The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1960, Image 1

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r i
v si
omaeni jjrroupsiifempi m uompiyt wiin council nuies
Panicing student organ-
izations confronted the Di -
vision of Student Affairs
Tuesday as they were try
ing to comply to the re
quirements for good stand
ing as outlined by the Stu
dent Council.
The biggest problem
seemed to come from the
fact that the organizations
did not know if they were
complying with require
ment number 1: "To be in
good standing the organiza
tion must have an approved
copy of their constitution
on file at the Division of
Student Affairs."
"If we have a copy of
their constitutions, the Stu
dent Council does too,"
Mrs. Ermal Collister, sec
retary to Dean Frank Hall
gren said of the inquiring
Mrs. Collister said when
an organization is first or-
'Operation Bootstrap9
Cutback of Fmids
Reduces Enrollment
By Nancy Whit ford
"Operation Bootstrap" and
cutbacks in military funds for
education have contributed to
a decrease of nearly 200 stu
dents in evening courses at
the University.
These figures, released by
acting supervisor of evening
courses. Edor Ellingson, in-1
elude 573 full-time campus
students, and 695 students -st-
large enrolled in the program.
"Some K3 campus students
and 825 students-at large
were enrolled last semester,
for a total then of 1,457 as
compared to 1,288 this year,"
Ellingson said.
Ellingson attributed the de
crease in student-at-large en
rollment to the military pro
gram of "Operation Boot
strap" which permits service
personnel to earn credit for
a degree in general eduea
tion in connection with their I
military service.
This program is being spon-
-J k i n-;.. I
Omaha for the first time this
year at the Lincoln Air Force
"A second reason for the
For Sadie
Fifteen Candidates
To Vie For Finals
Fifteen candidates will vie
for one of the four finalist
positions for Miss Sadie Haw
kins contest ia interviews
Wednesday night
The fifteen include Karen
Skoda, Sharon RusselL Jo
Ann Burkhart, Susie Stolz,
Susan Hyland, Naomi Bed
well, Sid Henderson, Judy
Yaryan, Jeanne Denier,
June Strove, Cheri Weak,
Betty Ann Best. Ginger Fra-
tier, Joan MudgeH and a can
didate to be named bv "jove
Hal, said Myron Filkins,
chairman of the Ag Union
dance committee.
Each of the women's or
ganized bouses m campus
were aliened to eater one
candidate enrolled ia the Col
lege ef Agriculture, in die
Filkins said that Wednes
day night mtervjews will be
gin at 7 p.m. at the Ag Un
ion. Candidates must wear
their Sadie Hawkins costumes
during the interviews, be
Tbe Ag Union Board i0
select file four finalists and
judging w$l be bated ea or
iginality ef costume, poise,
beauty, personality aad tal
es! pertaining to Sadie Haw
kins, Filkins said.
The queen will be selected
from the four finalists by
popular vote at the Sadie
Hawkins dance Nov. 11. Lu
ther and bis Nightraiders will
play at the Sadie Hawkins
dance to be in the Ag Union
Tri Belts, Kappcts
Tied for Trophy
Delta Delta Delta won the
spirit contest at the Missouri
game Saturday, putting them
ia a tie for first place'' with
-KF uuu. a
These two bouse have each
won the t r o p h y twice. The
sorority which has received
the award the most this year
will keep the trophy after tbe
Oklahoma State game.
The Tri Delts used balloons,
"Go Big Red," and a new
song they wrote to win the
contest last Saturday.
Tbe organized bouses re
ceiving nonoraDle mention
were Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Delta Gamma. Alpha Chi j Guide from the Builders
Omea, and Phi Kappa PsLltours committee will explain
ganized'that she "automat
jcally" sends a copy of the
constitution to the Student
Council office."
"I don't know what has
happened. I'm sure it isn't
the Student Council's fault.
We just got our wires
crossed and we aren't hit
ting somewhere," she said.
An example was a rep
resentative of a student or
ganization who -was sure
that her organization was
in bad standing but the files
at Student Affairs did not
bear this out. She was hav
ing trouble finding the cor
rect forms needed. When
told she should go to the
council office, she replied,
"I have, but t h e y are
"How some of these or
ganizations got in bad
standing, I don't know. It
is something we'll have to
decrease in student-at-large
enrollment nas been the cut
back in federal money for ed
ucation of airforce person
nel." Ellingson pointed out
This year airmen may tike
only one college credit course
to which the federal govern-
ment wiu contribute partial
payment of expenses. In past
vears toe government contrib-
uiea 10 payment oi more
than one course, Ellingson ex
"However, the enrollment
of campus students in eve
ning courses fluctuates for no
apparent reason from year to
year," he said.
The selection of courses to
be offered in the evening de
pends mainly on student in
terest and requests.
"Therefore, a number of
courses which had been
planned were dropped this
vear because fewer than 10
students registered," Elhng
80,1 ai"
"2ft!) Ipvi
'200 level math course for
engineers provides the only
major 'new' course this
year," Ellingson pointed out.
"All other courses offered
have been given in the eve
ning sometime before."
Ellingson observed that the
chief differences were in
method of faculty payment
and time of day.
"Teachers are paid on the
overload basis from tuition
funds rather than from Uni
versity money. Other than
this the courses are exactly
uui laic tuia sea u e uocuji I v- T W 1 1 t
yzrit 'Itloosier tnlertauxs trw Crowd
AUF Meeting
AH University Fund win
hold a meeting for all work
ers and AUF members
Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the
Union small auditorium.
There will be a short ex
planation of AUF and the
function of its workers.
Everyone interested is invit
ed to attend.
Young Democrats, 7 p.m..
Student Union
Lincoln Symphony, 8 30
p.m., Stuart Theater
Sigma Tau Convention
YWCA Freshman Commis
sion, 4 p.m., 338 Student Un
ion YWCA Christmas Bazaar, 4
p.m., 341 Student Union
YWCA Freshman Commis
sion, S p.m., 238 Student Un
ion YWCA Freshman Commis
sion, S p ra., So. party room,
Student Union
YWCA Christian Witness, 5
p.m., 341 Staderl Union
By Nancy Brwa
Have you been looking for
the perfect mate and been
enable to find him (or her)?
Perhaps if you're supersti
tious, the best bet would be
Jo watch the Boulder Monu
ment between Architecture
Hall and the Old
tration building.
This stone was .a magic
sUme for the Omaha and
Pawnee tribes and was donat
ed to the University by the
ciass of 1892. According to
- . . . 77,
iC&eau' UCB oua cu va
the rock, they change into
human form. Perhaps this
explains the increase in en
rollment! This Is only one of. the
many interesting things
the campus which are shows
oa tours, according to Fran
Crania, chairmai of builder
tours committee.
Tbe main tour will show
most bf the city campus.
A 0 g
work out," Mrs. Collister
At 4:30 p.m. the Division
Of Student Affairs had re
ceived four phone calls and
had three representatives
stop in to ask questions
pertaining to their organi
zations standing. "We may
Vol. 74, No. 26
Today is the day to vote.
Not for homecoming queen,
Nebraska sweetheart or Hel
lo-Girl but for the president of
the United States.
Polls opened this morning
on both city and ag campuses
at the Student Union, Love
Library and the Ag Union
r- ; V 1 . - I I .
I , A -) izzy u . - - -
11 :-"'? zm
Herb Shriner (center) plays his harmon
ica during a rehearsal of "Pops Ameri
cana" to the evident approval of Gustave
Haenschen, (left) conductor-composer and
George Alexander, (right) folk balladeer.
Shriner Primes for Pershing
"Nebraska looks good espe-
daily the girls. You boys are "since I was old enough to de
ux ky." fend myself." A customer on
This was one of many Ho-
osier-style comments, made by
one of America's best known
Hoosiers, Herb Shriner in the
Student Union yesterday aft
ernoon. Shriner and his com
pany will present "Tops
Americana," a collection of
folk music, at Pershing Au-
dilorium tomorrow at 8 p.m. of folk music and ases pieces
Shriner gave a short talk that "meaa something." West
la tbe Crib to an overflowing en and Mississippi music will
crowd. Later, he opened bis! be included ia tbe show at
talk to qsesttoss from the an- J Pershing,
dience. He was asked to play Besides Shriner and his har-
his harmonica.
"I don't have any accom
paniment," he said. "Does
any one have a guitar?"
When one of the students
pointed at the juke box be
hind him, Shriner exclaimed,
"But it doesn't have any ja
skibibles on it"
Shriner explained that he
Tours Run Gamut
the history and meaning be
hind everything which is
Tours begin at the Student
Union and proceed past
Teachers College.
Guides keep the tourists in
terested with man? bits f
information about the Uni
"Parking Ms." for in
stance, "hold 3572 cars, and
the stieet holds 550, totaling
1222 car parking places for
the convenience of those who
come to the University."
Cost of Beaaty
Continuing on their journey,
tourists will see the Love
Library and the Social Sci
ences Building. It might be
entertaining to count the
number of pillars on the So
cial Sciences Building. Ac
cording to Miss Crcnin, it is
said that for the cost of each
pillar on the building, the
University could have built
an additional classroom.
. Aa interesting point of tbei
have more," she added.
"I guess you could say
there has been some ques
tion about this. I guess I'll
have to call Mr. Hoerner
or Mr. Tempero," Mrs. Col-
lister said.-
Two Reasons
John Hoerner of the Stu
where all students may vote;
for the candidate of his
Age Requirement
Age is no requirement in
this mock election sponsored
by the YWCA with help from
the Young Democrats and the
Young Republicans. All you
has played his harmonica
his paper route gave him his
first harmonica when he
brought meat for her dog.
The musk ia tbe sbow
"Pops Americana will be
slanted toward this particular
region. Tbe conductor of the
orchestra, Gustave Haensch
en, has made a life tune study
monica, George Alexander, a
hari tnw faTlarfPOf- Hapnsfhen
and his 35 niece orchestra.
the New World Singers and a
barbershop quartet will pre
sent "a complete evening of
Ob Tour
Shriner and his company
are on a 7030 mile tour of
America. "We left New York
four is the sign of old fra-f
ditwa between the Old d-'
tnlii(ptan Hal! I addition
to the boaWer memorial,
there are many other gifts
to the University from former
A stone fountain made of
J glacial stones from near Mil
j ford was presented by the
Class of 1909. The students
themselves collected the
stone and built the fountain.
A tree with a stone bench
was given by the Class of
1905. The semi-circular bench
originally faced the other
way, but had to be moved
when the tree in the middle
began to crack the bench.
Linden Tree
The Fredrkh Schiller
Linden tree is a memorial to
tbe German poet Schiller.
Durifls Vorld War n there
was so much hatred against
Germany that the Students
slashed the tree with knives.
Tiere is now a fence around
the tree.
dent Council said the mix
up could be attributed to
one of two things. "A typo
graphical error in the Rag
or when we checked our
files with the administra
tion's files, some mistake
was made.
"Our present plans in
Lincoln, Nebraska
need to do is mark an X in
the space provided for the
candidates of your choice.
The choices on the ballot
For president and vice-
president; Republican-
Richard M. Nixon and Henry
Cabot Lodge. Democrat-John
The company is on a 7,000 mile cross
country tour. They will present the con
cert at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Pershing
City in a bus and truck and
two sheriff cars slightly
i 1 : i i i - a i
Deoraa, ue explain ea.
"I come from Pratte Falls,
Indiana, just sear tbe speed
trap from Fort Wayne. We're
getting a coDege for our town
now it'll make up for having
so high school."
"I first played my harmoni
ca for grass fires at home."
After telling a few jokes.
Shriner explained. "There will
be no sterilized sound in our
show at Pershing."
When asked if he had any
Shriner said, "I have no giant
Pns for a new TV series. My
P54 if sisow was at toe
Scout Jamboree in July.
One of Shriner's most inter
esting experiences was his
voyage under the North Pole
in the Nautilus. "Nobody
would say where we were go
ingI thought maybe it was
of NU Curiosities
Also in the area is the j
m e , 0 r ; a l to Dr. James
Thomas Lee. a former pro-
for at the University. Aft
er tus deatn. accoroing to
the terms of has will, his
ashes were scattered over
the campus and the memorial
Many interesting facts win
also be brought cot about
"taken-for-granted" build
ings. Grant Memorial HaTL
bow the girls' gym, was for
merly tbe Military and Naval
Science building.
Ferguson Hall is situated
on the site of Old University
HalL which was the first
building on campus. The
fence formerly around the
btilding was not for orna-
mentai purposes, out usea to the University,
keep the cows out. University j Arrangements 'for campus
Hall was originally in the j tours for any i n t e r e s te d
middle of a cow pasture. group may be made by con
Tbe Universirv opened its tacting Tours chairman Fran
"doors in 1S71 wtfh 8 students, j
Ia 98 years enrollment fcas '
grown to over 8900 students j
clude a final check with
the Administration tomor
row (Tuesday) afternoon to
see if our information is
correct and then check our
own files tomorrow night.
"If an organization meets
the requirements before
Wednesday noon they will
F. Kennedy and Lyndon B.
For governor, Republican
John Cooper. Democrat
Frank Morrison.
For lieutenant governor,
Republican Dwight Bur
ney. Democrat Norman A.
For state senator, Republi
can Carl Curtis. Democrat
Robert Conrad.
For House of Representa
District one, Republican
Phillip Weaver. Democrat
Gerald Whelan.
District two, Republican
Glenn Cunningham. Demo
crat Joseph V. Benish.
District three, Republican
Ralph Beerman. Demo
crat Larry Brock.
District four. Republican
Dave Martin. Democrat
Don McGinley.
n cu.j ni i i
All Students will vote for
ft 11 '-4
Go on Display
Two prke-winning photo
graph collections will be on
exhibit at the University for
the annual Nebraska High
School Press Association.
The 17th annual News Pic
tures of The Year and the
Popular Photography photo
graphs will be displayed be
ginning this Friday in the
basement of Burnett Hall.
The photographs of "news
paper photographer of the
year," Albert Moldavay of the
Denver Post, will be featured
with those of Gordon Con
verse of the Christian Science
Monitor, the "newspaper
magazine photographer of the
The school is sponsored
jointly by the University
School of Journalism, the Na
tional Press Photographers
Association, the Encyclopedia
Britannica and the Univer v
of Missouri School of Journal
ism. Exhibited in 200 major cit
ies in the United States, it
will be viewed by an esti
mated audience of 2 million
Inside the
Personality Analvrfs
Eric Sevareid discusses Henry Cabot Lodge and analyze
Nixon s and Kennedy s personalities Editorial Page
Jennings Blames Fans
Bill Jennings Monday blamed Nebraska fans and the press
for the Husker grid problems Page 3
Season Summary
The University Theater summarizes its season's presenta
tions beginning with the first tomorrow evening to the last
next spring page 4
representing 45 states and SI
foreign countries..
T h c Geography building
;as originally intended to be
a museum, but as there w as
a greater need for classroom
space it was used for geography-
(and the University
police force.)
Nebraska Hall is now the
oldest building on campus. Its
third floor has been con
cemncd. Ralph Mueller shows his
wonderful influence on the
University in the form of
Mueller Planetarium, the
Columns and the Carillon
The tours will then continue
on around the campus, giving
alumni and visitors a chance
to become reacouainted with
Cronin. A special tour for par-
ents is planned for Parent's
Day Nov. XL
1 Th
be considered in good
standing," Hoerner said.
He further explained that
the minute an organization
meets the requirements for
good standing even after
the deadline, they will im
mediately be recognized by
the Council.
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1960
president, vice-president
governor, lieutenant govern
or, state senator and repre
sentatives to the house
of representatives. In-state
students will vote for the can
didate for the house of rep
resentatives in their home
district 0 u t-state students
will vote for the candidates ia
the first . congressional dis
trict, according to Rusty Rus
sell of the Young Republi
cans. Polls will open at 9 a.m.
and will close at 5 p.m.
in all three places, Russell
The ballots will be counted
Tuesday night and the re
sults should be available by
"This is a perfect oppor
tunity for students to vote
and voice their choices. We
in tne loung nepuDucans,
and I am sure the YD's feel
ithe same, hope each student
riT.vT. ... f v;.
or her day to vote," Russell
The Student Council Hon
ors Convocation committee is
presently working with the
Faculty Senate concern
ing speakers for the Honors
Convocation next spring.
Dr. James B. Conant, for
mer president of Harvard
University; Dr. Rueben Gus
tafson, former chancellor of
the University; Dag Ham
marskjold, secretary general
of the United Nations; Gov.
Nelson Rockefeller of New
York and Adlai Stevenson,
were all listed as possible
speakers, Steve Gage of the
Honors Convocation commit
tee said.
Gage asked for other pos
sible speakers for the April
convocation at the Wednesday
The final selection will
be made by the Faculty Sen
ate and the Council Honors
Convocation. There is the pos
sibility of asking former out
standing Nebraska alumni
to attend the convocation al
so. Gage said.
Dr. Baldwin Sells
One Act Play
"Garcia Relocated, a on
act play by Dr. Joseph Bald
win, associate professor of
speech and dramatic art, has
been purchased by Samuel
French, Inc., New York play
Dr. Baldwin is the adminis
trative bead of University
Theater, teaches the course
in play structure and compo
sition in the department of
speech and dramatic art, and
directs the Nebraska Nation
al Playwriting Contest
His plays have been pro
duced at the State University
of Iowa, the University of Al
abama, the University of Mis
sissippi, Wichita University,
Culver-Stockton College and
Illinois Wesleyan University.
Dr. Baldwin has won play
writing contests such as those
sponsored by John Hopkins
University and the Birming
ham Festival of Arts. He re-
cently completed a film-slide
! script under contract with
Jthe National Park Service.