ROTHJAits Invade Nebraska Hall Parking Area The parking area south of the new Nebraska Hall (El gin) has been prohibited as a student parking area and will be made available 5s a ROTC drill area, said James Pitten ger, administrative assistant to the Chancellor. This program was initiated last spring to permit the units to transfer their drill grounds from the Vine Street mall. This was done, Pittenger said, to preserve the grass and al low beautification of the cam pus. The area will be closed off until Dec. 1, or until' the wea ther forces the ROTC drills indoors. The lot will be open again for student parking un til spring vacation when the baracades will return and the ROTC will again drill out doors. Other Reasons Several additional reasons were cited by Pittenger for using the lot as a drill area during the fall and spring months: The ROTC training is re quired for all students on en tering the University; there fore, the cadets are entitled to have a respectable place to conduct basic drill. Cars on this campus are not re quired, he said. i The University now Tias enough parking area avail able to accomodate student parking, including the cars or Selleck residents who park in Area 2; therefore, the re moval of some 230 parking spaces will not cause any great congestion. The University is not un happy, but it is a fact that Selleck residents quite often just use their cars on week ends causing a pile up of cars in the lot during the week. This leaves the lot com pletely unusable for any oth er University function, such as ROTC drill. Worker's Area Still in use at the Nebraska Hall lot are about 100 spaces for the parking of employees and construction men work ing on Nebraska Hall. This area will be enlarged as the building is occupied and will permanently be barracaded from student parking. The roped off area is pres ently, being used by the Uni versity High marching band as a practice area. l rsMf I . Rf u Crj r' feu fk IV, IV , ! h V I'M V 1 Vol. 74, No. 7 Lincoln, Nebraska Tuesday, September 27, 1960 .Mr. i Average? 'Ball Is 9 N-E-B-R-A-S-K-A i Leading the cheers at Nebraska football and basket ball games this year are, from left, front row, Kay Hirschbach, Yell King Al Krizelman; second row, Gary McClanahan, Jacqueline Gatto; third row, Leah Smith, Louis Burkel; top row, James Sophir, Stephen North. By Dave Wohlfarth The Daily Nebraskan has completed a man-on-the-cam pus poll to determine what the average fraternity man opinion is about having an IFC Ball this year. The survey revealed that 19 of the 32 men questioned are against a repeat of last year's assessment to every frater nity man, whether or not he went to the Ball. In Favor Twenty-four men were def initely in favor of having an IFC Ball and only seven thought the $2 was too much to pay. Half of the men interviewed indicated they went last year and 26 said they mtend to at tend the Ball this year. . The poll was strictly on an individual basis and does not necessarily represent the feel ings of the different houses Below are the comments made by the men' inter viewed: Hal Spurrier, -Alpha Tau Top Fashion Will Benefit Scholarships Panhellenic Plans Two Showings Top fashions, both on and jff campus, will be featured Thursday at the Panhellenic style show designed to raise funds for the Deans Emer gency Scholarship fund. Dean Helen Snyder and one active and alumnae member from each sorority on cam pus will model for the event which is sponsored by Made moiselle magazine and Miller and Paine department store According to Miss Made line Girard, director of Pan hellenic, this is the first fund raising activity of its kind in which all the sorority houses can participate, actives as well as alumnae. Fashion Scenes Scenes from the show will include "Cover Up," "Seen on the Night Beat," "The Big Campus Look," "Que for the Manhunt," "The Young Tycoon Look," and "Off Cam pus Agent" Peg Henry Matthewi, Mid west editor of Mademoiselle and Mrs. Judy Sieler, fash ion consultant for Miller and Paine, will be narrators for the two shows at 2 and 4 p.m. la the Student Union ball room. , Tickets may be purchased from house representatives ana at the door. Pat Johnson, president of Panhellenic is in charge of the sales. Faculty Honored At Homecoming Chancellor Clifford M. Har din will be the principal speaker at the annual Faculty Homecoming jjmner Wednes day at 6:30 p.m. in the Stu dent Union Ballroom. Henrv M. Grefhur .1r fessor of law, will be master or ceremonies as the new fac ulty members are introduced. Present faculty members who have served 25 years will be honored. Tickets will be available at the door for $1.75. National Poetry Contest Begins The deadline for the Nation al Poetry Association's annu al contest is November 5. Any type of poetry is ac ceptable. Each poem must be typed or printed on a separ ate sheet of paper. Name, ad dress and college must be included. All entries are Lo be sent to National Poetry Associa tion, 3210 Selby Avenue, Los Angeles 34, California. Precision Huskerettes Join Band Sixteen beautiful, high- steppin coeds, known as the Huskerettes, will join the Uni versity Band during the Ne braska-Army football game Oct. 15. If all goes well, the Hus keretes will become perma nent members of the march ing band during the football season, Prof. Donald A. Lentz, Band director, said. To form .the new organiza tion, Mr. Lentz is asking for interested University, fresh man and sophomore girls who are well-coordinated to try-out for the Huskerettes this Thursday in the Coliseum from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Selecting the Coeds wUl be Professor Lentz- and Prof. Jack Snider, assistant direc tor of the Band. The girls who are accented wui oe laugni various rou tines and will perform at pre game and half-time cere monies, according to Mr. Lentz. Med Applications Due November 1 Applications for admission to the University Medical Col- ege tor 1961 are now avail able. Advanced premedical stu dents may pick them up in room 306, Bessey Hall. The Medical College must receive these applications by Novem ber 1, 1960. YD's Plan 3 Meetings For Today "It should be our object as citizens to develop interest in our government, whether in Young Democrats or Young Republicans," said Don Fer guson, president of YD's, while urging students to join the political club . "Membership in YD's auto matically affiliates the stu dent with state and national student federations of YD clubs," he added. A full plan of activities have been planned for today by the YD's. At 4 p.m. There will be a meeting of house captains and the membership committee. At 5 p.m., officers and committee chairmen win meet. Tonight, at 7 p.m. Dr. Alex anaer kdelmann, asscoiate professor of Political Science. will lead a discussion of the political campaigns at the University YD meeting. vr. Edelmann will first dis cuss the progress of both parties thus far in the cam paign and then speak about Nixon and Kennedy and the different aspects of their platforms. Later, six YD committees will be formed. They include Voter Information, Mock Election, Dollars for Demo crats. Public Relations, Spe cial Projects, and Program. ine YD meeting is sched uled to be held in the base ment party room of the Union. Omega "It's a good deal but I don't enjoy paying $2. I doubt if I would go." 'More People' George Van Kleeck, Sigma Chi "The assessment will get more people to attend, but they won't enjoy it as much." Paul Thomas, Sigma Nu "Other schools have a suc cessful one but it involves things this University doesn't condone, so it might be a failure here." t Jim Morgan, Delta Tau Delta "No. There probably wui be enough fraternity men going without the as sessment if it doesn't fall on a conflicting date." Al Cummins, Phi Delta Theta "No. I feel it hasn't been a success so why con tinue it. There shouldn't be an assessment at all." Non-Mandatory' John Musselman, Sigma Alpha Epsilon "They should try it one more year on a non-mandatory basis." Norm Beatty, Sigma Phi Epsilon "The IFC Ball is a boast to the Greek system. I would hate to see it be dropped." Harold Johnson, Beta Theta Pi "Why not? I am defi nitely in favor." Gary Bervin, Sigma Alpha Mu "I can't see why a man should pay unless he at tends. 'Not Right' Warren Powers, Sigma Alpha Epsilon "The com- POLL RESULTS Are you la favor of having aa IFC Ball? . ;4 Do you think there should be aa URinimBl? ........13 Is the $2 assessment charged last year too much? 7 Did you go last yaer? yr is Would you go this year? , 26 Inside the Nebraskan The Undecided Eric Sevareid discusses the "uncommitted bloc of new nations." , See Edtiorial Page Better than Nichols Iowa State coach, Clay Stapleton, said Monday Dave Hoppman, Cyclone tailback, is a better athlete than Dwight Nichols .. See Page 3 Population Explosion Is the large University enrollment hindering or help ing? See Editorial Page igskin Activities Intramural football season opens. For results of Mon day games , See Page 3 CHARACTERS' CAST pulsory assessment is not right and $2 is too much." Dick Masters, Kappa Sig ma "If it worked it would be the greatest thing this campus has seen. I'd like to see it. The assessment is the cheapest way it can be done." John Mitchem, Delta Tau Delta "I think they shouldn't have one unless they can avoid assessing each fraternity man. There is no necessity for an IFC Ball." Dick Newman, Sigma Chi "It's a ereat ball. Should be the biggest on campus and compulsory if necessary to pay for it." T'Good Idea' Morris Sinor, S IGMA Nu "Good idea if it works. There shouldn't be a blanket assess ment on house. Those who want to go could pay on their house bills. Rog Myers, Beta Theta Pi- "Making it mandatory to at tend causes a rebellion. They should make people want to go without forcing them don't think the assessment is right." Duane Wray, Beta Sigma Psi "Yes, I think so, but get a better band than last year." Don Gable, Delta Sigma Phi-"We should have it. It is much cheaper than the av erage date. It would be bette4 to be on a voluntary basis, but can t be done." 'Big Deals' Steve Cass, Delta Upsilon "With the Military Ball, the IFC Ball and the spring for mals, I wonder if it's worth so many big deals in the same year. No, it shouldn't be as sessed." Allen Heine, Alpha Gamma Rho "The assessment is all right." Byron Dillow, Phi Kappa Debo,Jones Will Star; Broadhurst to Direct Leroy Jones and B e t h De bo have been selected for the leading roles in the Universi ty Theater's initial production of "Six Characters in Search of an Author." The play, by Luigi Pirandel lo, is a comedy of a cast of players revolting against au thor and director and insist on playing out the "truth in their lives instead -of the canned" plot they have been given. Kent Broadhurst will play the manager and director, Zeff Bernstein, the role of the father, Margery Coffy, the mother; Sharon Purbach, the step-daughter; Stan Rice, the son; and Sharon Binfield, Madame Page The roles of the boy and child have not yet been cast. The actors in the cast are Julie Williams, character lady; John Turner, character man; Maxine Jabenis, Lesly Smith and Nancy Wilson, in genues; and Andy Wolvin, ju venile lead. Other characters are Bob Gambs, prompter; Richard Walkins, property man; Paul Holzworth, machinist; Phil Boroff, Manager-director sec retary; Paul Holzworth, Rich ard Wolkins, Bob Gambs, stage hands. :lassics department Three More Man Staff Than Just L Teaches anguages By Tom Chandler Why does the classics de partment consist of only three persons? Partly," states Keith Aid- rich, assistant professor of classics, "because of the de pression which is still taking its toll of those persons who might now be in college, part ly because of disinterest, and, of course, partly because of budget." Oddly enough, the lack of students has handicapped the Classics department to the point where it has a very small staff, Aldrlch said. He noted that this small staff, in turn, makes it difficult for the Classics department to be a strong department The practicality of the clas sics, or even basic Latin or Greek, in a space age world is! nearly negligible, Aldrich admits. Yet the study of the classics is also ultra-practical because no Latin or Greek history, literature or philoso phy can be taught from a translation he said. The only way to really study these classical subjects is to study them in their native writing. Greek, as an example, was exploited by the Greek peo ple in ways which we mod erns have never dreamed of and so cannot understand un less we study the subject in its own language. Teaches Understanding Mr. Aldrich says that the teaching of a classical lan guage is "teaching an analy sis of the whole idea of under standing and communication to other persons." It is to this goal that the classics depart ment is devoted, rather than the teaching of only a lan guage. We realize, therefore, that the Classics department is, in, reality, a cultural department and that it encompasses a lan guage division of the Univer sity of Nebraska, Aldrich said. Conversely, the depart ment also realizes its respon sibility as cultural rather than just linquistic. Because of this, states Mr. Aldrich, the Classics depart ment is also a service depart ment to the University of Ne braska. It provides basic Lat in and Greek courses which may be applied on require ments in other colleges in the University. Classes in begin ning Latin and Greek and of Scientific Greek are offered every year. Individualistic Department We may say, then, that the Classics department is a very individualistic department. According to Aldrich, it can not be classed with the lan guage department, though a major in the Classics is ac tually a major in one of the two classic languages. The dif ference is in the intent. While the Romance languages, for instance, are taught with the idea of developing com prehension in listening, writ ing, speaking, and reading, the classic languages are taught with comprehension in reading only. "Dead lanugages, you say. No, not dead. The classical languages are a cultural ex pansion of a period in his tory. The classic languages are the keys to unlock the wonders of classical history, literature, and philosophy," Aldrich commented. Aldrich received B.A.'s in English and Classics from the University of Washing ton in 1950 and 1954, respec tively, an M.A. from Harvard in 1955 and his doctorate in Classics from the University of California in 1957. i I I mil Vyj x- v -J BAKER Bill Baker Will Handle 'Hysterics' James W. (Bill) Baker has been seected to direct the Kosmet Klub fall show, "His torlicajlysterics," Oct. 14. Baker was the designer and technical director of "Pajama Game,' the Spring KK Show. He aso payed the part of Max, the salesman, in the show. He has had eight years of acting, directing and design ing of little theatre groups and semi-professional and professional theatres in Vir ginia, Iowa, Michigan, Cali fornia, Korea and Japan: 2 Last year he received the University Theatre award for best actor in a minor role and best actor in a major role. He is vice-president of Mas quers and has been named to the highest honor of Univer sity Theatre, the Purple Mask. He is working on his masters degree in speech and dramatic arts. He will assist skit masters and participants for the Oct. 14 show after the skits are selected in the Student Union Ballroom. Houses will be notified be forehand as to the time they will try out. Twelve houses will be trying out. ; Psi "Yes, very much. It's a real good deal and a pretty cheap way to have a good time. Without the assessment it wouldn't go through." Bill Baxter, Theta Xi "I ieel there should be one and it should be run like last year." 'Restricted' Leon Olson, Phi Delta Theta "I don't care for it. I feel the IFC Ball is restricted an doesn't have Greek support. I'm not against the idea, just the way it's run." Dave Goldstein, Zeta Beta Tau "I'm very much in fa vor of it, but would rather see it paid at the door." Dick Becher, Alpha Tau Omega "No, I'm not in fa vor .of forcing anybody to do anything, but they do need a good name band. Glad I went last year." Lowell Oamek, Farm House "It shouldn't be charged. It should be left up to the fellows. If it won't be success on own initiative -there shouldn't be one." 'Work As Group' Marv Cox, Acacia "Last year I attended and am in favor of it again this year. My own personal opinion "is that the fraternities need to work as a group on this. I am not in f a v o r of the assess ment." Dick Petrick, Alpha Gam ma Sigma "Yes, we should keep the IFC Ball up and should try to get up interest without the assessment, which brings too much resent ment." Don Larson, Theta Chi "I'm indifferent, but there should be one." Don Swanson, Pi Kappa Phi "Yes I liked it last year and am for the assessment." Dick Nelson, Kappa Sigma "I fought it last year, but it went over and should be continued with assessment." , Murray Schad, Phi Gamma Delta "We should have one, but not as rigidly controlled." Rusty Russell, Sigma Phi Epsilon "It is a good idea and I am in favor of the assessment." Holloivay Plays For Hello Dance Bud Holloway and his orch estra will play at the Hello Dance on October 15 in the Union Ballroom. The Hello Boy and Hello Girl will be voted for and announced at the dance, which is to be sponsored by RAM and IWA. Each independent organized house selected their candi dates last night, making a total of 17 boys and 12 girls. A board will interview these candidates on October 5 and 6, to select five girls and five boys as finalists. These finalists will be cho sen on the basis of scholar ship, activities, poise, per sonality and appearance. National Med Tests Given October 29 Attention Pre-Med S t u- dents! The Medical College Admis sion Test will be given here at the University on October 29. This is the last cnance to take it for any student who wishes 1961 admission to any medical college in the United States. Applications are available at 306 Bessey Hall. These must be received by the Psy chological Corporation, New York City, before October 14, 1960. TODAY ON CAMPUS Orchesis, 7 pm. Debate Orientation, 7:30 ACE, 5 p.m.- 200 Teacheri College University Theatre Play tryouts, 4-6 and 7-9 p.m. Soviet Housing Applications due, 5 p.m. YWCA office. Young Democrats, 7 p.m. Student Union