't Buy
Jennings' Comments "
As far as The Daily Nebraskan is concerned, Bill
Jennings has bought a one way ticket back to private
business, unless any other school wants him.
Since he has taken the opportunity to get a few things
off his chest, we might as well oblige with a few gripes
of our own. Jennings told a group in Omaha Monday that
part of the repsonsibility for the way the season has gone
lies with Nebraska fans and newspapers. "Our boys
haven't had anything good said about them since the
Minnesota game. This hurts kids, it cuts down their de-
We don't know what newspaper he reads, but we can
find little evidence to back up his claims. As far as the
fans are concerned, their support has far surpassed that I
of any season in recent years, this despite the fact that
we think they deserve more for their money than we have f
seen so far this year. We don't blame the showing this
far on the players, either. We blame it on a coach and
his staff who continually brag about the Husker defense
snd the kicking game. We are sick and tired of hearing
about defense. We want an offense that can back up the
defense. We have the players for an offense; why dont
their coaches do something with them besides running
them into All-American guards all afternoon? We want to
see something like the last three minutes of the Missouri
game. Now and then, we would like to see Bill Jennings 1
offer a little encouragement to his players on the field,
instead of putting the blame on fans who have been as
loyal as any fans can be.
Jennings told his Omaha audience, "This state can't
ever really be great in anything. It's just too thinly popu-
lated. If we are ever going to accomplish anything, we
must hang together, east and west. But we seem to be f
just like the rest of the world and are always fighting
each other. Our football team is about as good as any-
thing else we're trying to do in this area." i
We who have made our homes in this state for a
number of years take a dim view of this type of criticism. I
If the coach of our football team has a defeatist attitude
such as this, no wonder the players aren't up. As to the
reference that the team is "about as good as anything
else we're trying to do in this area," we just don't buy
this view.
Ferae Naturae
Most fans have been unusually patient in refraining
from criticism of the way the team is being run, and we
can think of more important things that we could be writ
ing on. But there's one thing Nebraskans won't stand for
and that's petty comments and criticism by a buck-passer.
Nebraskan Letterip
TW DaS Habrartaa tn aaMfti aaljr fhnaa IKtan arafck ara ata4.
lattm artacklaa- tadlvMaala nt earr? U aatWa aama. Otftan aw
aaa Mthli ar a fern nm. Lcitm ikoalt mot finH M nNi
latter mem tat limit tw NitnikM laauiaa tha fltM a aaaaraaa
Few Will Vote on Policy,
But Rather on Personality
Young Democrats
President Replies
To the editor:
The University of Ne
braska Young Democrats
wish to sincerely thank you
for your endorsement of
United States Senator John
F. Kennedy for United
States President. As you
already know, numerous
papers across the United
States have shared your
endorsement, the New York
Times and the Denver Post
being the most prominent.
We would also like to take
this opportunity to urge all
voting age students on the
campus to exercise their
privilege of voting on elec
tion day. Again, your sup
port and endorsement are
greatly appreciated.
University Young
Don Ferguson
Answers Democrats'
Call for Debate
To the Editor:
On Oct 25 the Young
Democrats passed a resolu
tion encouraging the two
gubernatorial candidates,
Frank Morrison and John
Cooper, to enter into anoth
er debate. They also "fur
ther resolved that it would
be in the interests of the
future of the state of Ne
braska that the Young Re
publicans exert their influ
ence in promoting such a
debate ..."
In regard to this resolu
tion, I should like to point
out the fact that Morrison
and Cooper have debated
the issues on several pre
vious occasions. Are the
Young Democrats not
aware of this fact?
In the second place, it is
a highly unusual procedure
to attempt to arrange a
debate by resolution. If the
Young Democrats are inter
ested in promoting such
a debate, it would be much
more appropriate for them
to simply arrange a time
and ask the candidates to
appear. The former tech
nique of attempting to pro
mote a debate by resolution
smacks of the usual Demo
crat strategy of trying to
provoke the controversies
and issues rather than try
ing to achieve constructive
Upon contacting Mr.
Cooper's campaign manag
er, it was found that the
Senator's schedule has al
ready been fully planned
for the remaining time be
fore the election. If the
Young Democrats are in
terested in promoting such
a debate, they should have
begun their tactics at an
earlier date. Besides Sen
ator Cooper's heavy sched
ule, he does not feel it
worthwhile to enter into a
debate with an opponent who
has not been able to con
form to the prescribed and
agreed upon rules of the
debate on previous occa
sion. It is obvious that the
only reason Mr. Morrison
is or has been interested
in having a debate or joint
appearance with Senator
Cooper is because that is
the only way Morrison can
get an audience. It is easy
for Mr. Morrison to criti
cize Senator Cooper on his
record because Morrison
does not have to defend his
record since he does not
have one.
Young Republicans
Jan Rhoda
By Eric Sevareid
Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge,
who eagerly seeks the job of
putting his shoulder to our
constitutional fifth wheel, the
vice-presidency, is not cele
brated in the
land of the
k n o wledge
able for pro
fundity. Yet
it is he who
has blurted
out the
lumpy, un
p a 1 a table
truth that
"we are in
for 25 years
of international tension.'
P 1
gunmen and African tribalism
to the Communist obsession
with world revolution. Now
Lodge has gaily announced
that all that stuff under the
counter is just palliatives,
plasters and concoctions not
yet approved by the A.M.A
Like most present day po
liticians with the noble excep
tion of Stevenson, the two
Presidential candidates have
been pandering, in effect, to
that deep glandular urge we
all feel but all know to be
false the desire that history
come to a stop, at least for
a breathing spell. The Com
munists not only know it will
not stop but jam down the
accelerator at every oppor-
tunitv Knnsdtf nnrl Viynn
He might have stretcnea j it too but onIy Udge
the time-table even further, i proclaims it, in the tones of
But, wnue ine djcj diy instrument that hoth n-
pecking order may ordain
dspeak only to God. there is no
evidence that God has ever
answered, so 25 years is a
nounces and penetrates fog
There are no "solutions," no
magic formulae, American
traditional belief to the con
bold enough guess, even for trary. There are only allia
tives, stop-gap preventatives
and new experiments to be
tried, for ours is the age of
limited opportunities. That is
why this campaign does not
really represent a choice of
"policies." The totally honest
voter has to admit to himself
a Brahmin devoid of doubts,
without the double-check of a
countdown from on high.
Lodge is Dennis the Men
ace in this campaign. In his
barging insouciance he fails
to detect the raiment on naked
emperors, and with this blunt
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated CoUrrizU Trtm. International Press
Kepresentatfve: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at: Boom 29, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska.
14th & R
Telephone HE 2-7831, ext. 4225. 4228. 4227
ftafcarrtattaa ratr we R fr mnW ar U tar the arasrtnl r-r.
. t".n .-"l"" ti."?.ntt'x " I" Liarata. Ktfcnufca,
aarr tat art ml Arot 4. llt.
Taa DMIr JCrbnMkaa a Mm4sr, Tanaar. Wratomaay n4 Tit-
fcr 4 aria rhm trhot rear, nrrv orl Taraibm ant nun ay
atwfncM af the Catverwtty af ebraka miT aatttorliatlna of tht Omrnttt
aa gftatat Affair nm aa rinprmaioa af tlaorat aninlna. rahllrattna irnW thr
Hrttrtta af tfee gntfiBMnltte aa ta4mt PahH-atlm ofcalt hr fm from
vdib-rtal aeita aa the part af tat ftanrommlttr ar aa rV part af aar
enoa otM the ralrrrMtr. The mrmhrn af lh Dill? rekaa utaff are
arranattr rrrwa1Me tar what tbej aar. ar aa, at came to ha arlate4.
rearaarjr (. INS.
rorroBML wtatt
MJtar ' ft-rw Pnhmtr,
,mm Calhaaa
rm 1Am Katva Ianc
fart Hal It row
At !"". EaUar Oral Umbrroa
Civr tHm Pal Draa. Ana M-nrr, Orrtrhra hrtlbrr
K Wmrra Warm rt(,. Itmrm Hohlfirth
limmr autf rTrttrra. .Vmarj Brasra. elm remit. Kaarr for, Wno4
Sitht r K4ttT pt Draa
waa Maearer Rtaa Katmaa
AnMtsvt Hu.ln. Miwn ...,la rrrraona. Chip Kalilm. hrhntfirr
CrrahMta Maaafrr tHoti Kaff
CaaatOe Maaaer , Jen haea
prophecy be has cheerfully that he just doesn't know
denied the Implication of near- whether eettine roueh with
ly everything Nixon and Ken-' Castro will "solve" that prob
nedy have been saying. Theyjiem any better than adopting
have been suggesting in their 'what the British call "master
sales pitches that they keep iv inactivity:" he doesn't
jremedies just under the coun-; know whether giving up or
iur m uur uis, irom tduin (defending those off-shore is-
I lands is the better way of
I avoiding war with China; he
i has not the faintest notion
whether delivering atomic
arms to Germany or withhold
ing them gives the better
prospect of quieting Russia
in Europe, whether we should
encourage De Gaulle to be
tougher or more lenient with
the Algerian nationalists,
whether tight or easy credit
offers the better long-t e r m
prospect for our economy.
So only a relative few will
cast their vote on policy.
More will vote on party and
the vast majority will vote
jon personality. YVoodrow Wil
son once said that the na
tional instinct is "for unified
'action and it craves a single
' leader ... A President whom
it trusts cannot only lead it,
, but form It to his own Views."
iThfs is still true, 50 years
later. Even in our age of
innlse-takinf. endless commit
tees and commissions of ex
perts dedicated to "finding the
way," we tall back on the sim
ple, tribal instinct of -choosing
a Man.
In any case, the problems
of America and the world are
now so fluid and unpredict
able that present "policy po
sitions" are almost meaning
less. What counts are the
intelligence, understanding,
emotional balance, and,
above all, the strength and
will of the human morta we
assign to the frightful task of
trying the new experiments,
j Little wonder that in the tele
i vision debates the ountry has
jbeen weighing two men, not
dlsE. jit J
SONATA N0.11,C?J5 22
two arguments. I have been
trying to do the same, reas
sembling my own impressions
of Nixon and Kennedy over
the years. They are these, in
Both men have been deeply
ingle-mindedly dedicated to
If-education in public af
airs. Both are work horses
either would accomplish in
day three times what Eisen
hower accomplishes.
Kennedy has the wider lib
eral education, though he is
by no means the literary
scholar his handy quotations
from the classics would sug
gest. Kennedy is liberal by
conviction; Nixon is liberal
through political pragmatism
and has no systematic, phil
osophlcal base to his thinking,
Nixon assumes middletclass
mores and values to be the
the normal life he has nev
er known any other; Kennedy
is fundamentally indifferent
to them. Neither is a religious
man (as Eisenhower is not)
all the public posturing to the
Nixon s self-confidence is
somewhat febrile; Kennedy's
goes to the roots of his being
I would say that he is .the
whole man, save that in his
absolute lack of fear, self
doubts or awe of the presi
dency there is something dis
turbing, as with those medal-
wmning infantrymen in the
war whom psyhiatnsts on
eluded lacked some chord or
nerve cell normal to men. By
the same token, Kennedy is
devoid of self-pity, while Nix
on can indulge in it.
In the sense that their am
bitions rule their lives and
the lives of tbelr intimates.
both men are Intensely self
centered. Nixon is sensitive
to the hurts suffered by him
self; Kennedy Is sensitive
neither" to his own hurts nor
to those suffered by others.
As President, Nixon would act
a great deal of the time with
an eye to the. votes for his
re-election. Kennedy's u
preme confidence would make
him less cautious and calcu
lating in this respect.
I am not at all sure that
Kennedy is a more intelligent
or conscientious man than
Nixon. What I feel quite sure
of is that he is a stronger
man, the kind of human crea
ture who can make a fateful
decision and, like Harry Tru
man, sleep soundly in his bed.
Project Engineer
To Speak Wednesday
Frank Marshall, project
engineer for Collin's Radio
Co., will address University
Engineers Wednesday on
"Project Mercury Communi
cation." Marshall will explain the
conditions and equipment
necessary for the program.
He has had experience in
both air traffic control sys
tems and radar fire control
The lecture will be held at
7:30 p.m. in 206 Richards and
is open to all engineers and
Is there a difference be
tween the, meaning of the
word "independent" and
the meaning of the word
Aside from the rather su
perficial social distinctions
which are rapidly disap
pearing, this columnist
would say no. The in
dependents are a group
dominated by outside infla
ences, the university being
predominate; they are at
tempting to organize them
selves so that they
may have a more effective
voice On campus.
The greeks are a group
dominated from the out
side, alums and the admin
istration dividing the
power. The greeks are also
attempting to recover their
shattered and chaotic
forces so that they too may
have a voice in running
their own affairs.
Only one important dis
tinction appears. The inde
pendents are not judged
either on this campus or
across the stage as being
responsible for the individ
ual or loosely organized ac
tivities of their group. The
greeks are most definitely
judged as a group and are
held to account for their
activities. Paradoxically
enough they have little
more real power to govern
their members.
The university teaches
us that the first canon of
political responsibility is
that these that are to be
held responsible for a par
ticular function must x be
given sufficient power in
order that they might carry
out that function.
It is true that the univer
sity has delegated the pow
er to control its individuals
in theory to the I.F.C., etc.,
but it is obvious that this
delegation is phoney and
exists only as long as the
fraternity system passes
out the same justice that
the good dean would en
force. In addition that fra
ternity and sorority sys
tems have very little
method to control their in
dividual members. The
very nature of the social
relation makes this prac
tically impossible.
Under the circumstances
we see no reason why the
individuals involved in such
an affair cannot be treated
as individuals. In the Crete
incident justice would have
been obtained by punishing
every individual involved
by placing each on proba
tion, not the fraternity.
Such an action would have
put a far more effective
curb on individual actions,
since individuals customar
ily are more frightened of
harm to themselves than
harm to their social group.
It is easy to writ
momma that the guys (sic)
got your house in trouble.
It is pretty hard to explain
why you were pig drunk.
It is also much e a s i e r to
find and apartment than
to be told that the next
time you will be expelled.
k C5
I l . J aA
(Author of "I Wat a Teen-age Dvarf," "The Many
Love of Dobie GiUii," etc.)
With the season of party weekends almost upon us, my mail of
late has been flooded with queries from young inmates of women's
colleges wishing to know how one conducts one's self when one
has invited a young gentleman for a weekend, so let us today
take up this burning issue.
Weil, my dear girls, the first thing is rsmetnber is that your
young gentleman is far from home and frightened. Put him at
his ease. You might, for instance, surprise him by having his
mother sitting in a rocker on the station platform when he gets
off the train.
Next, what kind of corsage should you send your young gentle
man? Well, my beloved maidens, orchids are always acceptable.
So, indeed, are phlox and delphinium. In fact, most any flora
will serve. Do try, however, to avoid carnivorous plants.
If you find, my esteemed fillies, that your local florist has run
out of stock, do not be dismayed. Make a corsage out of paper.
But pick good, stiff, durable paper-twenty dollar bills, for
Remember at all times, my fond wenches, to show your young
gentleman courtesy and consideration. Open doors for him,
walk on the traffic side of the path, assist him to the punch bowl,
sip his parka, light his Marlboros. (What, you ask, if he doesn't
smoke Marlboros? Ridiculous, my precious nymphs! Of course,
be smokes Marlboros! Don't you? Don't I? Doesn't everybody
who knows a hawk from a handsaw? What other cigarette
gives you such a lot to like? Such easy-drawing filtration? Such
unfiltered taste? Such soft pack or flip-top box? No other, my
tweet minxes, no other. Marlboro stands alone, and any maa
worthy of you, my estimable damsels, is bound to be a Marlboro
if .! j avs -r-Ji-
If you will follow the simple instructions stated above, my
good lasses, you will find that you have turned your young
gentleman into a fast and fervent admirer. There is nothing
quite like a party weekend to promote romance. I am in mind
of a party weekend some years ago at Miss Pomfritt's Seminary
for well-born females in West Linotype, Ohio. 8erafina Sigafoos,
a sophomore at this institution, majoring in napkin folding, sent
an invitation to a young man named Fafnir Valve, a junior at
the Joyce Kilmer School of Forestry, majoring in sap and boles.
Serafina had been ape for Fafnir since high school, but Fafnir
preferred a girl named Gelia Fleshwound, the high school drum
majorette who once threw a baton so high she impaled a south
bound mallard.
Anyhow, Serafina sent an invitation to Fafnir, and he came,
and she showered him with kindness and cuff links, and then
he went away, and Serafina sat anxiously by the mailbox,
wondering whether she would ever hear fro him again. Sure
enough, two weeks later she got a letter: "Dear Serafina, Can
you let me have fifty bucks? Yours, Fafnir."
Whimpering with ecstasy, she ran to the bank and withdrew
the money and mailed it to him. From then on, she got the
same request every week, and as a result, she became very well
acquainted with Ralph T. Involute, teller of the West Linotype
Bank and Trust Co., and their friendship ripened into love, and
today they are happily married and live in Stamen, Oregon,
where Ralph is in the extruded molasses game and 8erafina
a hydrant e,aM-
Beery weekend Urn party weekend with Marlbony-or Mart
bon $ unaltered companion cigarette mild, flavorful Philip
MorrU. Try the newet Philip MorrU-ihe national king
tit Commander. Have m Commander welcome uoonrd!