The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 19, 1960, Image 1

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For the fourth semester
in a row KaDDa A 1 n h a
Theta took top honors, .in "
me graae-average.. listings
among the women's organ
ized houses" for the second
smester of 1959-60 school
The scholastic average of
P 427 brought the Thetas
into first place ahead of
Love Memorial Hall, which
topped women's dorm scho
lastic honors with 6.376.
The results of t h e male
grade listings showed Corn
husker Co-Op on the top of
the men's scholastic honor
roll with an average of
6.159, which is .371 of a
point below the women's
The Co-op's mark, how
ever, failed to surpass the
4Eyes of Nebraska'
Are Upon Big Red
T'hte Cornhusker football
team received a rousing wel
come yesterday at the Lin
coln airport by an estimated
crowd of 2,500, most of
which were students.
The Huskers were just re
turning home from their Sat
urday 14-13 upset over the
highly rated Texas University
Top Crowd
The crowd surpassed the
1959 turn out after the Min
nesota game. The first well
wishers arrived at 12 noon
and were followed by a car
narade led bv the cheerlead
ers and the Corn Cobs and
Tassels at 12:30 p.m.
By the time the plane ar
rived, 1:30 p.m., the Nebraska
Air National Guard members
formed two lines for the
players and coaches to walk
The National Guard mem
bers displayed two signs at
the rally. One read "The
Eyes of Nebraska are upon
you" with the word "Texas"
crossed out
As the Huskers stepped off
the plane, two flying salutes
were made by F-86 jets.
Even though the jets were
flying low, the spirited Hus
ker fans drowned out their
Several of the home-made
signs reflected the feelings of
the ardent fans.
One read "Congrats Big 8
Champs" and another, "Wel
come Team, from Austin to
Miami" Indications showed
:hat the followers of the Big
Red are ready for an event
ful year.
Care were lined all the way
from tba airport to the high
Sign Contest
For Johnson
Adds Interest
In an efffort to arouse stu
dent interest in the arrrival of
Senator Lyndon B. Johnson,
the Young Democrats are of
lering a cash prize of $25 to
t ha organized house with the
best demonstration and most
original sign.
The senator is scheduled to
arrive on campus at 2:30 p.m.
Don Ferguson, president of
the Young Democrats, an
nounced the following rules
hat the houses must follow
:n order to be eligible for the
1. AO organized houses
Interested in entering the
contest must sign up at the
special Young Democrat
booth in the Student Union
Wednesday. Any bouse fail
ing to do so will automatic
ally be declared ineligi
ble. 2. Pre-printed (not orig
inal) signs will disqualify
any house if they use such
,3. The use of noise mak
ers, etc. is urged by t h e
Young Democrats.
4. Any house entered in
the content must be assem
bled at 2:15 p.m. at th e
south, R street, entrance to
the Union. This is important
in that all judging will be
done prior to Johnson's ar
rival, j
5. The signs and' other de
vices used in the respec
tive demonstrations will
be judged on originality, ap
propriateness and enthusi
asm by three members of
the faculty.
Sen. Johnson will pause
briefly as he departs from
ihe Union and will pose for
pictures with the contest win
ners. This will be at approx
imately 3 p.m. Ferguson said
that the prize money will be
awarded at this time by the
Young Democrats.
Alpha Theta Tops
first semester toD average
of el'59 set by Farmhouse,
1 ! - 1 1 J 1. I
wno iouoweu won a stxunu
place 5.989 in the men's
organized houses last se
mester. Farmhouse's rat
ting gave them top honors
among the fraternities.
NU Average Up
Second semester's ail uni
versity average of 5.554
barely tops first semesters
average of 5.553.
According to figures re
leased by the Division of
Student affairs, the all
women's average rose from
5.914 the previous semes
ter to 5.968 last semester.
The all sorority average
also rose with a 6.059 mark
over the previous 5.887.
Not only did the men
fail to record as high an
way, causing a traffic jam
for nearly a half hour.
Pat Fisher, Husker co-cap'
tain was unable to get into
a line of traffic and return
to campus until he hopped
from his car and spoke briefly
with the Highway Patrolman
who immediately stopped the
flow of cars to permit the
star to continue home.
KK Show
To Have
Early Start
Kosmet Hysteric$y
Set for Oct. 14
Drama and humor will soon
be taking over the living
rooms of the organized houses
as preparations are made for
"Historical Hysterics," the
Kosmet Klub Fall show.
In preparation for the Octo
ber 14 show, skitmasters will
have their first meeting at 5
p.m. today with the fall show
chairman. Milt Schmeekle.
Rough Draft
Skitmasters should be able
to present a rough draft of
their entry. Tryouts have ten
tatively been set for October
The all-male show present
ed annually by Kosmet Klub
features fraternity skits and
travelers acts. The original
skits are directed by stu
Prince Kosmet
Prince Kosmet and the Ne
braska Sweetheart are also
selected during the show.
Houses which have definite
ly indicated they are prepar
ing a show are Delta Upsilon,
Sigma Chi, Phi Kappa Psi,
Beta TKeta Pi, Theta Xi,
Kappa Sigma, Beta Sigma
Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Alpha
Tau Omega and Farmhouse.
Social Column
Social chairman of or
ganized ouses should con
tact Pat Dean at the Daily
Nebraskan office to report
pinnings and engagements.
The social column will be
run in Wednesday's paper.
All pinnings and engage
ments must be called in by
Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Former NU
Star Injured
Former Nebraska quarter
back Don Erway and his wife,
Shari, were injured in a two-
car accident seven miles north
of Lincoln early Sunday morn
ing. Erway was usted in fair
condition Sunday night at
Bryan Memorial Hospital and
his wife was reported in good
condition. He suffered a brok
en pelvis and a broken leg.
Mrs. Erway suffered a frac-
iurea snouider.
Erway is backfield coach at
Nebraska Wesleyan and he
and his wife and Wesleyan as
sistant coach Eugene Fleharty
were returning from Fremont
where Nebraska Wesleyan
lost a 14-6 decision to Midland.
Fleharty lost some front teeth
in the mishap and was treated
and released.
Jerry Minchow, 19, of Wav
erly, driver of the other ve
hicle involved in the accident
was also hospitalized.
Upperclass Students
Bid for Activities
Twenty organizations will
be bidding for upperclassmen
to join their activities Wed
nesday afternoon when the
upperclass Activities Mart is
held in the party rooms of the
Student Union on city campus
from 2-5:30 p.m. and in the
Ag Student Union from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m.
average as the women sec
ond semester but they took
a slight step downward.
The all-male score was
5.382 as compared to 5.407,
the first semester and the'
all fraternity average
dropped from a previous
5.887 to 5.376.
. The all fraternity-sorority
average last semester was
Average Groups
In its second semester
of operation, the new sys
tem of computing the grade
Vol. 74, No. 2
dft t . & i - -v' - .Wm
An estimated crowd of 2,500 Nebraska football fans turn ed out at the Lincoln Municipal Airport Saturday afternoon
to greet the victorious Huskers. The throng gave the Nebra ska gridders a rousing reception for their 14-13 upset win
over Texas Saturday night at Austin. The rally was the second at the airport in two years and the Sunday crowd topped
last year's reception for the Huskers following their 32-12 win over Minnesota at Minneapolis. Cars were lined up from
the airport to the highway and the State Highway Patrol along with Lincoln police were on hand to handle the traffic
problems created by the enthusiastic fans. (See Game Story on Page 3.)
First semester's Daily
Nebraskan staff went to work
early this year under the edit
ing of senior journalism stu
dent, Herb Probasco.
Probasco is this year's
president of Sigma Delta Chi,
professional journalism fra
ternity and a member of
Theta Xi fraternity.
Managing Editor
Managing editor is Dave
Calhoun, senior in Arts and
Sciences, and last semester's
sports editor. Calhoun is vice-
president of Sigma Delta Chi,
member of the varsity ten
nis team and Phi Delta The
Karen Long, senior in
Teachers College, is handling
the duties of news editor. She
held the position of ag editor
last semester. She is vice
president of YWCA, secretary
of Theta Sigma Phi, wom
en's journalism fraternity,
and activities chairman of Al
pha Xi Delta.
Editing the sports page is
Hal Brown, senior in Arts and
Sciences. Brown was sports
editor during the fall semes
ter, 1959-60.
Taking the duties of ag edi
tor is Jerry Lamberson, sen
ior in Agriculture, and staff
writer last semester. He is a
member of Alpha Gamma
Rho and the IFC public rela
tions committee.
Copy Editors
Copy editors include Pat
Dean, Ann Moyer and
Gretchen Shellberg, all jun
iors in Arts and Sciences.
This is Miss Dean's second
semester as copy editor. She
is publicity chairman of Alpha
Omicron Pi, a member of
Theta Sigma Phi and was
named outstanding Builders'
Miss Moyer was a staff
writer last semester. She was
named outstanding Student
Union worker, is Union pub
licity committee chairman
and treasurer of Kappa Alpha
Miss Shellberg served as
a copy editor last semester,
as well as being editor of
Builders Special Edition and
publicity chairman for AUF.i
listings by groups instead
of by numerical averages
was explained by J. P.
' Colbert, dean of student af
fairs, as being a better way
of giving a much clearer
picture of house standings.
In the new system, 'the
top scholarship group in
cludes all houses rating of
6.000 or better; group
two includes ratings from
5.500 to 5.999; group three
includes ratings from 5.000
to 5.499; and group four
includes all ratings below
.it, -. Tt .
She was named first recipient
of the Harry T. Dobbins jour
nalism scholarship.
. She is also activities chair
man of Delta Gamma.
Staffwriters are Norm Beat
ty and Dave Wohlfarth.
Junior in Teachers
Beatty, a junior in Teach
ers, served as a member of
the sports staff last semester
He is a member of Young
Democrats and publicity
chairman of Sigma Phi Ep
silon. A junior staff writer last
semester, Wohlfarth is a
sophomore in Arts and .Sci
ences, member of the tennis
team and Delta Tau Delta.
Junior staff writers are Jim
Forrest, Chip Wood, Naacy
Whitford, and Nancy Brown,
all sophomores in Arts and
Sciences and reporters and
staff writers from last year's
Business manager for the
third semester is Stan Kai-
man. He is a senior in En
gineering and Architecture
and a member of Sigma Al
pha Mu.
Assistant business managers
are Don Ferguson, Chip Kuk
lin and John Schroeder.
Assistant Manager
Ferguson . was assistant
manager first semester, 1959-
60. He is a junior in Business
Administration, president of
Young Democrats and a mem
ber of Phi Gamma Delta.
Kuklin is a sophomore in
Engineering and Architec
ture, a member of Student
Council and Sigma Alpha
Schroeder is a junior in
Arts and Sciences, a mem
ber of Student Union Board
of Managers, Kosmet Klub
and Kappa Sigma.
Circulation manager this
semester is Bob Kaff. He is
a junior in Arts and Sciences,
a member of Student Tribunal
and Delta Upsilon.
Gasses Begin.
Chancellor's Faculty Re
ception, 8-11 p.m., Student
Late fees for undergrad
uates begin.
Campus Scholars
Last semester's grade
groups arc as follows: (in
alphabetical order)
Group I
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Cornhusker Co-op
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
' Love Hall
Inside the
Union Life
Read about the changes
! offered this1 year in the Student Union Page 3
Students Take Over
Kenneth Rexroth presents his ideas on the current
generation Page 2
Nebraska Hall
Construction continues on the old Elgin building with
opening scheduled for mid-October Page 3
United Nations
World leaders gather for UN General Assembly to discuss
world conflicts Page 2
Work Scholarship
Program Increased
More jobs, both on and
off campus, have provided
an increase in the number
of freshman "work-scholarships",
according to Dr.
Aubrey L. Forrest, director
of Scholarships and Finan
cial Aids.
The program, designed
for scholastieally outstand
ing Nebraska high school
graduates who enroll at the
University of Nebraska, will
be increased this school
year to 200 awards Or dou
ble the number awarded
last year.
The program has been a
complete success both from
the standpoint of the stu
dents and the employes, ac
cording to Dr. Forrest.
The new feature of the
program this year is the
employment not only within
the University organization
but also off-campus jobs.
Included under the new
program are Gold's depart
ment store, Miller and
Paine, Montgomery Ward,
Wadlow's Mortuary, Law
lor's and the Journal-Star
Printing Company.
Dr. Forrest said that 500
applications were received
for the 200 positions avail
able. "This means that the
University must attempt to
find more positions through
out the University and the
city to aid these worthy
Nine to 20 hours a week is
the average employment
time for recipients of a
"work-scholarship". They
are able to earn enough to
cover one-half to all of their
room and board costs for
the year.
Love Memorial Hall
Pi Beta Phi
Terrace Hall
Towne Club
Group II
Alpha Phi
Beta Theta Pi '
Delta Sigma Pi
Delta Upsilon
Elsie Ford Piper Hall
Fedde Hall
Gamma Phi Beta ,(
Heppner Hall
Kappa Delta
Phi Kappa Psi
and "new deals" that will be
Incoming freshmen who
score high on the Regents
examination and are in
need of financial help to
pursue college study are
eligible for the awards.
f I'::"; it J I;.:,
if.:'.-: a i ;v
(fv-- si
I ..A.
Although many students had their cards pulled for them in pre-registration, a few stu
dents ran into difficulties.
Raymond Hall
Van Es House
Zeta Beta Tau
Zeta Tau Alpha
Group III
Ag Mens. Club
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Sigma Psi
Brown Palace, Ind.
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Sigma
Kiesselbach House
Both students and staff
members would be in serious
trouble if we hadn't pulled
cards," said Dr. Floyd Hoov
er, registrar, Friday in the
midst of first semester regis
tration at the PE Building.
Dr. Hoover said that al
though no definite figures
would be available until the
middle of this week he expect
ed this year's total enrollment
to exceed last years.
He added that most of the
2,400 incoming freshmen had
pre registered earlier this
year. This number compares
to the 1,725 total freshmen
students enrolled last year.
The advantage of having the
new students pull their cards
Auto Sticker
Sales Lag
Parking problems are aris
ing on the NU campus as the
campus police begin issuing
parking stickers.
Up to today 1,398 stickers
have been issued to faculty,
students and employees. Last
year approximately 7,009
stickers were issued.
The campus police began
issuing stickers today at 8:00
a.m. With this year's increase
in registration expectations
are for an increase in stick
ers. NU officials report that a
total of 3,779 parking spaces
are available for student ve
hicles this semester, includ
ing the newly hard surfaced
lot across from the Student
Union and a new lot being
readied between 16th and 17th
on Vine St. which will accom
modate 74 cars.
This figure includes 878 of
Ag campus and 1,901 on the
city campus.
McCr eight Acts
As Ed Chairman
Dr. Russell W. McCreight
was recently named acting
chairman of the department
of elementary education to re
place Dr. A. Madison Brewer.
Dr. Brewer has accepted
the departmental chairman
ship at Pennsylvania State
Joining the University staff
in 1950, Dr. McCreight re
ceived his Doctor of Philoso
phy degree from Iowa State
University in 1955.
But Vm in Biz Ad
hip List
Men's Dorms Selleck
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Deua
Pi Kappa Phi
Pioneer House, Inc.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Sigma Kappa
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Smith House
Theta Xi
Group IV
Gooding House
Theta Chi
Monday, September 19, 1960
in advance was seen by the
shorter time spent register
ing. This was the first year
that freshman could pull their
cards in advance.
Section Shortage
Dr. Hoover ' said the only
problems arising in registra
tion were the shortage of sec
tions in English, zoology, bot
any and biology courses.
In connection with this,
Prof. James Miller, chairman
of the English department,
noted the most trouble was
for those students m ho had
not pulled their cards and
were scheduled to take Eng
lish B.
Dr. Miller said thaUthirty
or forty freshmen had already
been turned down for English
B and must wait until next
semester or next year to take
He pointed out that a good
factor of this year's new sys
tem was that, "All of the Eng
lish cards are taken care of
by one man. This makes the
process very good."
Advisors Praise
Looking at the new process
from the advisor's viewpoint,
James Morrison, assistant
professor of journalism, said,
in comparison with last year's
process, "It is better for the
advisors; there is no waiting
and registration is way
Morrison also noted that
with the new system fewer
changes have been made from
the pre-registration work
Student comment on the
new system was varied be
tween ease and confusion. The
following freshmen were in
terviewed on the difficulties in
Dan Coffey from Standard,
enrolled in Teachers College
and majoring in physical edu
cation ,said, "It's okay, but
I'm not too crazy about it. It
took me two hours to regis
ter." "Just fine and just what I
ordered," was the comment
from Betty King of Lincoln,
who is in Business Adminis
tration. Mickey Drew of San Mar
cos, Tex., enrolled in Teach
ers College stated, "It's con
fusing. Too many places at
one time and a lot different
than high school."
The final comment came
from Orville Shiglcy of Ne
braska City. Shigley, a Biz
Ad student, said "I lost my
worksheets, but the rest was
easy and I had no trouble."