The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1960, Image 1

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By Jim Forrest
Facelifting activi
ties were prominent oh
campus this summer in fra
ternity and sorority houses
as re-decoration ranged
from new furnaces to nevw
The sororities were the
most vigorous redecorators
with Alpha Chi Omega,
Alpha Phi and Delta Gam
ma building new additions
on to their houses.
Completion Soon
Alpha Chi Omega's new
addition on the corner of
15th and Vine is scheduled
for completion by the first
of November. The structure
will house a new kitchen,
dining room, second floor
"and front entrance. Im
proved parking facilities
have also been made.
In January the Alpha
Phi's hope to move into
their new addition, which
includes bedrooms and a
dining room in its three
floor interior. Besides the
new addition, Alpha Phi is
also repainting the outside
'Big Gun9
For Huskers
Nebraska's first home
touchdown of the season was
announced with a bang Satur
day afternoon.
Signalling the scores this
year for the Huskers is
a 75 mm howitzer purchased
last spring for the athletic
department by Bob Blair,
and Col. V. R. Rawie, pro
fessor of military science
and tactics.
The "big gun" will be
fired to signal each home
touchdown of the season as
an answer to the shotgun
fired by Oklahoma and the
mortar used by Missouri.
Strict peacetime conditions
will be in effect to prevent
mishap. No lite rounds will
be fired, only half charges
will be used, and the howit
zer will point away from the
To prevent waste of tax
payers money, all expenses
for the howitzer are being
paid through athletic funds,
said Col. Rawie.
IFC Award
To Promote
The annual IFC scholarship
award will soon be presented
to a sophomore fraternity
man with a 6.0 or higher
overall average.
Each house is urged to
submit two candidates for
the award, the IFC suggested
Wednesday night.
The IFC Scholarship Com
mittee will pick six finalists,
then narrow down the field
to three. A special commit
tee of faculty representatives
will then pick the winner.
Last year's award went to
Roy Arnold of Farm House.
In other scholarship busi
ness, IFC Scholarship Chair
man Byron Dillow suggested
three ideas to Improve the
IFC average: 1. Investigate
the new Study methods course,
possibly making it compul
sory for all pledges, 2. Obtain
ideas from the sororities on
the secret of their high av
erage, 3. Recognize fraternity
men with high averages
through publicity.
In the fpur groups of
second semester scholar
ship rankings, released this
week, no fraternities were in
Group I (6.0 or above). Six
houses placed in Group II
(5.5 to 6.0), sixteen in Group
III (5.0 to 5.5) and one in
Group IV (below 5.0).
The All-Fraternity average
for second semester last year
was 5.376 which was slightly
lower than the All-male av
erage. A meeting is planned for
next Tuesday -with Dean
Frank Hallgren and a repre
sentative of the counseling
service to discuss IFC
Yearbook Starts
Photos Today
' Rappaport Studios from
New York will begin taking
Individual pictures today for
the panel pages of the Corn
husker yearbook.
The studio will be In town
onlv until November 18. All
pictures must be taken by
that date. If appointments
have not been made, students
should contact the Cornhusk
er office in the Student Union
This year's price is $2.00
per sitting compared to $2.50
last year.
Pictures will be taken In
" the Student Union basement
in the southwest room.
Residences Present New Faces To Campus
of their house white.
Delta Gamma is now us-iu-the
first floor of their
new Addition for a dining
room and kitchen. The
other two floors, which
will house bedrooms for
eighteen girls, are not ex
pected to be completed un
til the later part of Octo
ber. Gamma Phi Beta is plan
ning to start construction
on their new addition this
spring. The structure will
include kitchen-dining
room area, bedrooms and
a sundeck. They have also
refurnished and re-carpeted
Top Honors
Go to XTs
For Rally
AOPVs, Phi PsVs
Get Recognition
Theta Xi won the Corn Cob
banner contest at the Minne
sota football rally in front of
the Student Union Friday
night. Runners up in the com
petition were Alpha Omicron
Pi and Phi Kappa Psi.
Approximately 1,000 s t u
dents attended the rally as
fraternity pledge classes car
rying their banners followed
the cheerleaders and band on
to the Union patio.
Some signs were destroyed
but police kept the high spir
ited crowd under hand.
According to Yell King Al
Krizelman, it was "the larg
est rally in the last 3 years
and the sign contest showed
the most preparation."
"I hope this spirit will con
tinue for the rest of the sea
son," Krizelman said.
He added that there will be
a contest each week for house
spirit at the games. The or
ganized house winning the
trophy the most times during
the next five games will retire
it until next year.
Winners for last year's sea
son were the Tri Delts.
Judging, to be done by
cheerleaders, will be based on
the organized yelling of the
house. Original ideas such as
banners, noise makers, bal
loons, flags or pom poms are
The contest is open to both
men's and . women's organ- j
ized houses and the trophy
will be delivered to the win
ing house at the end of each
Foundation Meeting
All students involved in
the Nebraska Human Re
sources Foundation project
are asked to meet in the
ballroom of the S t u d e n t
Union today at 4:50 p.m.
Pictures will be taken
during the 15 minute meet
ing. According to Carol Ver
maas, publicity chairman,
those enrolled in Education
37 should also be present.
Ag Campus
'Fall Fiesta'
Held Friday
All Ag campus students will
be corraled Friday night as
the Ag Union presents its
12th annual Fall Roundup.
Theme for this year's affair
will be "Fall Fiesta," accord
ing to Fran Johnson, chair
man of the event.
The "Fall Fiesta" semi
formal has been one of the
big events during the fall se
mester on Ag campus.
Leading off the roundup af
fair will be the faculty recep
tion line at 8 p.m. Faculty
and guests Invited to be in
the reception line Include
Chancellor and Mm. Clifford
Hardin, Dean and Mrs. E. F,
Frollk, Dean and Mrs. F. E.
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Epp,
Miss j Mary Jane Mulvaney,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Bennett,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mc
Neil, Miss Sally Nelson, Ag
campus Mortarboards and In
nocents and the Ag Union
board members.
At 8:30 p.m. Bud Hollo
way and his Orchestra will
play In the Ag Union ball
room until 11:30 p.m. with a
door prize drawing- at Inter
mission. Movies will be shown con:
tinuously through the evening
by the Ag Union film com
mittee. Applications Due
For Fulbrights
Applications for Fulbright
Awards for the 1961-62 year
are due now.
The applications for study
abroad must be filed in the
graduate office, '306 Adminis
tration before October 31.
the second and third floors
of the present house.
No Addition
Not building or planning
any new additions, Alpha
Xi Delta spent the summer
redecorating the entire
main floor and dining
Of a less spectacular na
ture of campus redecora
tion are Alpha Omicron
Pi's new furnace and Sig
ma Kappa's new dining
room furniture.
Other campus face lifting
includes the redecoration
of Chi Omega's dining
room and bedrooms, the re
i mm mmm
Vol. 74, No. 6
Forces are up for this year for the Cadence Count
esses, who kept time in a Sunday afternoon practice.
Twenty-eight countesses reported for the practice to pre
pare for several of the campus activities. Connected with
the Army ROTC program, the countesses are again under
the direction of Capt. Charles J. Svoboda.
To Host 100
Ag Students
Almost 100 Ag students will
be feted tonight by the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben as
they attend the annual Ak-Sar-Ben
dinner in Omaha.
These students are all re
cipients of Ak-Sar-Ben schol
arships for both freshmen and
Besides the dinner, these
students will also be guest of
their host at the annual Ak-Sar-Ben
The students will leave Lin
coln by bus at 4:30 Monday
Among the faculty that will
attend the banquet are Dean
and Mrs. J. P. Colbert, Dr.
and Mrs. David P. McGill and
Dr. F. E. Eldridge.
Inside the Nebraskan
'Lacks Aggressiveness'
Minnesota guard Tom Brown gives his views of Nebras
ka's offensive line. The Gophers triumphed over the Huskers,
26-14 Saturday. Page 3.
'Huskers Fight'
Are the Friday night pep rallies really aiding the Corn
husker spirit or are. they just a branch of the Friday night
fights? Editorial Page.
Book Reviews
Recent editions of the biographies of the Democratic and
Republican nominees for president can be found in Love
Memorial Library Page 4.
Organizations Selected
By Student-Faculty Poll
Four organizations to be
supported by the All Univer
sity Fund will be selected by
a student-faculty poll on Oc
tober 17.
AUF is the only organiza
tion authorized to solicit the
campus for contributions to
charity. It gives the students
a chance to support those
organizations which they feel
are most worthy.
The drive for student con
tributions will be from No
vember 6 to 19. A faculty
drive is to be conducted in
the spring.
Students will usually be
asked to contribute by per
sonal contact with one of the
50 AUF members of one of
their ropresenatives in fra-
furnishing of Kappa Kappa
Gamma's chapter room
and Kappa Delta's comple
tion of the top floor of their
new addition.
Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi
Beta Phi and Zeta Tau Al
pha did just minor repaint
ing of rooms.
New Annex
The fraternity side of
campus face" lifting saw
only Acacia acquiring new
floor space. Not wanting to
build, Acacia did tjie next
best thing and purchased
an annex at 306 N. 17th,
which will house ten more
jt !h-ufi
Scrip Mag Sale
Starts Tomorrow
Scrip, the Nebraska student
literary magazine, will go -on
sale tomorrow in five places.
Among the authors are Lee
Parks, Barbara Wilson, Fred
Gaings, Darryl Freeland, Ron
Mohl, Lyle Linder and Dick
Writers may pick up their
manuscripts in Room 205 An
drews. Copies may be purchased
at the Union, Andrews Hall,
Nebraska Book Store, Miller
and Paine's and Peden's.
Back issues for those who
wish to complete their collec
tions will be sold in Andrews
Late fees for graduate stu
dents begin. J
ternlties, sororities, or
dorms. A booth will be set up
in the Union for independ
ents. The 12 charities to be voted
upon are divided Into three
general sections. These are
Health, Unfortunate Chil
dren and Improved Liv
ing and Education.
Under the first section,
Health, are included In the
National Association for Men
tal Health, United Cerebral
Palsy, the University Speech
and Hearing. Laboratories,
the Multiple Sclerosis Society
of Nebraska, and the Nebras
ka Division of" the American
Cancer 'Society.
Included in the second sec-(
The rest of the fraterni
ties were satisfied with re
modeling what they already
Alpha Gamma Sigma
redecorated their house
mother's quarters and din
ing room and repainted the
outside; Alpha Gamma
Rho, with their new house,
were fortunate enough not
to have to do any touching
up; Alpha Tau Omega re
did their chapter room,
while Beta Theta Pi went
all out with new rugs, com
bination windows and new
electrical wiring.
Another ambitious house,
Lincoln, Nebraska
Enrollment Up
With one week of registra
tion remaining, enrollment
figures show promise of be
ing higher than the final
totals of a year ago, aa
Theater Promises
'Year of Surprises'
Characters for "A Street
car Named Desire" have
been announced by Dr. Jo
seph Baldwin, director.
Those in the cast are Fran
Thompson, a Negro woman;
Loretta Luce, Unice Hubbell;
Dennis Shreefer, Stanley Ko
walsky; Louise Shadley,
Stella Kowalsky; James Bak
er, Steve Hubbell; Larry
Long, Harold Mitchell; Leslie
Smith, a Mexican woman;
Leta Powell, Blanche Du
Bois; Curtis Green, Pablo
Gonzales; James McDonald,
a young collector; and Joan
Jelinek, a nurse.
Dr. Baldwin said it would be
"a year of surprises" and
that everything from range
wars to madness would be
viewed by theater-goers this
coming season.
In "Streetcar Named De
sire," the surprise has be
come classic in that deep and
beautiful human tragedy can
arise from bitterness and
misery, said Dr. Baldwin.
Tenncsee Williams' talent
is seen at its best, Dr. Bald
win continues, in the creation
of the character. Blanche Du-
Bois, a woman of great deli-1
cacy and love of beauty lost
among the hostility of the
crass, real world. She finally
takes refuge In dreams which
lead to madness.
Williams' drama will be
presented by the University
Theater Dec. 14, 15, 16 and 17.
The cast of Luigi Piran
dello's "Six Characters in
Search of an Author," sched
uled for Nov. 2, 3, 4, and 5,
has not yet been announced.
Phi Delta Phi Fetes
New Law Students
Annrnvimatelv 75 freshman
law students were the guests
of Phi Delta Phi, profession
al legal fraternity, at a wncn
eon in the Union Thursday
Pmtfirnitv functions and
programs were explained by
Magister Sam Jensen and of
ficers Sam Van Pelt, Bud
Sidles. Duane Hubbard, Mick
Neff and Don Treadway.
lion, Unfortunate Children,
are the Nebraska Orthopedic
Hospital, LARC (Lancaster
Association for Retarded Chil
dren) School, and the Child
Welfare League of America.
Improved Living and Edu
cation includes Tom Doolcy,
the NAACP (National Asso
ciation for the Advancement
of Colored People), the World
University Service, and the
Rehabilitation Center.
Each organisation w i 1 1 be
briefly explained on the bal
lot, but according to Ron
McKeever, AUF vice-president
In charge of solicita
tions, it would be well for
student 8 to Investigate them
for themselves before ballot
Delta Tau Delta, re-tarred
their roof, graded and
smoothed out their parking
lot and painted the inside.
Touch-Up Work
Doing just repainting and
touch-up work on their
houses, but nothing exten
sive were Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi,
Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sig
ma and Beta Sigma Psi.
Other minor work was
done by Delta Sigma Phi,
Delta Sigma Pi, Pi Kappa
Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sig
ma Nu, Zeta Beta Tau,
Theta Chi, and Phi Gam
ma Delta who are planning
cording to Dr. F. L. Nicolai,
deputy registrar.
The colleges showing in
creases in enrollment at 4:30
p.m. Thursday were Arts and
Sciences, Engineering and
Arts and Sciences, Engineer
ing and Architecture and
Business Administration.
The latest tabulation
showed Arts and Sciences
had 1,749 students enrolled
compared to 1,546 first se
mester last year. The men
women breakdown shows
1,130 men in Arts and Sci
ences compared to 1,046 a
year ago. There were 619
women registered Thursday
as compared to only 500 a
year ago.
Second among the colleges
in enrollment, Engineering
and Architecture showed a
16 student hike. There are
1410 registered now com
pared with 1,394 total first
semester a year ago. This to
tal includes 16 women.
Bus Ad Third
Running a close third is
the College of Business Ad
ministration with an enroll
ment of 934 at Thursday's
count compared with 923 for
the final count for this same
period a year ago.
Again there are more men
in Bus Ad than women but
both numbers are up.
A fourth college, Teach
er's, is down considerably
from a year ago but Nicolai
indicated that it is expected
that the final count will be
close to last year's first se
mester's enrollment. Figures
for Teacher's show 1359 stu
dents with last year's figures
of 1413.
The fifth large college, Ag
riculture is 11 under a year
ago, 949 to 960.
Graduate College now has
KK Tryouts
Coming Soon
Tryouts for the fall Kosmet
Klub shows to be held Octo
ber 14 will be scheduled with
in the next two weeks, ac
cording to John Schroeder,
publicity co-chairman.
The theme this year is
"Historical Hysteric s",
Schroeder announced.
Don Epp, who is in charge
of the traveling acts asks that
any group or individual con
contact him before October 1.
"A house with a skit may
also have a traveler act too."
Schroeder explained. He
added that traveler acts may
be musical or humorous.
"These acts are individuals
or small groups performing
for five minutes. The traveler
acts will be judged and a
trophy will be awarded to the
winning act," Epp said.
Phi Kappa Psi won the top
honors last fall in the KK
review. Gary Parker, Delta
Tau Delta won the traveler's
act trophy.
Not Just Anyone
Can Wear Beanie
Who's entitled to wear those
little red beanies seen around
Well, not just anyone. Ac
cording to a 1958 Interfrater
nity Council ruling, freshman
pledges are the only ones re
quired to wear the beanies.
Many houses, however, do not
enforce the rule.
Also expected to have the
red hats are members of
The beanies are to be worn
until the Nebraska gridders
win their first home game, or
until the first snowfall.
Costing $1.50 each, they can
be purchased from any Inno
cent or at the Division of Uni
versity Services in the Ad
ministration Building.
to move to a new location
in a year or two.
Sigma Phi Epsilon did
some rebuilding of porches
and windows plus getting
new gutters. Theta Xi also
did extensive rebuilding of
their kitchen.
Rounding out fraternity
row fix-up is Farmhouse
with new rugs; Phi Delta
Theta with new tile on the
second and third floors;
and Sigma Chi who put in
new rugs, desks and beds.
Sinks and ventilation were
added in the kitchen and
re-upholstered furniture in
the living room.
Monday, September 26, 1960
794 enrolled compared to 939
a year ago.
Undeclared Few
One marked drop is the
Junior Division. There are
only 87 undeclared students
compared to 103 a year ago.
"Junior Division is drop
ping each year due to bet
ter advising. Frankly, we
would be worried if it (Jun
ior Division) didn't drop each
year," Nicolai explained.
Other College enrollments
Law is up 10 with 148 com
pared with 138 a year ago.
Pharmacy is down one with
31 now comnared with
32 last year.
Teacher's Advanced Pro
fessional student enrollments
dropped sharply from 312 of
a year ago to 219. Nicolai ven
tured a guess that the drop
was due to the teachers tak
ing their courses by exten
sion around the state instead
of coming to Lincoln as they
aia a year ago.
Freshman Total Up
As for a final estimate,
Nicolai said that the total
figures were "problematic"
when trying to figure but it
is "certain now that the
freshman enrollment is up
about 200."
He said that this increase
is due to "concentrated ef
forts to attract freshmen."
"It does look like there
will bs more cirls this vear
vhen all the chips are in,"
wicoiai added.
The Thursday f 1 e u r p. a
showed 7,863 enrolled on the
city and agriculture cam
puses compared to the final
total last year of 7,945. There
are 5,573 men and 2,290 wom
en registered so far con
trasted to 5,744 men and 2,201
women a year ago.
Nicolai explained that these
figures do not include the ex
tension enrollment numbers
and the medical and nursing
schools in Omaha.
Deadline Saturday
Depending upon the re
maining graduate students
left to register and a few
undergraduate students, plus
figures from Omaha and the
extensions, "the final number
should be close to 8,600," Nic
olai estimated.
Mrs. Irma Laase, assistant
to the registrar, asked to re
mind students that the dead
line for registration is nnnn
Saturday, Oct. 1.
She also said that students
can still add until the Oct 1
NU Student's Art
To National Show
Five naintinirs bv Larrv
Johnson, a senior in art, have
been selected to be displayed
witn paintings by thirty other
artist at the Young America
1960 Exhibition.
The exhibition is now being
housed at the Whitney Mu
seum of American Art in New
York and runs through Octo-
ner 3Uth. After that the ex
hibition will travel to Brook
lyn, Cincinnati, and St. Louis
art galleries.
Be a Shooter; Join
MJ Pershing Rifles
Any basic ROTC student in
terested in joining Pershing
Rifles is invited U rtjid a
smoker, tomorrow evening at
This informal get-together
will be held in rooms 232-234
of the Student Union.
Those unable to attend the
smoker are urged to stop In
at one of the weekly meet
ings, held Mondays and
Wednesdays al 5 p.m.