The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1960, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Nebroskan
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1960
Orientation Will Explain
Function Of Activities
' Names of organizations can
be confusing . . . especially
to freshmen, believes Cyn
thia Holmquist, now a sopho
more in Teachers College.
l was unsure about a
lUinibcr of campus organiza
tions such as "Union" and
"Builders" because I couldn't
determine their function from
their name," Miss Holmquist
She solved her problem by
Audubon Films
Begins Thursday
Wildlife films presenting
studies in natural history will
be sponsored by the Univer
sity Extension Division and
the National Audubon Society
wis year.
The films, said to be au
thentic portrayals of wildlife
in dramatic action, will begin
Thursday at Love Memorial
Auditorium at 4 p.m. and 8
p.m. - .
Sol Qsull.
Sadt Km
0pa 7 Boyj Week
m4 Qaarattaa
(Neat tm Tempi BUg.)
318 No. 12Mi HE 2-8031
attending the annual Mortar
Board orientation for fresh
men women which enabled
her to "find out exactly what
each organization was and
what it did."
As a result she is now ac
tive in such organizations as
Cornhusker Yearbook, Coed
Counselors and YWCA.
This year's orientation will
be held tomorrow night in
the Student Union. The theme
is "The Campus Community
and You."
Six aspects of community
life will be discussed and
then applied to specific cam
pus activities according to
Sue Schreiber, chairman of
the event.
Six Topics
The six areas include com
munications, government,
politics and international re
lations, community center
and community service and
They will be discussed by
upperclassmen Skip Harris,
Mary Lu Keill, Nina Hern
don, Jan Rhoda, Pat Porter,
Sue Carkoski. Janet Hansen
and Shirley Parker.
Jane Foster will discuss
the AWS Activities Mart to
be held October 19.
1 his orientation program
differs from past years when
a representative of each
campus organization was in
vited to discuss her activity.
the event nas been spon
sored for the last two years
by Mortar Boards.
t 1
- ''II ;
c ill f t
"V f 1
u b
C Jlf I ill Q Continental style
ft V U ft IkO 71010 American classic '
Do ghosts have family problems? They
do In University Theater's rehearsal of the
production "Six Characters In Search of
an Author", Here the stepdaughter ghost
(Sharron Purbaugh) is chastized by her'
father (Zeff Bernstein) while tearful
mother (Margery Coffy) and the disap
proving son (Stan Rice) look on. The
Theater's first presentation will be Nov. 2.
Opens Soon
Date for Moving In
Not Yet Definite
'S' Marl: I
No school wardrobe Is complete
without at least one pair of this Continent-inspired
style from LEVI'S. The
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The, grand opening of the
University Bookstore is grad
ually becoming a reality as
construction in the basement
of the Student Union nears
completion, according to
Bruce Campbell, bookstore
"We can't say definitely
when we will be able to move
Li. Some of the heating and
air conditioning fixtures
haven't arrived yet," Camp
bell said.
He Indicated that the offi
cial opening date "looks like
either the first or the 15th of
Campbell said he hopes to
move from his present loca
tion in the basement of the
old administration building
m a single day. He added
that he hopes to keep the
store open for as long as pos
sible during the moving.
Although there will be no
specific changes in the set up
of the new store, Campbell
said the bookstore's position
in the basement of the Union
will be "a nice bright loca
tion which should be a real
service to students."
There will be opening cere
monies, including specials to
students which will be an
nounced later, according to
On Other Campuses
Sleeping In Classes
Mar Count As Cuts
Ag Union Effort
All Ag students and fac
ulty interested In promoting
a new Ag Union are urged
by the Ag Exec Board to at
tend a 7:15 p.m. meeting
The board plans to discuss
an all-out effort to get a new
Union, said Dick Frahm, Ag
Exec president. , -
Frahm said that a new Ag
Union has been encouraged
by a few sources In the past
but has failed because of
lack of a culminated effort.
"We -hope that all stu
dents, faculty and organiza
tions on the Ag campus will
promote the new effort," he
Mum's the Word
On Ag Sunday
The University's 1960
"Mum Day" will be held this
Sunday from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
at Ae cammis.
Consisting of some 2000 in
dividual plants representing
zu varieties or flowers, the
exhibit will' feature many
new varieties introduced un
der Glen Viehmeyer's direction.
A chemistry professor, Dr.
Charles Goetz, at Iowa State
suggests that sleeping in
classes be counted as cuts.
He made this announce
ment after conferring with
other faculty members who
were also trying to find ways
tc help freshmen students. The
purpose of the suggestion is
"to protect students from
their own weaknesses."
Goetz added that "instruc
tors are not trying to be
mean to the students. They
are trying to help the stu
dents." Smoking has been banned
in the halls at Princeton Uni
Dr Robert F. Coheen,
president of the University,
said the ban would apply to
students and teachers. He
added that the new regula
tion would save about $16,700
annually in cleaning and floor
refinishmg costs.
A new inovation at Colo
rado State University has
been initiated to promote
more cheering at CSU foot
ball games.
The new "Howling Hun
dred" is a group of students
who sit on the fifty yard
line at each home football
Want Ads
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Dressmaking or afterattona dona at
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Wanted: Bubo for Kappa Delta So
rority. 405 Unlveralty Terrace.
Billfold at Fall Roundup Pleaae return
eontcnta to Ytndjt HaJl. No Queettona
Mala E.I. Student ou!d lilt to obtain
an apartment with one or two other
students, call E. H. Tost at
HE 2-2192. I
Need ride to Le Mars. Iowa, next week.
and to take care of personal problemr.
Call Emit T. Jones. GR 7-5650.
CONSOLE HI-FI. European made. Con-
tact Al Epstein, HE 2-3120.
Vote Roo VcKWTer for Prince Komet.
KK Fall Review, Oct. 14, 1660, Penn
ing Auditorium.
Price Is Right
Jan Piic for Nebraska Sweetheart.
Do you want a data with the next
Prince Kosmet? If so, can J. Fred
sfugrs at GR 7-2720.
UCt. 14.
Kay's O IC
Vote for Kay Hlrsobach
Nebraska Sweetheart
Remember: Kosmet Klub Fan Revne
Tonight, o.lHn Auat.
to num.
39 Frosh
The Madrigal Singers have
selected 39 freshmen mem
bers, according to Prof. John
Moran, director.
The Madrig Singers is a
singing group which has per
formed exte ively thi jh
out the state and has broad
cast over national network
The Madrigal, will present
formal concerts in December
and May in the Student Union
Those selected for mem
bership are sopranos Patri
cia Kinney, Sarah Johnson,
Kristen Van Kranenburgh,
Susan Swift, Linda Morton,
Julie Berner, Susan Stanley,
Janet Janssen, Sandra Stark,
and Vicki Christensen.
Tenors include Stanley
Knudson, David Gibb, -Richard
Vybiral,' Ronald Meinke,
Jerry Ramsay, Bnc Pear
son, Dennis Focht, Ned Crls
cimagoa, and Robert Stevenson.
Altos are Jane Keill, Sheila
Otto, Mary Wagoner,
Gretchen Bottom, Ardith Pe
terson, Sally Larson, Karen
Shaw, Nancy Ash, Sandra
Keriakedes, and Rosella Lan-
ge. .
Basses include Dennis Tay
lor, Don Thompson, Donald
Proett, Larry Swanson, Wil
liam Fowler, Gary Winkel
bauer, Patrick Egan, James
Wickless, Dennis Lyon, and
Richard Petersen.1
"The Dolphins"
Still Not Back
The "Dolphins" is still
missing, according to Norman
Geske. director of the Uni
versity Art Galleries. :
"The Dolphins," a bronze
sculpture which disappeared
from its pedestal in late
April, was feared to have
been romoved as a sneak
day" prank, Geske said.
A $100 reward has been
offered by an anonymous
donor for the return of the
10 pound sculpture which is
about a foot in height and
game and form the nucleus
of the entire student Cheer
ing 'section..
Mionignt yell practice is
being used throughout 'the
school year at Texas A&M
"to get the spirit."
The Battalion reports that
previous midnight sessions
have been successful but all
students are warned to avoid
"obscene remarks or display
ot disorderly conduct.
Talent Show
Tryouts Are
This Week
Tryouts for the annual Uni
versity talent show will be
held Wednesday and Thurs
day at 7 p.m. in the Student
Union ballroom.
The dancing acts, combos,
band groups, poetry readings,
dramatic readings and other
types of talent entered in the
auditions will be judged on
originality, entertainment,
and talent said Bill Connell,
chairman of the event.
AO acts which audition will
be filed in the Student
also be filed in the Student
Union file.
Master of ceremonies for
the talent show., to be held
Nov. 13, will be Kent Searl.
The director has not yet been
This year's theme will be
"Into the Future with the
Stars of NU."
Judges for both the audi
tions and the final perform
ance have been selected from
a panel of outstanding stu
dents and faculty members
and professionals in the fields
of music and drama.
To Discuss
Social Work
Nebraska's gubernator i a 1
candidates will express their
views, ideas" and philosophy
on the social work policy in
Nebraska Friday at the Stu
dent Union.
Senator John Cooper, re
publican and Frank Morrison,
Democrat, will be guest
speakers at the Friday lunch
eon of the two day meeting
of Nebraska Social Work In
stitute. ,
Their scheduled topic, "So
cial Work Policy" will be de
livered before approximately
300 social workers.
Few More to Clan
Alpha Lambda Delta, fresh
men women's scholastic hon
orary, will have pledging
Pledging will be held in the
Pan American Room of the
Student Union at 5
husker pictures will be taken
at 5:15.
All members are asked to,
Ag Students
To Attend
Pro Opportunities
Slated for Dec. 1
Ag students may receive
helpful informatipn concern
ing their careers when they
attend the ''Professional Op
portunities Conference Dec. 1.
The conference will replace
the job opportunities p r o
gram and will be expanded
to include an afternoon ses
sion as well as the evening
session. All Ag College classes
will be dismissed for the af
ternoon session, Dr.. F. E.
Eldridge, dean of resident in
struction, said.
Professional Leaders
Approximately "25 ' profes
sional leaders representing
various Ag career1 fields will
be attending the conference.
Each student will have the
opportunity to attend two ca
reer sessions in the afternoon
and one in the evening.
Coordinating the program
along with Dr. Eldridge are
Charles Adams, chairman of
the faculty planning commit
tee, and Larry Williams, rep
resenting the Ag Exec Board.
Dr. Eldridge said that all
Ag students are encouraged
to take advantage of the' op
portunity and should attend
the conference. Advanced
registration will be taken to
determine who is going to at
tend the conference, he said.
Preceding the evening ses
sion will be a banquet and a
program which, will feature
a speaker, Dr. Eldridge said.
Read Nebraska!
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