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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1960)
Lots Of Music Scheduled for Saturday Game Some 3,672 Nebraska high school musicians will partici pate in half-time ceremonies at the 22nd annual Band Day Friday. The idea for Band Day was conceived in 1934 by John Selleck, former chancellor of the University, and at that time, business manager of it atretic department. Since then, the idea has been cftpied by most major universities in the nation. Expansion Sellecfk invited 15 commun ity bands to participate and 11 attended. During World War II, nearly 30 bands par ticipated, and since the war, the number has jumped to al most 70." This rapid growth made it necessary to invite each band only once in every three years. This year's festivities will include a parade through Lin coln in the morning and the forming of formations during the half-time of the Kansas Nebraska football game In the afternoon. Professor Donald Lentz, di rector of the University Band who was in the original cere monies in 1934, will again be on' the field to supervise the 68 bands which have been in vited to attend. Parade According to Lentz, the pa rade will leave 10th and T at 9:20 Saturday morning and will arrive at 10th and O by 9:30. From there they will travel to 14th and 0, north to 14th and R, west to 12th and R and return to the' stadium. New this year will be the formation of a seven letter word and the playing of a concert number during the the half-time ceremonies. The largest number of let ters formed before was five, according to Lentz. The bands will being with a mass formation and then form .the word "freedom" and sing "America the Beauti ful." Following this, they will return to mass formation, and play "Pomp and Cifcum- SHIVER stance" and a march "In vercargio." Final performance will be the formation of an "N" to the accompaniment of "Dear Old Nebraska U." Twirlers from the participating bands will form the bar of the N. Bands attending will be Ad- ty or neb. ! ' ; ams, Ainsworth, Alma, Arap ahoe, Arnold, Ashland, Au burn, Aurora, Barneston, Bas sett, Bayard, Beatrice, Bea ver City, Beaver Crossing and Bellevue. Big Springs," Clair, Bloom field, Blue Hill, Burwell, Butte, Callaway, Cambridge, Campbell, Chadron, Clark, Clay Center, Columbus, Creighton, Dis, Emerson, Henderson and Hildreth. Lincoln Southeast, Newcas tle, North Platte, Omaha Westside, Orchard, Schuyler, Scribner, Seward, Shelby, Shtelton, Stamford, Stanton, Sterling, St. Paul, Stroms burg, Stuart and Sutton. Table Rock, Tecumseh, Te kamah, Tilden, Trenton, Val entine, Venango, Wahoo, Walthill, Wausa, Waverly, Western, West Point, Wilber, Wood River, Wymore and York. Vol. 74, No. 13 Lincoln, Nebraska Friday, Oct. 7, 1960 Soviets Arrive Next Friday - , I s&":r:H iff"wf vfiTtel. ft i"" ."'i"f t lift' I I H m W. m m BAND DAY AT NEBRASKA A familiar sight to Band Day fans Is the huge N made up of all high school bands participating in the festivities. The big N has become a tradition of the Band Day half time performance, which will be tomorrow. , Student Council Hears Reports The Student Council slowed its pace from last week's hec tic and controversial meeting to a mere report of standing committees. One of the committee re ports came from Dave Bliss chairman of the Library com mittee. Bliss noted that the exten sion of library hours to 11 p.m. during the week "seem to be very effective," and that the Saturday afternoon hours are expected to draw more students and faculty members. He pointed to the 90 students and faculty mem bers who used the library Saturday, Sept; 24. Possible Changes Possible changes in Love Library include the installa tion of book drops at the north entrance. The books would be picked up at 8:30 each morning to enable the library staff to account for the overnight reserve books which are due at 9 a.m., Bliss explained. Bliss also spoke of the pos sibility of expanding the hu manities section of the li brary In the future but, after talking to library officials, $15,000 would be needed for books and shevles for the en largement. v Another possible change for the future might be a combi nation library-Student Union and the establishment of an Agriculture College library on ag campus, Bliss reported. Judicial Report John Hoerner, chairman of the Judicial committee, pointed out that each organi zation on campus must fol low the stipulations set forth by legislation of the Council last year in order to make the list of organizations in good standing that will be published November 1. He said that any organiza tion that does not know what they are supposed to do may find out by consulting the Stufent Activities Handbook Council. Failure to comply with any of the regulations Bet forth by the Council would leave the Council free to "freeze their funds or to denyf them rights to use the Un ion," Hoerner said. "It is what the University is, demanding of organiza tions; we are not trying to be tasty," Hoemer explained. Don Epp, chairman of the election committee, asked for volunteers for election proe ters for the Kosmet Klub fall show Oct. 14 and the HellO' Girl Dance Oct. 15. Pub Board Interviews The next weekly! meeting will consist mainly of inter views of students applying for positions on the Publica tions Board, according to Roy Neil, chairman of the Nomi nations committee. Neil explained that he and his committee will interview all applicants for the board Sunday in the Student Coun cil room (third floor) at 1 p.m. From this group "two or three will be picked from the sophomore, junior and senior classes, Neil ex plained. The students selected at the Sunday interviews are then required to meet with the Student Council Wednes day. In the only new business brought before the Council, president Ken Tempero set up a "remarks" period for future meetings. Council members are authorized to questions at this time. Tern pero explained that the "re marks" should cut confusion during the meeting caused by conversation among the Council members. The all-college open house for high school seniors "may be dropped" if the Open House committee decides that such an event will be as un successful "as it has been in the past," Dave Myers, chairman of the Open-House committee said. Finalists' Named For Hello Dance Finalists for the Hello Girl and Hello Girl Escort, who will be crowned at the open ing of the Independent Social season, October 15, have been selected. Those competing for Hello Girl are Linda Shelbitzki, Women's Residence Halls; Gladys Holfsmeyer, Love Me morial Hall; Alfreda Stute, Terrace Hall; Peggy Ann Polk, Burr East Hall, and Loraine Hadley, Love Me morial Hall. Those competing for the Hello vG?rl Escort , are Don Witt, Residence Association for Men; Maurice Wiese, Ag Men's Club; Steve Lovell, RAM; Ray Bulin, Delta Sig ma Pi, and Dennis Mulligan, RAM. Morrison Blasts Cooper 'Can Letter Sender 'Be Negative Voter? Democratic candidate for Governor Frank B. Morrison verbally balsted his opponent in a brief talk Tuesday night at the Young Democrats meeting. Morrison said he ''couldn't believe" that John Cooper, the Republican nominee for the same post, who has sent letters to Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin and the presidents of the four state teacher's colleges pledging his s u p port, "was the -same fellow who voted in the last session of the legislature to cut Uni- v e r s 1 1 y appropriations by $400,000." "I couldn't believe this was the same fellow who failed to give a vote of confidence to the University last year. But it was I checked," Morrison added. The State Democratic leader was one of several speakers at the "Rally to the New Frontier" meeting spon sored by the Nebraska YD s Tuesday night in the Little Auditorium of the Student Ua ion. He said that Cooper's tac tics were "last ditch at tempts." He asked the audi ence if he (Cooper) thought education was "such a good idea, why didn't he get one himself?" Morrison ended his talk by saying that "the future holds either a panorama of destruc tion or a panorama of ac complishment, the likes of which the world has never seen." He called for an "hon est, sincere mind in a dedi cated person," shortly before he left for a public debate with his rival in downtown Lincoln. Audition Time Near For Talent Show Auditions for the All Uni versity Talent Show to ' be held in Nov. will be on Octo ber 12 and 13 beginning at 7 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Students interested must sign in at the Union Activ ities Office for specific times and dates. Any sort of talent is wel come: singing, dancing, com edy, or drama, as representa tives- from talent agencies will be present at the auditions. Inside theJSebraskan First Conference Win Nebraska's gridders will be seeking their first Big Eight victory of the season Saturday Page 4 Inside View Phil Boroff gives a review on the current movies Editorial Page Weekend Activities Football functions and house parties are prominent on the social calendar Page 6 Pharmacy Week Discussion of the American Pharmaceutical Convention is planned Page 3 Dr. Beadle Adds Another Honor to List The National Academy of Sciences has announced that Dr. George W. Beadle is the recipient of the 1960 Kimber Genetics Award. Dr. Beadle' is a leading geneticist on the Ag campus and winner of the L a s k e r award in 1950, the Emi Chris tian Hansen Prize in 1953, the Albert Einstein Commemora tion Award in 1958, and Nobel Prize in 1958 and the National Cancer Award in 1959. Born on a Nebraska farm, Dr. Beadle obtained his bach elor's and master's degrees at the University. He has been granted honorary de grees from nine universities and is a member of President Eisenhower's scientific ad visory committee. Open House Masquers will hold an Open House at Howell Theater, Sun day 7:30-10:30 p.m. TODAY ON CAMPUS Friday: Rally for football game; 7. Union Films, 7 p.m. and 9:15 p. m.. Union auditorium. University Square Dance Club, 7:30 p.m., Ag Union. Saturday: Football game, 2:00, Sta dium. Union Coffee Hour after the football game. Sunday: Publications Board Inter views, 2 p.m., Student Coun cil Room in Union. Foreign Student Tea, 3 to 5 p.m., at the Newman Center. Union Films, 4 p.m. and 6:25 p.m., Union auditorium. Correction The theme for the Home coming displays this year is not "Tigers" as reported in Wednesday's Daily Ne braskan. Shirley Chab, chairman of the homecoming event said that there is no gen eral theme for the Home coming displays, but that the Missouri mascot is the tiger. Love Hall, FarmHouse and Zeta Beta Tau residences will house the Soviet stu dents who arrive on the Uni versity of Nebraska cam puses next Friday. Phi Kappa Tau on Nebras ka Wesleyan campus will provide the other residence. The 13 Soviet Exchange guests will arrive at 11:15 a.m. at the Lincoln Munici pal Airport. Preceding their Lincoln visit they will have toured New York City and Washington D. C. Welcomes Official welcomes from representatives of University and Wesleyan administration, Lincoln Businessmen, and the campus and city YW-YMCA will be made at the noon luncheon at the Compass Room. . "Hospitality Hour" on Oc tober 18 at 4 p.m. will enable University student to meet the Soviet students. A panel discussion of the Soviets and University staff followed by a coffee hour will be jointly sponsored by the Student Un ion Talks and Topics com mittee and the campus YW YMCA. A gel-acquainted session is scheduled for the first eve ning in the Student Union. Preceding this they will tour Wesleyan Homecoming at tractions. Saturday the group will view tne Nebraska-A rmy game and the evening will be spent in Lincoln homes with members of the Host and Executive committee joining for evening discus sion firesides. Entertain Sorority and fraternity houses other than those where the guests will be liv ing will have a chance to entertain the Soviets on Sun day noon. Following that they will visit the historical society, museum, art dis plays and tour new Lincoln homes. Family life in the Midwest will be the center of Sunday evening entertainment with Lincoln families in discus sion or recreation. Monday will be aericulture day with time spent on Lan caster County farms, a tour of Ag research projects and laboratories. The evening will be free for shopping in down town stores. Tuesday will be education day and the guests will visit classes at the University, Wesleyan and in Lincoln schools. Wednesday will be govern mental and industrial day. industry The students are scheduled to visit Cushman Motor Scooter Factory, National Manufacturing Company, Lincoln Telephone Company and a bank. The afternoon will be spent at the State capitol and a visit to the Student Council. Thursday the group will eo by car to Omaha and tour Boys Town before they board a plane for Corvallis, Oregon. The project is being fi nanced by the campus and city YW-YMCA's with the co operation of Lincoln resident! and local businessmen. The names of the guests and their professions are: Women L i n a Ivanovna Egorova, teacher; Ekaterina Mikhai lovna Samofalova, producer; Klara Pavlovna Skopina, journalist. Men Sarvar Rza Ogly Aslavnov, teacher; Nikolay Georgievich Baranov, teacher; Avtandil Besarionovich Baratashvili, teacher; Anatoly Vaiiljevich Voloshko, engineer. Konstantin Mikahilovich Vishnevetzky, journalist; Evgeny Alexandrovich Davy dov, designer; Oleg Mik hailovicy Kochakidze, archi tect; Victor Vasiljevich Ko tov, executive; Vladimir Mikhailovich Mironov, de signer; Evgeny Vyacheslavo vich Shilo, vice-chairman of tourist bureau. Loan Program A id To 883 Student loans from the Uni versity and the National De fense Education Act of 1958 enabled 883 students to con tinue their education at the University last year. A total of $323,923 was loaned over the 1959-1960 pe riod, according 'to Don Pop, assistant to the director of University Services. This fig ure tops the 1958-1959 loan total of $173,402.40. . Actual breakdown shows the University loans made from funds in the custody of the Board of Regents and loans under the custody of the University Foundation to taled $204,318. The remaining $119,605 came from the Na tional Defense Act. "Students who plan to make regular University loans should come in about two weeks before they need the money," Pop said. Defense Loans Largest Applications for National Defense loans which Pop said "may be the best loan for students according to the largest amount of money that can be borrowed" may be turned in between Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. These loans will not be paid until the student has been accepted. If accept ed now, students may have the loan by second semester, Pop explained. The reason applications for National Defense loans must be in early is "so we can notify students failing to meet the requirements la time io make other loans," Pop said. He added that any student wanting applications or in formation about loans- should go to rqpm 204 Administra tion. Office Move The Office of Student Loans will soon move to the basement of Administration and become the Scholarship and Financial Aids depart ment Here a student not only may apply for student loans and scholarships but find- student employment, Pop pointed out. "This is something we needed for a long time. The centralization of depart ments will not only cut ad ministrative costs but more important, be a valuable bid to students," Pop said. Pace Set For Ag Too Slow Scientists Needed For Conservation "The number of students enrolling in agricultural col leges is not keeping pace with the needs of a dynamic agriculture," according to Dean Elvin F. Frolik. The Ag College dean said that one of the greatest con tributions one can make for the conservation of the agri cultural resources is to en courage many more talented young people to enroll in ag riculture. Agriculture needs students to support good research on a longtime basis, as well as it needs to support other seg ments of economy. But the problem of getting good re search is getting good agri cultural scientists, Dean Fro lik said. Dean Frolik said that to meet the needs of today, the total farm production will have to be increased 30 per cent. Agriculture must meet this challenge. Research will be required not only to make new resources but to make more effective use of the present ones, Dean Frolik stated. Today 312 billion gallons of water are used per day which is more than twice the amount consumed 20 years ago. This is 60 per cent of the available water supply. By 1975, 88 per cent of the sup ply will be in use. That rate of use, barring other devel opments, "would be getting dangerously close to the lim it," Dean Frolik said. Technology has increased at a rapid rate in the last 300 years. It has brought new land Into production and act" yields remain fairly constant on about the same total acre age, Dean Frolik commented. Now about 60 per cent farm commodities are being pro duced than were produced 20 years ago. Farmers and ranchers have responded by applying the results of re search that have been ac cumulating for 50 years, Dean Frolik concluded. PAZHALUSTA In any language: Please. The host group for the visiting students from the Soviet Union needs 13 tickets for the Nebraska Army football game. If anyone has one or more that they will not be nslng please contact Rod Eller busch, GR 7-3984. The tick ets will enable the Soviet students to view an Ameri can football game.