The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 16, 1960, Image 1

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Senittbr Johnson: to Phis; Demo Cause Here
Sena.or Lyndon P.. John
son, Dmocratic vice-presi--
dential nominee will kickoff
. his third week of campaign
'ing at the Student Union
' next Thursday afternoon
-Construction Continues
Selleck Parking Lot
Nears Completion
Men are working around fee will be able to. go into
the clock in an attempt to effect next year," he said.
complete the resurfacing of
the Selleck parking lot before
classes resume Monday, ac
cording to Carl Donaldson,
University -business mana
ger. The project, which got off
to a late start in August, has
been delayed by rain through
out constructiion, explained
When completed at a cost
of nearly $20,000, the lot will
have an eight inch rock
based, asphalt hardtop sur
face with a center area land
scaped with shrubery and
trees. It will be lighted by
several ornamental street
lights, according to Donald
son. "The initial plans were
formed so late that no at
tempt was made to raise the
parking permit fees from the
present one dollar to five,"
explained the business man
ager. "However, it is nopea mat
the cleaness and new con
venience of the lot will bring
rise to enough student en
thusiasm that the increased
Strings Needed
Players of string Instru
ments are needed for the
University Orchestra, Em
manuel Wishnow, director
of the department of music,
Especially needed are
violin, viola, cello, and
bass viola players, said
Students Interested should
register for University Or
chestra or gee Prof. Wish
now in 101, Music Building
this week.
Regular rehearsal days
are Tuesday, 4-6 p.m. and
Thursday, 3-5 p.m. One
credit hour may be earned.
Religious Groups to Feed, Entertain
New Students on Sunday Evening
Religious organizations will
make special efforts this
weekend to introduce stu
dents to the opportunities for
worship and church partici
pation on campus.
All student organizations
are planning- special meet
ings at 6:30 p.m. Sunday.
Free Supper
The Lutheran Student
House at 535 North 16th will
be host to a supper, fol
lowed by skits concerning
highlights of the year and
included by an evening in-
Rev. Pickering
To Be Installed
The Reverend Alan J.
Pickering, pastor for the
iT;torf Campus Christian Fel
lowship at the University,
will be installed at a service
on September 29 at 7:30 p.m
The installation will be held
it the U.C.C.F. Chapel, 333
No 14th followed by a recep
tion in the Chapel dining
Rev. Pickering was an ac
tive member oi me xvansia
Westminster Foun-
&tion and has worked as an
bouncer for radio stations
t Kansas and Missouri.
He has served as minister
the Venice Prtsbytortan
Vch of Ross, Ohio (1952
sn and as Presbyterian uni
versity pastor and assistant
Sector of the Kansas Uni
versity Westminster Founda
L at the University of Kan-
g itfui -vv
according to his advance
man, Frank Dooley.
Johnson will arrive in
, Lincoln at 2:15 p.m. and is
scheduled to arrive at the
Student Union at 2:30 for a
30 minute program with the
The first 15 minutes will
be devoted to a brief talk
by Sen. Johnson with the
remaining 15 minutes re
served for any questions
the students attending the
convocation may have.
Dooley expressed his de
sire to have only students
ask questions at the convo
cation. "We want the stu
dents to ask the ques
tions. We don't want any
adults asking anything. This
is the student's show. . His
convocation is directed to
ward the young voters."
Don Ferguson, president
of the Nebraska Young
A reduction in space avau
able for cars in the lot had
to be made in order to pave
the area.
The areas will be 60 feet
wide with a half-foot more
space between cars then
standards require.
Selleck lot was not the only
improvement in parking fa
cilities made during the sum
mer. On other lots particular
ly the 16th street lots, 600
700 tons of crushed rock
were used in filling in drain
age and smoothing and grad
ing the areas.
For Prof
Thomas Bruce Waters, a
54-vear-old professor of phi
losophy, has been relieved of
his class duties ana piacea
on indefinite suspension
awaiting the outcome of his
trial, according ti Walter E.
Militzer, dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences.
Waters was charged with
sodomy in County Court Mon
day where he changed his
plea from nolo contendere
(no contest) to innocent.
Judge Herbert A. Ronin
bound him over to District
Court under $3,500 bond.
Waters and a Dunkirk,
N.Y., man, who has pleaded
euiltv. are charged with hav
ing unnatural sexual rela
tions with each other Satur
day. They were arrested at a
local bar Saturday night after
both were found to be in a
drunken condition, according
to police.
Both Chancellor Clifford
M. Hardin and Adam D.
Breckenridge, dean of facul
ty, were not available for
spirational in the chapel.
A benediction is planned
for the Catholic Student
House at St. Thomas Aquinas
Church at 16th and Que. A re
ception and dance will follow
at the Newman Center.
New Student Night is
planned for the Lutheran
MlKnnri Svnod noun at the
Lutheran Chapel, 15th and
Que. Reiresnmenig wui oe
The Methodist Student
House bas a new student din
ner planned for freshmen.
The dinner will be held in
the Student Union Ballroom.
A har-b-oue is manned at
the home of the pastor, Rev.
Keith Stevenson. 4140 So. 17
for the Disciples Student Fel
A meeting will be held at
the Baptist Student Fellow
ship, 1237 R, to arrange rides
to the bar-b-que. Following
the bar-b-que there will be
an informal hour and a brief
worship service.
The Episcopal Student
House will entertain new stu
rionti: at the ChaDlain G. M.
Armstrong's home at
Woodsdale. Transportation
will he furnished, leaving the
Chapel at 13th and R at 6:15
United Campus uinsuan
Fellowship, which includes
Congregational, Presbyterian,
E. U. B.. E. N. nouse
leaders will explain the pur
pose of the house and the
difference in we vanuu
churches represented in the
house. After the orientation,
Democrats announced that
the convocation will be held
in the Student Union ball
room under " the sponsor
ship of the. Young" Demo
crats with the help from
the Student Union Talks and
'Topics committee.
He added that . the first
Vol. 74, No, 1
By Nancy Brown
An unanticipated 20 to 25
per cent increase in freshmen
class enrollment has created
havoc in the halls and in
creased the number of be
" '-At c :-tl
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Classes seem to be too numerous for a young freshman coed as she meets with her
advisor, Professor Donald Allison, to convince him that eight o'clock's and Saturday
morning classes are on the, way out.
Cornhusker Yearbooks for
1961 may be ordered now
from Tassel or Corn Cob
a group sing and a short de
votion will be held. .
Concluding the evening will
be a recreation period.
Stop or
Burr Hall counselor Don Bruegman calls Larry Heins
to a halt as the young student approaches coed territory
before saying goodnight to Frances Rassmusscn, who now
lives in Burr East.
tickets for the convocation
will go out to students at
the. first meeting of the
Young Democrats, next
Tuesday evening. Remain
ing tickets may be picked
up Wednesday in a special
booth in the Student Union
between the hours of, 10 1
Flood Makes Havoc
wildered faces on campus this,
Approximately 2,200 stu
dents are participating in th
three-day New Student Orien
tation Week. This is about 400
more than expected.
All Those Classes!
Inside the TSebraskan
Greek Pledges
Sorority and Fraternity organizations announce their new
members Pages 3 and 5.
Football Predictions
The Nebraskan's Sports Editor gives his ideas for this
weekend's opening football contests Page 7.
Caidied Ants
Just one of the many types of "goodies" that will be
served at the progressive party Page 3.
A Challenge To Freshmen .
A challenge is presented to freshmen in the editorial
columns Pae 4
A, t
Fll Shoot
. il r
' h
i : I
a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
to 8 p.m. as long as they
Johnson, two term con
gressman from Texas and
house majority leader will
leave the Nebraska campus
at 3:15 p.m. for the Hotel
Cornhusker for a recep
Lincoln, Nebraska
New Student Week opened
officially on Wednesday with
the Chancellor's reception
and Frosh Hop at the Union.
Confusion rose as Arts and
Sciences freshmen jammed
the lobby waiting to receive
University To Try Coed Dorm
In Burr Hall on Ag Campus
Only a lobby separates the
female and male students at
Burr Hall on Ag campus this
However, the lobby is the
only common ground between
the' two sets as large oak
doors mark the west wing as
"men's" and the east wing
as "women's". Also seven
counselors, one for each floor
in both wings, are on full
duty to see that the lobby is
the only common ground
between them.
Prompting the shift of 96
coerig to Burr Hall was the
terrific overflow of girls in
Fedde Hall. The University
felt that Burr Hall was never
filled to capacity with Ag stu
dents so they shifted the girls
to the east wing of Burr.
The male section will now
accommodate only 112 stu
dents and many others will
' have to live in apartments.
According to Russ Brown,
resident advisor, Univer-
sity officials thought that it
tion with the state Demo
cratic leaders and officials.
He and his personal staff
plus his traveling press
staff of 15 will leave Lin
coln at 4:15 p.m. for Tope
ka, Kan.
Ferguson said he hoped
the students would form in
their assignments to advis
ors. According to Lee W. Chat
field, director of New Stu
dent Week, the confusion was
due to the great number of
students and to the new op
eration of the reception. Aft
er a half hour, he said, the
confusion subsided.
Students were divided into
groups on the basis of col
leges. Each student went
through the Chancellor's re
ceiving line and also met the
dean of his college. Students
then met their advisors in
formally. At 10 p.m. the Frosh Hop
began in the Union Ballroom,
with Eddie Haddad's combo
playing. Helen Snyder, Dean
of Women, said, "It was con
fusion at first, but the stu
dents found it fun later."
Coliseum Convocation
Thursday morning, the new
students assembled in the
Coliseum for a convocation.
Chancellor Clifford M.
Hardin welcomed the students
to the University.
Following the convocation,
members of Innocents and
Mortar Boards, directed a
general orientation meeting.
Students then met in groups
with their faculty advisors.
Thursday afternoon was
filled with health meetings,
new students individual con
ferences with their advisors.
and pre-registration for late
i Cornhusker Night on the Ag
rnmnns,wR th hiehlipht of
the first full day of student
activities. Barbequed chicken
with all the trimmings was
served to all the new students.
who picnicked on the Ag Cam
pus lawn, students then split
up to go to a Men's Stag at
the Coliseum and a Women's
Style Show at the Union
Today, students continue
with pre-registration, health
meetings, and individual con
ferences with faculty advis
ers. This afternoon, confer
ences and registration will be
Foreign Students
In the Union from 3 to 4
D.m. students will hold a get
acquainted coffee. A special
feature for scnoiarsnip win
ners will be the Alpha Lamba
Delta tea from 4 to 5 D.m
No activities are planned
for tonight, on Saturday
morning, individual confer
ences with advisers will con
New- Student Week has
been shortened one day this
year, a change permitted by
pre-registration this summer
of nearly 1,700 freshmen, stu
dents who take University
entrance exams are only the
ones who have' not taken
would be easier for the men
to find apartments than It
would for the women.
Brown stated that he
thought the new program,
only an experimental one at
present, has many possibili
ties. He said that many cam
puses have adopted the idea
and have had good results.
Brown added that since.
Burr Hall and Fedde Hall
residents have always eaten
together in the cafeteria why
can't they live in the same
dorm under strict supervi
sion. Both the male and female
students have been orientat
ed on the situation and have
been warned that any student
found in the wrong area will
forfeit his or her contract
and right to live in the resi
dence halls at the University.
The violator may also Jeop
ardize his right to stay in the
Extra Precautions
As extra precautions Brown
said that the staff has tried to
anticipate what might hap
pen and have taken neces-
front of the Student Union
to welcome Sen. Johnson
as they did when Sen. John
Kennedy was here last year.
He added that there will
be some students going to
the airport to greet the sen
ator as he steps off the
plane. -
Friday, September 16, 1960
either the Regents or the Na
tional Merit Exams.
Accordinff to James S. Pit-
tinger, assistant to the Chan
cellor, these tests do as sat
isfactory as University en
trance in placing students.
Too Early
Helen Snvder. Dean of
Women, stated that she felt
it was too early to evaluate
the merits of the shortened
student week. However, she
said that the new system did
seem to close tne gap De
tween activities. "You can do
more things faster," she ex
"There is a continuing need
for New Student Week activi
ties," Pittenger stated. "Each
year we try to improve
If the enrollment keeps in
creasing, changes will be
projected m many ways: for
instance, utilization of the
Elein building. . now called
Nebraska Hall. We knew
trends were moving toward
greater enrollment, but
hadn't contemplated such a
great leap this year," wir.
Pittenger continued.
Housing ( Faculties
Tn connection with the
housing facilities for the in
coming men, Selleck Quad
rangle Manager Alfred B.
Calvert reported that the
dorm is filled to capacity.
"TT.nnncrti Hnrm antilications
to fill the dorm were filed
by August 1. Any one com
ing now will uve in tne Duns,
section, an overflow area in
the basement," Calvert said.
Selleck will accomodate 930
men, including dorm coun
selors, in the rooms and 40 in
the overflow.
Calvert estimated mat
about 15 men had broken
their dorm contracts to move
into fraternity houses. This is
permitted by a clause in the
contract stating it can be
broken by paying $40.
Theater To Cast
Different Plays
Joint tryouts for two differ
ent plays will be held Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday
from 3-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m.
at Howell Theatre.
"Streetcar Named Desire"
by Tennessee Williams will
be directed by Dr. Dallas
Williams, associate professor
of speech and dramatic art.
It will be presented Dec.
"Six Characters in Search
ftf an Author" bv Luiei Pi
randello will be directed by
Dr. William Morgan, also an
associate professor of speech
and dramatic art. It will be
given Nov. 2-5.
enrv stens nnw so that temp
tation might not prevail later.
Some of these extra precau
tions are an increased num
ber of doors and locks in the
womens area, signs definitely
distinguishing the two areas,
pig glass in some of the win
dows instead of the regular
window panes and the coun
selors on each of the floors.
The social factor , will be
stepped up said Brown as the
nearness of the coeds will
prompt the men to improve
their appearance and to brush
up on their manners.
Both the male and the female
students say that coeduca
tional living in the dorm will
present a real challenge and
that the social barrier some
times existing between the
two dorms will practically
A coed said that although
Burr Hall was missing some
of the facilities, such as laun
dry service, she was certain
that it presented a good at
mosphere for the student.
The Burr Hall East girls will
use the laundry facilities in
Fedde Hall.