The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2
si Wednesday, September 21, 1960 Page 2 The Nebraskan - ',1 - 1 EDITORIAL House Scholarship Report Ridiculous The new system of publicizing organized house aver ages, used for the second time last semester, has fallen flat on its face just as it did when it was introduced last spring. Its fallacies are numerous and it should be abol ished immediately. Fallacy number one is that the top house in the two groups, men's and women's, is recognized both as being first and also with its average. If the purpose of this sys tem is. to eliminate competition between the houses for grades, similar to the way competition is discouraged in the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts, there should be no publicity on which house is first nor what its average is. In addition, it is hardly fair to a house that is second in its respective group, when that house may have been within one one-thousandth of a percentage point of the leader. Fallacy tfumber two is that in the new listings, houses are placed in alphabetical order. If Zeta Zeta Zeta is number two out of all women's houses, she is last in the list of those houses ranking in the first break down. A little doctoring of the, report and Beta Beta Beta is showing its rushees how it ranked far above Zeta Zeta Zeta. One administration official has made the statement defending the new system in past semesters the top 10 houses were separated only by one-tenth of a point. This is far from true, as a quick check into the records of past semesters will show. For example, the last time all averages were published was for the second semester of 1958-59. Figures for the top 10 women's houses ranged from 6.333 t:i 5.948. Men's averages for the top 10 ranged from 5,975 to 5.664. The semester before that there were three-tenths of a point difference for the women and nearly half a point difference for men. The same story goes for each semester that the averages were published with the difference as great as seven-tenths of a' point during one semester. The Daily Nebraskan tried to call the various houses in an effort to gain their averages, so that we could present a fair picture. The standard reply was one of refusal because they were afraid of criticism from the administration. In most cases, competition is healthy and in regard to scholarship records, competition is as strong an in centive which we know to raise averages. Students would be doing themselves a service if they would take a stand against this ridiculous system, in order that the true picture may be presented. , Contest Won't Show True Student Spirit Now that both sides have been heard, we will throw in our two cents regarding the contest sponsored by the Young Democrats with a prize of $25 going to the best organized demonstration. Politically, the idea was a bad one on the part of the sponsors. It will not give them a true indication of what support there is on campus for the Democratic" ticket Twenty-five beans i enough to throw a good party, and chances are this is what will happen to the money. If true spirit could be bought, the athletic depart ment would have established an Extra Spirit Club long ago. Spirit like that shown at the airport rally Sunday was brought about by the outcome of a football contest, and this is the only way such spirit will be shown. Most students, because they react differently to the campaign than the older voter, have made up their mind who they will support up to November 8. If they have been impressed with Senators Johnson and Ken nedy they will demonstrate this through unpurchased, self-motivated spirit.. It seems as if this campus labors under a perennial, in vain effort to muster enthusiasm through utilization of commercial devices. Beanie Tradition Needs a Boost Noticeably missing from the campus scene is the freshman beanie, once a time honored tradition, but slowly disappearing from the heads of the new class. Usually worn until the first snowfall or until Ne braska wins its first home football game which would seem to be more likely than snow the decline has be come more evident in the last two or three years. The only organized means for requiring freshmen to wear the red beanie is through Greek houses which will be the groups that either let the tradition die or be re vived. We would like to see it revived. Admittedly, to the incoming freshman, it seems like every place he turns somebody is there wanting money for this and for that We don't like to take away the Innocents' means of raising funds, because they go for good causes such as the freshman scholarship. However, if it means a revival of the tradition by selling the beanie cheaper rather than letting it die, we would rather see them sold non-profit. Then there is the possibility that the House Un American Activities Committee might investigate the campus for being pink. Daily IVebraskan SEVENTY -ONE YEARS OLD Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Boom 20, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska, 14th St, ft Telephone HE 8-7631, ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 TJ" H"WtaMi la awMMita MtNw, Tumla. Wramay and Frt- " tm yaar. rarrpt aurliir Taratlmv. mtt nam prrlixl, by ') a l CMvenltr m 'NxfcnMka aW aarharicattna of ttw Ommlttrr a Affair m n npmdaa of tiit plnlna. Publiestioa umler thr JwrlwM f tbe Snbmnnmlttvr fttaaVirt FuhltmtixM hall fcr Inr 1mm MittwiM HMonhi m thr a,rt wt thr Kufcramnttto or a thr Bart v awraoa MMMc thr T'titrrmtt. The mrmhrra of thr Rally Krbraka ataff arr r,"mrW' W. a, to W VrlntrZ KlMHptBa ratn arr S3 arr u Ur ar S far thr araarmlr yrar. as arrnaa catai mattrr at WMU aifau 4, mix. EDITORIAL " ary Browa, Jim rtm Edttar Hyn f dHor aart 4itnr I JUrw. Mltar 'wpt ritw Hrttrri iuntor Staff Wrltm. .Nl HUM Me K4iMr BaaliM m Maaaiter Mtrtant HiMlanM BL'SBfEHS - Uoa OnohMlaa Maaaget OPINION the MM afflcc la Uarata. Mrbiaoka. STAFF Hrrfc rmbun Iavr (Jalhmia Karro linc Hal Bmwa irralfl Lamhrrfuta raa, Aaa Muyrr. Orrtrara Nhrllhrrx Mrm rWltr. Itarr Hnhlfarth Forrrat, Nanry MhlMord, 'hli. Vim A Pat Draa IHTAFF Frriuana. Ala kuUSa, . . Htaa Katntaa Jntie rhmrarr Bah Raif 3?rS :'v' ""- T-JlsL LJ&t f Tailor-Made Candidates And 'Leadership Business ' By Eric Sevareid So far, all that Nixon : and Kennedy have received from the American elector- ate is what Damon Runyon ! used to call the "medium hell o." M e mbers of both ! parties have ; clapped on i c o m mand but in his heart ev ! R e p u b ! 1 i c a n I ! k n o w is Sevareid i uneasy about Nixon; every ; other Democrat I know is ; uneasy about Kennedy. Why? Not, I think, for ! the reasons usually as ! signed. Not because of ! their "youth." Not really I because of Nixon's "white i collar McCarthyism's" ; of long ago; not really be- cause of Kennedy's church I or his toughness or his fa- ther's quick money. Most ! of us are uneasy about : these men because they : represent a clean break ; with the past, and we have I not yet adjusted. We cannot relate them ! to our life-long images of ! power and statesmanship ' and the shrine of the White House. These tidy, but-toned-down men are clothed in no myth or mys tique, and where shall our mind's eye place them as it ranges back over the majestic skyline of Ameri : can history and calls up the rugged and wind blown captains who once led us? The "managerial revolu tion" has come to politics and Nixon and Kennedy are Its first completely packaged products. The Processed politician has fi nally arrived. The w e 1 1 : trained civil servant is to : be handed the ultimate power. We shall have govern- ment of the people, for the ! people, but by the certified ! manager. And while pro i fessors of political science ! may rejoice, most of us are ! uneasy, for we know that ; the Presidency is neither i a business nor a science, ; but an art, and that a very I great artist is now re quired. Nixon and Kennedy are not princes of the blood or sons of tiie soil. They are not captains of industry like a Wilkie or of armies like an Eisenhower. They are not luminaries of the intellectual world like Wil son or Stevenson. They are not powerful proconsuls who grew bigger than then provinces like Governors Roosevelt or Dewey. They are junior executives, trained in the home office with an unerring eye to the main chance. The "magerial revolu tion came to industry when rugged tycoons like Henry Ford were replaced by skilled committeemen. It came to labor when the John L. Lewises and the Phil Murravs were re rv I I STRETCHER BEARERS placed by the. Reuthers, when, indeed, the labor movement became the la bor business. Now with Nixon and Kennedy, the great, eccentric and inde ginable art of leading a na tion has become the Lead ership Business. The Or ganization Man has found room at the very top. I have no right to say it won't work. Their souls may yet prove superior to their skills. They must, or it will not work at all. Skills will do for a quiet country in quiet times, but only lofty character and iron purpose can lead a turbulent American through this tumultuous time. (Alas, even the cliches of convention ora tory are true.) Many of us remain un easy about them because neither one Tias acquired a true identity. Their faces and voices are familiar, but their meaning as men es capes us. In the past, more often than not, we identi fied our nominees because of what they had already done or said, by their as sociation with great deeds or great ideas. They came to us already clothed in their own mystique. Sometimes, to be sure, the cloth was made of shod dy, but we thought it was wool and at least a yard wide. And their raiment was hand and home made. But the washable, wrinkle-proof Brooks Brothers garb of these new and skilled practitioners of the Leadership Business what is it made of? How much is real, how much synthetic? Where are the deeds, where the inspiring ideas, where the inspiring ideas or rebellious words? If I am unjust, forgive me. It i6 hardly the fault of either nominee that we have run out of available rugged characters with ready made records. Per haps what chiefly bothers me is the fact that this should happen precisely with my wn age-group. In my college generation the Nixon-Kennedy gen eration there were bril liant, strong, idealistic, un orthodex individuals ii great supply. They sweated to grasp the new ideologies of Fascism and Commu nism sweeping the world. They marched in "peace parades.' They sicked at the Republic Steel massa cre of strikers. They got drunk and wept when the Spanish Republic went STUDENT MANPOWER needs skilled office help for tem porary assignments. Work a day, o week, a month, or whatever hours you wish. No fees, top hourly wages. MANPOWER, INC. 244 North 13th St. down. They dreamed beau tiful and foolish dreams about the perfectability of man, cheered Roose velt and adored the poor. I can't find in the record that Kennedy or Nixon ever did, thought, or felt these things. They must have been across the campus on Fraternity Row with the law and business school boys, wearing the proper clothes, thinking the prop er thoughts, cultivating the proper people. Men of mea sured merriment, as Thom as Wolfe put it, and of measured tears. I suppose those boys were smarter than any crowd of bleeders. I al ways sensed that they would end up running the big companies in town, but I'm damned if I ever thought one of them would end up running this coun try. Dit. 1W0, by Thr Hal) Syndicate, Inc.) mil Rights Rrxervrd i Letterip Tat Dally Nrttraamaa will aMla anlT thaw Irttrra wMr are aleara. Lrtten attacks tadirMiMbi aiaa) carry the aathar'a aamc. Others nay aae Initial! ar a ra same. Lrttt aliaahl art exaar tM war. Whra Irttrra eierai thtt ttmtt the N feraakaa reeerrea thr riht taj ea 4raar aeia, retatatac the arrHarV akraa. To the Editor: Let's set the "Former Student" straight on Sena tor Johnson's visit and the Contest which is being spon sored by the Young Demo crats Senator Johnson's ad vance man, Mr. Frank Dooley, was sent to meet with the University officials and YD Officers to aid us in the arrangements for the Senator's visit. The contest was not entirely his idea and the prize money is coming directly from the University of Nebraska Young Democrats. IT IS NOT A DEMOCRATIC "GIVE-A W A Y" as Mr. Thompson suggests. We are not worried about ' having a small reception for the Senator. We hope that there are no students or adults in this state, campus or nation that will expect to be pa"id for displaying their individual and group interest in our American government. The best citizen is an in- tormed one. The Young Democrats are hoping to keep anyone interested, in formed as to our platform, candidates and philosophy. Senator Johnson is another of our excellent programs aimed at this end. Don Ferguson Young Democrats President WIVES!!! Nolo Contendere By Myron Papadakls and Bob Nye Campus life is in full swing as 700 new com rades pledged them selves, their hearts, their parents pocketbooks and their high school pins to the ancient tradition of fraternal living. By ancient, we discov ered that this type of communal goings-on has been in progress since the first Socialistic mind ed "Brother" found a cavemate. x In tracing the growth of this Communistic system further, we find examples dating from the beginning of recorded time and cli maxing in China with "People s" commun als and in the U.S. with "College" communals. These communals are merely front organiza tions going under the guise of "fraternals." These Caucasian "broth ers" differ from the Ori entals only in a lack of regimentation and the fact that they have dis covered a system of wearing ornate pins sig nifying their address. However, it seems that even our Eastern coun terparts can be shown something. Yesterday, ra dio Peiping announced all its working communals will be given badges des ignating to what communal and not what caste each person belongs. Appar ently this is designed to, in public view, discrimin ate against those so un honored. The message continued that these badges would create an ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH, DEAR FRIENDS Today, if I am a fettle misty, who can blame me? For today I begin my seventh year of writing eorumn far the makers at Marlboro Cigarettes. Seven years! Can it be possible? It seems only yerterday I walked into the Marlboro offices, my knickers freshly pressed, my eowlick wetted down, my oilcroth pencil box clutched m my tiny hand. "Sirs," I said to the makers of Marlboro a handsome ttn aggregation of men a you will find in month of Sundays, as agreeable an tiie cigarettes tbey make mild yet hearty, robust yet gentle, flip-top yet soft pack "Sire," I said to this assemblage of honest tobacconists, "I have eome to write 8 column for Marlboro Cigarettes in college newspapere across the length and breadth of this great free land of America." We shook hands then silently, not trusting ourselves t peak and one of the makers whipped out a harmonica and w ang sea chanties and bobbed for apples and played "Run, Sheep, Run," and smoked good Marlboro Cigarettes unti the ampfire had turned to embers. "What will you writ about in your column?" asked Mac d the makers whose name k Trueblood Stronghewt. n VU.w i "AtHKit tiie burning issues tliat occupy the livery minds at eollege America," I replied. "About such vital questions as: Should the Student Gmncil have the power to levy tases? Should proctors be armed? Should coeds go out for football?" "And will you say kind word from time to time about WarllKjro Cigarettes," asked one of the makers whose name Honor Bright. "Why, We you, sirs," I replied, chuckling BiJverly, "there is no other kind of word except a kind word to say about Marlboro Cigarettes -the filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste-that happy combination of delicious tobacco and ex clusive selectrute filter-that loyal companion in fair weather ar foul -that joy of the purest my serene." There was another round of handshakes then and the makers queesed my shoulders and I squeeied theirs nd then we each squeezed our own. And then I hied me to my typewriter and began the first of seven years of eolumning for the makers of Marllsiro Cigarettes. And today as I find myself once more at my typewriter, one more ready to begin a new series of columns, perhaps it would be well to explain my writing methods. I use the term "writing methods" advisedly because I am, above all things a methodical writer. I do not wait for the muse; I work every single day of the year, Sundays and holidays included. I set mvself a daily o,uota and I don't let anything prevent me from achieving it. My quota, to be sure, is not terribly difficult to attain (it is. m fact, one word per day) but the important thing is that I do R every strife day. This may seem to you a grueling schedule but you must remember that some days are relatively easy for example, the days on which I write "the" or "aM. On these days I can usually finish my work by noon and can devove the rest of the day to happy pursuit like bird-waJking, monopoly and smJclntr Marlboro Cigarettes. VMl Mai - The maker, or Marlboro .re happy to brina you another yaarof Max Shutman; free-uheelmy, uncenmred rotumn and are aim happy to bring Marlboro Cigarette,, and for mon-klter tmokeramitd, Havurlul ?hUi Marri. "espirit" among a gul lible and easily , led peo ple. However, jeweled or jaded badges will have no more significance than those so unadorned. Locally, the subversive organizations, some 40 strong on campus, have been kept under strict control by a highly trained and efficieint se cret service sponsored b'y a local organization; we won't mention any names, but the initials are IFC), who have seen to it that only 80 per cent of these equals can now wear safety- pins. Notably, these pins were well hidden until libera tion day. Again, as in previous years, these pins designate communals as stereotyped by a status quo. Some pins signify Hercules, some Mam mon, Bacchus and still others Eros. The only ex ception is the lack of a pin for Athena, as testi fied by the, standing col umns. Several of our fellow organizations have been pressured into an unfa vorable light in the minds of a dormant and, we hope, an apathetic public. But if all goes as planned comrades, we won't have to hold our meetings in secret next , year. So join the move ment and get your free pin. For tomorrow the sun will rise and. set in the East. Read Nebraskan Want Ads with (jtmor "I M m u Tern-op IMnarf" ," Tke Mm Lotms of Dobit GJUl", rfc) ; w I'll I mt. imfhstr r