Page 2 The Friday, Oct. 7, 1960 EDITORIAL OPINION Great Debate Number Two Great Debate number, two is scheduled for tonight and, chances are, we can expect a heated exchange of views from Messers Kennedy and Nixon on the question of foreign policy. Senator Kennedy has stressed so far in his campaign that he feels the United States has lost considerable in fluence and prestige throughout the world during the Eisenhower Administration. He blames this on the for eign policy of the present Administration and probably " will seek to put this across in the debate tonight. Nixon will use examples from the past seven and a half years to try to prove his point that the Republicans have had a policy that has been effective. He will prob ably stand on the Eisenhower record, although he says, "A record is not something to stand on, it is something to build on." These have been the two themes of the respective party platforms. To quote from the section entitled, "The Instruments of Foreign Policy," the Democrat's platform resolution says, "The mishandling of the U-2 espionage flights the sorry spectacle of official denial, retraction, and contradiction and the admitted misjudging of Jap anese public opinion are only two recent examples of the Administration's machinery for assembling facts, making decisions, and coordinating action. "The Democratic Party welcomes the study now being made by the Senate Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery. The new Democratic Administration will revamp and simplify this cumbersome machinery." The Republican platform bases its foreign policy resolution on the following statement: "The Government of the United States, under the administration of Presi dent Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon, has demon strated that firmness in the face of threatened aggression is the most dependable safeguard of peace. We now re affirm our determination to defend the security and the freedom of our country, to honor our commitments to our allies at whatever cost or sacrifice, and never to submit to force or threats. Our determination to stand fast has forestalled aggression before Berlin, in the Formosa Straits, and in Lebanon. Since 1954 no free nation has fallen victim behind the Iron Curtain. We mean to adhere to the policy of firmness that has served us so well. In this coming debate, we will probably find Nixon again having to take the defensive against charges by Kennedy. It could prove to have a much greater influence on the voter than the first and the outcome very likely will favor Senator Kennedy. Strictly By Sam Jensen In May of 1860, Robert Conrad, then a candidate for the Democrat nomina tion for Governor, said of two of his opponents: ". . .they r e c o g nize that, even though their vote is com bined, it would be i n a d e- quate to overco m e the com manding lead which all re sponsible polls indicate I have obtained." It would seem that Mr. Conrad must have taken his poll only in his hometown or perhaps in Iowa, because it only took one candidate to beat him. However, he must be credited with some amount of ambition, be cause here he is back again running for the Senate. Also is May, National Democrat Committeeman Bernard Boyle of Omaha, predicted that his candidate Conrad would win, because "voters do not support can didates who complain and complain." Although Frank Morrison complained, he Wuu. Bat his complaining hasn't ceased it would seem to have just started. Now he'i complaining be cause he didn't get $7,500 and hit opponent has said that he did. It's hard to understand whether he is unhappy because he could have used the money as turning that he didn't get it or because he doesn't want union support. Anyway, the Democratic party in Nebraska it offer ing to the people of this state as candidates for statewide offices two men neither of whom has been elected to any position of more than local import ance. Mr. Morrison has run for Congress (against Carl Curtis); he has run for Gov- ernor and Lt. Governor and for Senator (against Roman Ernska) and has lost every time. This will be the third time in six years he will have been on the state bal lot. He is experienced at complaining and losing and little else. And who is this Conrad? He has been accused by imer Reiling, treasurer of ke Morrison forces, of vio iating the state election laws. He has been charged by Morrison with usurping the Democratic, party machin ery and of playing politics in the statehouse. He is alleged by J. J. Daily Nebraskan SEVENTY-ONE TEARS OLD Member Associated Colleriste Preii, International freM Representative: National Advertisinr Service, Incorporated Published at: Eoom 20, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska. 14th ft R Telephone HE 1-76S1, ext 422$, 22. 4227 Partisan Exon of Lincoln to have fbest known as the author of Tjevor Howard, as the practiced law while a fall-1 the popular "Lady Chatter- miner-father, delivers the time employee of the state. ilev's Lover," but his true art- standout performance of the Ami ha B0ii ' listic triumph is the semi-au- film. It is a 'complete' per And he is generally ack- k; v, h t u... r. nowledged to be the protege "i uum iseiiue xjovic or n u ...i ... s iZSrl of "Sons andL0V nSSS? icou,d easi,y have been siven nig jmamous. ithe commercial and gensa. (Once upon a time Mr. itionai appearance afforded Conrad had a campaign H"Lady Chatterley's Lover." manager in Scottsbluff, that "However, thanks to the faith- quit after stating that Con- ful screenplay by Gavin Lam- rad was trying to defraud bert and T. E. B. Clarke and the Nebraska electorate I the capable direction by ex- with "Boyle machine tac- 1 cameraman Jack Cardiff, tics.") l"Sons and Lovers" emerges Mr. Conrad was assistant fa strong example of the art to the late Gov. Brooks and f filn- It is undoubtedly one with the advice of Boss Boyle tried to run the Statehouse. 1 In the middle of March Mr. Morrison said- "rT t. 4--i-.j with his political ambitions idents m tne formative years separated from her husband, and has usurped the Demo- tne e of Paul Morel a Technically, the film is cratic political machinery lmmer's son wno aspires to near perfection. The black from under the nose of his lecome an artist. This young, and-white CinemaSope film boss Gov Brooks " ambitious man finds himself illustrates that the camera It 'was the first' time in icau6ht between the differing man and director Cardiff, a Nebraska history that an lPinion? and e&ngs of his cameraman in his own right assistant used his office to I?0eSSmtherTJ and .hlS m"st have planned and staged further his own political frthright father. His actions every frame to the most amhitinnc mZL .t are aU determined by domin- correct balance and compos - GcfarJoSXrt; iant maternal influen"s- tion- is certain'y an appeal- cated'the Democratic spot ,An f lerly gentleman Wg study for anyone interest in the senatorial race. Con- lf" to send y"ng man ed in photography, rad was nominated by the lto London t0 study art but he Rating: Excellent, Boyle dominated Democrat ijyuaw; cumnuiiee. ms opponent, j, Clair Callan, said he could ; have got the nod if there would have been a . secret jf ballot closed to the eyes of Boss Boye. But, a show of ! hands and Bob Conrad goes iorcn 10 ao Dame, He goes to battle hand in , band with his old friend and i; well wisher, Frank Morri-1 son, wno, oy tne way, backed Callan for the Sen- ; ate nomination. 1 A week ago, Bobby Ken- fT- nedy visited Nebraska and m his visit is reported in the uct. 10 Time magazine. The magazine reports that while h ruling from Omaha to Lin- Ij coin, Bobby K. from Massa chusetts asked Bobby Con- M rad from Nebraska what M was wron? with the Hp mo- crats in the Cornhusker State? Conrad reportedly stepped on- the gas in anger and i replied ''It's not as simple 'j as that." A patrolman stopped d Bobby C. and issued him a 3 warning ticket, while Bobby M K. was left mutteing to M Himself. Bobby K. later said, 1 "We're behind in Nebraska, M but we don t need Nebras- m I would advise Mr. Mor- rison and Mr. Conrad ' to m jump on the sour grape J wagon with Mr. Kennedy f but, especially I would ad- I vise them, to refrain from I polls and predictions f"aSSBIB0ajStgal .JV:?::,.:, 'WHOSE Inside by Phil Boroff Sons and Lovers, a Twenti- eth Onturv-Fov picture star- . , tt j t nng Trevor Howard, Dean Stockwell, Wendy Hiller, f Mary Ure and Heather Sears, D. H. Lawrence, English i novelist and poet, is today v . The current screen ad- ot ine Iinesl pictures ot iwu. The setting is a bleak, grimy Nottinghampshire min- ig town, similar to the locale lof "How Green-Was My Val- lev." Here unfolds the inci- WELCOME STUDENTS TO ST. PAUL METHODIST "CHURCH Lineotn'i ttincntown Church October 2, 1960 WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SUNDAY Worship Services at 9:30 and 11 am Dr. Frank A. Court, Postor WORSHIP SERVICES ON CAMPUS BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Boy L. Jmim A H. Mfyl Hurnrr Slnrtim ml Ktudont Work 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 00 p.m. Fellowihip Hour 10:45 o.m. Morning Wonhip 7 00 Evening Worthip 5:30 p.m. Supper 8:00 After-Church Fellowihip Group Meeting ot Frt Boptiit Church 28th and S Street Second Baptst Church Ufh and K Street DISCITLES STUDENT EFLLOWSHIP (Christian Churches) 1!37 R Htrrr Keith MtephpHMHi, f'mmpiM Mlnhiter !0:45 o.m. Worship ICooperotvely with U.C.C.F. at 333 No. 14th) S.30 p.m. Supper, Worship I Forum (Cooperotively with U C C.F. ot 333 No. 14th LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) n:3 North 18th Alvto M. rmnm, roetor 10 45 a.m. Coffee Hour 10 45 a.m. Worthip 4:00 p.m. Pi'mr SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Center) Hit Mtreet r r. J, Kernsn. DMtnr R. r. Fsheehy, i. K. Mrrn, aMoetstee Sunday Momm ot 1:00, 9:30, ll'OO, 12:30 Confeion on Soturdoy: 4 30-5:30 p.m. ond 7:30-8:30 p.m. Bunnew Mectina ond Socinl Hour 7 30 D m UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Presbyterian. ConcreratlonaL E.U.B., E. Si R.) M North 14tk Htniet ln . rtokertnr , Minlnter 10:45 o.m. Coroorote Worihip 5 30 p.m. Forum Feliowihip UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Rervlemi at otner while prewet bulidlnir feeiac irbalK Ollhert M. Armitnnie, Ckaniala 9:00 o.m. Holy Communion 1 1 :00 o.m. Morning Proyer 5'30 o.m Eventnq Prover UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri gjnoA) A. J. Noraen, raotn Ktk aat t) Brrert 9:30 o.m. Bible Study 5:30 .m. Gamma Delta Supper ' 10.45 O.m. Worship WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) William n. rioaM t t. Bentoa White, faatiin 8:00 o.m. Holy Communion (Wesley Houe, 1417 R Street) ' 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship (at LSC, 535 North loth St.) 10:30 o.m. Coffee Hour ond Ducumon (Weslev House) 5 30 p.m. Cost Supper (Wesley House) ' 6 00 p m. Forum (Student Union, Room 234) SIDE ARE YOU OK View sacrifices this chance to stay with his mother. And because nis motner disapproves, young Morel rejects a local farm he ne loves the rebound from this associa- tion, he then becomes in- volved with a separated mar- ried woman. -ji w,r.r,.. standing Interpretation pre- sents the character's force- less and tenderness and aU the dgrees of emotIon be" tween these extremes. Dean Stockweli, as Paul Morel, is more than competent, but he sometimes seems retarded by an attempt at an English ac- cent. Academy Award winning actress Wendy Hiller (in 1958 for "Separate Tables") gives a strong characteriza- tion as the near-Jocasta moth- er. Heather sears, of '"Koom at the Top," is fine as the young farm girl the aspiring aruw iovra. aw iuk u wary Ure, of "Look Back in An- ger " as the married woman ANYWAY?" Concert Sale 'Elldg ToCaciV , The Lincoln Comunity Con cert's membership drive ends today at 7 p. ml The $4.00 student member ships are being sold in a booth in the Student Union. A membership enables a student to see the four shows being presented this year; the Spanish Ballet group, Oct. 26;the "Stereo Festival" featuring Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians, Dec. 2; the Vienna Choir Boys, Mar. 6 and -the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Mar. 28. The latter presentation will feature Leonard Pennario, dynamic piano virtuoso now making his twelfth transcon tinental tour. He has won in ternational fame for his bril liant piano mastery.. Directing the orchestra for the third season will be Paul Kletzki. 1 ADLERS, IN WHITE AND COLORS, FOR MEN AND WOMEN, AVAILABLE AT Magee'a Quentin Town and Campus Or By John Else Saturday I was zp proached by a friend and fellow student who asked that 1 sit in on a meeting that evening. Not knowing the basic reason for the meeting, but with trust in my friepd and a definite degree of curiosity and in terest, I hopped into some appropriate attire and rushed onto the scene fif teen minutes late.. In the room, seated around a ta ble, were about twenty stu dents, international in char acter (For any illiterates, that includes both Ameri can and foreign students.) The topic of discussion was to- center upon the forma tion of some type of an international organization. Opinions were rapidly, emphatically, and convinc ingly expressed. They var ied from an encompass ment of the entire campus to ths opinion that such an organization should not ex ist at all. The most sensible and humbling point was brought out by a student from Panama. He said rather plainly that if a for eign student were to come to his country, he ' would . try tc make certain that he had the opportunity to see everything of interest within his area, he would try to help him become a part of the organizations of his college so that he also became familiar with the culture, and finally, he would try to become friends jiiaiiiiiiiiii.iniiiiiitiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiitiiii laiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiuii I TRY THE NEW I j TREND: j "Fabulous Flapjacks" ! I ROOKY'S PANCAKE! i RANCH I I 547 No. 48th I j IN 6-9872 j Party Room Available I I CLOSED MONDAYS 1 Hoiiiiiiiiiiio iiiiiiiMioiiiiiiiiiiiini ',A,t,Jlttt'i ft" you're ready for anything MS Ol(JlGRr ' i ' X x VV V. , 'u v X !a, . ''V-.K w J l i v if ---I' I I 1 1 i i i I Mi V, 'V Else with him that he ro'.ght learn more about an un familiar country and cul ture. Such a speech could only put me ,to shame, as an American student, and make me want to either disassociate myself with the American students or, since that was impossible, try to excuse them in some obviously impossible way. It would seem that since our presidential election forei.en policy and the avoidance of a third World War, we would have much more interest in , learning and appreciating other na tions and cultures, and would be much more in terested in helping foreign Students understand our culture and ideals than our interest and attitudes indi cate. This is our chance to deal with other c'ountries on a personal and human level rather than a simply political level. If we have this much disconcern for people of other countries on a personal level, it is novwonder that we cannot put the interest of the world above the selfish interests of the U.S. on the political level, necessary prerequi site to world peace. This is our opportunity ' to show that we can go beyond ourselves. We must act OR ELSE admit that we are only superficially seeking world peace. iiiiiiniininiiiiiiiiiDi "iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiG 7 i in