The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 18, 1960, Image 1

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By Nancy-Brown
No restrictions are being
I enforced on the-number of
! times a person may vote
i for his favorite charities to
be supported by the All "
University Fund.
Booths are set up in both
the Union and the residence
halls, and Greek members
may lso vote again in
! their fraternity or sorority
No identification cards
are being punched, so bal
lot bo'-es may easily be
stuffed by persons enthusi
astic about certain organi
zations. , "I feel that the Univer
sity of Nebraska student is
honest and what would be
gained by stuffing the bal
lot bax for charity?" stated
Gail Simon, AUF vice-
E resident in charge of pub
city. "ALT has been on this
campus 13 years. As far as
I know the voting has al
ways been done in the same
manner. If this is import
ant, why hasn't it come np
before?'' Miss Simon added.
Four to six organizations
Non-English Majors Benefit
Lit Course Grange
Receives Approval
By Nancy Whitford
Efforts begun last spring
to provide advanced litera
ture courses for non-English
majors has received final ap
proval from University of
ficial:. Particular interest has
been shown in the proposed
new course in American lit
erature, according to James
E M:Iler, Jr., chairman of
toe Eiglish department
This coarse weald "devel
op an acquaintance with the
greatest writers in American
literature, including Emer
son. Tohrean, Hawthorne,
Melville, Whitman, and Mark
Twain. "It is designed to pro-
tide a "middle course" to
serve the genera student
who wishes to take advanced
literature, bat does not feel
r-ai? ! compete with Eng
fish majors.
Miller said he believes the
Picreased interest in Ameri
can literature shown on the
University campus is an indi
cation of the "tremendous
surge of interest in the
American culture since the
United States became a first-
rate power in World War IL"
Second Semester
Budget permitting, the
course will be added to the
present curriculum during
the second semester of this
year provided adequate staf
fing can be obtained. Miller
0Jier 100-level courses
which are slated to be added
next fall to aid non-English
majors are "Masterpieces of
the Renaissance and
Eighteenth Century." "Mas
terpieces of the Nineteenth
aid Twentieth Century" and
-DraTT.a 130."
A "significant 15 per cent
Increase" in npper class en
rollment in the English De
partment from 1554-59 has re
M.lted in a revision of 2M
level courses to obtain max!
mua efficiency, 3!XQer not
ed. Thi is being done by the
elimination and -or combina
tion o several courses and
the addition of new courses
U- meet the areas of greatest
demand, be sa
Cnrse Combinations
As a result, Victorian Po
ets, 247-248 will be combined
into one three-hour course.
Major Victorian Poets, and
Nineteenth Century Essay
ists, 2554 will also be
changed to one three-hour
English majors will have
fee opportunity to specialize
Activity Mart
Will Be Today
AWS freshmen Activities
Mart will be held on ag and
city caznpu today.
The mart will be held from
2 5:30 p.m. in the party
room of the Student Union
and from 2:39-4:30 in the lob
oy of the Ag. Student Union.
Activities open to fresh
men students on city cam
pus are AWS, Young Repub
licans, Daily Nebraskan, IWA,
Buiklers, ACE and UN SEA,
Orcbesis, Tassels, Young
Democrats, WAA, Cornhusk
er. Red Cross, Student Un
ion, Aquaquets, YWCA and
Ag campus activities will
Include AWS, Young Republi
cans, IWA, Ag Builders, Red
Cross, Young Democrats, Az
Union. Ag YWCA and ALT
according to Jane Foster,
chairman of the activities
will be supported by stu
dents and faculty's money
'after the votes are counted
and the charities with the
highest number of votes are
Votes Counted
Balloting on the charities
to be supported by AUF
will continue until Oct.
25. Votes will be tabulated
by Oct 27 for AUF mem
bers to decide what per
centages of the money to
be collected should go to
each charity.
Charities to be included
on the poll are chosen by
AUF members after review
ing each charity under con
sideration separately. "We
chose those which we
thought the students would
be most interested in,"
stated Miss Simon.
Last year, AUF sup
ported the World Univerity
Service, the Nebraska Di
vision of the American Can
cer Society, LARC School,
the Multiple Schlerosis So
ciety, and the National In
stitute for the Blind.
This year, the National
Institute for the Blind is not
in American literature with
the addition of a three-hour
course, "Development of the
American Novel," designed
to trace the novel as a liter
ary form and a reflector of
social values, Miller said.
The present heavy enroll
ment in advanced composi
tion will be lessened with an
other new coarse, Princi
ples and History of Literary
Criticism." The course will
also she additional prepara
tion for graduate study in
literary criticism, Miller
pouted out
A 75 per cent increase in
the number of graduate stu
dents in the English Depart
ment has also prompted re
vision of a number of 300
level courses, according to
Five new graduate courses
have been requested to "fill
the gap in period seminars,
complete a series of courses
m literary types" and "provide
opportunity for study of spe
cial topics, especially those
crossing periods and literary
They include "Seminar in
Medieval Literature," "Stud
ies in Poetry," "Studies in
Drama," "Seminar in Spe
cial Literary Problems" and
"Seminar on Studies in Lit
erary History."
Nov. 1 Set
For Mock
Aa7, State, District
Candidates Included
The Young Republicans and
Young Democrats will coop
erate in the YWCA's mock
national election on Nov. L
Exactly one week before
the election is to be held, the
YWCA win set up three pol
ling places on ag and city
campuses at the Ag Union,
Student Union and Love
Tbe polling places win have
two ballots tor stadenls to
register their preferences,
listed the first baJIlot will
be presidential candidates,
Richard Nixon and John
Kennedy; sice-presidential
candidates, Henry Cabot
Lodge and Lyndon B. John
son; and gubernatorial candi
dates, John Cooper and Frank
Morrison. .
On the second ballot will
appear the names of the can
didates for Nebraska's four
congressional districts and its
two senatorial seats.
Native Nebraska! stadeats
will vote for tbe congressmen
from their respective districts
and the out state students will
vote as residents of Lincoln,
which is the First Congres
sional District
Tbe polling boooths will be
open from II a.m. to 4 p.m.
and wfO be supervised at the
Ag Union by representatives
of YWCA, at the library and
Student Union by representa
tives of both YR's and YD's.
"We are going to try and
mark I.D. cards in some way
to prevent students from vot
ing more than once," said
Young Democrat Dick
The ballots from the mock
national election will be
counted in the Activities of
fice of the Student Union
Tuesday afternoon and eve
ning. Results will be avail
able Tuesday night, according
to a YWCA spokesman.
on AUF Voting; Ballot Box Stuffing:
included on the ballot, al
though students voted
strongly enough to support
it last year. Community
Chest is also not included,
the reason given by AUF
Publicity Chairman Gretch
en Shellburg that CC sup
ports some of the organiza
tions included elsewhere en
the ballot. .
Only Organization
AUF is the only organiza
tion on campus authorized
Vol. 74, No. 19
m ; BUB
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Shaft after shaft of deep blue light illum
inates the interior chapel of the new St
Thomas Aquinas chapeL An the glass win
dows are Mae with tbe exception of sev
Precinct Lab
To Highlight
YD Meeting
A precinct school led by
Ralph Queen, Lincoln Dem
ocratic Party chairman, will
highlight the Young Demo
crat meeting tonight, accord
ing to Don Ferguson, presi
dent of the YDs. ,
Points of discussion in con
ducting the school include
door to door campaigning.
phone calling, sign distribu
tion, clerical and office work,
citizens for Kennedy and
Johnson projects and public
relations, Ferguson said.
"This meeting is intended
to give students a floor plan
for actual Democratc work
to be carried out up until the
elections." Ferguson ex
plained. The meeting will adjourn
early for Young Democrais to
attend the Morrison-Cooper
debate at the First Continent
al Bank and Trust Co. sched
uled for S p.m.
Ferguson announced that
there wiU be an executive
board meeting at 6:33 p.m.
prior to "the regular meeting
in the YD offlce on Uura uoor
of the Student Union.
Losses Prompt Insurance
Some basic changes have
been initiated in this year's
Student Accident and Sick
ness Insurance Plan in an
attemDt to recover the losses
incurred by the insurance
rarr.Danies in the last tew
years, according to Dr. Sam
uel Fuenning, medical direc
tor of the Student Health.
Three different insurance
companies have nnderwri ten
the plan and each nas
suffered losses equal to near
Iv $100,000 during tbe time the
program has been in exist
ence, according to Le vooi,
general manager of John Van
Bloom and Associates who are
representing the present un
derwriters. "One of the biggest reasons
for last years insurance plan
to' solicit money for charity
from the faculty and stu
dents. The Student AUF
Drive will be conducted
from Nov. 6 to 19. Money is
. given to the chosen chari
ties after the faculty drive
in the spring.
Each charity is investi
gated by the Better Busi
ness Bureau before being
subjected to the student and
faculty poll. 'Five per cent
of the total collected is
Inside the Nebraskan
Economic Growth
An article discussing plain talk about economic growth
is reprinted on the Editorial Page today Editorial Page
Eight Undefeated
Eight intramural football teams remain undefeated after
three weeks of play Page 3
Paid To Eat
Eight NU coeds are being paid to take part in a pantho
thenic acid study for 30 days Page 4
The las Awarded
Scholarship Cup
Kappa A 1 p fi a Theta was
presented the Panheilenic
Scholarship Award for main
taining the highest scholastic
average for two successive
semesters Monday evening at,
the Panheilenic Workshop
held in the Student Union
The Elsie Ford Piper Schol
arship Award for the Great
est Improvement in Scholar
ship went to Chi Omega, la
second place was Alpha Xi
Delata followed by Kappa Del
ta. The award was presented
by Mrs. Robert Diers, presi
dent of the Panheilenic Ad
visory Board.
loss was the maternity bene
fits," said Dr. Fuenning.
In this year's policy the
maternity benefits have been
changed to read ". . . The
first $300 of medical expense
incurred as the result of child
birth, pregnancy or complica
tions thereof shall not be cov
ered. The policy will pay 75
of the medical expenses in
curred in excess of $300 but
not to exceed $1,000 ..."
"Another change over last
years policy is in the acci
dent benefits. The policy now
reads that for all expenses in
curred in "excess of $250 the
policy will pay "5 of the
medical expense" up to and
not to exceed $4.50. i
The medical director re-j
marked that this change will J
used either for AUF ex
pences or for the Relief
Emergency Fund.
In the past, the relief
fund has supported the stu
dents in Hungary and flood
victims in Omaha. A few
weeks ago, money was sent
to Chile to help rebuild the
universities after the earth
quakes. Charities to be voted
on this year will be se
lected from three groups:
Lincoln, Nebraska
a for
eral small red panels, giving the room a
feeling of quiet and peace. The dedication
f the building win be October 23.
Parties and Conventions
Committee, 5 p.m. Student
Ag Union Mass Meeting, 6
p.m.; Ag Union
Phi Beta Kappa, 6:30 p.m.
Student Union
Phi Beta Kappa, 6:30 Stu
dent Union
Hinshaw Lecture at YWCA,
S p.m.; 333 Student Union
Ag Home Economics Con
vocation, 10 a.m.; Ag Union
Phi Eta Sigma Meets
Wednesday Evening
Membership certificiates
wiU be awarded at the
Wednesday meeting of Phi
Eta Sigma, men's freshman
The meeting will be at 7
p.m. in rooms 234-5 of the
Student Union.
give the policy holder greater j
latitude in covering tor a
more expensive accident.
Written In
The Jast change has been
written into the hospital con
finement section of the sick
ness benefits. According to
the policy, the company will
pay 75 of the medical ex
penses incurred exceeding
$250 and to an additional ag
gregate of $4,750.
Dr. Fuenning said that this
amount is "unallocated" and
can be applied to wherever
the expense is incurred, thus
"all v. ing greater freedom"
"This policy is good any
place in the world twenty
four hours a day throughout
the year," Dr. Fuenning
said." "It gives the student
Health, Unfortunate Chil
dren and Improved Living
and Education.
Included under the
Health section are the Na
tional Association for Men
tal Health, United Cerebral
Palsy, the University
Speech and Hearing Labor
atory, the Multiple Schlero
sis Society, and the Nebras
ka Division of the Ameri
can Caner Society.
Unfortunate Children in
By Norm Beatty
Peter Palmer, His Voices and Orchestra, a
relatively new group, has been contracted to
play at the Homecoming dance October 29, ac
cording to Ron Gould of the Corn Cobs.
Palmer and his mixed sextet and 11-piece
orchestra "is fast becoming one of the top
entertaining organizations in the dance and
concert field," according to Gould.
several colleges
They have played at sev
eral colleges and universities
including Notre Dame, Miami
(Ohio) University, Iowa State
University and Bowling
Green University in Ohio.
Peter Palmer has combined
the musical sounds of Neal
Hefti, Ray Conniff and the
Lambert, Ross and Hendre
icks group into one of the
most interesting musical pre
sentations in popular music
today, according to Gould.
Palmer believes dancers
today aren't satisfied with
good dance music alone. They
want to be entertained as
well. For this reason Palmer
usually sets up his engage
ments with a one hour con
cert followed by a dance.
Palmer's latest Mercury al
bum is "A Swingin' Love Af
fair." Palmer features popu
lar standards because he feels
these types of songs will last
much longer than some of the
current popular hits that are
on top today and forgotten
in a few weeks. Palmer has
picked material for all his
albums that seem to be the
top requested songs at his
dances, Gould saia.
High School
He eot his start in high
school when he organized his
first band. The forerunner
of Palmer's group today was
started while he attendea col
lege at Nortnwesxern c xu
versity. At this time he de
voted most of his time play-
Dr. Champe
Retires As
Anthro Head
The Board of Regents has
accep'ed the retirement of
Dr. John L. Champe as chair
man of the anthropology de
partment. Dr. Champe, whose retire
ment as chairman is auto
matic at age 65, will con
tinue as professor of anthro
pology Dr Preston Holder, associ
ate professor of anthropology,
was appointed acting chair
man by the Board.
A graduate of the Univer
sity in 1921, Dr. Champe re
ceived his Ph. D. from Co
lumbia University in 1946. He
has taught at Nebraska since
Dr. Champe became chair
man of the anthropology de
partment in 1953 after being
instrumental in the re-organization
of the sociology and
anthropology department into
separate departments.
the type of coverage needed
at a low cost and with liberal
Approximate figure re
leased by John Van Bloom
and Associates show that as
of now this year's enrollment
is 2,310.
A breakdown shows that 2,
024 took out student insur
ance onlv. which includes four
that took only the accidental
death benefits and 341 who
took the accidental death
benefits in addition to the ac
cident and sickness.
The figures indicate there
are anoroximately 147
enrolled in the student and
spouse plan; and 139 in the
student, spouse, and children
plan. ,
cludes the Nebraska Ortho
pedic Hospital, LARC
School (Lancaster Associa
tion for Retarded Children),
and the Child Welfare
League of America.
Tom Dooley, the Nation
al Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored Peo
ple, the World University
Service and the Rehabili
tation Center are included
under Improved Living and
Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1960
ing for fraternity, sorority
and school dances.
Some of the presentations
that Palmer uses in his con
clude "Musical Story of Mar
gie," "A Salute to Love,"
"Slaughter on 10th Avenue,"
'The Human Voice from the
Cave Man to Jazz," and "Cav
alcade of Jazz."
The key to Palmer's style
is the blending of human
voices and m n s i c a 1 intru-
mcnts. Bv using different
combinations of male voices
and trombones against girl
voices and trumpets with the
saxes playing the back
ground, "many interesting
sound colors are presented
to the listeners," Gould ex
The choir features both folk
songs and popular ballards
in coordination with the mus
ical offerings of the orches
tra. '
Palmer's Acceptance
The acceptance of Palmer
and his group has been at
tested to by several college
and university spokeksmen.
"This band is really it
More people stood, watched
and a pplauded Peter Pal
mer s great organization.
Their concert was superb," a
University of Notre Dame of
ficial noted.
At Iowa State they claimed
Teter Palmer played the
smoothest dance of the year.
Everyone fell in love with bis
new sound."
The Corn Cobs have or
dered 40 albums of Palmer's
"A Swingin' Love Affair" and
will distribute them to the
organized houses on campus
after a meeting witn tne so
cial chairmen at 7 p.m. Tues
day in 345 Union, Gould re
ported. Sig Ep Alums
Say Annex OK
Dean J. Phillip Colbert's
rernmmendation regarding
the Teasing of the Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity nouse to
the University for a SeUeck
Quadrangle annex has been
approved by Sig Ep alums.
"Sigma Phi Epsilon has
agreed to lease over the
house to the University if safc
isfactory financial arrange
ments can be made with the
University for the leasing of
the property," Judge Adolph
E. Wenke of the Nebraska Su
preme Court and treasurer of
the Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni
Association told the Daily Ne
braskan Monday night.
According to the recom
mendation, Sig Eps will be
allowed to remain in the
house and independents from
Spllwk Ouad mav make ap
plication to move into the fra
ternity house.
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