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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1960)
Page 4 The Nebraskan v Student Council Issues Final Warning The Student Council judi ciary committee gave final warning Wednesday that it intends to enforce the fol lowing regulations of the Stu dent Council as set forth in the Student Activities Hand book: To be in good standing the organization must: 1. Have an approved copy of their constitution on file at the Division of Student Af fairs. J. Have an approved copy of their constitution on file at the Student Council Office. 3. Have oa file at tbe Sin dent Council Office a copy of the Standard Activities report form. 4. Unless excused, keep their funds in the Student Ac tivities office. 5. A copy of tbe organiza tion report showing names and addresses of officers on file at the Division of Stu dent Affairs. ; . Have a copy of the or-! g animation report form show-' ing names and addresses of officers on file at the Student j Council office. 7. Have oa file at tbe Coon-; eu" office a complete list of active members. The Council has the power to remove from office any stu dent executive who refuses to carry its legislation into effect. However, tbe judiciary committee stated that it in tended to enforce regulations primarily through denial of University facilities to organ izations not in good standing and freezing of an organiza tions fandi in the Student Ac tivities office. Removal "of any student officers would only be a last and final resort if be refused to follow tbe Council's rules" John Hoerner, chairman of the judiciary committee stat-( ed. Only six organizations met the Council requirements at tbe time of tbe Council meet ing Wednesday. Tbey are Ag Economics Club, Alpha Phi Omega, Associated Women Flying High Retiring Col. Atwell Honored will Parade The professor af air science, Colonel W- B- AtweU, was hon ored Thursday afternoon with a parade is recognition of his retirement from the Air Force. CoL Atwell, a combat vet eran af World War II and Sie Korean War win retire after 23 years of active duty. Recognition Plaque The detachment at the Uni versity also presented him wita a plaque in recognition of his service. Col AtweU entered the Army as a private and gained his commission through an appointment to West Point. Tw cadets were als pre sented with certificates indi cating that tbev were Sistin-: truisbetl AFROTC cadets. These certificates wiO ajven tually result In regular com inissions In the Air Force, j Major Wintos W. Auit is transferring to Grand Forks: Air Force Base in Grand Forks, NJ- He served here; as administrative -officer. AFROTC Flight The AFROTC FligM In struction Program began this : week with 20 AFROTC cadets j participating. This program I provides ail interested sen iors in the Advanced Air Force ROTC program with pilot training at government expense. The program loffers 36 hours tof flying instruction from civilian pilots certified fey the CAA, 35 hours of ground school including in struction navigation., weather, CAA regulations, theory of flight and a private pilot's license (upon comple tion of She program. Apprtndmately 18 e a i t s "-1 f Far aaaaarvtrtiona aaaHa jO. Sew 374 aaalaaa S4-25 pmr astasia aw iafc ap art iataa Mtwc ilaaoral Sept. f'inj. 4air attack hvr TURNPIKE to Organizations Students, Independent Wom en's Association, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and the Student Council The Council intends to pub lish its first official list of "Organizations in Good 1 Standing" on Nov. 2, Hoer ner stated. Any organization desiring information as to why they are not on the good standing list can obtain it in the Council office, Hoerner added. ' The following chart shows the situation of each organi tion as of Wednesday as pre sented to the Student Coun cil. The numbers following tbe organization name corres pond to the above rulings of the Council with which they have complied: A-mwieaa National Red Cram 115 timwu In slant of kjvnitecta 2 4 mmcu .uiw Orvuuxs 7 4 Vmataw tUdia Sonet? 3 4 vnencaa lasttfcite af Ocra. Entmwen tJ4 ajmtncaa wimt of Mark- EiurisMra 14 Ml t'an enatr Fua4 1 1 1 4 5 Alpha Taa Alpha IS45T jwrtpdu 4 Alpha Taa Alpha 11417 Af Economic Oab 1I14S4J A! Eicer Board .1 2 4 S 7 Af Liw amt nmt KM VWCA 114S47 Af YMCA 4 Acranom? Clnb 2 4 7 All lizuvemtr Souai Daoocra ....... 14 Mate EaaUaa Rha 14 Alpha Kappa Ddta 14 Alpha K H . . AM Lambda DeKa 114S7 AJpta Phi Alpha ' 1 Alpha Phi Own l!(Si; Amenr-aa Society af CSvai Efsaeera 4 Americas Imitifitrt af Elc, En3Bcr 12 4 5 Amencaji Ptaarmaoatical Asm. . 1 2 4 i Alpha fcrta I 4 American Sari1 af Af EnBineers 1 $ 4 S hlMWIlH 11447 AraaM Air SacaeCT 247 Associated Wnmea StmJrarta 1 2 1 4 $ J BattaltaB RacwutticiD OouncS 2 4 Bloc and Bridle dak . 4 7 Builder ltS Oiristiaa Scieskce Org axnza&ua a 2 CaMese of Sua. Ad Student Exec. Council 121S rircle X 4 Catenae Ctonmeaw 14 CoB-.Afri-FimS-Boaj 4 Coed CBurawtara 124247 fci EaaUaa . . 1 ? Ctoamaawattaa CMk Hi Cora Cot 1247 linnwattr af Naaraaaa CmmtU On BfliCMB 5 Delta Omirrtm J Belta Jhi Alpha 7 Helta Phi Data 4 rwlta firm Pi J Delta Siema Rha 14 XteUttn IJnitai Literary pecietv ......12 4 7 Fducataunad Ansa. US' Ewirwennn Enmc. Boaxa S4J Epsilon !hj Taa 12457! Eta Kappa Mi ...247 French Clt ! reddle Hall 42b Gamma Alpha M Gaum Lambda 12 47; lamina lielta ... .2' lamma TWta lota -Sanona Thru lipaUoa .... ! German On " Home Eramomiea Club H54'87: tanooent .11 independent Women Aaaociaticn 1 I11H7 By Lough from the detachment mill flv i Biggs Air Force Base at El Pase, Tex. t tour base facilities. The trip will begin Nov. 3 and the cadets wifl re turn home Nev. S. Eiggs is a Strategic Air Command base and stations B-52 aircraft The cadets wil3 he allowed to go ofif the hase in tthe eve ning and Sake a sight-seeing trip ver to Meidoo Whkh is just a few miles away- Ispsers ui ssimtiits ivta wi. achieve Bxhelor cf Science er higher degrees by feosnf or June cf 1951 are invited to M CHiPSIS IHTEHflEIS with asi engineering representative cf the ccwLu mmn m$m m Monday, October 31 America's moBtocdlang gpaoe aatl defense proj ects, including SATURN, SKYEOLT and M1SSILEER and others of like important -tuive created outstanding long range opportuni ties at Douglas in the following fieldK Electrics! Etectrnrict 4t&8i&l$ Qmmcaf IsronaiJiicd llsirgical OpnoicgB esitit at Dooac iocatkmt is Sactt Monica and El Seguoda, Cfti.nnai aad Char lotte, lortit Csrolisa, . ' if jou are U.S. citizen who will earn qualifying tiegree, please contact your plaoe taent office for an appointment. If unable to 5o , mite to Me. C CI L Vane, mtmmmnimmiitt. 3333 Ocean Park BW, Santa Monica, CaiifDrnia Inter Coop OniDdl 127 (nteraororlty Music Council 24 intervarsity Christian Fellowship 1 2 3 4 i 7 Junior American Dental Acan, j Kappa Phi Club 2 nUppa Alpha Ma 2 Kappa Epntoa j j 5 Kappa Ps 124S47 Kosmet Klnb 12 44 7 Military Ball Committee Mortar Board 12347 Mu Rpsilon Na 3 4 jna t-ni r.isijan .........14 5 6 7 Nebraska Blue Phot 4 4 T fteorasaa 1 oue$riate Broaacastutf Aaaa . 4 .'veorasaa Masquerf 1147 Nebraska Council oa World Affairs 24 Newmaa Club 244 Nixon Sea ton dab 12 57 No-Med Society 12 4 umicroa u none tic. HoDorary 1JJ457 Pallachaa Literary Society 2 4 5C7 Pershing Rifles Local Compny 12 5 7 Pom Grad dab 247 Phalanx .. .. ' t 4 Phi Alpha Theta 4 Phi Chi Theta 47 Phi Delta Gamma 4 rm ueita pm none Phi EpsUob Kappa 2 4 7 Phi Eu Surma 4 Phi Lambda Upsilon 2 rta Ma Alpha (Suuonial 24 7 Phi Siema Chi 4 Plri Sirma lota 24 Phi I'pnloa Omicroa 12 447 Pi lambda Theta 2 4T Pi Mo Ewsflon 14 5 Phi Ma Society 4 Pi Taa Sicma 14 7 Psi Oa J Pi Sifma Alpha , 2 7 Red Croat . . . 1 S 7 Reiooeac Asan. Far Mea 14 2 Readerwe Asaau For Women 4 Rho Cln ... .12 Riiie On ...aene Sima Tneta Epsiloa .. IT Sunna Alpha tola 2 7 Student Cooacil ...I1S47 Sirma Delta On 4 4 Sir ma Alpha Eta II Surma Taa 4 7 Seventh Day Advti reBaaitiaa , t Soccer Cl ub 12 Sutma Gamma Epsilee) 4 Spech tt Hearisf Society awl Teanat Ch 1 S I Theta . 22! Vni'rsity Radio Cab soar j Theta Surma Pat ix. Ttseta 11447 CnjverBity Scndent i Educatiaa Assm 124 Si Vmveraity 441 Clob 12 tan-wrsar of Nebraska Wildlife Cla , 1HS raifersity Rodjo Asm. 27 A;araity Dairy C3ab 1ST Varsity "S" Ciub 24 Voratiana! Bflrwrnaioji Echscatios Assn. 1 1 4 Women Prow! Kdacaalw Clflfi 2 4 Yotinc IVariOfTiit - - 1 2 41 5 Ymi7 Kpiwiuii iz? VC - .1S7 Hwi-CbtLD CJ1M Bwnm Irish 'Informer' Is Foreign Film "The Informer" is the sec ond in the foreign film series which will be shown at the Nebraska Theatre, Wednes day at 8 p.m. The movie is noted for its unusual photography as well as its story. It was shot jn tirely in the fog. The story evolves around an Irish giant portrayed by Victor MeLagen Having been dismissed from the revolu tionary forces of Ireland, be betrays his friend for the Isve of his sweetheart. Union Workers Attend Jamboree Union committee workers will be given a chance t get acquainted with each other at the "Know How Jamboree" on Tuesday. . Workers are to meet in front f the old entrance to the Student Union at 4:59 p.m.. A hu wfll take Jihem to the Boy Scout camp for supper and entertainment. Cars will wait for late corn ers until 5:15 p.m. The buses will return to the campus by 7 p.m. Ptipfics LITTLE MAN QC.Orv J"M COaHING! -RJT WHY CANT YOU JU5T PLOW YER HORN LUCE TH' OTHK FELLCVf Education Keystone To Agriculture Power Education is the key stone (Gainful off -farm employment of seven rocks of hope to i has allowed those on small build an arch of strength fori tracts or acreages to use agriculture, said Dr. H, M. part-time jobs advantage Briggs at a rural develop- ously. ment workshop. j Recreational opportunities Dr. Briggs,. president of are in essence another tvpe of South Dakota State CoCege, projected the mental image of an archway to the future as he presented seven oppor tunity rocks. The other opportunity rocks are improved technology, en terprise emphasis. . business size, part-time farming, rec reational opportunities and group action. The education rock is the leader of tbe rest, said Dr. Briggs, because through edu cation the other six have greater possibilities and values. Improved technology has strengthened a g r i c I tare tare through development f such things as fertilizers, new seeds, machinery and irriga tion equipment. A third rock was enterprise emphasis, said Dr. Briggs. Tbe emphasis allows the pos sibility of many farms to -ra.OD!.ac:!v!!:v VU-'d UUU L U4J1; IOI1U1 to beet production... Business size has changed through the years. Dr. Briggs said. Farms have become much larger and many South Dakota farms average about 750 acres per farm unit Each farm unit had about 439 acres -in 1930, he said. Part-time farming has also become important be Filters for flavor -finest flavor by far! - ' C3 ,-' I aaaiiiaimainaiii it in ; . .9k,t? Si,-.-rfj Ui'I at i..... . .- ij, 1 , if S . ' ' . C i I :- j DUAL FILTER f t mrnii"" .... ... I "fCjf i ' ' f t aaiMMWWWlWM''MWiaMW inn ,r rnirm,.i......, nn.. w ,? .-af , . lA. Tateyion has the taste" Dual Filter does it! Prudtut j i&J&meum iXn-n ON CAMPUS part-time farming, be said. People uvuig near recrea tional facilities may spend ! part of their time in catering to the public which wishes ' expanded recreational oppor tunities away from congested areas. Group action has estab lished many organizations which have been able to speak out for agriculture and' have improved agriculture technology, said Dr. Briggs. Education ties together all the other rocks because the key stone f development must be education, and edu cation will lead to intelligent taction, he said. The greatest underdeveloped resource in the nation and -the world is the minds of men, he con cluded. Sophomore IWA Position Filled Trina Hake!, a sophomore in Teachers College has been named to the Independent Women's Association board She replaces Marilyn White who has resigned . Tw junior board member positions still remain open, but will Dot be filled until All Women's elections in February. n wyw i 1 . i WK n f NEW DUAL FILTER Tafevton ay aena a) ntr middle meme Second Semester lixams Feature No Chaiiges Final exams times for sec ond semester will be set up almost the same as final exam hours for this semester, according to Roy Arnold of the Student Council. They are set up so that the morning classes will not have exams in succession. The ord er by hours are 8-2-3-9-1-104-11 o'clocks. The second semester exams will start May 31 and run through June 8. The last day of classes is May 27. Arnold, chairman of the Final Exams committee add ed that Dr. Floyd Hoover has several proposals regarding final exam scheduling and a plan for a new schedule book. 70 Per Cent Efficient Arnold said Hoover report- Miller Heads Chicago Trip James E. Miller Jr., of the University of Nebraska will speak on "Putting Literary Scholarship to Work in the Classroom" at the golden an niversary convention of the National Council of Teachers of English Nov. 24-28 in Chi cago. Nebraska panelists will in- elude Irene Moerer and Bon- nie Owens of Grand Island stein, Margery Coffey, Shar and Frank M. Rice of Omaha ron Purbaugh, Stan Rice, Bill Central High School Raecke and Kay Sleiner. WEDNESDAY, NOV 2., 8 P.M. SPECIAL RATE FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY S2.S0 RESERVED SEAT JUST $1.50 (ON SALE ONLY AT NEBRASKA UNION) "fe ')! laaaaaaaaaaapwaaaBi folk Sclfcdr GEORGE ALEXANDER I Coad-Compotcr GUSTAVE HAEHSCHEN 0 1 "XOMCCtT MCHCSTtA AatCtlCAMA" Taa "NCW WOtlA SttMXtS1 CAST OF SO PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 4faa f ltd j Here's bow the DUAL FILTER DOES IT: t It combines a unique inner filter cf ACTJVATED CHARCOAL ...definite pved to r.?i thf tarte of a c!pa-.n mM sd I with a pure whits ?r fnter. Togefter they select and balance the f iavor eiementj in the smote. Tsreyton's r.jvor-balance gives you the best taste of the bst tobaccos. a. ed that the present class schedule book is only "7tf per cent efficient," when it was expected to be 90 to 95 per cent efficient. Arnold hinted that the new schedule book would list hours of classes in the "army fash ion" starting with 1 to 24 and the prerequisites would be eli minated. It was moved and paswd that the council invite Dr. Hoover to attend a Council meeting to explain his pro posed changes. Comedy Opens Theater Season "Six Characters in Search of an Author," a rough hewn but highly sensitive drama, will open the University Theater season Wednesday night. A combination of documen tary and comedy the play will describe the emotions of man in his search for self under standing. Comedy will be brought in a typical Italian theater revolt against author and director who insists on playing ou: the '"truth in their lives" instead of a canned plot that has been arranged for jthem. The central six characters will be played by Zeff Bern