1 Monday, September 26, 1960 Page 2 The Nebraskan . 1 :i - 'f, EDITORIAL OPINION 'Huskers Fight' But Not Each Other at Rallies Pep rallys are designed to promote spirit, but judg ing from last Friday's exhibition of "spirit", it appears most University students are interpreting that the pur pose of rallies is to provide an excuse for organized mass hysteria. Why does everyone take "Buskers fight" so liter ally??? Blood practically ran in the streets Friday as fra ternity pledges trampled the crowd to get their banners to the front of the Union patio where the cheerleaders, band and Corn Cobs stood. One ambitious pledge, after scaling the wall and dragging mud across the cement stage, was asked to leave so that the Cobs' banner contest judging could commence. The undaunted fellow pushed aside the Corn Cob who asked him to clear the stage and shouted "All the rest of the fellas in the fraternity are up there; one more won't make any difference." Unfortunately, even school spirit must submit to Greek Competition before it can be enthusiastically created. The idea of making a banner to promote the team is overshadowed by a desire to beat another fra ternity or sorority out of a little $2 trophy. "Who cares how we win, just so we win?" Often it means tearing up your next door neighbors' sign or cold-cocking some guy with a two-by-four, but if you can win, why it's all very cricket If this is spirit, may we lose every football game. We don't deserve to win. When Greeks would rather prove what a tough pledge class they have than what a tough football team they have, then the cause for a rally is gone. Promoting a banner is easy; anybody with half a muscle could help carry one. But promoting a football team is a little bit more difficult. There's nothing ma terial to hold on to. You cant nail a desire to win to a pole and carry it over your head or beat a fellow Husker with it, but you can shout it at a rally or sing it at a game. Nobody will turn and say "they won the trophy for the fourth time in a row." The remark is more likely to be "they're true Buskers." It's really not a crime to have your group identity lost in that of Big Red. If organized enthusiasm for dear old Nebraska U. is too difficult a concept for us to grasp, then let's forget rallies, let's abolish football- games and just hold a plain old free-for-all in the stadium every Saturday afternoon at 2. This would be a lot easier for all the people who work to plan what they feel is good sportsmanship even though it might be a tad more costly in terms of frac tured skulls, broken legs and bloody noses. Either Successful IFC Ball or None The Interfraternity Council social chairman has re ported that to have a successful IFC ball this school year, it will be necessary again to assess each fraternity man $2, thus insuring financial backing. This method of guaranteeing the ball was intro duced last year after previous balls had failed financi ally due to the lack of attendance. Last year the attendance improved and although it didn't meet with hoped for success, it was an enjoyable affair and met its financial obligations. Even when they were paying for a ticket though, fraternity men did not support it as one might expect. This in spite of the fact that all houses voted for the assessment. So far, the only explanation for the lack of attendance at the ball has been that since it is a University regis tered function, no liquor is allowed. At other schools where the same social rules apply, the IFC ball is a huge success and a much heralded event. It is a rather sad rut we are in if a good time must be governed by a bottle. If this is not the reason for such little support, what other is there? Certainly $2 a couple is a cheap enough price to pay for the quality of entertainment provided. Chances are, it is as cheap a dance as any during the year. However, if when voting on the proposed assess ment, fraternity members cannot cast their ballot in favor of such a move without full intention of support ing the ball themselves, it seems senseless to continue this event and the proposal should be defeated. Honors Program A Sound Step The selective honors program inaugurated this year by the College of Agriculture for outstanding freshman students is a fine gesture by the University to provide a qualified program for the gifted student. This stype of a program is especially necessary at a state university where nearly every applicant must be accepted and therefore a wide range of abilities occurs. The specific aims of the program are for the student to proceed more rapidly in his educational program, for the student to be counseled on a concentrated, individual basis and for the student to center interest on an area to which he is most attracted. It is significant that this is among the first of any such program for an agriculture college in the country. However, agriculture has long been a field ripe for more research. Fortunately, this program is being supported by theFaculty Senate which is also encouraging its adop tion in all colleges of the University. We would second this and bope that the University follows suit with this much needed type of educational advancement. Daily Nebraskan SEVEVTT-OVE TEAKS OLD Member Ainoclatnd Collpflate Press, International Pre Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Boom 20, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska, 14th Si K Telephone HE 2-7631, ext 4225, 4226, 4227 Th Sally KrnrMkaa h puMMhee' Monte?, Tnenaay. Wedneaaar and Frt mm taring fhe artum! rear, exeent durlnr vaeatlnnn and mn nerinifa. hv i Wl llliiM.-ii.mt inn ,iwm inn lawn...!.. aam ..in i - TD LIKE TO TALK WITH IKE" lAROUND THE CAMPUSES Texas A&M Rallies at Midnight Following All-University Dance Students at Texas ALU have a different sort of first rally from that here at the University. On the night before their first game with Texas Tech, there was a three-hour dance for couples at the Cafe Rue Pinalle, a Univer sity sponsored activity. Af terwards, at midnight, was an all-University yell prac tice. Need some money? Buy a printing press! With these thoughts in mind, two students at Texas A&M did buy a press and have already received more orders than they can han dle. They are printing Christmas cards, business cards, wedding invitations and personalized stationery. At Iowa State, 1960 Greek Week festivities began with a snake dance around so rority circle to the armory, where there was a talk on the future of the Fraternity System. The Student Activities Board at Kansas State Uni versity reports 65 student organizations are on proba tion with them for not fil ing organizational reports. These reports were due last spring. Organizations on probation may not meet in the Union or have so cial functions approved. Sixty countries will be represented among the 510 foreign students this fall at Iowa State University. Can ada has the most students of any of the countries: 4L Indian students on cam pus nearly doubled their numbers this fall, with a total near that of Canada's. There are also 24 Japanese students and 32 Formosans at Iowa State. The Iowa State Library negotiates an annual bock program with countries be hind the Iron Curtain. Lists of available material are sent to the countries par ticipating, in exchange for their lists. In this manner, a constant exchange of pub lications and information is maintained. Students at Iowa State have a special way of as suring good grades on ex aminations. The Memorial Union fountain is new being a (Swingline J stapler no bigger than a pack 1C 9Q SEND THE DAILY NEBRASKA.5. to Including 1000 Staples A do-it-yourself kit in tlie palm of lyour hand! Unconditionally guar anteed, Tot makes book cowers, fastens papers, does arts and I crafts work, mends, tacks... no end of uses! i Buy it at your college book store. ctaa'enK or trie I Inlvmlty of WetmMka onrter authorization of the !nrfmilttee aa tttuomt Affair an an rapmMlon of utiirient opinion. Puhllratioa unrter the tnrtodlettaa af thr ftiibemuntrte na Kturtent Pnhllcatlon ahall be free from adltarlal ecmomhlp oa the part af the Mnhrommlttrr or on the part nf any P antaMte thr tlnlveralty. The mmlim of thr tail)' Kebnulkan ataff air aorMaallr renimaajliie for what he aay, or do, or cam to be printed. ebrWT R, lttSn. anrMerlptlaa vatag arr 13 aer arm rater or to for rhe mAhmi m Entered mm arrond rum matter at the pan offiee la Uaraln, XehnMha. tar toe aat af Aufuat 4, Mil. hjr EDITORIAL STAFF - Wttar Hera Prnhaaiw Maaairlar Mltar Uu 4 ,lh.ma -" Karen Urn Mnorai Mltar ..... HaJ Rrntvn T7. Mlto - Oerald IdMnhernoa '-"0 Mlr I'at I lean, Ami Mover, (tretrhrn Hhellhenc f4taff writer Rttv. Have Wnhlfarth Jaalar Mtaff writer. .Nancy Brown, Jim Fnrrent, Mancr Hhltt.irrt. 'hlp wood KlUlt Hew Kdltor Uretrhea Hhelllier fSwingline Cub stapler,$1.29 hMlaew Maaaiter AMhitant feiMlnewi Manager CtnuJatlaa Jaaaacar Ml.riiNrw staff - fltan Kalman '" erunn. ( hip Kuldln, John r4ehrneer Bob iutff J. a tWTiai&Tte- inc af (Lung JbU.nu t.i, New VwrK, W.Y. LlOLl k DAD Parents ore interested in the activities of your University, too 3 SgjGO M"iiiettT per jear Con tart the business offjee 3-3 P.M. daily lo order your subscription for the DA LY Staff Views BOVINE VIEWS used for pitching pennies and making wishes. The end has come to ex changing activity cards to get friends into football games, unless Iowa State students can outwit photo graphs. All student identification cards win have a photo graph of the owner. A main advantage for the students i will be having a better means of identification for cashing checks. Members of Farmhouse, Alpha Kappa Lamb a and Alpha Chi Omega at Iowa State had rather unusual rush weeks this year. None of the three houses have permanent housing at the time. Farmhouse has been using a home man: '; agement house because their fraternity house was partially destroyed by a fire in January. Alpha Kappa Lamba is a local scheduled to go na tional which has a small headquarters. Alpha Chi Omega was recently colo nized, and has plans for a house next year. 'Bovine Views" will be a regular column designed to give a thorough coverage of the Ag campus and ac quaint the readers with its activities, events and hap penings. Perhaps the best way to begin a new column is to look for something new to happen. Ag campus has many new things this fall but one particular one falls in the activity category. This activity w a s a pro ed party on Sept. 20. Faculty and students both realized that many time it was difficult to get freshman to lake a good look at the campus and to meet the faculty. With this in mind the faculty, with the aid of the Ag Union, began last spring to plan for the party. The faculty decided that each freshman should view each department and get a brief of the idea of the projects carried on in each one. Under the direction of Foster G. Owens, professor of dairy husbandry, the faculty mapped out the plan of a progressive par ty where each freshman would visit each depart ment for IS minutes. T keep it a party type idea, the faculty decided that each department weald give the freshman a food which represented sme phase of their department Tuesday night more than 200 confused Ag fresh man massed to the Ag Un ion where the Union board and chairman acted as guides for the tour. by Jerry Lamberson Also new "on the Ag iampus this year is the co educational dorm in B u r r Hall. ..... At first glance, especial ly ones made by the coeds' parents, it appears that such a situation would not be advisable. But a far iher look at the new pro gran, can convince one that it has every possibility U be a success. The two wings of Burr Hall are only connected by a lobby on the lower floor. The second and third floors do net join in any way. Therelore the only possi bility of trouble seems to lie via the lobby. University officials seem to sense any possible trou ble and has the lobby and each floor stocked with counselors and ' advisors. Distinct signs marking the men's and the women's areas are on each section and v iolation of these signs carries a heavy penalty. This penalty, dorm dis missal with a possible school expelling, was pro posed by University offi cials Therefore the lobby is the only common ground between the sexes. This coed program should have every possibil ity of being successful. With coeds only a lobby away, the male students will be sprucing np their manners and appearance trying es pecially hard to please the girls. And as a last reminder I must say, "Huzzah for the coed dorm, let's try to make this a campus wide movement" r I If 3 a - f IV : ' J MAGEE 'S JEANIME .FENTDN, Gommo Phi Beta, member of MAGEE'S college board suggests that you stop in soon and make your choice of the won derful selection of smart college fashions "ot MAGEE'S. Get set for the Iowa State game on Saturday. Wide wale corduroy cor coat with bulky -rib-knit tab collar. Chow from bros. olive or black with c bright ploid wool lin ing Good lookmo style thot't worm ond comfortable. 25 95 Matching Slacks 9.98 CaUrf, FauhU,!,, M MEL'S Third fluar and Spontwrur , tlr f irM r((Wr 4 1