The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1960, Image 1

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Teri'lffomecoming Queen Candidates Revealed
OCT 14 F1
Homecoming Queen the
dream of every girl, will
become a reality to one
of the ten candidates an
nounced today.
The ten girls vying for
the title are Nancy Teder
man, Shirley Parker,
Jeanne Garner, G i n n y
Hubka, Sharon Anderson,
Diane Tinan, Mary Erick
son, Linda Sawvell, Gladvs
Rolfsmeyer and Gunel As
taisik. Janior Girls
They were selected from
Student Council
Rule. Enforcement
Strict This -Year
. "Student Council is really going to enforce its regula
tions," John Hoerner said Wednesday. He is a member of
the Judiciary committee of the Council.
Hoerner was referring to those rules and regulations
concerning student organizations that are not in good standing
with the University and Student Council.
Hoeraer told the Coosa! "
that his committee had beea
meet with the University
officials all week.
The administration dele
gated us the power to watch
over student organizations
and they stand behind us 100
per cent" Hoerner said.
He explained that the Ceaa
cfl cm Id either freeze an er
gaaizatioa's fnds or deprive
them from SJadert Uaioa fa
cilities if that rgaxtzatira is
aot oa the list of organization
ia good standing that will be
published Nov. 1. Any actio
of this sort wOI be decided at
the Nt. 2 meeting of the
CwncO, he said.
Surprisingly emragb, very
few rganizatcoiBS are in good
standing at the present tane,"
Hoeraer said.
A notion askisg the Sta
lest UiiH Bard of Manag
ers cooperation by fearing
1 110a facilities to orgaana-
tks a( ia good satudiag
was aassed.
In other bosom, BtH Coo
neH of the Migration commit
tee, said t&e livelihood of an
AdniiiiJStratsoB sponsored mi
grasson for this year "is oat
of One qsestaon.
He aided thai fee is pres
eatly" working with University
ifxials asd has written to
several other exversiJies fcr
ideas for an official migrt
lnaa mat year.
Late Date Night
TgM is a late date
aigfct sponsored fey Mortar
Boards ia eumjmmtem with
(he Kosmet Ea2b Fall Show.
Goto bows will be ex
tended from U: aja. to
1:21 a.m. for the fee of 1
penny fur each misnste.
Pub Board t
"Three sitaatlfttau were Bamed
to H2ae PvMkxtim Bird
Wif.4afti.lar after iinEermews
at tbe Suitesl Cwmdl aoeet-
Mary Lara Reese, us&m; Al
nmimer, jMiawr sM Gearge
Kraaa, satfo&mtsn are the
the Pih Bord, AH are
sw memiaert except Ftom-
jirjer. Be was tae wmmcxv
stoi4esjl repireseotatw'e last
Ms Reese k essirftCed ia
tbe CtSe-?e of Arts aad Sd
esxtts asd a jiwcnsaliissn ica
jar. Stjs was cjflosed bj Gt&
scr Kax
Tfirmmar !c MnnrJ!tMf (fin
G&Eef e f Arts aai Sdeaoss, J
lliis tffimilka cam f rota
italey Parier.
Kraiasf , ejected oo tt sc
ccid hzZrJL h (Md ta the
CoQiefe of Ecaeertsr ami
ArdaEectsf'e. His eperoeaSs
were Jfargaraete Plaar ami
Siere Jffpg.
Jlilitary Party
Arrives for Game
A EsLlay party f e
rjtjvr &mtL, two brigtr
gstasraJs, Vt catossels, a ciutp
lasni. a ftyjaciaa aad g&teeo
exists, fcuciiaitgg two m&e
ndert asd sereral tfceerkad
ers, wiSf arrrre m toc&Ia to
dsy asd tfiraorro'' tcjr &e
Arsry-Jietraala gaarae.
Asasag the arroxj West
pfifet culcary acadetsy per
waiuAvti is lLaj. Geo. Wi3
taa C. Westaarelaad, sqjer
icsesdect of the academy, and
a partial TeprtMsASujm ti
te cnAs at the Post fr&ta
fcacIaiSed ia the wte&di
miitary activities is a &asT
ia tiwsor of Cea. Wtstswre
tod'Frriry tr.gtl. fcacteoo
Ssttwrter wSh Ctaaceljar Cif-
trxti IL liaria. a"er.l:j the!
frtwcSaa gir.. aad ttsonaaJ
Itcsjtes Ivr tie caiet.
a. group of 28 junior girls
representing independent
and sorority houses.
The queen and her two
attendants will be an
nounced October 27 at the
Pep Rally.
Basis for judging during
iLe iaterriews is dctcnaist
the finalists were scholar
ship, leadership and serv
ice to the University, eam
pus loyalty aid school
spirit, poise, general ap
pearance and personality.
An all campus election
October 24 will determine
1 !mt
A topper box, eoataisiBg deeuneats iaelading the Barnes of all the Nebraska eoa
triostors to fkt feslLfiag, was placed ia the eoraerstoa of the Nebraska Center by Re
gents Frank Foote (left) asd Clarence Swaasoa (right) ia ceremonies held yesterday.
Dr. Maarke Seary. represeafiag the KeSegg Feaadatfea, told the aadfeece "Edaeatka
thowki be planaed for a life cycle; edseatioa sboald fee eoatiaaoas.' Cfeaaceller Clifford
M. Rardia said Oat the rewSaafag edacatiM program w21 "attend the aeeds of yoaag
people whose edaeatMeaJ pfeas aad iateresU are varied aad serve adalts whose feack
groinds reflect a wide variety of edaeattoa, experfeace, hiterest aad capabilities.'' Re
geat J. Leroy Welsh aresMed at the eerenioaies.
Begents Kleetisg, 3:31, St.
dest Ucko.
Vwtm Films. 7 LitSe
K&czmet Klssb Stmw, t p an r
PersMcg Aadilnissa.
Football game, 2 p.m. Sta-
Cfiffee for Army Cadets by
Cademcc CmMesses after
.game, Vwcm.
' Yzka Flss, 4 p.aa-, Iite
I.D. Cards Required
A3 stvdeats asast areseat
I.D. cards with fooothaH
Octets ia order to fee ad
autted to the Array game,
according to A, J. Lewaa
oVwski, Bsstaess Maaager
of Athletics.
Dasrs to Pmhing Aiatto
rwa will cpa at 1 p-tn- to
tigM. ooe bmss before Kos
joet IQiah's "Kiist&riical Hys
terics" begins, to accwMdate
the rater lav Prjsce Kosaet
and Nebraska Sweetheart.
Gary ESI, Koswet Klafe
feciiaess 'autaager, has or
dered WM ii,iMal tkkets
fceeaase of the great mmmber
wkkh fcare already been
Foist voting booths w3 be
set wp ia frotst and another
win be placed bf the stage
&m for the convenience of
KK workers,-A3 voting is sap
pmed to be doce before f p.m.
Eaca stsdezt trnat have a
ticket and sfodent idetsufka
tsa to be eligiM to vote.
No campaigning caa be
wtthia a block of Pershr.g
Aaditfirisat or the candidate
wi3 be discpaliikd.
Utile the skits aad traveler
acts are feeixg dred, the
Nebraska Sweetheart
aad Prixee Ket w& fee
The Xtbmk Sxeetheart
win be charea trmt ooe of the
tea tnalits:
Earfeara Baiter is a jxuor
ia Teachers CoDege aad a
member of Pi Beta Phi ssrsr
ity. Cay IHrsckfeacfe, is a senior
ta Teachers College and a
VA-z-ber of K.KI Ai-ha The
Dnwtte Kejes is a sen
ior ia Arts and Soesces a jd a
the queen and her attend
ants. '
S h a r a Anderson, a
member of Kappa Alpha
Theta, is enrolled tn Teach
ers College. She has been
active on Red Cross Board,
ACE board, cheerleader,
Presby Hoase cltvlr and
Gunel Ataisik an ex
change student from Turkey
represents Independent
Women's Association. She is
live in Deli an Union, Phi
Upsflon Omicron, Home
Economics Club,' Foreign
Student Orientation and
YWCA. She is enrolled in
the College of Agriculture.
Mary Erkksen is a mem
i me E
Vol. 74, No. 17
- V y x::
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Inside the Nebraskan
Strictly Partisan
Saza Jesses chaQenges Sen. John Kecoedy's charge that the
United States is losing prestige amrad the world ... ...
Editorial Page
Jennings Praises Defenses
Hscsker fo&thal coach. Bill Jesairgs. praiies the Xe&raska
defease ivi play in the first four games of the season. .
Page 5
Religious Aetisities
Castas chsrch grocps pHaa a paoel oa t&e election, a coa
tesiporary drama aad a danice ' Page C
Hello Dance
Independents open their social sesmn Sateday nigM at the
Sadest Uska Banroosi. HighligM of the evening wiH be
the seJectsam of "JCss He2o Cixl" aad her escort. .Page 3
Soda! Calendar
Freshman fMhaH frnximss ajsd pksics dominate the social
actmty HMs weekead. ..; Page t
Going Up
eiember of Gamma PM Beta.
Lee Asae Kitto is a
ia Arts and Sdenes and a
BseTOber of Alpha PM.
Bowaie Kaklia is a frtih
maa ia Teachers Coffiege and
a pledge to Sigma Detu Tats.
Coaaeie Papas is a jar-Mr ia
Teachers Co"ege and is rep
reseoiteg the Wcroea's Eesi
detce HaHs.
Jaae Price is a ta&bMn&rt
ia Agric&ltGre and is repre-sectin-g
Fedde Hal
Naary W&um is a jsnior
ia Arts and Science and a
member of Alpha Xi DeRa.
Mary Dee Witcfcer is a jssa
vx ia Arts and Science and
a member of Detta Gamma.
Fiaalists tor the title of
Priaee Koseset wH fee elmtea
lrm these tea eaadidates:
Beary Baaermeister is a
jissior ia Business Ad
ttizlstntaxi and a member of
Beta Si-grna Pst
Don Frkke is a senior in
dentistry and a member, of
Alpha Taa Omega
Joaa GatscBlag is a janor
la Teachers College and a
memher of PM Gamma Del-1
Fred Howlett is a senior
ia Engineering and a mem
ber of Theta XL
Ckiy Kailia is a vfsrsme
ia Engrneerisg and a mem
ber of Srr.a Alpha Ma.
Boa MeKeerer is a senkcr
ia Agriciiltsre and a mesber
of Farmhouse,
Date Myers is a j-nior is
ber of Alpha PhL She is
president, of Aquaqoettes,
publicity chairmaa of Tas
sels, Delta Phi Delta, past
board member of WAA and
member of YWCA. She is
enrolled ia Teachers Col
lege. Jeanne Garner, also in
Queen Candidate
Pictures, Page 3
Teachers, is a member of
Delta Gamma. She is a
member of AWS in charge
On "Historical Hysterics"
Teachers College and a mem
ber of Phi Kappa PsL
Roger Myers is a s&pho
m&re ia Arts and Science and
a member of Beta Theta PL
Essie Mortazav i is a jmior
ia Eagineenng and is repre
senting !!ecxet Hoose ia Sei
leck Qsadrang!e.
Chi? Wood is a shmore
in Arts and Science and is
a metr-ber of Sigma Chi
After the Nebraska Sweet
heart and Prince Kosmet are
presented, awards wiH be grv
ea to the prsze-winniisg skifs
aad travelers acts.
First and second place tro
phies, piss two parjcipalioo
placpes will be grea for the
skits. There wi3 also be a
first place trophy far the beat
traveler's act, and ptacejaes
will be givea to, the other
booses participating ia this
Fsrst skit ea the program
wJ be Alpha Taa Omega
with "Ssselly Mess and the
UBmenitkBahles." This is a
tale off oa a TV show deal-
ing with crane in the YsZi'.
Phi Kaa Psi iH thea
present The Spirit's the
Thing," whkh takes place ia
Heaven and gives a panoram
ic view of historical events.
Theta Xi's skit, "A Tree
TaJe of Ritoia HyxL" portrays
R&Ma H.i and his follow
ers as a fratertuty going
thronga rush week.
lit skit m "t rrrm is
lint Beta Theta Pi's with
of Coed Follies, member
of Lincoln Project and vice
president and pledge train- '
er of her sorority.
Ginny Hubka is secretary
of Gamma Phi Beta and
also in Teachers College.
She is oa the Union Ac
tivities Board and member
of Tassels. She is in Teach
ers College.
Shirley Parker is a mem
ber of Alpha Xi Delta. She
is president of WAA, treas
urer of UNSEA, board
member of Coed Counse
lors, and member of Alpha
Lambda Delta honorary.
She is in Teachers Col
lege. Gladys Rolfsmeyer is
Lincoln, Nebraska
Judicial Board
Presented To
The Interfraternity Judicial
Board charter was presented
at the .IFC meeting Wednes
day night, and discussion cen
tered upon the drinkjg prob
lem and the upcoming meet
ings with the Board of Control.
A'of Responsible To Self
Gage Resigns As IFC
Public Relations Head
Steve Gage announced his
resignation as public relations
director of the Merfratemity
Couacil Wednesday eight to
IFC representatives and the
Executive CoanciL
Gage who has served as
bead PR man since last
spring, made no statement at
the time of his resignation,
bst later gave this statement
to the Daily Xehrasiaa:
"I feel, only, through be-J
ing responsibIe to myself, that
I can continue to tolerate my
self. 1 have resigned from
the Interfraternity Exe&itive
CmacH becaose I was not re
sponsible to myself, ia other
words, I was violating
what staid be an inviolate
trust with that part of my
self, cniqaely Steve Gage
"I believe in the fraternity
system at the University;
however, more ia spirit than
ia action. I hold its aims as
expressed by the presidents
of the individaal booses to be
good aad just and pro
gressive. Becastse I believe in
these iri'are or less nebolotis
aspiratiaos, I had to restga.
The fotore of the Greek sys
tem is not insured by the
presence of the IFC; and my
membership m the Execu
tive Cmmi wiH mt further
the interests of the Greeks nor
"Time Machine Blues." This
tells of the 'wveaium of a -tele-visiaa
time machine whkh
These gentlenM are absohitely aot bidding for the
last coke. Rather these elderly professors i disguised as
Betas Joha Abrahamzoa. PhO Swalra aad Jim Hamsa)
are going to posh the bstua that will take them (and yea
too. if y attend the Kosmet Klab show toBight) oa a
whirhiisd toar of the sgts ia their time machine.
president of Love Memo
rial Hall. She is secretary
of Home Economic Club,
state president of VHEA,
member of AG YWCA, Al
pha Lambda Delta, Phi
Upsilon Omicron and Ag
Exec board. She is in the
College of Agriculture.
Linda Sawveii is a mem
ber of Delta Delta Delta.
She is on the boards of
AWS and Builders and
member of Young Repub
licans. She is double ma
triculating in the Colleges
of Arts and Sciences and
Nancy Tedennan is a
member of Alpha Chi Ome
ga and enrolled in Teach
The Judicial Board, which
is modeled after the Student
Tribunal, would be responsi
ble for "the judgment of fra
ternity discipline."
. The purpose of the organ
ization will be "to serve as
the fraternity court on mat-
allow me freedom of con
science. "Neither lack of time nor
lack of interest have colored
my decision. I want to work
for these ends. However, be
cause these ends are contin
uously submerged beneath a
stagnant atmosphere consid
ered only after fraternity
drinking parties are arranged
and the outside interests of
the fraternity leaders are sat-
isfied, I do not feel these ends
can even be approached.
"I want to thank the mem
bers of the Interfraternity
Council for placing their trost
in me as public relations di
rector. Regretfully leaving
the Council, I wish it success
in a new and more construc
tive program to reorient the
Greek system."
Gage expressed regret at
i&st being able to work with
Dr. C. Bertrand SchoKz, Dr.
Alexander T. Edelmaa and
Bill Orwig, the IFC advisors.
Gage, a member of Sigma
Chi fraternity, has been en
gaged in several specific IFC
projects including the pro
posed Judicial Board and the
IFC Newsletter.
He is a!& active in Student
Coascil as the Chairman of
Umon Convocations and Kos
met Klah.
transports a student back into
the past, finally ending cp in
anicseat Egypt.
XT -
1 ' ' -V-
1 ;
ers College. She is a mem
ber of Tassels, AWS board,
Student Coiacil and
Diane Tinan is a mem
"ber of Kappa Kappa Gam
ma and is enrolled in Arts
and Sciences and Teach
ers Colleges. She is treas
urer of Tassels, member
of Builders Board, Spring
Day Committee and New
man Club.
AH girls must meet at
12:30 today at the Delta
Delta Delta house for a
short meeting. At 4:30 they
win meet in the Womens
Residence Halls dressed in .
Cocktail dresses for pictures.
Friday, Oct. 14, 1960
ters of fraternity disciolina
that are referred to it by tho
Division of Student Affairs
and-or the Interfraternity
Board of Control."
The powers of the board
will be to "hear all cases of
fraternity discipline referred
to it, to recommend a de
cision and to establish its own
rules of procedure."
The board wffl be com
posed of three judges, who
are seniors, three innior
judges and one member of
the IFC Board of Control.
Qualifications for judges
are that a fraternity man
most be in the upper 50 of
his dass and not be on IFC
Exec Council.
Selections of the applicants
will be made by a two-thirds
vote of the FFC members.
Dr. C. Bertrand Schultz,
IFC advisor, attacked the
drinking situation on campus
and stated that "fraternities
are in danger if they con
tinue the parties."
Further discussion proved
that the supposed five or six
people from a fraternity con
stitute a function is false, and
that, according to Dr. Schultz,
the trouble arises when the
officers of a boose, who are
charged with the responsibil
ity, are present.
The IFC decided to send
oat some presidents of tha
botises to Monday night meet
ings to "spell at the respon
sibilities toward drinking, its
rules and regulations." said
IFC President Marty Sophir.
BUI ComeO, Dm Gable and
Ron Gould volunteered for
this project.
A five man committee was
selected to work with tha
Executive Council to analiz
the proposed IFC reorgasiza-
tson plan suggested by the
Board of Regents.
The original reorganization
plaa was cot accepted by the
IFC at aa earlier meeting.
Serving oa the commlttea
which will submit its plan on
Oct 28 wi3 be Tom Matthews,
Al Cummins, Bob Hedgecock,
Dave Goldstein and R o a
The IFC Ba3 date has been
changed to Mar. 3, 19S1, So
cial Chairmaa Gary McClasa
baa announced.
The new date, which is a
Friday, falls between the
weekends of Coed Follies asd
the State Basketball Tourney
and is vhe fourth weekend of
the second semester.
McClanahaa also an
nounced that he win select
the band within a week. The
three under consideration arc
the bands of Les Brown, Glen
Miller and Jimmy Dorsey.
The cost win run from J2,0C0
to &3X, he said.
Scholarship Chairman
Byrcn DiHow atuwunced that
the deadline for application
for the IFC Scholarship is
Saturday. The applications
should be turned ia to htm at
the Phi Kappa Psi house.
The date for the Pledge
Dance has tentatively been
set for Nov. 4 or 5, Tom
Tracy of the Jr. IFC an
nounced. A motion was passed to ap
propriate money to photograph
a rush film after introduc
tion of the proposal by Rash
Chairman Ben Prieb.
PriA also said that inter
views for serving on the IFC
Rtrsh Committee are Friday
night at 7.3X