-ewrs -Page 4 The Nebroskan Friday, September 16, 1960 EDITORIAL OPINION A Qiallenge To Freshmen The big jump is almost complete. Only the last minute details remain for one of the largest freshman classes be fore all the yearlings meet their first honest-to-goodness "prof" Monday and settle down to adjust to the transition that is so great between high school and college. We who have made the University our home for at least a year or more want the class of 1964 to become part of the Cornhusker community. Most of you are here because you are Nebraskans and are interested in continuing your edu cation in your native state. For those of you who have come from other states and even other lands, you have made a choice which we hope you will not regret. You also will be come an important link on the campus. After rush week indoctrination and New Student Week orientation sessions, your may find most of your questions answered and your reservations may be disappearing. It is important that all of you have an equal chance at the education which you are here to obtain. A major part of the learning experience is sharing your learning with your fellow students. This is one of the greatest responsibilities ycu as freshmen are faced with. Being a state institution, the University receives only a small fraction of its financial support from the tuition fees. The small investment which you are making in your educa tion will bring you a far greater return. All of you, we hope, will be true Cornhuskers. This means supporting the tradition of the University, not only its athletics, but its reputation. No friend of the University will run it into the ground. You are expected to criticize when you deem it your responsibility. This is part of the sharing process. This is the challenge with which you are faced as a new student at Nebraska. Some of you will never meet this chal lenge. Many of you will. You are the citizens of the col lege community today and the adult community of tomor row. Apathy holds no place with the leader. .Progress and earning do. Monday the gates open. The eagerness with which you meet your challenge and seek your goals will be your key. Johnson Comes To Nebraska Politics are in the air. The announcement by Young Democrats that Senator Lyndon Johnson will appear on campus Thursday shows that no time is being wasted in in forming students of the issues which will be prominent in the 1960 campaign. By choosing to come to a campus during his midwest em tour, Johnson and the Democrats have demonstrated that they consider the student an important part of the opinion climate. This year more than ever, the student is : playing a greater role in politics than ever before. The 1960's will definitely show a student movement as j has been demonstrated by the student's participation in the sit-ins and the demonstrations against the House Un-Ameri- j can Activities Committee hearings in California. At Nebraska, the students have generally been apart j from any active movement. Such a situation is no longer j healthy. If we as future leaders are to bear the burden that i will soon be placed on our shoulders, we must become ac-j tive in matters pertinent to the world situation today. j At Nebraska, we are fortunate to have two active politi- I cal organizations in the Young Republicans and Democrats. It is their job to provide an incentive to the campus through j such programs as that which Senator Johnston is heading, j The student must respond to these efforts through at- tendance and discussion. So wear your buttons, wave your j signs and don't be afraid to fight. Major Improvement Noted in Rushing Seven-hundred and fifty-seven pledges found their way into a Greek organization early this week, one of the largest totals in the history of the University. This out of a total of more than 950 rushees. From all indications the Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils were well satisfied with these figures, especially in view of much unfavorable publicity directed toward the Greek system. Much of the credit goes to the two councils for the re visions which they made in the rush week programs. The increase of some 150 men going through rush would seem to indicate that 'rushees were pleased with the financial assistance which living in Selleck Quadrangle provided. Expenses in many cases were more than cut in half by this plan. A few bugs appeared which naturally are a part of any innovation. Both the sororities and fraternities realized this and will be working to iron out faults before next year. The long first day of open houses for fraternities when j each rushee visits all houses proved to be somewhat of a j grind and will be more so next year when three more houses will be rushing. Dividing these open houses over i two days would relieve this situation. If rush week began in i the afternoon with pledging moved up accordingly, both i rushee and rusher would be agreeable to such a plan. Most frequently heard from sorority rushees was the j complaint that they were not oriented enough to the plan under which houses did not invite girls to further parties. The confusion resulted in many girls quitting rush week in the middle due to disappointments. These and other problems will be ironed out in time. On the whole, major improvements were made on both sides. Daily Nebraskan SEVENTY -ONE YEARS OLD Member Associated Collegiate Prem, International Press Representative: National Advertising Service. Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska, 14 th A. R Telephone HE -7631, ext. 4Z.25, 4226, 4221 The Dmlly Webraakan I pulillehed Muncay, Tumidity, Wedaendaji- and Fri day during the wchmil ear, evreirt durtiiK vaeatloiw and nun period, by atndenta of the tjntverMfty of Nebraska ander authiirlKatkic of the Committor o iKndrnt Affair a an rxprela of Indent opinion, faolleatloa under the inrlrtltlon of the Hiikennunlttm- on Mtudrnt Publication Khali he free from editorial fwnaomhip on the part of the Wuhnommlftee or nr. the part of an annum outelde the I ill ven.lt j . The memttera of the Dally Nebrankar. ataff are penumally reiMnllle for what they nty, ar do, or raiMe to be printed. February . JH6r. - KillMrrtptlon rate are J3 per emetT r 5 for the aee-demtr year. Kutered m aeeond ehm matter at the pimt offlee In Lincoln, NehraHka, tndor the art of AuKwti t, ton. KDITOKIAL TAFK 4Hm Herb rmliaaea Maaaxlat Kdltor ave Calhoun E ditor Karen Umt KlMirtu Kaltdr Hal iwn topy r.ditnni fM .a. Aa Muter, tiretehen MhellherK ettnff Writer Norm Hearty. Have MDhlfartb Junior Mtaff Writer, ftanry Hroivn, Urn I'nrrrat. Kane,- H'hltford. fhlp WimmI Micltt iw Kdttar - .ret-l,eo NhHIberg Might iew Jdltcir .B( !(, III'SIN Buiuneno Manaor w,.j Kuh, an AHNiNLatit HiiHl.ie'.M Mititttuer Oft i .-t ,.T ;-,',, i;,uiln. ,1 .tin r-h richer Cu-f.uiati4m Mattaic'-r i.ti h,ift 5 Minneapolis STaR- In The Mind of Moscow The Game Has Just Begun By Eric Sevareid As this is written, Nikita Khrushchev, by dispatching troop transport planes t o Lumumba, has thrown an other burning brand over the heads of the weary fire in en. He prepares to storm into the United Nations in New York as champi on of the fifteen seg- Sevareid ments of Africa's ancient, soiled acreage now known as "new nations." And he may detour into Cuba where the prospects for political arson are by no means ex hausted. A conversation of this summer comes rudely to mind. A Soviet diplomat in a European capital listened to a puzzled Westerner pro test that Russia's official behavior and speech this summer has been totally inconsistent with her peace ful protestations, almost unprecedented between great nations far from the brink of war. The Russian broke in im patiently. "Listen," he said, "there won't be war. But let me tell you something as plainly as I can. We tried the nice, polite way. It got us nowhere, on Ber lin or anything else. AIJ right now we're trying the nasty way. Maybe this will wake you up. And I'll tell you something else you e-io 0 WHENEVER A SHOW COMES ApOvi hunting, i leave f I. , l I. 9 -H 1 1 1 ISES JS? aww3w' - ." BACK TO SCHOOL will find that from now on you are not going to be able to settle anything, any where in the world, with out us." It is as simple as that; but the 'consequences of this immense physical and . propaganda strength, pow ered by a deep-seated infer iority complex are bound to be bafflingly complicated and dangerous, an endless drain upon our energies and resources, and repeatedly disruptive to normal as sumptions. The Soviet Un ion,, already rooted m Cen tral Europe, is penetrating the Arab lands, Latin Amer ica and Central Africa, not 1o speak of outer space, and in the mind of Moscow the game has just begun. In Europe the risks are too great for any sudden advance of Soviet influ ence; in the Mid-East con ditions for further Russian steps ripen only slowly; in Latin America cultural and religious bulwarks oblige the Russians to pick their spots with extreme caution But Central Africa is now a broken field, devoid, savt in the Moslem sectors, of religious, cultural or politi cal defenses of any conse qence. It had no history with which to oppose the white settler, missionary or soldier; it is an easy mark now for any stranger professing friendship, be cause, while it now posses ses modern aspirations, it has no clear idea how to achieve them. And what makes the new African an an easier target is his al most total spiritual disori entation. The new class in Black Africa is a lost generation. The bulk of its members went to mission or public schools, acquired a smat tering of modern know ledge, drifted in into the shantytown life surround ing the big cities. They be came clerks, wording with in sight but not reach of the bright, full life. They learned to despise then- own tribal culture and to envy and resent the white man's culture. They now belong to neither the one nor the other. It is heart-breaking to hear their oratory pas sionate, bitter, idealistic. Because, as it pours out in unquenchable torrents, the listener slowly understands that the talk is wind to fill an aching spiritual vacu um, concealing the awful fact that, except as sepa rate individuals, they have no meaning; for they can not relate their own lives to a greater, a general col lective meaning, as all men must if they are to know who they are in the world. They do not know where they are going be cause they do not know where they nave been. They have repudiated the tribe; yet there is nothing else. So, in that "pan-African i preparatory conlerence In Leopold ville they have 3 - . - ; ,v : j Jit sought, with the gossamer of, words, to spin a reality for themselves. They have talked of the "African per sonality" in the world's congeries of forces; they have talked of an "African neutralist bloc." The talk is a hangover from the old assumptions that with co lonialism gone, something new would arise, something strc i and fresh, identifi able African, and upon this they would build. But, apart from the old and impossible tribal life, there had been only nega tivismprotest and resent ment. Now that the hated alien authority is gone, so are the ties that bound them together and gave them a sense of common meaning and purpose. Thty can escape reality no long er; they are gazing with wild and- frightened sur mise at the vast Void be fore them. In their own homes they are homeless. This the Russians surely understand and watch with calculating eye. Rarely be fore, if ever, has Commun ist imperialism been pre sented with a vacuum. Lit tle wonder that Khrush chev is moving fast. Special Comb sicker Checking Accounts Exclusive to U of N Students . Available Only at ft i' II . r t 1 Pi ft 1 '01 r 1 x 5 , The Bank Thai's Closest to Trom the Editor: A Liberal View A new editor always has new ideas and I am no ex ception. The ideas which will be taking shape in the paper, I hope will provide more appeal to the Nebras ka student. Today, an editorial car toon by Scott Long and Roy Justus of the Minne apolis Star-Tribune staff begins on the editorial page. Eric Sevareid's weekly column from Europe strikes me as one of the most thorough commentaries on our times of any columnist. This takes care of the off campus features. To take full advantage of the election year, columns written by student Demo crats and student Republi cans will become a weekly feature on the page. I have become increas ingly concerned with the lack of interest in impor tant issues among the stu dents on the University campus. This is commonly referred to as "middle west apathy." There is no reason for the continuance of this disease. We are part of an expanding and grow ing institution which has an Wanted: Manv Columnists The Daily Nebraskan is looking for students and faculty members who are interested i n expressing their views through the columns of the paper. Interested persons should submit a column similar to the type they would like to write. Wanted are columns in the serious vein geared to both campus and non campus situations. Good humor and satire also are wanted, as is a good foreign student column. Sample work should be turned in to the editor early next week. There will not be a limit on the number of columnists run in the paper as long as the quality is acceptable. Remember, MOM & DAD ARE INTERESTED IN THE ACTIVITIES OF YOUR UNIVERSITY Send home the DAILY NEBRASKAN $3.00 per semester $5 per year Contact the business office 3-5 P.M. Daily to order your subscription . npqp By Herb Probosco intellectual climate for strong student opinion. More important than what you believe and what you stand for is that you do believe and do take a stand. No time could be more opportune than an election year, especially one where neither candidate bas managed to gather a notice able majority of public support. Where the world is five years from now and whether it is can very well depend on the student, and we apathetic middle west erners had better crawl out of our cocoons pronto. Letterip Under this heading, we hope, will appear daily let ters from our readers ex pressing their gripes, com pliments and general criti cism of the Daily Nebras kan. They need not be lengthy and it is better if they are not As indicated above the story, a maximum of 200 words is preferred. Most important is that ?ach letter b e signed by the author. Letters n o t bearing a signature cannot be printed. Pen names will be used if the letter does not attack an individual or individuals. Cornhusker Has Positions Open Two section editor posi tions on the 1960 Cornhusker are open to upperclassmen, according to Mary Lu Kefll. edtior. The sections, medicine, dentistry and nursing and student government, will be filled at interviews , at the Cornhusker office Monday at 1 p.m. Interested" students may apply today and Saturday at the Cornhusker office in the basement of the Student Union. ' the Campus