1 OHNOSW"18 crp 28 I960 'Finland: Policy Victim, Not Creator9 Says Anderson By Nancy Whitford lwo goals were set by his tory protessor. Dr. Aibin T Anderson, during his recently completed research tour of Europe. Anderson, who travelled un der a Faculty Summer Re- search Fellowship and a grant from the Inter-Univer sity Committee on Travel, attempted to learn wheth er Finland faced any alterna tives under Russia's World War II demands and to make personal contact with the peo ple ot these nations. Germany The first month of the tour was spent in Bonn, Germany, where Dr. Anderson studied Russian-German-Finnish re- Ail ANDERSON laticns during World War IL The Russian demands on Finland included claims for territory, bases, and a treaty of mutual assistance, Ander son said. Whea Finland refused, she was attacked and defeated. After peace was ebtaised in 1948, war brake out 2 gala in 1841 as Germany attacked the Soviet Union with Finland la beled ro-beEigereDi, Ander son explained. "Although the research has not yet been completed," Dr. Anderson said, "the results so far indicate that small pow ers, such as Finland, are the victims, rather than the cre ators of policy." Archives The German archives where Anderson studied con tain data on all the important aspects of 20th century his tory, and are now open and available toapprovedre- searchers, he said. Gaining entry into neighbor ing Czechoslovakia and Soviet Russia proved a bit more dif ficult though, Anderson add ed. Twice whea driving to the Czechoslovakia!! border, An derson and his wife fond themselves at the end of the road. Entry could be gained by travelling 59 miles farther dowa the border, they were told. At the Russian border movies were taken of their entry and they were asked to drive the car over an open pit for inspection from all sides. Conrtesy Despite the inconven iences, we were always treat ed courteously," Anderson emphasized. During the 3,500 mile tour of Russia, the Andersons saw the people at work on collec tive farms, industrial instal lations and in Communist party centers and at play on the beaches of Yalta near the Black Sea. "The Soviet people were 'most charming' when re laxed, but on the whole we were regarded with reserve and as objects of cariosity," Anderson observed. Anderson believes that a major cause for the inability to communicate lay in his less-then-perfect command of the Russian language. Students Although he was unable to observe the Russian educa tional system at work during the summer. Anderson at tempted to talk with the stu dents who were products of the system. Anderson said they fall into three classes, which include the "firmly committed," those "still seeking truth," and the "cynical" "The largest number ap pear to be in the second cate gory, indicating that the So viet mind is not yet complete ly closed," he said. Views of the Russian agri culture indicate the wheat crap is good bat spotty in places and that the corn is much poorer than in the Unit ed States. Large crowded fruit or chards are located in the southern part of the country, according to Anderson. The rural people, said An derson, were much more poorly dressed and lacked many of the advantages pos sessed by their urban neigh bors. Fanners He believes this may indi cate that the Russian farm ers, who provide the greatest basis for the country's wealth, are themselves unable to share as fully in the results. Despite difficulties in com munication, he believes the idea of a "New Soviet Man" is largely a myth and that al though they have faced hard ships, the people have re tained the basically human qualities. Attempts to purchase books and historical materials for Love Memorial Library were temporarily stymied when Anderson learned the people would take only other books in exchange rather than mon ey. Thie is because they are granted only a very limited amount of money to pur chase western books, he ex plained. At present, campus library officials are attempt ing to solve the problem by setting up such a book ex change. Correspondence Travel to Finland yielded further research material when Anderson conferred with former Finnish Minister to Sweden, C. A. Gripenberg, and was granted access to his war-time correspondence. In Sweden, he was among the 3,000 persons, from both communist and free-world countries, attending the an nual Congress of Historians. As a grand finale, the An- dersons travelled to Rome for their "vacation" and a chance to view the Summer Olympics. wm i M1 V wmm Vol. 74, No. 8 I Lincoln, Nebraska Wednesday, September 28, 1960 ps Donate 128 Eyes to Blind KK Candidates Due to a eonfiki in sched uling, all Prince Kosmet candidate names must be be subn. ed to Mike MQrey at the Beta Tbeia Pi house by 12 aooa Thursday. Interviews will be held Sunday at 1:30 in the Stu dent Union and wiU be con darted by the Mortar Boards. Derby Day Festivities Saturday W kite Cross Capers Adds Calorie Event Some 375 sorority pledges will compete this Saturday in Ihe seventh annual Sigma Chi Derby Day. Derby Day wiU be held an the morning prior to the Iowa State football game. The ac tivities wiD begin with a par ade tip 16th Street past Hie Women Eesidence HaH and dowa E Street past the Stu dent Union. The events wfl1 start at 8:00 a.m. oa the mall la front of ihe Coliseum and should be finished by II a.m.. according to Derby Day chairman Bar ney Owens. Owens said Tuesday that the addition of two mystery events should make competi- tioa more interesting and spirited than that of the past Contest Bepea The chugging contesi, the pole race, the broom race, and the fish and egg contest will all be used again this year. The calorie contest, aa added event, was designed with the larger girl in mind, according to Owens. Miss Derby Day vSl again be selected by some members of the faculty and ether quali fied judges. Master of ceremonies for Ihe while cross capers is boose president, Bill Paxtoa. Miss Derby Day will again he presented with a trophy. The Sigs have purchased two new traveling trophies for the first and second place houses. KSVS Broadcasts Resume in October 'KNUS win be back on the air Oct Z, reported Jim Kaea, program director. As of yet all plans and pro grams ha ve not been com pleted, but it is expected that the station will be piped into both dorms and the (organized houses. Center Opening In May Glass Installation Xears Completion Construction on the Ne braska Center for tootinuing Education boomed this sum mer as an estimated 5 per cent of the new building is now completed. This compares with less than per cent thai bad been completed in May when classes were dismissed, said Verner Meyers, chairman of the building project Favor able weather during most -of the summer enabled construc tion workers to complete much of the frame, work of the building. Beside the frame work, employees have also com pleted most of the brick lay ing and the glass instaQatiwa ss well as masonry a the Doors and the steps. Boa Steinauer is the superinten dent of the building project and 121 employees work under his supervision. These erevs art working on the beating, sewer and water systems in the youth wing. Steinauer said he roof was, completed and that 89 peri cent of the glass bad been in stalled in the three story youth area. On the nine-story a J alt wing, brick layers are work ing oa the top story which Should be completed by the middle of October. In the last two weeks the old Extension Anne was ren novated and the area it occu pied is being leveled and graded for a parking area, said Steinauer. Plans for the final comple tion have not been definitely set said Steinauer. "But with favorable weather the Ne braska Center should be done by late spring-" Two New Plays Cast at Theater Tryouts for two new plays wis be held in the Laboratory Theatre, 201 Temple Building. Dr. Joseph Baldwin, director of the University Theater, has announced. The tryouts, for all students interested in acting, win be held Wednesday from 4-S and 7-9 p .m. The new plays, written by University students, are "A Home for Grandma," by Opal Palmer and " An Act of Kind ness." by James Baker, a staff artist at EDOM-TV. The plays win be presented in the Arena Theatre Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22. Mrs. Palmer win direct "A Home for Grandma," and Sam Gossage win head "An Act of Kindness." Mrs. Pal mer and Gossage are grad uate students in Speech and Dramatic Art i no 71 - - fa& Ml, UU: m - -J ru-- tr. -. t roMitiiT.rmiMiirinD-.Miinniiiw.Mnim.iiHt- - 4f"t- fm' tr. . - .4 TfTffO 1 New Nebraska Center Consfructioa continues a the Nebraska Center for continuing Education before the winter months set in. Almost two-thirds of the building is completed. Art Gallery Plans In Final Stages Blueprints for the Sheldon Memorial Art Galleries have progressed to the final work ing stage, according to Ver-j non Meyers, director of the division of plant planning and construction. "We plan to award con tracts toward the end of I960," said Mr. Meyers. If the weather is nice, we hope to have the construction un derway this winter. huide the Nebraskan SfriclJy Partisan Another in the series of articles about the Democratic party and their campaign....... .................... Editorial Paige. Star of ihe Week Archie Cobb is picked by the Daily Nebraskan as this week's outstanding athlete... Page 3. Social Column Pinning and engagement announcements flourished during the past week,... .............................. .Page 4. Staplelon Pessimistic Iowa State's grid coach expresses pessimism about Satur day's contest wiUi Nebraska. .Page 3. SPEECH AIDS 60 Special Classes Designed To Correct Difficulties By Donna AsMemaa The speech department is helping more than sirty stu dents a semester (that have special speech difficulties. These students are select ed on the basis of the re sults of a speech lest given is conjunction with stadeat health examinations. Students with special diffi culties are divided Into two classes, which are stadeat groups and individual confer ence groups. People doing mdiviauai work; are helped with distor tion problems, problems in articulation, pitch and tone of voice or stuttering. Correctionist Aids These students report from one to three times a week to work with a speech correc tionist This correctioniBt may be an undergraduate working under faculty supervision or a specialist a graduate student an speech therapy or one of the staff members. The staff members work with special problems. Dr. Wiley works with those who stutter, and ProL Adams with those whs hsve speech diffi culties connected wits a cleft palate condition. This speech clinic is a sup plementary service to any student on campus, which is available oa a no fee basis. Students whose speech isn't quite adequate are urged ts participate in student classes. These classes are Speech It which is fundamentals of oral communication, training, voice and diction. Speech f, 105, or tm. Special Sections The speech department also has special sections ol Speech 9 and 11 for foreign students. These sections, tanght by Dr. Cj'preansen, are designed to help the foreign student un derstand and use spoken Eng lish so that he may better understand instructors and students and be better under stood by them. The speech department al&e does diagnostic and therapy work with people outside of the University. Persons of all ages with special difficulty ranging from pre-school to adults, are helped by this department A total of 64 pairs of eyes were donated to the Nebraska Lions Club eye bank by mem bers of Sigma Phi Epsllon fraternity this week in order that others might see. The 100 cooperation with the Nebraska Lions Club eye bank marked what the Sig Eps hope to be the start of an all-University drive. Representatives j From to is Beginning we are going to branch out and send representatives to oth er interested groups on cam pus," Lloyd Wade, co-chairman of the drive said. Wade went on to stress that the drive for more dona tions is not an official cam pus organization. It is strict ly for the good of the blind." Lincoln Lion's Club officials and Wade explained that any one who pledges bis eyes may break ihe pledge at any time be wishes during his life time. There is no money in volved for acy donation. In order for eves to be use ful for transplantation, a physician must get to a do nor within three hours after Crib Gadget Helps Cut Eating Line Requires Education Of Customers Customer training coupled with new facilities may well provide the fastest service yet at the Student Union Crib according to foods manager, Allen Erause. A speaker system installed recently near the door of the Union enables customers to order as they enter so their food will be ready as they reach the counter. The mala difficulty with this ty pe of service is that the easterners must be trained t use it properly, said Kraase. For example, the speaker is to be need only for ordering hot and cold sandwiches ra ther than fountain items such as malts. The person order ing should push the button and hold it an the time while speaking, be emphasized. The button should be released for an ans wer. One Order Only Many persons order a ham- Jjurger and then decide to add french fries when they get to the counter. Eaters should de cide beforehand what they want and avoid changing their minds, as weH as avoid or dering items not on the menu board, Krause said. Aa additional railing to be installed sear the grill line will enable eaters to bypass the sandwich line to b t a I a (jukker fountain service. Two additional hamburger grills to be added to the kitchen area wiH increase hamburger service by SO per cent Krause noted. The new grills, in addition to adding more area, will maintain more even cooking temperatures to speed tip sen ke, be said. j The "new speedy service" , is providing problems of its; own, though, Krause ob served, i For the first time this year, the service has been so fast that there has been a wait-: ing line at the cashier's stand.' he dies. If this is accomp lished, the Highway Patrol or the Civil Air Patrol will quick ly transport the eyes to the eye bank at the University hospital in Omaha. The donated eyes are then checked immediately to de tect any defects or diseases in them. If the eyes are okayed, they are put into re frigeration for later trans planting. The immediate objectives of the "sight conservation' program according to offi cials of the Lincoln Lions Club are: L "Aa effective public ia formatioa program which will result ia as large a namber f donors as possi ble. It requires UJfiQ do aors t supply 109 pair of eyes per year. 2. "Placing an eye bank kit in every possible stra tegy area. 3. "Developing a weH-ia-formed public so that pros pective donors and their families, doctors, morat ciass and ethers will know what to do, bow to do it, and whea to do it to assure sncccessfid corneal and vi treous transplants for those h need them. 4. "Developing prevention of blindness and rehabilita tion for the blind. 5. "Providing leader dogs for those who seed them.' Unfortunately, not all trans plantations can help blind people to see. Only one out of five such operations help the blind to see, Dick Sievers, as sistant zone chairman and Jim Skala, deputy district governor of the Nebraska Lion's Club explained. Interested? Wade said that any inter ested person, persons or group should contact Mm or Joe KozknsEki at the Sig Ep house. He added that it is a 'volun tary, humanitary effort and that no pressure will be ex erted to get members with out their consent "It was a great feeling when I pledged my eyes, Wade said. "When 1 stopped to reaDy think what it must be like to be blind, I had no doubt that I had done the right thing. TODAY ON CA3IPUS Wednesday; Faculty Homecoming din ner, speaker. Chancellor C. M. Hardin, 8:35 p.m, Stu dent Union ballroom. Ag executive board meet ing, 7 p.m., T.V. room Ag Union Student Council meeting, 4 p.m.. Student Union IFC meeting, 7 p.m., Stn der Onion Ag Union coffee hour, 7 p.m. Thursday: Young Republicans, 7:39, Student Union PanheUenic style show, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., Stadeat Union Theta Sigma Phi, 4 p.m. Student Union YWCA cabinet meeting, S p.m., Student Union I. i u U ON THE MALL JATUKAT, CCTCSE2 1, 9-12 JU. NEW TROPHIES NEW EVENTS