The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1960, Image 1

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    Guiiel Ataisik Is
Homecoming Queen
A 22 year 'old brunette coed from Turkey, Gunel
Ataisik, was revealed last night as the 1960 Homecoming
queen. '
Elected by a near-landslide vote by the student body,
Miss Ataisik is the first foreign coed to reign ever any all
campus festivities. t
First and second runner-ups were Nancy Tederman and
Diane Tinan.
, Miss Tederman (see picture left inset) is 21, enrolled
in Teachers College, a member of Alpha Chi Omega soror
ity, and from Holdrege, Nebraska.
Miss Tinan (see picture right inset) is 20, also enrolled
in Teachers College, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority from Mitchell, South Dakota.
The five-foot brown eyed Turkish beauty is said to be
as "American as apple pie," by her sponsor Mrs. Helen
Atkinson of Lincoln.
She is a junior in the college of Agriculture where she
is majoring in Home Economics and minoring in chemis
try. Upon her return to Turkey after graduation she plans
to do food research.
She became interested in entering the University when
she spent her senior year in Lincoln on a Rotary Scholar
ship and graduated from Lincoln High School in 1957.
After her graduation she returned to her native coun
try where she worked as an interpreter-translator for the
American Air Force. In 1958 she was accepted for a foreign
student scholarship and chose the University.
Her father is a Supreme Court Judge in Turkey.
Campus activities for Miss Ataisik include member of
Phi Upsilon Omicron honorary, Home Economics Club,
Nebraska Union advisory board, YWCA, social chairman of
Delian Club literary society for foreign students, and work
with the foreign student orientation.
Will Reign
The Queen will reign over Homing festivities, she will
be presented at the half-time of the football- game and the
Homecoming Dance, and will be entertained at special
Mrs. Atkinson said that the University student body
should be highly commended for the selection.
"It has opened a new idea of thinking for the foreign
students on campus," she said.
"They are being shown the opportunity of -equality
they can share in the American way of life," Mrs. Atkinson
Other candidates for Homecoming Queen were: Sharon
Anderson, Mary Erickson, Jeanne Garner, Ginny Hubka,
Shirley Parker, Gladys Rolfsmeyer and Linda Sawvell.
( Vol. 74, . No. 24
Recommendation to Regents
IFC Approves Plan
For Reorganization
The Inter-Fraternity Coun
cil made -its final changes
and stamped -its approval on
the new IFC Reorganization
Plan Wednesday.
The plan, which was origi-
Shriner Hops
Union Tables
Next Monday
Herb Shriner, television per
former, will go table-hopping
in the Union Monday morning
from 9:45 to 10:30 to publi
cize his forth-coming show at
A u d i t o -rium.
at 8 w.m. he
and his com-
pany will pre-'
e p n t "Pon?
Americana ,"p
a simple butf
slick s h o wi
done in an"
offhand man- Shriner
ner," according to Dick Wag
ner, manager of the audito
rium. Students may buy regular
$2.50 reserved seats for just
$1.50, hut only if they are
purchased in the Union'
Described as a "treasure
chest of American music,"
Shriner will. head the show,
telling anecdotes andt folk
lores, breaking into folk songs
and playing his harmonica.
George Alexander, a bari
tone folk singer, will assist
Shriner in the show with
everything from ballads to
modern Broadway .nusical
scores. ,
The New World Singers, a
male quartet, will be accom
panied by a 35 jiece orches
tra conducted by Gustave
9-1 October 29 $3 Couple
nated to replace a plan pro
posed by the Board of Re
gents and rejected by IFC
will be submitted to the board
as the IFC's recommendation
The most decisive step
taken Wednesday in the dis
cussion of the new plan was
the elimination of the Policy
Committee, which would have
given the Board power in
forming IFC policy, accord
ing to Bill Connell, who
headed the committee which
drew up the new plan.
Connell stated that the
Policy Committee was incor
porated into the Board of Re
view, which will review all
the motions passed on the
floor. This committee is made
up of equal representation of
alums and undergraduates.
The new plan also increases
the number of people on the
IFC Executive Council with
the addition of the Public Re
lations Chairman and the
Rush, Chairman bringing the
total Exec members to six.
IFC decided, however, to
eliminate the proposed repre
sentative of the Dean of Stu
dent Affairs office room Exec
Discussion on the House
Management and Finance
Committees centered upon
the question of whether to
have undergrads on them.
The IFC decided to leave
students on these committees
for. service as an "idea
pool", which was proposed
by Chip Kuklin.
A technical point was the
replacement of the word "re
sponsible" Jo "responsible for
encouragement of compliance
with" under the duties of
the committees.'
Discussion of the plan
lasted about an hour with
Connell, Kuklin, Jack Craft.
Joe Knoll, Marty Sophir, Dick
Newman and Hon Gould
heading the discussion.
V ' ' ' - ' 5 jp?9 v v 4 If
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Lincoln, Nebraska
By Norm Beatty
Tempers flared Wednesday
in the Student Council
meeting over the Council's
right to go into executive ses
sion. Chip Kuklin ignited the
controversy when he asked
Council President Ken Tem
pera, to explain the purpose
of the executive session and
Ag Council
Reps Appear
Next Week
Applicants for Ag College
representative to the Student
Ceuncil will appear before the
Council next week.
Roy Neil, chairman of the
nominating committee, ex
plained that "other interested
people haven't had a chance
to apply." He then moved
that the Council vote to ex
tend the application deadlines
to 5 p.m- today.
A few members said they
felt that such an extension
would not be fair as this is
not the common practice in
replacement elections. The
vote on the proposal passed
Included in the motion was
a stipulation that all appli
cants be interviewed in the
next regular meeting instead
of holding a preliminary in-,
terview. '
At the time of the meeting
there were four applications.
Neil predicted a final total of
When asked why he pro
posed that all applicants be
interviewed next Wednesday,
Neil explained that such ac
tion was "a matter of opin
ion." Don Epp told the council
that the usual procedure for
replacing a member was to
install the second place win
ner of the prior general elec
tion. "In this case, the runner-up
is not in school," he
and Attendants
what it means.
Secrecy Violated
Tempero rose before the
council members and the
several visitors and immedi
ate noted that the "secrecy
of last week's executive ses
sion was violated."
"There were two ways that
the Daily Nebraskan could
have gotten the information
Homecoming Calendar
Homecoming Rally, 6:45 p.m.
Open house at student religious centers, 7 p.m. '
Homecoming displays on exhibit throughout the evening.
Pre-Homecoming dance, Student Union, 8 p.m.
Alumni Association luncheon, Student Union, 12 noon.
Touchdown buffet, Student Union, 11 a.m.
Missouri Alumni Homecoming luncheon, 11 a.m.
Homecoming football game, Nebraska vs. Missouri, 2 p.m.
Fraternity and sorority open houses, coffee hour, Union,
4 p.m.
Homecoming Dance, Pershing Auditorium, 9 p.m.
Its Picture Time
Deadline for taking in
dividual Cornhusker year
book pictures will be Nov.
18, according to panel editor
Jerry Gale. J
Gale urgsd that all gradu
ates, Lincoln residents, sen
iors and other students who
have not previously had
their picture taken to
(schedule a time with the
Cornhusker office.
"With the short time
available to have individual
pictures taken, the schedul
ing should be done as early
as possible," Gale said.
"Nov. 18 is the last day to
take pictures not the last
day to schedule."
Missouri Pre-game
Rally Route Set
The Missouri p r e - g a m e
rally and effigy burning will
start at 7 p.m. at Camion
tower, to 14th street to S St.,
West on S and T streets to the
10th street parkinglot across
from the west stadium.
Friday, Oct. 28, 1960
of the executive session," he
said. He explained that eith
er one of the "rag reporters"
was hiding in the room at the
time of the secret session or,
"someone here (a Student
Council member) gave them
the information."
"You are bound to the se
crecy o f our private busi
ness. We need private meet-
Late Night
Because of the Home
coming dance, closing hours
in all women's residences
will be 2 a.m. Saturday.
A.W.S. reminds students
that any late minutes on a
2:00 night constitute an
automatic campus the fol
lowing Saturday night.
Religious Centers
Hold Open House
Parents, alums and guests
will have the opportunity to
visit campus religious houses
Friday evening after viewing
the Homecoming displays.
Religious groups participat
ing with open house at 7 p.m.
tonight will be Wesley Foun
dation, the University Luther
an Chapel, Missouri Synod:
United Lutheran Council and
United Campus Christian Fel
lowship. The new Catholic Newman
Center will hold open house
from &-10 p.m.
1960 Homecoming
Festival Underway
By the Nebraska Staff
Nebraska fans will be hoping for a repeat of last year's
Homecoming Day performance when Nebraska" meets Mis
souri Saturday at Memorial Stadium.
An anticipated crowd of 37,000 will be on hand as the
Huskers try to stop Missouri's bowl-bound Tigers and halt .
their winning string at six games. (See sports page for.;
game details.)
Victory BeH
The Innocents will present the Nebraska-Missouri Vic
tory Bell to Q.B.E.H., Missouri's Honorary Society, as a
result of the Tigers' 9-0 win a year ago.
The Bell, which will be presented before fha fame,
was started as a tradition between the two schools in 1928.
Nebraska started the series off right earning possession
of the bell eight of the first ten years.
Since '28 the bell has changed hands ten times with
Missouri rating 16 wins and Nebraska 14 victories sine
the innovation of the Victory Bell series.
Homecoming Royalty, the University bands of Missouri
and Nebraska, the Huskerettes, and the Card Section will
be the major participants in the half-time show.
Missouri Band
The University of Missouri Band will present Hot first
six minutes of the show. With drill formations, the Uni
versity of Nebraska Band will set the stage for the presea
tation of the Queen. They will form a "U N" and ask the
crowd to join in the singing of the 'chant."
Doing a dance routine, the Husketrettes will present
-A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody." Both the Band and the
Huskerettes will form a crown to honor the Queen.
The Pershing Rifle Honor Guard will escort the Queen
and her court. David McConahay, President of Corn Cob
and Innocents will escort the attendants to the throne. The
Yell King, Al Krizelman, will escort the Queen. She wQ
be presented with red roses by Chancellor Hardin.
The Card Section will form a Missouri Tiger, a star,
and "Hi, Grads !" They will salute the Queen with a crown
and then her name, . - ,
Pre-Homecoming Dance
"Spook Mizzo" is 1!he theme for the Pre-Homecoming
Dance to be held in the Pan American Room at the Stu
dent Union today at 8 p.m.
KFOR disc jockey, Dick Knight, will host the festivi
ties. According to the chairman of the Union dance com
mittee, Nancy Jacobson, a record album will be awarded to
the women's residence house with the best attendance.
Admission is free. '
Reunions, luncheons and banquets dot the scheduled
activities of Nebraska's "Welcome Alums" festivities.
Several Hundred Expected
''Several hundred alums are expected on campus this
weekend," said Arnold Magnuson, secretary of the Alumni
Association. .
N-Chib alums will meet during the luncheon tomorrow.
Peter Palmer, his voices and Orchestra will provide an
interesting new type of music tomorrow evening at the
Homecoming Dance. Tickets to the dance may be bought
at Pershing Auditorium Friday.
Palmer's new type of music consists of blending the
voices of his mixed sextet and the tones of his 11-piece
sses secrecy
ings. It is your responsibility
to respect the executive ses
sion. I hope it never hap
pens because by failing to
keep our business secret, you
are stabbing the other mem
bers in the back," Tempero
President Tempero was
immediately backed by Sec
ond Vice-President Don Epp,
who proposed a motion to
bind each council member to
"complete secrecy or be re
moved from the council." ,
Council Rights
'As leaders of the student
body we have the right to dis
cuss matters alone. We have
the right to executive ses
sion and we will go into se
cret session in the future,"
Epp said.
The vote oil the proposal
passed with one dissenting
vote, that of George Moyer,
Law College representative.
Tempero then moved the
meeting into remarks and
yielded the floor t John Else,
a visitor, who told the coun
cil you shouldn't he
ashamed of what you
are doing " and not go into
executive session.
He refuted the argument
of the council members for
having an executive-Bession
as "a moral obligation to go
into executive session."
He said that by going into
the closed meeting, the coun
cil was defeating "any moral
Develop Ideas
Roy Neil, council' member,
immediately took the offen
sive and charged that the
council had "every right to
go into executive session to
protect such things as imma
ture ideas and give things
a chance to develop before
publication. That is our moral
obligation to the students
who elected us," he told the
council and visitors.
Representative Moyer then
rose to speak against the ex
ecutive session and to . "ease
your minds in case you are
wondering who told the Rag
about the executive Bession."
9-1 October 29 $3 Couple
""Do you want to know who
it was? It was me" Moyer
Herb Probasco, editor of
the Daily Nebraskan, thn
spoke before the guests and
members and expressed his
views concerning the execu
tive session and the- editorial
policy of the Nebraskan.
National Security
"'It is your moral obliga
tion to keep the doors open,"
he said. He went on to ex
plain that no other govern
mental body, m the state at
nation, had the right to go
into such a meeting, except
where national security is at
The Council had 'no pur
pose or reason for closing
their doors last week and
the members do not know
what an . executive session
means," Probasco said.
Probasco added that if the
Council continued to close
their doors to visitors and the
Daily Nebraskan, he, as edi
tor, would not print any
news coming from such meet
ings. "Will you put that in a
statement and publish it or
give us a copy as your poli
cy?" John Hoerner askedPro
basco. "In case some of you
haven't read my editorial in
last Friday's paper, I did
state Daily Nebraskan polr
icy," Probasco retorted.
Hoerner then regained the
floor and told Probasco if he
did not print news coming
out of the Council "as you
are obligated to do," he
(Hoerner) would see that
Probasco be removed from
his post on the Daily NeL-'as-kan.
Later in the meeting Pro
basco explained that he
would print news from the
Council because he had de
cided it was the responsibil
ity of the paper, sot because
of any threat of his removaL
The discussion then moved
back to the broken secrecy
of executive session of a week
(Continued to Page Four)'
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