The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, September 27, I960
The Nebraskan
Page 2
. i
Letter to Nikita
Behind the Times
An "open letter to Nikita Khrushchev" was reprinted
Sunday in the international edition of the New York
Times by an organization known as the Committee for
Freedom for All People. The letter told the Soviet pre
mier to "go home!"
To quote in part from the letter, it reads:
". . . We Americans do not insist that foreign rulers,
with whom our Government treats, be congenial to us.
We do, however, expect them to be civilized. We do not
ask that others observe our political forms, or even
(much as we would like it) the underlying dependency of
governors upon, governed that characterizes all advanced
societies. But we are less tolerant of assaults on the dig
nity of man and of revolutions against the natural order.
There are limits to our open-mindedness and no toler
ance for the monstrous perversities indulged in by your
regime. They are, for us, insurmountable obstacles to
normal intercourse between nations. We are outraged by
your blatant refusal to comply with the U.N. directives
concerning Hungary; by your continuing violations of
Soviet promises for self-determination and free elections
in the captive nations of Eastern Europe; and by the un
ceasing drive of Communist imperialism to subjugate
nations newly coming to freedom. Though our govern
ment may find practical advantage in exchanging min
isters with your regime, such is not an endorsement of
legitimacy. We regard you, among the rulers of the civ
ilized world, as a pretender; your so-called revolution as
total war against the human race. Our real business is
with your subjects with whom we share a common love
of freedom.
. . Your marauding adventures will add still more
to the sum of human misery before you are through; but
you will be through.
"You and your evil conspiracy may inflict violence
and slavery on still other nations after you have done
with Cuba and the Congo; but the judgments of mankind
are catching up with you.
". . . You still have the power to hold a billion human
beings in bondage, but in God's good time that curse,
too, will be lifted. t
"What gives us such confidence? Simply this. We of
the West know that the laws of nature will survive all at
tempts by small men fo batter them down even small
men with rockets . . ."
The names of Senators Thomas J. Dodd and Paul H. ,
Douglas and Representative Walter H. Judd are on the
letterhead, and a partial list of names of members in
cludes Roy Cohn of McCarthyism fame, Richard Cardinal
Cushing, Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, H. V. Kallenborn,
Victor Riesel, Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Martin B.
McKneally, president of the American Legion, Gen.
James A. Van Fleet and Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, to
mention a very few.
Mr. K. must have had quite a laugh if he read this
idealistic warning. Besides a laugh he must have gained
considerable satisfaction from reading a letter sponsored
by so many notable Americans that says what he hopes
all Americans think.
Fifteen years ago, most of us might have been satis
fied with this type of letter to Joseph Stalin. But today
we must not be unrealistic as to believe that "the laws
of nature will survive all attempts by small men to batter
them down even small men with rockets." No man is
very small any more when he controls an arsenal of
weapons as does Khrushchev and no laws of nature can
iurvive the holocaust that these weapons or the weapons
of the United States can bring about.
Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania, Tibet,
North Korea, North Vietnam, Mainland China, Czecho
slovakia, East Germany, Albania, Idel-Ural, Cossackia,
Turkestan, Azerbaijan, White Ruthenia, Georgia,
Ukraine, Armenia, Bulgaria, Romania. With all due re
spect, it is time we give the people of these enslaved
nations more hope than just "in God's good time."
Khrushchev has stubbed his toe nearly every time he
sets foot outside Communist land. Few were impressed
by his ugly boast: "We will bury you!" which he re
peated during his visit last year to this country. His
tirade at the summit conference made him out to be the
spoiled baby that he is. This week at the United Nations,
he pulled one of his biggest boners in his plan for a
shakeup of the U.N., which included abolishing the secretary-generalship.
Few members of the neutralist bloc
were fooled by his abortive attempt.
So we say, "Visit us when you like, Mr. Khrushchev,"
and we will laugh at you and peacefully display our
hostility. Under the guidance of foresighted Americans
we will win the battle, not by the laws of nature, pos
sibly in "God's good time," but most of all through a
united and concerted effort of the people of the free
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at: Room 20, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska,
14th &, R
Telephone HE 2-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227
TS Salty rTenraafean H pnMlfhrd Monday. Taeadar. Wednmdar and Fri
day tfariav the wnool year, exMpt during Taeattam and exam arrlnds, by
atanta af tne t'nrrwralty af Nrbraafea nadr authorization of the Committee
aa maaat Attain an aa exnrenlen of ntndpnt opinion. Pnhllratloa ander the
Jartaaictlaa af the Snbeommltte an modem Pahliratloat (hall he free from
adltorlal eenaemhln on the part ef the ftaheftmmltfee -or on the part of any
person astride the IlalTerelty. The mrmhera of the Dally Nehraikan ataff are
aerseaally reanonalcle far what they say, or do, or eaaae to he printed,
fobraary S. 156.
BsbMrrnttoa rate are $3 per temeuter or fs for the academic year.
Entered ao aeeand elan matter at the poet office In Uneotn, Nebraafea,
mder the act af AucnX 4, 1811.
Fdlter Herb Prohaiea
MaaajrlnK Editor Dave Calnoan
Mean Editor , Karen lum
porta Editor Hal Brown
Aw New Editor.... Gerald Lamheroon
my Editera Pat Deaa, Ann Moyer, Oretehen 8hellnenr
Mart Writer Norm Beatty, Have Wohlfarth
Jhrahnr Staff Writers. .Naary Brown, Jim Forrest, Naney tYhltfnrd, Chip Wood
Wtrht Hewe Editor Jim Forrest
BaslaeM Manager Stan Kalmaa
Anietant Huniima Maaarer Don Ferfaaoa. Chip Kuklln, John Nehroeder
Circalatlna Manager Bob Kali
JJiicommitted Block of Nations
Isn't Excess Baggage for 1.S.
At the United Nations, the
first shock of the colliding
cohorts from the four corners
of the earth is over, and as
we regroup for the next col-
1 i s i o n s
we might
look to o u-r
train. We
could lighten
our load for
flexibil i t y
if we rid our
selves of one
rnmh rous
piece of ini- Sevareid
pedimenta the concept of
the "uncommitted bloc of
new nations."
They are new nations in
the legal sense and they are
mostly uncommitted to either
the Communist or the Liberal
societies, but they are not a
"bloc," because that implies
uniformity of aim and the
last thing they will tolerate,
once they get their confi
dence, is to be treated as a
At the bottom of our astig
matism about these new so
vereignties is conscience. The
liberal conscience is, indeed,
the celestial fire or none
exists in the political world,
but this is one of those oc
casions when the fire is not
but clouding our vision with
hardening and tempering
the smokes of misconception.
We have looked at these
peoples through our own end
of the telescope and we have
seen that all of them have
been made to feel racially
inferior, that all have suf
fered (and benefited) by co
lonial exploitation, that all
yearn for the good material
life. Even Americans, with
precious little cause, feel
guilty toward them all.
We have therefore assigned
them a common personality.
They have confirmed the mis
conception by talking, upon
occasion, as if they did posses
a common identity.
In Africa they have joined
to protest apartheid, deepen
ing our belief that they are
all resentful of the white man,
which is not so; they have
jointly condemned French
atomic explosions in the Sa
hara, giving us the impres
sion that they are, in high
morality, horrified by vio
lence and pacific at heart,
which is not so; they have
a sense of solidarity with the
brown Africans along the
Mediterranean, and this is
not so. (Indeed, beneath their
solidarity talk, when they
meet there is the most pro
found sense of alienation be
tween brown and black Afri
can leaders.)
And because they have
talked of "Pan-Africanism"
Pi (u)0ULP VOUjJ
ji my.
1 rPk
nnri the "African personality"
we have been misled to think
they are heading for a uni
fied Africa with all that
wmiirt irrmlv for a new coun
terweight in the world bal
ance of power. But they are
nowhere near that stage and
are not likely to reach it in
our generation. They are not
a "bloc," save for specific
votes against specific and
limited targets, such as
apartheid, and it is a mis
take to think about "winning
them over" as a bloc.
As their common targets
are removed, their common
ality will be stripped away;
and most of the targets are
being removed. The French
even the Belgians can
take heart from the fact that
saturating, anti-British emo
tions, bred in the bones of
Nigerians and Ghanians, are
already vanishing as they
quickly vanished in India it
self. Africans by nature are even
less given to the grudges of
neurotic self-pity than are
The truth is that the Euro
pean or NQrth American na
tions are far more of a "bloc"
than the African or Asiatic
nations, and the reason is
alism while the latter are
barely entering the adoles
that the former have reached
the maturity phase of nation
cent phase.
European nations are far
readier to limit their own
separate sovereignty, t h e
price of commonality, than
any of the non-white nations.
Why we expect the newest
nations to leap over the his
toric phases of virulent self
centeredness in their pro
gress toward maturity is be
yond one's understanding.
Save where an exterior
physical force obliges cohe
sion, as with Russia and East
Europe, dictatorial govern
ments are in their very na
ture inimical to collective
purpose and action between
nations, barriers to what na
tural feelings of cross-border
common identity may exist.
And surely even those who
read as they run must real
ize that virtually every new
nation created since the great
Health IDs
Picked Up
By Students
Student Health Insurance
identification cards will have
to be picked up by the in
dividual student this year, ac
cording to a spokesman of
John Van Bloom and Asso
ciates Insurance Company.
. The spokesman said, "It is
virtually impossible to mail
out all the cards and expect
to have even 50 of the pol
icy holders receive them."
Students wishing their
cards now may stop in at Miss
Carlson's office in Student
Health, the Personnel Office,
or at the insurance office lo
cated at 1311 M Street. "To
save time the student should
wait until after Oct. 15th,"
cautioned the spokesman.
He went on to say that the
identification cards are only
a convenience and "are not
really necessary or required
to have."
I didnt think)
r -i i
Liepnicks Given
Welch Award
SyJvia A. Liepnieks, a bac
teriology and chemistry sen
ior, has been awarded the
Jane Sarah Welch scholarship
for demonstrating outstanding
p i o m ise in
the de p a r t- f .
ment ol bac-
; teriology, zo
I ology or anat
Miss Liep
n i e k s was
born in Lat
v i a and
moved to the
United States Liepnicks
with her parents in 1950. She
now resides with her family
in Lincoln.
The $243 scholarship grant,
which is awarded each year,
was presented by Dr. and
Mrs. Stanley Welch in me
mory of their daughter, Jane
Sarah, a former student of
the University.
.- - .
3000 Summer Jobs
in Europe
ASiS European SAFARI
Jahnitrotat S6 m, FRANKFURTMAIN, Cntrmany
war is'" now or will be gov
erned by the Strong Man.
This is a pity, but it seems
to be a pitiable necessity.
The almost universal pat
tern of these nations at
tempts at parliamentary and
parry r ule giving way to
anarchy, coups and one-man
rule is evidence accept
able by all but the mystical
that conditions for our kind
of free government simply do
not exist among these peo
ples. .
No Illusions
As we lighten our baggage
train by dropping impedi
menta, let us get rid of our
confusion between national
freedom in the world and in
dividual freedom in the na
tion, along with our miscon
ceptions about the .uncom
mitted "bloc." The intelligent
leaders of these countries
suffer only temporary illu
sions about this; the Russians
suffer none at all.
Since situations do exist In
which conscience doth make
cowards as well as fools of
us all, it is easy enough to
understand Khrush
chev's courage in i nvading
New York.He has lightened
his baggage train and given
his shock troops total flexibil
ity by d r o p p i n g the item
called conscience along with
illusions. But this war is
likely to be won by endur
ance more than by flexibility,
and in a war of siege men
come to need every useful
item of supply available in
the quartermaster's stores.
Khrushchev find that
his missing item, like the
horseshoenail in the fable,
will turn out to be the critical
item. '
Read the Daily Nebraskan Classified Ads
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