-1 Page 4 The Nebraskan Friday, September 23, 1960 1 1 .1 1 -I IV Religious Groups Meet X variety of insjJirational meetings have been slated by campus religious groups to mark the beginning of the school year. "The Role of the Church in the Academic Community," will be discussed in a series of Sunday night meetings at Wesley House. This week's topic, "Is the Church Necessary?" will be lead by Rev. J. Graydon Wil son, state director of MSM. A question period will follow his 6 p.m. talk in room 234 of the Student Union. New students who were un able to attend the first open house sponsored by the Bap tist Student Fellowship Sun day have been invited to at- Typewriters USED REM. PORT. 19.50 NEW PORTABLES 49.50 up Adding Machines USED MANUALS 25.00 up NEW WITH SUB. 139.50 up KNAPE OFFICE MACHINES Ph. GR 7-2723 1609 0 St. ft jep . I yr . jv.- I IT 111 I 9 LIKE A MARINE ASSAULT ...BOLD, SCORCHING AND RELENTLESS I 3 T TL 0 "'ewv IW i T '5 Freprklnr 1227 Fim VMtor i 1 ,21 t TO STi Mll49N1Hi K2-M45 I TODAY! I STARTS Oni mScop A SPECIAL MESSAGE ABOUT THIS PICTURE . . . Hi lor lout, happy-go-lucky thot' "High Time," ot Bing, o 50-year-old telf-mode millionaire de cides io take o fling at college. You'll howl os Bing runs through fraternity pledge duties and the freshman scavenger hunt. Fabian is a real surprise, not only con he sing he can oct Tues day Weld is cute os can be and Nicole Maurey some French teacher! You'll ogree that this is the greatest college-type show you've ever seen, fvii none' tend a second welcome night this Sunday at the First Bap tist Church in Lincoln. Olympic Speaker Olympic winner Don Brand, who placed fifth this summer in free style wrestling ana is an NU alum, will speak at a banquet to be held Wednes day. September 28 in the Cornhusker ballroom for all Baptist students. A picnic will be held at Pioneer .Park Sunday. Stu dents wishing to attend will meet at the National Lutheran Council Student House at 4 p.m. "Choosing a Mate" will be the topic for Sunday night's Peabody to View Grid Opener Eddy Peabody, noted radio and television banjo player, will be seated in the Stadium during the Nebraska-Minnesota game. , He will be the guest of Dr. Thompson of the Omaha Medical School. uiiuitd . uucem PATRICIA HiiiAiir ttiiirtin TMU BIUWIUIAMS-MICHI K0M after 6 p.m.! 1 fTWp; a,-. I iw ir wnmTriiii .wm JEFFREY DAVID DOORS OPEN U:4S "IT KE 24097 NOW SHOW IXC : ftr 6 p.m.! colo i oi low J r II 1 I iv 1 1 Gamma Delta meeting at the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. Rev. W. T. Janzow of Concordia College at Sew ari will lead the discussion. Sunday Rev. Allen Picker ing will urge students to "Be My Broom-Mate and Sweep With Me," at the evening stu dent meeting. Society Divides Canterbury Society for Ep iscopalians has been divided into two groups for the first time this year, one for under graduates and a second for faculty members and gradu ate students. An organization meeting will be held this Sun day at 6 p.m. to elect officers and plan the year's program. The Presbyterian, EUB, and ENR student groups which merged three years ago at NU were joined this fall by the Disciples of Christ student organization. The four groups will co operate in the planning of Sunday morning worship and Sunday night suppers, wor ship services, and forums, ac cording to Rev. Allen Picker ing. Newman Club will meet for the first time Sunday in the new student center at 16th and R. Rev. Robert F. Sheehy, as sistant chaplain of Newman Club since 1952, has recent ly received the title of Mon signor and Papal Chamberlain. IFC Committees Announced newspapers were notified of the new pledge classes, ac cording to Steve Gage, IFC Public Relations head. Gage also mentioned a pos sible photo sequence for next year's Rush Book and the possibility of beginning an IFC news letter which would be an instrument of the Exe cutive Council. The Newslet ter would reach every fra ternity man to inform them of internal public relations in the IFC. ) In other action the IFC ap pointed Bill Connell as Health Chairman and Warren hiu to the Political Committee. Ball Discussed Discussion of the IFC Ball was brought up by Social Chairman Gary McClanahan. "If an IFC Ball is planned, each fraternity man will again be assessed $2 and it will need 100 fraternity backing," said McClanahan, Tentative dates mentioned for the ball include one week end in February or one of two in March. Costs will in clude about $2,000 for a band and $500 to rent Pershing Au ditorium. John Nolon of the Junior IFC said that an Affairs com- mlttee has been set up with j fhree functional groups: 1. Constitution, 2. Elections, and 3. Faculty. The constitutional committee i will be present at every meet ing for consultation and to make changes and revisions. Neal Ferguson is chairman of the election committee and Winston Wade heads the faculty committee. The IFC Executive Com mittee turned down an appeal from Pi Kappa Phi for the initiation of two pledges who made their averages but were not on the house roll last spring. Also discussed was a pro posed reorganization of the IFC system, which will be discussed again next week. Nebraskan Want Adi No Word! 1 dm ii d. g (In. 4 An. J -10 ,40 ,ft ,W 1 00 M .BO 1 06 1 .2ft 1.?Q .SO M I M M .70 1.10 14ft I B .no i a i s 5 00 si - .o 1 40 i.ro 2 2ft SS-40 1.00 1.IM 3 OS 2 60 Thmw low -out ratm pply to Wnt Ail which r p!c.rt for otiMiitlv 4n n r pmd for within 10 1aya aftr h 4 nplnM or Ii ctnmln). CLASSIFIED AD POLICY Ada to b. prlntwl In th elaanlflwl action of th Dallf NshranKan itniat ba accompanlad by tha nama of tha praon placing aald ad. EMPLOYMENT Can mi Mvaral dapandnhle men for purt tlma Tork. INTFRVIKWH: Thuraday. T:30 aharp, 2311 ilouth th. HAKHER8 WANTED Oontaot Tom Mulhiwi at Blurna Nu. Phona OR T-3S84. WAVTKD HaatMiy for Theta !hl fra , .Tilty. 31 North 13 LOST 1XPT: Oold Prlncaaa-Omrdnar Blllfnld. Cnnccrnad ovar contanta. Plaau plan rontanta In anvalopa and addraii to Rtudant Haalth, and plaoa Into eam ptja mall Nr. RIDERS Wanted: Rldur to HaatlnM aach Friday aftamoon and return to Llnroln aach unday avanlnf. Call Chan, HB 2-4042 evtnjrifi. ROOMS FOR RENT Ac College Dlatrlot Nice horn for employed women or graduate alii, denta. Dingle room, kitchen nearby, 20, 3211 Starr. HB 2-7631, Ext. 7113. FOR SALE Hotpolnt full-aim electric range. Prac iirMity brand new. f so. Phone ID 1-11S8. LITTLE MAN I it 'W SOCIAL CALENDAR Football Rules Pledge football functions dominate the scene this week end as students get back into the social swing, of things. Open houses, hour dances, and picnics will also give many freshmen their first glimpse of the tradition of campus functions. FRIDAY Residence Halls-Selleck Quadrangle, hour dance, 7:15-8:15 pm Terrace Hall-Pioneer House, hour dance, 7:45-8:45 pm Feede Hall-Ag Men, hour dance, 7-8 pm SATURDAY Football functions: Alpha Chi Omega-Sigma Chi Alpha Omicorn Pi-Farm House Alpha Phi-Alpha Tau Omega Delta Delta Delta-Theta Xi Delta Gamma-Delta Tau Del ta r.V-:-.yS..' ft YSSJ SEEATJ0Rffl4: mm YOU MOST SSI mmmm Filters for flavor -finest flavor by far! ft y ' Mm' - - I- Tareyton has the tastq Dual Filter does NEW DUAL FILTER fmduct qf iJ&J&na(am Ji&ueocrrytarp ifyaee it vr mrfdU nam t.a ON CAMPUS CATS ew -B - Gamma T id Beta-Kappa Sig ma . Kappa Alpha Theta-Beta Theta Pi Kappa Delta-Alpha Gamma Rho Kappa Kappa Gamma-Phi Kappa Psi Pi Beta Phi-Phi Gamma Delta Other functions: Alpha Omicorn Pi, open house after game Delta Gamma, open house after game Love Memorial Hall-Alpha Gamma Sigma hour dance, 6:30-7:30 pm Selleck, open house after game RAM-IWA, steak fry SUNDAY: Alpha Xi Delta-Farm House, . barbeque, 3-5 pm Zeta Tau Alpha-Pi Kappa Phi, pledge picnic, pio neer park, 3-5 pm . NEtfiSt NOW PLAYING 'V w-.V , ft. ' m a, fi it " ."Jt 'V 1 it! I 1 WT 'A EPCSets $2,000 Goal On Campus The Extra Point Club has set a goal of $2,000 for a cam pus drive that began Thurs itav morninff and will end at midnight Wednesday, accord ing to directors of the t.f u The campus drive will con sist of competition among or panized houses to sell club memberships and the winner will be announced ai nauume of the Iowa State game Oct. 1. Three 'prizes will Be award ed to th too houses with first prize being . a chord organ, second prize a poname stereo and third Drize will be $60 worth of records. Membership m the EPU is one dollar and each member receives either a button or a window sticker. The campus drive a year ago netted $900 with the overall drive adding $9,000 to the Nebraska grant-in-aid fund. Directing the campus drive are Bob McCracken, Dick McCashland, Ted Conner and Marv Green. Independents Plan "Beat Minn." Dance The first hour dance for independent women and men will be held Friday evening following the "Beat Minne sota" football rally. The dance will be spon sored by the Women's Resi dence Hall and Selleck Quad rangle. Dancing will be from 7:15-8:15 p.m. in the resi dence halls ballroom. Main Feature Clock State: "Carry on Nurse," 1:00, 2:42, 4:24, 6:06, 7:48, 9:30. Varsity: "Hell to Eternity," 1:29, 4:04, 6:39, 9:14. Nebraska: "Sound and the Fury," 1:10, 5:05, 9:00. "Harry Black and the Tiger," 3:10, 7:05. Lincoln: "It Started in Naples," 1:20, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15. Stuart: "High Time," 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:20, 9:20. 7 THRILL PACKED EVENTS PLUS DEMOLITION DERBY Roc Time: 3:30 Sunday Afternoon LINCOLN SPEEDWAYS CAPITOL BEACH One Mile West on O St. . . at 13-" All Tareyton '-ri - DUAL FILTER :1 i Here,s hQW the DUAL pjLjR poES IT: 1. It combines a unique inner definitely proved to make el month 2. with a pure white outer filter. the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton's flavor-balance gives you the best taste of the best tobaccos. Tareyton LUNCHES f SNACKS "WHERE CAMPUS FRIENDS MEET" 1131 R STREET NEXT TO NEBR. BOOK STORE "Someone... somewhere must think I'm wonderful" j Don't look now, Charlie! Brown, but we ell do ) r CAEG1S, By Charles M. Schulz The brand new collection of daily PEANUTS strips. Required reading for all majors 4 ONLY y 01 yow 0,,9, Holt, Rlnehart and Winston, Inc. SUPER-MODIFIED Stock Car Races Sunday, Sept. 25 3:30 PJ1 in filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL the taste of rigarette mild and Together they select and balanca "Someone... v Hi I r if .5 60 j ' tela.,. . 1 f S ' ' faA M : 'i for. ' " ? ., ,. y.' . I