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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1960)
The Nebraskan Wednesday, Oct. 26, I960 Pace 4 Navy Day Ha Significance For Eighteen University Men Navy Day .(which is Thurs day, has special meaning for 18 particular Nebraska stu dents. The students in question are 18 NESEP (Navy En listed Scientific Education Program) men currently en rolled m some phase of engi neering, mathematics or sci ence. They are just part of a total program used across campus character: PSAMUEL PSYCHE A thinking man's thinking man, Psamuel finds that thoughts come easiest when he is most comfort able. That's why he always wears Jockey brand T shirte. He likes the way the fine combed 'cotton feels next to his skin. He likes the way the twin atitchectf nylon-reinforced collar keeps its shape. And he likes the full-proportioned body and extra long tail that never creeps. You, too, will like your elf better when you enjoy the comfort of Jockey brand T-shirts. Your favorite campus store has them. $1.50 MOWNklNCOftPOMtfO KENOSHA, WIS. xJockey T-shirts SO Years Your Store fam ous name sweaters NOW 6.99 X'lT IT ft Miller's Celebrates Capital City Days Toke a campus break and visit Miller's for fine bargains during Capital City Days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 27, 28 and 29. Both fellas and gala will find wardrobe money-savers In nearly every department, like these famous name Banlon, long-sleeve, V-neck sweaters. Blue, white or beige. Sizes S, M, L XL Reg. 8.95. t . MEN'S STORE FIRST Shop Monday, doily 9:30 to Receive Community Savings the nation in 23 colleges and universities. Regular Service As in most NESEP cases, the Nebraska Navy students qualified for advance study after they had been in the regular Navy for varying periods of time. None of the applicants could be over 25 years old before entering a college or University. They did not need prior college training, only a high school diploma or sat isfactory achievement on a special test. The program is open to both males and fe males, married or single. Before enrolling at Nebras ka, the NESEP qualifiers at tended a preparatory school for nine weeks at either Bain bridge or San Diego, Calif. During this period the se lectees received training in math, physics, English us age, and orientation in col lege academic requirements. Also during this time the fu ture students selected their field of study with the help of interviews. Normal Life Most of the 18 Nebraska NESEP's are married and lead a normal college stu dent's life. While in school the stu dents still belong to the U.S. Navy. They continue to meet with Navy officials and ad vance in rate. After receiving Dr. Breckenridge Named to Council Dr. Adam C. Breckenridge, professor of political science and dean of faculties at the University of Nebraska, has been appointed to a four-year term on the national council of Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honorary. Dean Br-eckenridge previ ously served on the council from 1954-1958. ,BW;wg 1 Met irfJaine linecln ' Full of New Ideas 5:30, Thursday 9:30 to 9 p.m. Stamps with every purchase. Ah his degree, the student re ports to the Officer Candi date School in "Newport, R.I. for officer indoctrination. After finishing this, the NESEP student becomes an ensign in the regular Navy. Despite the difficult nature of the fields of study the Navy students have, the hon ors are many. In 1959 one student waS cited at the Honors Convocation as being in the upper 10 percent of his college, four were hon ored during Honors Convoca tion last May, one was a member of Sigma Tau (engi neering professional fraterni ty), another was a member of the Blueprint editori al staff. As a whole, the NESEP grade average for the sec ond semester, 1959-1960, was 6.641 as compared with the all-university men's average of 5.380. Six Years Upon graduation and com mission the Navy students are then required to obligate themselves for at least 4 years of active Navy duty. Four seniors are enrolled at Nebraska under this plan, James Brink in e 1 e c t r i cal engineering, David Far low, chemical engineering; William Kisch, mathematics and William Fish, physics.. There are three in the jun ior class; Jack Mundcll, mathematics; John Hen dricks, electrical engineering and Lennart Swenson, elec trical engineering. Paul Thorn, electrical engi neering, George draft, phys ics; Thomas J. Sindorf, me chanical engineering and Robert Miley, electrical engi neering make up the sopho more class. The largest class, the freshmen, numbers seven; Larry Cecil, chemistry; John Vorwerk, electrical engineer ing; Richard Gokey, electri cal engineering; Wayne Bos tic, electrical engineering, James Lewis, physics; My ron Kyle, electrical engineer ing and Ido Pistelli, chemi cal engineering. 1 WAIT BUS5Q3L1 I PlfllJEY CHILDREN 35c mL. PRESENTS I WeZ3 TECHNICOLOR M JMR tC n WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2, 8 P.M. SPECIAL RATI FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY $2.50 RESERVED SEAT JUST $1.50 (ON SALE ONLY AT NEBRASKA UNION) m ----- " j Folk Balladeer GEORGE ALEXANDER Conductor-Composer GUSTAVE HAENSCHEN The "CONCERT ORCHESTRA AMERICANA" Th. "NEW WORLD SINGERS" CAST OF 50 PERSHING MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM EVERYBODY IS R.EAD1MG THE LITTLE MAN Ciin -,rv vri . NO VONOfR TH" &l$SlANS APE AHEAD OFaJlrl Pins, Rings Few NU Couples Immune To Colorado Cupid By Eleanor Billings A week-end in Colorado wasn't conducive to romance, as only seven couples an nounced pinnings or engage ments this Monday. Pinnings: Connie Schroeder, Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Teachers from Jan sen to Gary D'Angelo, Sigma Chi senior in Arts and Sciences from Des Moines, la. ' Nancy Bailar, Delta Delta Delta sophomore in Teachers from North Platte to Neil Fer guson, Phi Kappa Psi junior in Engineering from North Platte. Pat Severens, Kappa Alpha ii BLUE -PeifOT ON CAMPUS Theta junior in Teachers from Omaha to Ben Prieb, Sigma Chi junior in Arts and Sci ences from Seattle, Wash. Dorothy Carpenter, Kappa Kappa Gamma sophomore in Teachers from Omaha to Bill Kuester, Alpha Tau Omega senior in Arts and Sciences from Norfolk. Sandra Kellogg, Kappa Kappa Gamma alum from Pueblo, Colo., to Dave Harper, Phi Gamma Delta senior in Business Administration from Omaha. Engagements: Anita Dunker, Pi Beta Phi sophomore in Home Econom ics from Schuyler to Gene Mannlein, Farmhouse alum from St. Paul. Gail Milligan, Pi Beta Phi senior in Business Administra tion from Cooper to C. G. Wal lace, Phi Kappa Psi senior in Arts and Sciences from Hast ings. ! Sue Abart, freshman at Omaha University to Tom Gingrich, Theta Xi freshman in Agriculture from Omaha. PTA Scholarships Are Available Applications for the Ne braska Congress of PTA scholarships must be in by 5 p.m. on Nov. 7. To be eligible for a scholar ship, a student must be regis tered as a student in elemen tary or secondary education, need financial aid, have high moral and social standards and a good scholastic record, and should show a pleasing personality and special apti tude for teaching. The scholarships are worth $120 to students working for a teacher's certficate and will be considered a gift if the re cipient completes two years of teaching. If the student does not complete two years of teach ing, he must repay the un earned portion of the amount. Elementary education ma jors should contact Ruth Amen in 200 Teachers College and secondary education ma jors should contact Dr, Rex Reckeway in 310C Teachers College to obtain necessary information. Main Feature Clock SiaUc "Ten 1:00, 3:13, 5:26, Who 7:39, Dared," 9:52. Vanity: ' Top of the 6:96, 9:36. 'The Dark at the Stairs," 1:30, 4:16, Nebraxka: "T h e Greatest Show on Earth," 1:00, 4:50, 8:40, "H-ave Rocket Will Tra vel," 3:30, 7:20. Lincoln: "For The Love of Mike," 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40, 9:40. Stuart: "The C a p t a 1 n's Table," 1:35, 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35. Faculty Recital To Be Thursday A combination of tenor vocal solos and violin pres entations will be featured at the second in a series of fncultv recitals Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Un ion Tenor soloist for the event sponsored by the University music department will be as sistant professor of voice, Earl Jenkins. Violin solos will be presented by music in structor, Arnold Schatz. Jenkins will sine "O Loss of Sight! Total Eclipse!" by Ha n d e 1 ; "Vainement, Ma Bien-Aimee" by Lalo; "Auf dem Kirchhofe" and "Sonn tag" by Brahms; "So White, So Soft, So Sweet is She" by Delius and "Oh, When I Was m Love with You by Vaughan-William. Schatz will perform "Dev il's Trill" by Tartini; "Sonata in G Major" by Brahms; "Recitative and Scherzo" by Kreisler and "Banjo and Fid dle" by Kroll. ' Assistant professors of mu sic, Harvey Hinshaw and Audun Ravnan will accom pany the soloists. Pharmacy Frat Takes 13 Pledges A total of 13 pharmacy stu dents have pledged "into Kap pa Psi, pharmaceutical fra ternity, according to Jon Kautzman, historian of the fraternity. The new pledges ait : Louis Allison, Richard Asher, Rich ard Baker, Tom Cunningham, David Elm, Dave Fenner; Phil Griess, Robert Harvey, Chuck Hofmann, Don Mc Vaney, Charles Samuelson, Ralph Tharp and Chuck Wal-lack. BROADWAY SHOWS Choice wals in the student section available. Ticket mill be on tale at the Union Thurulay and Friday, October 27 & 28 Buy wanon tickets to see these stars in person in top Broadway hits: Brian Donlevy Imogene Coca Joan Bennett Edward Everett Horton . Donald Cook Bob Carroll "ANDERSONVILLE TRIAL" "THE PLEASURE OF HIS COMPANY" "ONCE UPON A MATTRESS" "FIORELLO ! " Broadway Theatre League of Lincoln ' SANCTUM ' I rrzA MASCULINUM r;i KAYWOODIUM FIGHT BACK! Help preserve masculine prerogatives! Help fight creeping matriarchy 1 Join SMK. No dues. No meetings. One obli gation only. Smoke your Kaywoodie of ten etpecially among women. Flaunt its manly grain. Tantalize them with the lush tobacco-and-brier aroma. But never let them savor a puff! Kaywoodie flavor, mildness, and relaxation all without inhaling are strictly male. Will this return women to bondage? Maybe not But it will be a brave exer cise of your male prerogative . and pleasurable to boot. Write KiywooOlt Plp, Inc., Nw York 17, N Y. for frt SMK inmtnrhlp card and pipe smoking booklit Tuciuwav, Relief eriln, BIIMard Shape $7.05 In Super Grain, $6.95. Standard $5.95. New crystal-clar-blt. tuckaway comet apart, fltt In taiy-carry auede finish pouch. Orchesis Tryouts Tonight at Grant Tryouts for Orchesis mod ern dance group, will be held tonight at 7 p.m. in Grant Memorial Hall. The organization is open to University men and women who meet the qualifications in the tryouts which include dance techniques, problems, exercises and creative work in dance. A 5.0 overall avefage is re quired for participants. Those wishing to try out should come in appropriate dance dresA. Read Nebraskan Want Ads ." a greet If -' f ' .l ploy ill- "0W,Hnc lilfji J l WTm M -no(fliriiMiirr,irii'' t TECHNICOLOR WARNER BROW Mffint PRESTON -McGUIRE EVE ARDEM-ANGEL IWiSBURY iiu Whltrlir,PMrShp I -JCittom Qriln, Prlnc Of 3i Vih - Conwliiiur, Spple Shipt $15.00 accents the male look