The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The1 Nebraskan
Tuesday, October 4, I960
Not Guiity
Outstanding Cultural
Entertainment Offered
Student are being exposed to some of the most out
standing cultural offerings on any campus today in the
various concert, film and theatre series presently being
The best bargain from an economic standpoint is the
Student Union's foreign film series which offers 12
movies for $4 to students. This is an average of 35 cents
per show and included in the film series are "La Strada"
award winning Italian Film; a top French film, "My
Uncle"; and "Room at the Top", which won an academy
award for best actress, to mention a few.
Live theatre presented by students is being offered by
the University Theater at five presentations for only $5.
This includes such plays as' "Streetcar Named Desire,"
an original opera, two classic drama works and an orig
inal prize winning play. The campaign for ticket sales
opens today.
The Lincoln Community Concerts Assn. which is pres
ently conducting its membership drive is offering its
finest season since it was introduced a few year ago.
Included are a stereo festival by Fred Waring and the
Pennsylvanians, one of the all-time favorite musical
groups; the Spanish ballet, considered one of the top
theater attractions in Spain; the Vienna Choir Boys; and
the Dallas Symphony Orchestra with Leonard Pennario
as featured piano soloist. The group offers the four con
certs for $4.
So the student has available 20 top attractions for a
total of $13 or 65 cents each. It is an opportunity that no
one can afford to pass up and one which no one should.
Staff Views
Just A
The announcement that
the University enrollment
is the highest since 1949
c a u s e s the speculators
throughout the campus to
shift into high gear.
The increased enroll
ment will provide a boost,
not only to the University
population, but to the
school's prestige in years
to come. For it is the stu
dent graduating from the
University that carries the
banner of his alma mater
to more areas than the
University, its ""ublic Rela
tions Department or its
Chancellor could ever hope
to cover.
This is true, if the student
graduating from the Uni
versity feels that the edu
cational benefits offered
here are the best in the
United States.
It is doubted, very seri
ously, that a large portion
of the graduates are doing
just this.
Recently in a Minneapo
lis, Minn, newspaper, a
June graduate of the Uni
versity of Nebraska had this
to say about the female's
role in college:
"Most females come to a
university just to find a
Granted, this is an iso
lated case. But at the
same time this isolated
case was printed and many
readers were able to read
the views of this recent Ne
braska graduate.
Why aren't more students
proud of their University?
Why don't they want to ex
press the wonderful things
that Chancellor Hardin and
other faculty representa
tives ire doing for this
University and the state?
The campus, at least the
Greek system for the most
part, is presently in a far
from happy manner, be
cause of a problem that
has grown into a monster:
This problem has steadily
grown, and has finally be
come an oversized blob
which will, if not handled
properly, provide a mess,
large enough to erase all
the goodwill spread by
loyal Nebraskans.
Seeing so many Greeks
up in arms about this prob
lem causes one to stop and
think . . . What would
happen to the system if a
real problem crossed its
path? A problem like the
one that faces the four
state institutions in Cali-
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at: Koora 2S, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebruka,
lth Sc E
Telephone HE t-763L ext. 25, 4226, 4227
The IHIIr Habnwku Is psblMiei Mnster. Tundar. WrdnrttfaT am Frt-
ay 4artu ffla taw I rear, exerpt tonne natlnM mnt nn mm, k
taaaaM f th Uahmitr M Mrbmaka aaai aathoriiatlna mt the 4!Mnmltt 5 efforts without tacitlv ad
a Stafent Affair, a. H cxpntutaa f itiMmt eplnina. PshiiraMna aadrf ttw 5 , . ' , . , . V. J . ..
janeautwa ar na aaat miiriaa M HUHlmt raMiratlaat ahall k frw from
aaitarial Mnianhli m th nut mf tk BihMmmltH u .... . r
ama aatalaa the (TaHmHy. Tka menbmi af tha Dally Nhrakaa ataff an I
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Vebraarir I, IBM.
Babaertptioa ratet an J aer momM
awl aw arouna viaaa maner at
aaaer ta aet ml Aaiaat 4, IB 11.
Maaaxlar Miter ,
Newu Eettar . ....
rpafte Ketter . .. ,
At News Editor. ,
V-Vf Kmrtm ....
Jnafcw aiart Writer.. .Kaary lim. aim Parraat, Kaarj Htaltfara. t'hla Maaa S
Mt hew Miur a Mayer ,
BaahwaaMaMaer '. . . fA?. . "f" atwlUlm.. I
Aitaat Baalnrai Ma earer Ioe Frrruaoa. (ilp Kukila, joka Krhrareer
rirramtwa Manarer Bab Kaff S
llaatlfiea XaaKer .eri Jotmaee
atari Wrttrra
By Dave Calhoun
fornia or in Colorado.
these states all fraternities f
must "satisfactorily" re-1
, move any discrimination
clauses from their national
charters. This would be a
real problem for the Greeks &k SevareM
at Nebraska, and it would expectant EurQ.
be interesting to see how s pean audience, the Presi
we would react. dential campaign, so far,
But, here at the Univer-1 has been a drear and dis
sity, for the time being, we 1 tant failure, a dram! de-
don't have to face this I v 1 u UI
problem. We have enough meaning to
on our hands without tak- f them in"
ing on anything major, for deed, al
this problem in itself does m o s t a
seem major to many of I P 1 a y ot
the students. I shad o w s
will VA eiiitoKIa tv Krt-Vi t V
students and the adminis-
..tin1 Tknvo hJ Kt
be, for if the two groups I
An nf wt k 1,1
ter will be forced to make I "ot intensifying as the
one of their own. climatic period of the play
.... begins.
. Agreed there are many This is so mt only
faults in both student policy cause Khrushchev has been
and administrative i policy. dominating recent head
but at present neither are lines not only because most
succeeding with t h e i r Europeans cannot ten a
plans. Could this be because Democrat from a Republi
they are pulling against carii not only because
each other, instead of to- know America will remain
getner. a democracy whoever wins.
What would happen if a I it is chiefly so because
representation from thelneither candidate has
Greek system and an equal launched a personality or
representation from the Ad- an idea with the carrying
ministration sat down in power 0f trans-Atlantic tra
conference together an d jectory. Neither has uttered
stated each others stand? a spcech or a sentence that
It is doubted that either has stirred the European
side clearly understands the Spirit or charmed its in
opposition. tellect From thu contest
Another worthwhile note Europe has received noth
is a comparison that can f ing remotely comparable to
be drawn to the increased s the skyrocketing concept
interest and stress put on I ions of Wilson, Roosevelt,
'drinking and the gradual Stevenson, even Willkie;
degeneration of campus ac- nothing that could make
tivities and high group f Europeans in the gloom of
scholarship. darkening events, say with
In the last few years the 1 the poet "But Westward,
campus has lost the fun 1 look, the land bright!"
and frolics of the Penny f Whatever thereason, a
Carnival and the AWS Auc- dull sense of resignation is
tion. This year the Kosmit creeping upon the most at
Klub is struggling .j put tentive Europeans, even
on a show, preser ed by upon those who had given
the fraternities. Yet they up on Mr. Eisenhower long
could only take four acts, J ago and were so -certain
instead of the usual five. that the change to either
Some choice . . . they had I Nixon or Kennedy would be
only seven houses trying an electrifying change, her
ut. aided by a thrilling cam-
If the Greeks would let paign battle of young and
the drinking situation slip bold ideas,
back into its proper pro- They have found no cause
spective and begin worry- for excitement in either
ing about bettering them- man. in terms of arresting
selves, which in turn would I Soviet advances, in terms
better the University, of cleansing the dirty inter
everyone concerned would 1 national weather or even
be better off. , ? in terms of their own spe-
Anyway, it's a thought.
aar. ar an, at eaaaa to be aria tea,
ar SI far the aoaaVmte rear.
IBC Mat eniee la a.laeala,
" probaaea
Dave Oalhnaa
Karra Lea,
:::::::::::::ijeVii. bS I
An M-jerMiirtrtM-a Mi,iiberf
r . t . r-i. .
5 VV
with out
1 v 1
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f v f
1 I .
s cific needs and problems.
I Those very few with inti
"I mate experience of Amer
I ica can read between the
lines of the campaign
speeches and realize that
Kennedy cannot harp end-
lessly upon America's phys
ileal weaknesses without
risking a negative reaction;
that Nixon cannot truly
urge Americans to greater
milling aaimnigiraiion
UreS ma Vet CanDOt ay
that all is well because he
has embraced the Rocke-
doctrine of exertion,
can see that each
man Is bo xlng a very con-
. '
fined COmpaSS.
But there is much that
they feel both men could
Say about Europe and its
probiemS. They can get no
clear Conceptions, at least
from the famDjiPn
v , s a 111 r a 1 S "
speeches 3S reported
of State
abroad, as to how much
the candidates believe in
the economic integration of
Europe and how strongly
they would push it; whether
they would oppose deGaul
le's anti-integration influ
ence, encourage or discour
age British entry into the
Common Market, restrict
or expand the arming of
Germany. They do not know
what value either man
places upon free Berlin.
The truth is that Europe
does not know either Nixon
or Kennedy, Kennedy has
not recently appeared in
Europe, and while Nixon
has visited Britain, he left
a confused and imperma
nent impression
I suppose no Presidential
candidate in mid-campaign
would accede to this sug
gestion, and none would do
so purely in the interests
of allies, who are not, after
all, doing the voting. But
there is one simple act that
Sit '
I ft
lf;a W4
. "
X i1 "
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A v..
' V -m. . tr
J t
menthol fresh
sr. . I i. 'f I'.n hiAIjii
jfJ ' fit I -s- -
mmmltl tmm ; ...mMM,-. .m-.,...... "r-iiiiM muni , A 6 it . ...jL .
o rich tobacco taste
o modern filter, too
would bring the whole cam
paign into focus for Europe
and other foreign regions;
one act that would reveal
the minds of the two candi
dates in world terms. That
would be the public desig
nation now, by each man
of his prospective Secretary
or State. Whatever the
names, whether Bowles or
Stevenson or Dillon or
someone else, they would be
-the names of men who
have accumulated mean
ingful, dissectible records
on the specific problems of
Europe, Africa and Asia.
If the two names were
now announced, the outside
world would be able to take
the first real measure of
Nixon and Kennedy and to
see if they do significantly
differ on the great global
issues. Indeed, it is not only
the outside world that would
feel enlightened, but a fair
few millions of perplexed
American voters.
DiM. 1MO. Hill Syn4irM. Int.
i fi n i r
u u u rerresnes vour taste
"ajr-sgftens, every puff
, -.'
By Myron ' Papadakis
and Bob Nye
Many articles have been
written concerning the
trend of the nation toward
conformity. To sociologists
this situation is alarming
and even shocking. Their
views on the subject are
summed up thusly: "Ameri
cans are no logger able to
think for themselves; in
stead, group thinking has
replaced singular thinking".
This being true, it is quite
clear that we have only
average thinking, and no
great emphasis is put on
In all types of society
found in America there is
conformity. On campus how
ever, there is a wide choice
of which group to conform
with. In our opinion con
formity is the only way to
be accepted. (Acceptability
being a most treasured
goal). Conformity with
many groups of people is
directly proportional to ac
ceptability to said groups.
So join now. Conform now!
Give up bad habits such as
thinking for yourself. Add
another card to the collec
tion already bulging your
If, however, you find it
hard to fit in the group be
cause you are a neophyte,
then rejoice. Being basically
mercenary (that is the rea
son for the foregoing para
graphs), we have the solu
tion to your problem. The
answer is to buy our De
lux Campus Conformity
Kit. ' Within minutes it
makes you a part of al
most any crowd. The con
tents are designed for what
you desire to be.
For the athletes: 1 sweat
shirt with a red diamond,
liner T shirts, sunglasses,
heel clips, a Webster's Dic
tionary for three syllable
words, money belt to carry
grant-in-aids. The pseudo
athletic kit contains the
mf.sii ?V;- .VZ -
7S1 tf.Tti'KfiTfctsYes, the cool smoke of
Salejn refreshes your taste just as springtime refreshes
you. And special High Porosity paper "air-softens" every puff.
Get acquainted with the springtime-fresh smoke of Salem
and its rich tobacco taste ! Smoke refreshed . . . smoke Salem !
above with one can of sun
tan oil added.
Engineers: a slide rule
complete with belt hook;
T square and drawing
board for freshmen; one
book entitled "Advanced,
Advanced Theory of Ad
vanced Mathematics", an
other entitled "How to keep
Calculatedly Unkempt".
Intellects and other non
conformists: Hornrimmed
glasses, a large briefcase,
one waSh'n wear ensemble,
one extra large, hand
kerchief, a false goatee, and
a book, "Mysticism".
Patriots: Standard uni
form in three standard '
colors, assorted buttons,
ribbons, arm bands, demerit
slips, and a special auto
graphed Pershing Rifle hel-,
Cribrats: Personalized
coffee cup; reservations for
1, 2, 3 and 4 o'clock, a book
on neat sayings ("Didn't I,
Didn't we, you didn't
really?), book on salesman
ship and one Innocents jack
et to anyone passing the
NU Ag Research
Featured on TV
A College of Agriculture re
search project was featured
on a nation-wide television
farm program last Saturday.
This project, the production
of disease-free swine, was
seen on the "Today on the
Farm" program, a new farm
series. The program showed
the techniques of the program
which now has been termed
the Specific Pathogen Free
Dr. George A. Young and
Norman Underdahl of the
veterinary science depart
ment explained the disease
free process. The Animal
Husbandry assisted with the
Main Feature Clock
Varsity: "Oceans 11," 1:40,
4:12, 6:44, 9:16.
. .
, ,