The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 03, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Monday,. October '3, 1960
Nebraskan Letterip
d - The Nebraskan
. I
Fraternities Need
To Show Maturity
A rather weak solution to the problem facing the
fraternity system is offered in the Letterip column today
by "Publius."
We would disagree with his opening statement, 'To
drink or not to drink a question each person decides for
himself on the basis of his own beliefs." To an extent
there is truth to such reasoning. But in regard to the
fraternity system there is also the question that faces
the unsuspecting freshman when he pledges, of whether
he should do what most of the guys are doing drink
ing or whether he should risk the chance of being re
garded by the group as odd ball because he prefers not
to drink. It is possible for the individual to choose the
latter and remain a "good joe" in the minds of the
others. However, it seems the easier way out is to drink
whether you really enjoy it or not, just so you save
yourself the embarrassment of having to explain that
you are not a prude, you just don't like the taste of al
cohol. One of the tragedies of the Greek system is that it
saps you of your individualness and makes a stereo
type out of you. This is not the case with everyone, but
unless you have what it takes to retain your personal
identity, you fall in line just like the rest of the group.
But we digress. Publius says the IFC "does not
have the power to legislate in the field of personal mo
rality," in reply to an earlier column which appeared
in the Daily Nebraskan. This is hardly the issue, as in
the cases where the IFC would deal if it were given
the power, they would be instances where an individ
ual has broken the law and personal morality would
have no bearing.
Publius's solution requires little if any coopera
tion from the fraternities. He would place the burden
on the shoulders of the University administration. He
suggests a more tolerant attitude toward drinking and
calls for kegs on the lawns on Friday afternoon with
the drinking supervised.
How do you supervise drinking, we ask? Will there
be a proctor assigned to each house? Will each member
have i quota based on the amount of beer he can con
sume without becoming disorderly?
Finally, Publius says, "It is to the University's ad
vantage to work amicably with the Greek system, its
people and its customs." Is this a threat or just a polite
suggestion that there win be more cooperation on the
part of fraternities if Adminny Hall gives in a little?
If the system possesses the maturity which it boasts
ef, let it give a little and sho that it desires to remain
a wholesome part of the University community.
kvM, lit?
SZTwhSTSt a pr. mama. "'' "Z 2L. ST
IMton matrntm iw umii us i
What do I offer as a sol
ution? Let the University
realize that people are go
ing to keep on drinking and
try to take a more tolerant
attitude. Bring it out into
the open. Let the fraterni
ties have kepgs on their
lawns Friday afternoon.
Supervise the d r i n k i n g.
Make it known that it is a
privilege granted to respon
sible people, and the priv
ilege will be respected.
It is to the University's
advantage to work amicab
ly with the Greek system,
its people and its customs.
Calls for Kegs -On
The Launs
.To the editor:
To drink or not to drink
a question each person
decides for himself on the
basis of his own beliefs. It
is not decided 'for him by
his fraternity, the IFC and
too frequently, not even
the state law.
The Satyr implies that
the IFC should take action
to remedy the drinking sit
uation. I think he is paying
great lip service to an un
tenabe proposition. The
IFC does not have the pow
er to legislate in the field
of personal morality. Fra
ternity men would not stop
drinking under threat of
punishment by the IF C.
They would merely take
greater pains to hide their
Read Nebraskan
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Strictly Partisan
Staff Views
Ag Executive Board ac
tion Wednesday night may
serve as a warning of what
the group can do with other
Ag organizations if t h e y
fail to heed the executive
The official dismissal of
the Ag Economics Club
may be an ice-breaker and
other organizations may
be caught napping too, un
less they keep steady rep
resentationoatheAg Board.
Reason for the dismissal
of the Ag Econ club was
that it had more than two
tmexensed absences from
Ag Executive meetings last
year aad thai it failed to
show interest ia doing any
thing about its cr excused
Action taken by the board
shows a new trend that the
board might finally live up
to its potential of legislat
ing campus activities.
Prior to this, organizations
knew that the board us
ually failed to carry
through any plans and
therefore paid little atten
tion to the board.
Now that the board has
demanded the respect of
the other organizations on
Ag campus, it looks as if
there might be a culminat
ed effort to encourage such
projects as a new Union
and active participation of
students in organizations.
Just what the Ag E c o n
Cub lost when it was ex
cused from the board may
seem nothing at first But
the fact that the board is
finally on the move may
by Jerry Lamberson g
itself be a stunning blow to
the Econ Cub.
The club said it was dif- I
ferent than most of the or- I
ganizations on Ag campus
because its primary con- g
cern was to feifenn and dis- j
cuss Ag economics rather
than to take part in activi-
ties such as contests and
But it seems that the club I
has been a little mistaken I
in its thinking that the Exec I
Board as only a go-between I
in activities to assure that I
organizations would not I
have activities occurring at 1
the same time. Scheduling
activities is only a part of I
the duty of the board.
This board must promote i
better relations among the
Ag organizations as well as
to encourage new activities,
promote student-faculty re
lations and to help each
club secure its necessities
in order to exist. Increased
membership in all the or
ganizations as well as equal
opportunity to enter in
campus activities is also
legislated by the Exec
Ag campus has taken
new safety measures this
year. The old narrow side
walks along the Food and
Nutrition building are gone
and in their place are walks
wide enough to take the
student population to and
from class each day.
The old sidewalks were
so narrow that many of the
students had to walk in the
street. And so another haz
ard of the Ag campus was
avoided before tragedy :
Daily Nebraskan
Member AMeiate4 CeHeeiaie Pre. International Pre
ftepmextatfret Xatimal Aevertisror Service, lAearperatee'
tablkhed at: m 29, ttaiemt 1 aira, Lfoeola, Nebraska,
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By Sam Jencn
Let's take leave of the
negative and speak in af
firmative tones today.
Although it may not be
as interesting as dissecting
political personalities, let's
look at the Republican Par
ty and what it stands for
in I960.
The Republican party is
in the minority. Republi
cans in Congress are out
numbered two to one. Un
til recently, it could not
count for any support from
a large geographic area of
the United States the
The philosophy of Repub
licanism is admittedly less
"promising" than that of its
opposition and yet, I be
lieve that the GOP is be-
I coming stronger.
Why is it that the Re
I pubhean road is not always
I the easy way?
I Republicans must recog-
nize that at times they
1 seem to be bucking popular
i opinion at high tide for
I there is little appeal in self
I denial as an alternative to
j what appears to be some
j thing for nothing and gov-
eminent guaranteed secur-
j When the GOP elephant
I moves positively against
the threat of inflation. Re-
publicans are accused of
j being preoccupied with bal-
anted budgets, of bemg
I negative when opposing un
1 essential spending pro-
grams, and of having a nar
I row bookkeeping attitude
i towards our nation's prob
I lems.
I believe this: There can
be no more positive prt-
gram for a party than to
try to save this nation from
: the potential dii&ster of in
I nation and habitual spend
; ing beyond our income.
We must make the mar
I kct system work. We must
: not net it aside in fa or of
I government dictation. We
I reject the Democrat idf-a
I tT a government planned
economy. We reject the
i way of Norman Thomas
: and of creeping socialism.
Republican leader
: ship may reject programs
in election years which
have mass voter appeal. It
would be easy for Mr. Nix
on to appear before the un
ions and promise what the
unionr want; to appear be
fore farmers and promise
them everything they want:
to tell business that it shall
be protected. But unlike h,s
Democrat rival, Mr. S-.zoi
does not attempt to be all
things to all men at (Lifer
ent times, lie does not have
a civil rights program in
the North which is different
from the one he has in the
I do not believe it is to be
opposed to progress to at
tempt to stabilize the cur
rency. I believe with Pres
ident Eisenhower that in
time of propserity we
should attempt to pay off
our national debt rather
than saddle our children
with our expenditures.
Speaking at the Republi
can National Convention,
President Eisenhower said:
"When government
undertake a program, we
look wherever possible to
the state and local govern
ments. The Federal govern
ment undertakes only those
necessary tasks which can
not otherwise be accom
plished." , He also said:
"Inflation the most in
sidious and cruel form of
taxation ever devised
drove prices up 43 per cent
in the previous administra
tion thus robbing millions
of our people of their sav
ings and purchasing pow
er. In the last seven and
one half years, we have
succeeded in keeping the
total price rise below
eleven per cent."
Unlike-the Democrats, the
Republican Party believes
in America. We do not try
to bribe the American peo
ple with a platform that
promises "To each ac
cording to his greed."
Republicans want a
strong America made up of
strong, healthy educated
people but, our propos-
posals for securing for
ever this end may not be
as "promising" as those of
Jack Kennedy and his
friends from Harvard Uni
versity. In his acceptance speech,
Mr. Nixon said:
"We must never forget
that the strength of Amer
ica is not in its government
but in its people."
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