The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1960, Image 1
UNIVERSITY OF NEBR. LIBRARY OCT 4 Nearly New Shop Bargains Net Loan Funds More than $1,000 has been made available for student loans through the sale of used articles sold at the campus Nearly New Shop. The loan money is the result of $350 profit realized by the shop during the past school year. It has been matched on a 3-1 basis by federal funds under the Na tional Defense Loan Act. The project was original ly begun at the University College of Medicine in In Omaha to serve the large n u m ber of mar ried students located there. In 1958, under the leader ship of Mrs. Lyle Young, the project gained momen tum on the Lincoln cam pus. Closet First Shop A closet in the Tempo rary G building provided the first home for the shop. Moving, the items out of Honorary Producer Drive Set Ticket Sales Begin Today Ticket sales begin today for the University Theatre Hon orary Producer award. , Selection of the award will be based upon the number of season tickets sold by each house in proportion to the ac tive membership in that house. The 16th annual campaign was started Monday with a luncheon for the representa tives of houses entered in the contest. The luncheon re Dlac4 the banquet held in previous years. i Sororities entered include Aloha Chi Omega. Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha. Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Gam ma Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu and Th?ta Xi fraternities are also entered in the contest, Entries ,Due Other organized houses competing are Bessey Hall, Canfield House. Fedde Hall, Love Memorial Hall, Resi dent Halls for Women and Towne Club. Any additional houses that wish to enter must have their manager and candidate regis tered at the University The ater by October 12. Last year's producers were Renny Ashleman, Kappa Sigma, and Judith Reese, Zeta Tau Alpha. Trophies will be presented to the sorority and fraternity houses placing first and sec ond in the contest. A house is entitled to keep the trophy by winning it for three consecutive years, Build Enthusiasm "The campaign is designed to try to increase enthusiasm in the houses toward the Theater. "We have the only thea-i ter on the campus and it should be supported by the tntire school," said Joe Hill, president of Masquers, the organization which sponsors the contest. Five plays will be given in cluding the winner of the Fred Ballard play contest. The plays that will be given are "Six Characters In Search Of An Author," "A Streetcar Named Desire," "The Sweet heart Affair," Fred Ballard Prize Play and "Ring Around The Moon." The winning author will visjt the Nebraska campus to aid in the production of his play, and will receive the Fred Ballard Memorial Award 'of $300. Each season ticket is for $5 and is good for seats. sold five Council Plans Office Hours s The Student Council will maintain regular office hours this semester for the conven ience of the students. Council members will also be in the office at irregular times in the afternoons. The hours are as follows: Monday 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Tuesday 10 a.m. 1 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. 11 a.m. Thursday 10 a.m. - Noon Friday 9 a.m. 10 a.m. Organizations which need to turn in constitutions should do so in the mornings. The office is located in Room 339 of the Union. the closet into the class room each Thursday night proved burdensome, how ever, and the store was moved to its present quar ters in Wilson, Hall, 1610 R St. in February 1959. Articles sold at the shop include such items as cur tains, clothing of all kinds, lamps, drapes, dishes, pans and even refrigerators. All are donated by stu dents, area' residents and members of the Faculty Women's Club which spon sors the project. According to Mrs. J. C. Weaver, president of the Faculty Women's Club, married students and for eign students are the most frequent customers. "However, all students presenting ID cards are welcome to purchase items," she added. The shop is open from 7-9 p.m. each Thursday KK Royalty Pictures All Prince Kosmet and Nebraska Sweetheart final ists are to be in the lounge of the Student Union Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. for group pictures, accord ing to Mike Milroy of the Kosmet Klub. Technicians Assemble Computer Units Start Operating In Nebraska Hall Technicians began yester day on the assembling of a medium-sized digital comput er, recently bought by the University. It will be located in Nebraska Hall. "The new units will be in operating condition within a month," said Dr. John Chris topher, director of the newly organized Computer Center. Purchase of the $180,000 computer was authorized by the Board of Regents In Janu ary and is contingent upon a $95,000 grant from the Na tional Science Foundation. . This equipment can be used to solve complex statistical and mathematical problems as well as simple ones with high speed and accuracy, Christopher explained. An informal coding and programming course will be given to all researchers and professors who will eventual ly make use of the machine. Some of the uses of the machine include the mean ingful interpretation of crop reactions to weather, meas urements of beef and swine breeding programs, soil test programs, analysis of farm income and expenses, genet ics and cosmic ray work. The Center will also be available for other institu tions desiring to conduct re search, Christopher said. All researchers and pro fessors at the University will do their own programing and when the Center begins oper ation in Nebraska Hall, a staff consisting of the direc tor, a graduate student, a technician and a secretary will be operating the equip- ment. Spirit Trophy To Tri Belts Delta Delta Delta sorority copped top honors in the spirit contest Saturday during the Nebraska-Iowa State football game. The sorority received the traveling trophy for one week. It is awarded after each home game to the group showing the most Husker enthusiasm. Any organized house may compete. Judging is based on spirit, objects that contribute rather than detract, and how closely the group follows the cheerleaders. Rodeo Club Begins Drire Students interested in join ing the University Rodeo Club must do so immediately, announced Lowell Minert, club president. The club has changed its policy and will not accept any members after the next two meetings, Minert said. Any student enrolled in the University is eligible to be long to the Rodeo Club provid ed they have an interest in rodeos. night- during the school year. New Price System Originally, items were priced by a marking com mittee composed of mem bers of the club, but this year each sales lady sets the prjices herself. Vol. 74, No. 11 NU 1 r7:: Following the retreat of the Howitzer, Innocent Russell Edeal and Karen Ger stenberger, honorary gun captain from the Controversial Cannon Receives Retreat Orders Nebraska's controversial "snirit" cannon has once again received orders to re treat. The Howitzer cannon, which was added to the University football scene to announce scoring by the Huskers, was originally placed behind the bleachers at the south end of the Stadium. Retreat At last Saturday's game the cannon was moved to the southeast corner of the Sta dium at the edge of the track. ' Immediately following Ne braska's lone touchdown, the cannon, plus its trailer, plus a jeep used to haul it, re treated back to the original site under orders of James S. Pittenger, assistant to the Chancellor. "When it was agreed that the Innocents would have the . i cannon, were were several stinulations," explained Pit tenger. First, the Innocents are responsible to the Army Course Aid To Speedy Reading A reading improvement course designer! to improve professional and leisure read ing habits will be held for the third semester this year. The course, offered by Uni versity Extension Division, is one of several classes open to business and professional men of the community. The object of the course is to im prove reading speed by 300 to 500 words per minute. . In the past, the class has proved a favorite with phy sicians and lawyers, accora ing to reports from the Ex tension Division. Communist Films Start New Series "The Face of RedChina" and "Russia," will headline the initial showing of the new documentary film series at the Student Union. The movies shown will cov er every topic, from beatniks to World War II. There will also be several experimental art films in cluding "Blood and Fire," which has been rated among the best art films made. Shows will be on the first Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. The first showing is Thursday Oct. 6. No admis sion charge will be made. "'This results in some price variation, but because general rules of the thumb are followed and the items are sold as cheap as pos sible, it usually evens out," Mrs. Weaver noted. Kickoff for donations for the shop will be a "bundle bap mmm . Lar i ROTC for the supervision of I safety, since the ROTC is familiar with the machine. Second, the shells are to contain half charges of powder. The third stipulation is that the weapon be located so that the sound will be de flected away from the Sta dium. Press Box On Saturday the cannon was shot from the southeast corner of the stadium toward the northwest corner. Some people were annoyed and the press box was said to have been shaken. "The weapon may continue to be used if it is done in accordance with the stipula tions," Pittenger said. "It is a good idea for spirit and fun during the game." Safety measures are en Inside the ISebraskan Secretary of State Eric Sevareid suggests presidential candidates name their choices for Secretary of State Editorial Page Wrestlers Work Out Sixty wrestlers reported Monday to Mickey Sparano, new wrestling coach, for the opening workout of the season. Page 3 Cancer Producers Federal food and drug administrator calls for legislation concerning cancer-producing feed additives at Ag campus conference Page 4 JVI7 STUDENT REPORTS: Desire for W orld Peace Present in "Turkey wants world peace." "World peace is completely possible if the Turkish people are representative of the world's population," said Jan et Hanson who recently re turned from a National YWCA trip to Turkey. Miss Hanson's trip was a part of the Volunteers Abroad Program where she spent seven weeks as counselor in a YWCA ramp on the Sea of Marmara. Every two weeks she had a new group to coun sel at the camp. , . Turkey has two distinct classes of people, the upper class and the lower class, stated "Miss Hanson. The ma jority of the camoers "","a from the upper class. Most of the upper class youii o nad studied English said Miss Hansen or else they brought tea" to be held for club members Oct. 12 at the home of Mrs. Clifford Hardin. Each member will bring a bundle of items to be sold in the store. Persons wishing to donate items at other times throughout the year may Lincoln, Nebraska gest Cadence Countesses, stand ready at at tention for further orders. forced by a non-commissioned army officer with two mem' bers of the University Varsity Rifle Club. Two members of Innocents also remain with the 75 millimeter Howitzer; it is one of these Innocents who actually fires the gun. Four to five dollars is the initial cost of ammunition used in each discharge of the weapon. This cost is borne by the Athletic Department. The Howitzer was requisi tioned from the army and presented to the University; the Innocents Society re ceived responsibility of it. The gun originally cost ap proximately $5,000. It is now obsolete and is usually used only for salutes to important persons, it was originally used in the horse artillery and airborne troops. Turke1 their own interpreters along. Miss Hansen said she was able to carry on a simple conversation in Turkish be fore she left. Duties for Miss Hanson were much like those of fin American summer camp. She was always the target of in quisitive campers, who ques tioned her about American dating, customs and govern ment. The U-2 spy plane inci dent occurred while Janet was at the camp. She said that most of the people were sym pathetic with the U n i t e d States. "I was intrigued by aa is land that I could see from a distance," said Miss Han Kon. "This is the island where 600 members of the ousted Turkish government of Men derez and Bayer are being bring them to any Dames Club meeting or to the shop on Thursday evenings. Anyone unable to deliver the articles to be donated may call either Mrs. Floyd Hoover, IV 8-1515, or Mrs. James Hansen, IV 8-3960, for pick-up service. Mrs. mce Final enrollment figures show that more students are now going to school at N.U. than any semester since 1949, according to P. L. Nicolai, deputy registrar. "We know two things for sure We have about 8,700 students enrolled and there are more students now in school than we have had since 1949," Nicolai said. This fall's registration fig-1 ures rank fifth in the all-time cnart. The top record was set in 1947 with 10,153 stu dents. Second high was re corded in 1948 with 10,067 en- rollees. In 1946, the third highest number of student enroll ments was recorded at 9,669 Fourth place in the total all time chart was set in 1949 when 9,410 students' signed to attend N.U. Of the approximate 8,700 students enrolled for the first semester, 7,945 are on either the city or agriculture cam puses. There are 442 students on the umana campus, Z7l students at University high school and 210 students en rolled at the agriculture high school in Curtis, Nebraska. Nicolai said that the high number of students in the middle and late forties could be attributed to the high in flux of veterans and war workers. He explained that this heavy enrollment dropped sharply in 1950 to 8,051 and even more in the next two years. Korean Low There were only 6,684 stu dents in 1952, the lowest fig ure for the past 14 years. He attributed this to the Korean war. The totals increased again in 1953 and continued to rise until enrollment numbers' fell from 8,425 to 8,134 in 1957. These figures have increased each year up to this year's second total. The only large jump col lege-wise over the figures of a year ago was in the College of Arts and Sciences. The final tabulations show 1,778 students enrolled for 1960-61 semester as compared to 1,546 last year. Engineering and ArcmteC' ture, the second largest col lege, enrollment wise, re corded a jump of 29 tms se- TODAY ON CAMPUS Inter Co-op Council 7:30 p.m. Ag. union Phi Chi Theta Cornhusker Picnic 5:00 p.m. Student Un ion Nebraska Sweetheart In terview 7-10 p.m. Student Un ion ACE Open House 7-8:30 p.m. xeacner s uouege kept." They were awaiting their trials which were to oc cur in September. "During my whole trip I was under the impression that Turkey and her people looked to the United States as an ideal," she commented. Combinations Miss Hanson, who is also the University YWCA presi dent, said the trip interested her to try to combine foreign exchange programs in her fu ture life. While at a stop-over in Geneva, Switzerland, she investigated the possibilities of combining the field of die of combining the field of diete. Perhaps the most important part of the trip was getting to know the Turkish people and discovering that our like nesses are greater than our differences, she said. Hoover is chairman of the Nearly New Shop and Mrs. Hansen is in charge of pickup- Members of the Dames Club will serve as board members of the project this year as well as helping to clerk in the store. Tuesday, October 4, 1960 '49 mester from 1,394 to 1,425. Teacher's Drops Teacher's college enroll ment figures for this semes ter show little change, but a small drop plus the College of Engineering and Archi tecture pick up puts Teach er's into third place. This col lege was in the number two spot a year ago. Another switch finds Grad uate school in fourth place and the College of Agricul ture fifth. Grad school was fifth a year ago and Agricul ture was fourth. Business Administration college is still in sixth place in enrollment, the same posi tions last yera. Teacher Advanced and Pro fessional division also re mains in its previous, sev enth position. The remaining colleges or divisions are listed according to their enrollment numbers. Denistry, Law, Pharmacy, Junior Division and Students at large. The Omaha enroll ment of 442 is omitted from the listing. Sweetheart Interviews Set Tonight Candidates for Nebraska Sweetheart will go before th Innocents tonight to be inter viewed for the contest. Ten girls will be selected as finalists and the Nebraska Sweetheart will be selected by a vote of all students at tending the Kosmet Klub show October 14. The candidates and their in terview times are: i 7 00 Sezanne Tinan Kappa Kappa Gamma 7:05 Linda Jensen Kappa Kappa Gamma 7:19 Janet Hansen Delta Delta Delta 7:15 Judy Spencer Delta Delta Delta 7:20 Mary Erickson Alpha Phi 7:25 Lee Ann Kitto Alpha Pta 7:30 Jane Price Fedde Hag 7:35 Jean Olsen E?1 7:40 Sherry Turner Alpha Chi Omen 7:45 Jane Luchtinier All'tiB CM Omefa 7:50 Kay Hirschback Kappa Alpha Theta 7:55 Sylvia Bathe Kappa Alpha Theta 8:00 Midge Timm Alpha Omicron Pi 8:05 Ellen Basoco Alpha Omicron PI 8:10 Rosemary Kuhl Alpha Xi Delta 8:15 Nancy Wilson Alpha XI Delta 8:20 Sharon Rosen Kappa Delta 8:25 Cynthia Peteraon Kappa Delta 8:30 Bonnie Kuklin Slim a Alpha Taa 8:35 Claire Roehrkasse Sisma Kappa 8:40 Judy Wilhite Zeta Tau Alpha 8-45 Marilyn Swett Zeta Tau Alpha 8:50 Sandra Johnaor. Pi Beta Pht 8:55 Connie Papaa Women's Res. Halls :00 Alma Matuia Women's Re. Halle 9:05 Sheryl Jaeke Women's Res. Halls 8:10 Mary Ann Kirstein Women's Res. Halls 1:15 Donna Johnson Women's Res. Halls 1:20 Jackie Fendrich , Women's Res. Halls 8:25 Betty Lammel Women's Res. Halls 8:30 Jeaniene Treat Women's Res. Halls 0:35 Linds Mueck Towns gab 8:40 Mary Ann Miller Towne Club 8:45 Barbara Bakker Pi Beta Pat 8:50 Delta Gamma Candidate candidate) 9:55 Delta Gamma Candidate (candidate) 10:00 Dannie Keyes 10:05 Penny Pralle Karl Shapiro Records Two TV Shows English professor Karl Sha piro recently returned from recording a television pro- gram in Canadian work. During Toronto with the Broadcasting net- the program, Words," Shapiro Fighting discussed modern poetry, his opinion on modern poets and tne place of the writer on an American college campus. Shapiro also answered questions concerning his re cently , published book, "In Defense of Ignorance." According to officials at KUON-TV, attempts are be ing made to obtain the pro gram for campus viewing. In a second interview, Pro fessor Shapiro recorded a ten minute introduction interview with Ezra Pound for the Chi cago FM station, WFMT.