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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1960)
I Wednesday, September 28, 1960 The Nebraskan ,1 i f IN I IS il n 2 t u Pin, Ring Activities Cause Whispers, Candles, Candy Nine pinnings and four en gagements last Monday night caused excited whispers as candles and candy were passed. Pinnings Marilyn Zweig,, Alpha Omi cron Pi senior in Teachers from Lincoln, to Jack Otter son, Beta Theta Pi senior in Engineering from Omaha. Marty Davey, Alpha Phi junior in Teachers from Lin coln, to Dick Dewey, Alpha Tau Omega sophomore in Business Administration from Lincoln. Mary Ann Weber, Alpha XI 'Delta senior in Agriculture from Dorchester, to Fred' Guggenmos, Delta Upsilon senior in Business Adininis tration from Dorchester. Jeanne Garner. Delta Gamma junior in Teachers from Cozad, to Al Plummer, Phi Delta Theta junior in Arts, and Sciences from Bay ard. Kittv McDonald. Delta Gamma sophomore in Teach crs from State Center, Iowa, to Norm Beatty, Sigma Phi Epsilon junior in Teachers from Morrill. Janet Senates, Delta Delta Delta senior at Colorado Uni versity, to Fred Kauffman, Phi Gamma Delta freshman in Law from Omaha. varsity styles Th wis cholo lor smart young men armaM rate as campus laadert everywhere, because: (M They feature today i campus-correct styling and favorite leather. (2) Their rugged construction and asy fit make them feel every bit as good as they look for a long, long time. (3) They're available at prices tailored to fit a student's budget. See us for a wide selection of Jarman Varsity Styles" for fall Ml ..1. N SV 13.95 The RUGBY Shp-On is good looking m block or burnished brown. Men's Shoes MAGEE'S First Floor Karen McColough, Gamma Phi Beta sophomore in Teachers from Grand Island, tc Rou Watson, Phi Gamma Delta sophomore in Business Administration from Grand Island. Susie Hunt, Kappa Kappa Gamma sophomore in Teach' ers from Lincoln, to Dave Lumbard, Phi Delta Theta senior in Business Adminis tration from Grand Island. Phyllis Schlange, Fedde Hall sophomore in Home Economics from Auburn, to Glenn Krohn, Pi Kappa Phi senior in Agriculture from Hooper. Engagements Sandy Carlson, Alpha Phi sophomore in Teachers from Omaha, to Gary Toogood, Sigma Chi junior in Teachers from Omaha. Linda Rogers, Kappa Delta junior in Teachers at the University of Wyoming from Lander, Wyo., to Lee Smith, Selleck Quadrangle senior in Mechanical Engineering from Oakland. Calif. Sue Hanna, Towne Club sophomore in Arts and Sci ences from Lincoln, to Kent Bacon from Lincoln. Jean Hunter, Pi Beta Phi senior in Teachers from Al liance, to Jon Jacobson, Sel- leck Quadrangle senior in Business Administration from Omaha. Nebraskan Want Ads 'Brazilian Night? Will' Sparkle Until Monday Night "Brazilian Night s," the current planetarium show, will end Sunday. According to John Howe, planetarium '.lecturer, the presentation consists of a 45 minute look at the stars and planets visible during the summer months backed up by a newly installed hi-fi system. Some of the features of the show are the exploding stars, the reproduction of the north ern lights and the appearance of Echoe I. Finals showing of the cur rent program will be given Sunday afternoon at 2:30 and 2:45. Students and faculty ad mission is 25 cents. "Seven Wonders of the Un iverse," the next planetarium production, will begin Monday and will run for several riths. moi IFC Meeting IFC will meet tonight' at 7:30 in the Student Union. Main topic of discussion will be the IFC Ball. Athletic Physicals All athletes who have not had physicals and plan to compete in freshman and var sity sports should report at 7:00 p.m. Friday to the Stu dent Health Center according to Paul Schneider, head trainer. EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED: Male. Jr.-Orad. 21 years or older to operate Social Pho tography franchise on Compus, Photo experience helpful but not necessary. We train. No Investment. 15-8 per hour worked. 10-20 pt-tlme hours we It, For details write: Campus Candida, $373 Melrose Avenue, Los Anpeles 4. California. HASHERS WANTED Contact Tom Mathews at Sigma Nu. Phone OR ?-3S4. W AXTKD Hash? for Thrta Chi fra . .trinity. SSI North IS WANTED: Hashers to work for meals. Contact Howard Kooper HE 2-3120 SAM. LOST' LOST . . . Benrus self-winding men's watch near Student Health. Contact John Karrer, HE 2-7740. REWARD. Black frame glass ity Love Library. . SW1S-S25S. rn. case. Vlcln ". Jarvts. Phone ROOMS FOk RENT Ag College District Nice homo for employed women or graduate, stu dents. Single rooms, kitchen nearby, 120. 3211 8tarr. HE 2-7831, Ext. 71 M. FOR SALE Hot point full-size electric range. Prac tically brand new. S50. Phone ID 4-1 JS8. 19S Cushman Scooter. Low mileage. Low price. Must sell. Ph. SVi3-R572. PERSONAL Drive Carefully The life you save. may VOTE REPUBLICAN HELP WAITED HELP WANTED Males Hours 2-4 everyday and all day Saturday. Gen eral grocery and meat work. Exper ience useful. TRIX1E8 FOOD U NEK 13(10 "K" 8tret, - A i . . GOOD LUCK HUSKERS j You and; Your Jacket 1 1 ofneIka'I a rp Fashion Team! P HAS MORE Of EVERYTHING jj . g. 1 1 PENDLETON'S PENDLETON'S $ "PLAIDMASTER" "49ER" JACKET Ha A walking jacket of virgin moot hrrrinKbone. Fingertip lenrth, i it tops practically everything. . Gray, camel, red. 90 QZ H Sises 67 JO i ki M U it I 1 bright or muted plaids, this Jacket can be worn buttoned or, open, straight or belted. A campus favorite. Sises 1 to 1 TRADITIONAL CAMPUS BLAZER This is the classic Shetland blazer with the crested pocket, brass buttons and patch pock ets. Definitely campus. White. ?Z 14.98 e so . , GOLD'S Sportswear Second floor; GET YOUR FREE RED "N" FEATHERS AT GOLD'S MEN'S STORE, . STREET FLOOR OR CAMPUS SHOP, SECOND FLOOR !l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!l!!i!!!fl!!! iiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii milium linninn!!!!!!!!!! minimum! iiiiiiiii HZJ L H u r 1 i r u U U VI J Throug n 1 THE USlVEfiSiTY FLYSG CLUB YOU TOO CAN ENJOY FLYING 7 o Low Rates o Outstanding Instructors .- o Excellent Aircraft (Cessna 140 with full instruments) (New Piper Tri-Pacer) 3 For details come to the University Flying Club meeting Thurs day September 29 7:30 p.m. at Union Airport (1 mile north of Lincoln on U.S. 77.) For transportation come to north door of Student Union at 7:00 p.m. or call Neal Thomssen IN 6-0160. s z is -.imnftf! iWWinnnniiiMmpmfflmmnm lilllillllliM"iiH'l-Ttffltittm IHIHIMIMIMIINIIIIIIIl HIUUHHWUHHHHIUMn KMIHUIHIIHi.lllllMmilllllirilllHIIIIIIIIIl ""''''l'"'ll.lWIIHIIIIIIIUlllillmllllllllllllillllllillltlWlillliililllllllHlllC