The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1960, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, Oct. 7, 1960
The Nebraskan
Page 5
Husker Cross
Team Set for
, By Janet Sack
Nebraska s ciess country
runners swing into action to
morrow at 11 a.m. in Pio
neer Park when they host the
ivansas aiaie vviiacats.
' Coach Frank Sevigne's
team boasts of five sopho
mores and two juniors. Ray
Stevens, North Platte; Bill
Kenny, Waterloo, la.: the
Scott twins, Joe and Clar
ence, New York City; and
Jasper Epps, Kansas City,
aio. are the sophomore mem'
bers. Rich Kier, New York
City and Paul Nielson, West
ern are juniors. -
Kansas State's top harrier
is jodb jucNeal, a sopho
more. Last year as a fresh
maa MeNeal was one of the
better long distance runners
la the Conference. Wildcat
Coach Ward Haylett'i team
has three sophs and foor jun
iors and seniors.
In other Big Eight cross
country action, Missouri
meets Kansas and Oklahoma
takes on Arkansas in a non-
conference affair.
Missouri hopes to snip Kan
sas' 13-year stretch of dual
crosscountry wins over Big
Eight competition when they
host the Jayhawkers tomor
New Course
The Tigers have a new
three-mfle hill-and-dale
course and five lettermen to
attempt the upset.
Topping Missouri's letter-
men is Bob Henneken,
who finished seventh in the
conference run last year.
Henneken paced MlTs final
time trials with a 14:45.2.
This time is almost a minute
better than his mark of a
year ago at this time.
Last year Henneken missed
the indoor meet because of
illness. In outdoor competi
tion be was runner-cp in the
two-roue run and fourth in
the NCAA 5,000 meters just
.. I jLlt.nil.itlii.lilTi.ilt.! J
7; V I
S:00 P.M.
facial i -
ahead of Jayhwak Billy
Mills both times.
Lettermen Ray Schmitz,
Joe Schroedei), Don Gabbert
and Morris Patterson, junior
Jim Shepard and sophomore
Jerry McFadden round out
Tom Bott's Missouri squad.
Kansas' veteran miler Bin
Dotsoa woa KlTs time trials
in 14:33.1 over a flat course.
Mills, recovering from an
ankle Injury, placed a half-
second behind Dotson. Sopho
more Bill Hayward was the
only other barrier breaking
Missouri was the last, and
only, conference club to beat
Kansas since Bui Easton s
first meet as Jayhawk cinder
boss in 1947.
Oklahoma s harriers open
their season today at home
against Arkansas, defending
Southwest Conference cham
Hodgson Leads
Sooner Coach Bill Carroll
pins his hopes on Gail Hodg
son, Big Eight cross-country
champion two years ago:
Lee Smith, fourth in the Big
Eight indoor mile last year;
Buddy Stewart, fourth in the
Big Eight indoor 1,000 yards;
Paul Ebert, Tim Leonard,
Richard Neff and Neville
Far tictatfc ca CI 7-7SM. Ct 7-742
Kistler, Jacobs
Advance to 3rd
Round in Golf
Dick Kistler of Selleck and
Dick Jacobs, Phi Delta Theta,
have both moved into third
round play in the. intramural
golf singles. ,
Kistler defeated Stan
SchragPhi Kappa Psi, to
move into the third round- in
the championship flight
Phi Delt Dick Jacobs ad
vanced to the third round by
defeating Phi Delt Dave
Wilts. -Jacobs' is in the third
flight -
Pairings in the second
round are: Winner of the
match between Ned Nolte,
Beta Theta Pi and Bill En-
cell. Phi Delta Theta, vs.
Fred Sukup, Delta Sigma
Phi; BUI Gunlicks, Phi Kap
pa Psi, vs. Louis Titus, Phi
Kappa Psi; Ed Lyman, Phi
Kappa Psi, vs. Tom Mer
rick, Phi Delta Theta; Don
Taylor, Delta Tau Delta, vs.
Mike Collins, Theta Xi.
The deadline for play in
second round matches is
Monday at 5:00 p.m., accord
ing to Ed Higginbotham..
Changes Made
Iii IM Track
The fan intramural track
meet schedule, has been
changed according to Ed Hig
ginbotham, intramural direc
The 103-rd. dash and the
high jump, both scheduled to
be run this week, have been
changed to Monday and Tues
day. The lOD-yd. dash win be
held on the stadium track at
5:00 p.m. Monday and the
high jump win be held in the
stadium at 7:15 p.m. Tues
day. The 60-yd. low hurdles
will be run at 5:00 p.m. Tues
day. Entries for all events will
be taken on the field prior to
each event
NV Riflers
Face Pair
The Nebraska rifle squad
wfll fire in a triangular meet
against Creighton University
and Kansas State Saturday at
9:00 a.m.
Nebraska defeated the K
Slate squad last spring in an
invitational match. It w a s
the first defeat for the Wild
cats since 1958.
The Huskers have seven
returning shooters from last
year's squad and three prom
ising new members.
Marvin Cox is the team
captain for the 1960 team.
Other squad members ex
pected to go on the line are
Conley Cleveland. Andris
Stakhs, BiU Holland, Mike
Flannican, Grant Gregory,
Thomas Berry, Ravmond
Grandon, Charles Sovkuj,
and John Henkle.
City Fields
NE Phi Kappa Psi A vs.
Beta Theta Pi A.
SE Delta Upsilon A vs.
Delta Tau Delta A.
SW Kappa Sigma A vs.
Sigma Chi A.
Ag College Fields
E Phi Delta Theta A vs.
Farm House.
N Theta Chi vs. Delta
Sigma Phi.
W Alpha Gamma Sigma
vs. Pioneer.
City Fields
NE Delta Sigma Pi vs.
Sigma Alpha Mu.
SE Acacia vs. Brown Pal
SW Beta
Ag College Fields
E Ag Men vs. Pi Kappa
N T h e t a Chi vs. Delta
Delta Sigma Phi.
W Alpha Gamma Sigma
vs. Pioneer.
Sigma . Psi vs.
'f0 n mimrntm
Em mm cm
mmm Hnai ami, j ... i-f .
9 O
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Sports Signals)
By Hal Boitn
Only two conference games are on tap in the Biff Eight"
Saturday with Iowa State battling Kansas for the loop lead
and Kansas State meeting Nebraska with both teams look
ing for their first conference win.
Nebraska fans will be keeping a close eye on the clash
between the"Jayhawks and Cyclones as the game should
give some indication of how the Huskers
stack up in the Big Eight picture. Iowa
State was given its first serious test last
week when they edged Nebraska, 10-7, on
a third-quarter field goal after taking easy
wins over Detroit and Drake.
Kansas, highly regarded by many be
fore the season started, has lived up to
expectations, and then some, with wins
over Texas Christian and Kansas State.
The Jayhawks pressed Syracuse last week
before losing a 14-7 decision to the Orange
men. Kansas is considered a strong threat Browa
to unseat Oklahoma for the conference title and Saturday's
battle between Kansas State and Nebraska will give Hus
ker fans some chance to compare Nebraska with the Jay
hawks. Kansas defeated Kansas State, 41-0.
Both Texas and Minnesota have made Nebraska look
good as the Huskers are the only team to score against
either the Longborns or the Gophers. Texas has blanked
Maryland, 24-4, and Texas Teeh, 174, after losing, 14-13, to
Nebraska. Minnesota smashed Indiana, 4!-, last week after
downing Nebraska, 26-14.
Nebraska gees into the Kansas State game as a heavy
favorite but the role of a favorite in the Kansas State-Nebraska
game indicates nothing unless it is that the favored
team had better be ready. Kansas State has won five of the
last seven games and three of the last four.
Kansas. State won its only conference game last year
with a 29-14 decision over the Huskers in the final game of
the season. Nebraska had toppled Penn State and Iowa
State in 1358, then Kansas State won a surprise, 23-6, de
cision at Lincoln. In 1957 Nebraska's, 14-7, win over the
Wildcats was the only Husker win in Bill Jennings' first
season as head coach.
This week's picks:
NEBRASKA 21, Kansas State The Huskers should
get their first conference win Saturday, although they won't
be able to do it just by walking onto the field as last year's
team discovered.
TEXAS 2L Oklahoma I4-Darrell Royal has his Long
borns on the move after being upset by Nebraska in their
KANSAS 2, Iowa State 14 The Jayhawks are pointing
toward the Big Eight title and Iowa Stale won't stop them.
MISSOrfrw 27, Air Force 21 Missouri is unbeaten and
will add Richie Mayo and the Falcons to, their list
COLORADO 27, Arizona 6 Tbe Buffs step on another
Cat, last week the Kansas State Wildcats, this week the
Arizona Wildcats.
OKLAHOMA STATE 2d, Tulsa 6 After being treated
rudely by Missouri in their Big Eight debut, the Cowboys
meet an old Missouri Valley rival and should win their f;rst
Georgia over Southern California, Arkansas over Bay
lor, Pen State over Army, Dartmouth over Brown, Cali
fornia over Washington State, Clemson over Virginia, Har
vard over Cornell. Florida over Rice, Georgia Tech over
LSU, Syracuse over Holy Cross, Illinois over Ohio Site,
Oregon State over Indiana.
Iowa over Michigan State, Michigan over Duke, Min
nesota over Northwestern, Navy over SMU, North Carolina
State over Maryland, Notre Dame over North Carolina,
Pensylvania over Princeton. Pittsburgh over Miami (Fla.),
Washington over Stanford, Wake Forest over VTI, Purdue
over Wisconsin, Yale over Columbia.
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